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2023-1-151 Unit 2Listening Course(4)2023-1-152Section One:Tactics for ListeningPart 1:Listening and Translation Focus:Global understanding of the sentences and interpreting.Vitamin supplements and health 2023-1-153 Exercise:Listen to each of the following sentences three times and then translate them.Warming-up:The topic for the material is about the vitamin supplements and health.Do you have any idea about the relationship between the two?2023-1-154Tape-script and key1.Some people fear they do not get enough vitamins from the foods they eat.一些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够一些人担心他们并未从所吃的食物中获取足够的维生素。的维生素。2.So they take products with large amounts of vitamins.因此他们服用大量的维生素制剂。因此他们服用大量的维生素制剂。2023-1-1553.They think these vitamin supplements will improve their health and protect against disease.他们认为这些维生素制剂能够增进健康、他们认为这些维生素制剂能够增进健康、预防疾病预防疾病.4.Medical experts found little evidence that most supplements do anything to protect or improve health.医学专家没有发现多少能证明这些制剂中的绝医学专家没有发现多少能证明这些制剂中的绝大多数能保障获增进健康的证明。大多数能保障获增进健康的证明。5.But they noted that some do help to prevent disease.但是他们注意到期中一些确实有助于预防疾病。但是他们注意到期中一些确实有助于预防疾病。2023-1-156Childhood Obesity Linked to Adult Heart Disease Risk More practice-(From VOA News Mar.9,2010)Key Words:obesity;obese;data;triple;reverse;vending machine;alternative 2023-1-157 1.One in three children in the United States is overweight or obese.美国三个儿童中就有一个超重或肥胖。美国三个儿童中就有一个超重或肥胖。2.A new study shows that some obese children as young as three have early warning signs for heart disease.一项新的研究表明,一些肥胖儿童在三岁时就一项新的研究表明,一些肥胖儿童在三岁时就出现心脏病的警报迹象。出现心脏病的警报迹象。3.Data shows the rate of childhood obesity has tripled over the last 30 years.数据表明在过去的三十年中儿童肥胖率增长了数据表明在过去的三十年中儿童肥胖率增长了两倍。两倍。2023-1-158 4.To reverse the trend,experts agree that vending machines in schools should offer healthy alternatives.为了扭转这种趋势,专家们一致认为学校的售货机应当为了扭转这种趋势,专家们一致认为学校的售货机应当提供可供选择的健康食品。提供可供选择的健康食品。5.The administration has also announced$400 million in federal assistance to help bring more grocery stores-with fresh produce-to underserved communities.(奥巴马)政府已经宣布向那些服务不周的社区提供(奥巴马)政府已经宣布向那些服务不周的社区提供4亿美元的联邦资助,用于帮助建立更多的出售新鲜食品的亿美元的联邦资助,用于帮助建立更多的出售新鲜食品的杂货店。杂货店。2023-1-159Section Two Listening Comprehension Part 1 Dialogue Psychology and Psychiatry Focus:Selecting specific information from the conversation and organizing them.Understanding definitons,classification and comparison of psychology and psychiatry.2023-1-1510 Pre-listening:psychiatry:精神病学精神病学 psychosis a serious mental illness that can change your character and make you unable to behave in a normal way neurosis 神经官能症神经官能症 schizophrenia:精神分裂症;人格分裂症精神分裂症;人格分裂症a serious mental illness in which someones thoughts and feelings are not based on what is really happening around them;2023-1-1511insanity 精神错乱精神错乱 lunacy 精神失常精神失常 psychotic 精神病的精神病的 prone:likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic:Ive always been prone to headaches.He was prone to depressions even as a teenager.etiology:(the study of)the cause of disease 病因学,病原论病因学,病原论 2023-1-1512 Warming up question Can you tell the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist?2023-1-1513Complete the chart1.Psychology and psychiatry Psychology and psychologist(1)Psychology is really the study of behaviour,including normal behavior and mental processes,the way we think,behave and feel.2)A psychologist will have a degree in psychology but will not have a medical training.Psychiatry and psychiatrist1)Psychiatry is the study essential of mental illness.2)A psychiatrist is a fully trained doctor who also has additional specialist training in the field of psychiatry2023-1-15142.Classification and mental illnessMental IllnessPsychosesNeurosesPersonality disorders2023-1-15153.SchizophreniaDefinitionSymptomTreatmentA severe psychotic illnes1)Hearing voices when theres nothing to account for the voice in the envirnment2.Having firm but abnormal beliefs1)Drug treatments which can reduce or get rid of symptoms2)Social and family support and help to schizophrenic patients2023-1-15164.Mental illnessSituationCauseSolution1)Mental illness is very common.2)26%of the population consult their family doctor each year with mental health problems.3)14%of days lost to work are a result of mental health problems.4)20%of our total NHS expenditure is for treating mental health problems.1)There are often or most usually many factors operating.2)The person may be genetically more vulnerable to that kind of illness.3)Stresses in their life.4)Physical illness-which can cause mental illnesses.1)Thats a really difficult question.2)Prevention has to be tackled from a number of different fronts.2023-1-1517 Part 2 Passage I Couldnt Stop Dieting Focus:Dictation skills Global understanding and recognizing specific facts Oral production skills2023-1-1518 Background and vocabulary 1.:extremely thin from lack of food or illness 2.a prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite 厌食症厌食症 3.:having many sexual partners;sleep around 放荡放荡2023-1-1519 4.very thin and pale,especially because of illness or continued worry 5.楔子楔子,楔形物楔形物 a piece of wood,metal etc that has one thick edge and one pointed edge and is used especially for keeping a door open or for splitting wood2023-1-1520 Ex.A.Pre-listening Question 1.What do you think about the relationship between family and health?2.Do you think obesity would be an obstacle to a happy marriage?(Open)3.Do you know anything about anorexia?