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Ofic Engli ob OrienatinComa Police: oose the wod ic ha ifferenteaing fom hewod iven r of ifent categories:1. cmpay benefits a) medic b) dental c) reit ) officeupe2. sick leve a) materity leae b) annua leae ) natio olia d) pesoa lave3. prion ) a b) sction c) cvge d)egmnt e) har 4. vacion a)occupaion b) lav c) tim off d)liday 5. geline a)itruio b) inroucton c) udn ) dition6. probatio )t b)trial peo c) pilot run )eperen 7. contbue a) donate b)give c)distrute d)provde8. efficie )affecve )proe ) co-effective ) proucive II: Fil in t blanks withth propr wors r phrae givn elow:retreentanconriute。intpunch in/outapplyfor.ofiesulislong ih.eih sick das andfour psonal dasfive days o annual vaationgoovrthploye uidlinsa ortion of teir aaresanual vaatn/annullav1) To_office supp,yu shuld fillou a _.2) on fogetto_ an _ on time,ohewie ou will e cnsidered la。3) Asanewemploe t you level,yu gt_,aongwih_.4) mploee _ a pori of eir salarie_ a retremet accont5) Durig the egnc,maternity eave adnurs pero of fema mployees, thei basic sale maotbe_ad thirLbr cotact ay notb_。 (ede ncl )6) The _liy says that if yo rginanote foa otor, you gt paid fr halfofhetm o i。Otherie, it countsas_。 (sic lev peronaleave)I:从以上句子中挑选合适的填入以下对话中:A)Newstaff: Do I have anuallave?H.Manger:。Nw taff: What do I needto do if nee office atioary?H。R.Manager: )Kevn: Hae youhead from Lil ltly?Sally:o B I wastold tht shesgo pregnant.Kvin: s rue. Bt do yu o what happened her days ago?Sally: Watsup?v: She oer job oyafte she nnouncd ses going t be a mother。Sly: Thtnasty!So do you hn ts errenn ade her loer job?evin: Im no sureButsh i stl nrbatn Slly:。C)Jan:Hi, T are dig?m:Prety od。 ryou? uont look vry go. Jane:N, Idot feel wll. Ithnk Id beto th ocr。 Tom:K. akure you gt an excus。 Je:hat happensifI forgt? Tm:.ane:OK, wont forget.Tom:eebeter, Jn :句型练习:By he time re don, Ill babe t retre!l redy emal/ I will have already le。l H finisheste project/ th clintwll e eitted the oney to acout。l Shou the ocumt i ha betoo late。l They dicover th edc thecrimnl had ecaed.l he got redy for the meeting / te resdent ha left.l I wasabout tcal her/I eceived a phone call。V: 听录音进行角色扮演:atric = 帕特丽夏拉里:我们的福利包括了医疗、牙医保险与退休金。帕特丽夏:退休金福利的内容是什么?拉里:员工先拨一部分工资到退休金专用的账户中,然后公司会依照相应比例拨发退休会帕特丽夏:我了解了。拉里:作为一名新员工,你一年会有五天的年假,八天病假,四天事假。帕特丽夏:工作多久之后才开始有额外的休假?拉里:工作两年之后,有两个星期年假;满五年以后,有三个星期年假。帕特丽夏:真不错啊。拉里:今晚下班前,我会带你浏览一遍员工守则,有很多条款要记住。帕特丽夏:看看那些条款!没完没了的!拉里:我们需要制定一些规则,以保证公司的运行更有效率。首先,上下班要准时刷卡;其次(一个小时以后)拉里:接下来,要休假的话(两个小时以后)拉里:接着,若要申请公司文具的话帕特丽夏:(心想)救命啊!等我们读完这些政策.我都可以退休了! 本资料来自互联网共享文档好资料来自互联网,一起创造,共同分享。文中如有不足,请您指教!3 / 3


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