(Open)2023-1-1521 Ex.B.Sentence Dictation1.After five years of marriage,Stan would leave me.Id be alone with my scale,my exercise,and my calorie-counting.2.Several months after our wedding,as I was striving to be the“perfect”wife,the anorexia reemerged.3.As much as I wanted to please my husband by maintaining a healthy weight,exercise and food restriction had become my sole means of coping with stress.4.Slowly,I became convinced that only I myself had the power to transform my heart and life.5.Transparent honesty was the first step,and Ive learned that Ill be accepted for who I am by my husband.2023-1-1522 Ex.C:Detailed Listening.1.T.Im solely resoponsible for the destruction of my marriage.2.T.Stan and I had met 10 years earlier while teaching at the same Christian high school.3.F.Id been frighteningly thin,but Stan had ignored my emaciated appearance.4.F.My counselor assured me that Id progressed to the point of no longer needing therapy.2023-1-1523 5.T.Though Id prepared hearty meals for Stan,I carefully restricted what I ate,panicking any time I hadnt exercised“enough”.Stans career change only added to the stress.6.T.The anorexia gave me a twisted sense of control over my life.7.T.Whenever Stan and I would have a conflict,Id add minutes onto my daily workout,or skip a meal.8.T.We continued counseling sessions,and I learned gradually to see my anorexia in a new lightas the scar from a painful childhood that led to the fear Id never be loved for who I was.2023-1-1524 Ex.D:After-listening Discussion 1.What experiences had led her to be so uncertain about marriage?She used to have an unpleasant childhood.Verbal,sexual abuses she suffered in her childhood led not only to anorexia,but rebellion and promiscuity.Though she knew Stan cared for her,a little voice in her head insisted she wasnt good enough for him,and that shed eventually lose him.2023-1-1525 2.What was the result after a years counseling?After a years counseling,the narrator gradually learned to see her anorexia in a new lightas the scar from a painful childhood that led to the fear shed never be loved for who she was.Slowly,she became convinced that only she herself had the power to transform her heart and life.She was no longer deceptive about anorexia,and stopped hiding her past.3.If you got anorexia,what would you do?(Open)2023-1-1526Section Three News Focus:International meetings and conference on global trade.Outlining.Summarizing the news2023-1-1527 News Item 1 Background:Agricultural subsidies Financial assistance to farmers through government-sponsored price-support programs2023-1-1528 Vocabulary:agreeable or acceptable to Ex.A:Summarize the news This news item is about a meeting in Hong Kong trying to reach a new agreement on global trade.2023-1-1529 Ex.B:Listen to the news again and answer the questions.1.What are the representatives of nearly 150 countries meeting in Hong Kong still trying to do?To reach a new agreement on global trade.2.What is the biggest prize many countries realistically hoped for?A date for ending the EU subsidies to help farmers sell their produce on world markets.2023-1-1530 3.According to an EU senior official,what will EU do during the meeting?They are prepared to name the date as part of a wider deal.4.When will be the earliest possible date?If an agreement is not reached on this meeting,when will be the latest date?The earliest date will be 2010,and 2013 will be the latest date.5.What will the United States do if the date is not what it expects?The U.S trade representative Rob Portman says he is trying to be accommodating,which means the United States will possibly accept the new date.2023-1-1531News Item 2 Background Pacific Rim:泛太平洋地区泛太平洋地区 South Korea,Singapore,Taiwan,China,Malaysia,Indonesia,the Philippines,New Zealand,and Australia.Japan,because of its singular economic importance,is not usually included in the definition.2023-1-1532 Vocabulary:Kuala Lumpur:the largest city and capital of Malaysia 吉隆坡吉隆坡 venue:the scene of any event or action(especially the place of a meeting)Ex.A:Listen to the news and complete the summary This news item is about a new gathering of leaders from East Asia and the Pacific Rim.2023-1-1533 Ex.B:Listen again and complete the outline.Number of countries:16 Name of countries:China,India,the Southeast Asian nations and Australia Goal:The grouping might eventually rival the European Union and the North American free trade area.Venue:Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.2023-1-1534News Item 3BackgroundThe UN Climate Change Conference 2005:The United Nations Climate Change Conference closed with the adoption of more than forty decisions that will strengthen global efforts to fight climate change.Reflecting on the success of Montreal 2005,the Conference President,Canadian Environment Minister Stphane Dion said:“Key decisions have been made in several areas.The Kyoto Protocol京都议定书京都议定书has been switched on,a dialogue about the future action has begun,parties have moved forward work on adaptation and advanced the implementation of the regular work programme of the Convention and of the Protocol.”2023-1-1535 Ex.A:Listen to the news and complete the summary This news item is about the global conference on climate change in Montreal.2023-1-1536 Ex.B:Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing information The global conference on climate change in Montreal is now running overtime as Canadian makes a last-minute attempt to get some kind of agreement on how to proceed in the future.The chairman of the conference,the Canadian Environment Minister Stephane Dion is trying to get the United States and Saudi Arabia to agree to a series of workshops aimed at exchanging ideas about cutting emissions of greenhouse gases.But the BBC correspondent of the conference says the American delegation is resisting anything which might develop into any kind of negotiation.Earlier the former US president Bill Clinton told the conference that the Bush Administration was flat wrong in claiming that reducing greenhouse gas emissions would hurt the American economy.2023-1-1537 Homework:1.Section Four:Supplementary Exercises on Pp.16-18 2.TEM-4 Listening Comprehension and Passage Dictation


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