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1.accept 我收到他的邀请,但我没接受。2.achieve 他希望很快达成所有目标。3.advise我的老师建议我多读。4.afford 玛丽买不起新车。5.agree 她父亲不同意给她买电脑。6.allow父亲允许我去看电影。7.affect 大米价格上涨影响我们所有人。8.admit 她被大学录取。9.appear 看来他对唱歌失去兴趣了。10.arrive 他们按时到达惠州。1.accept-I received his invitation but I didnt accept.(我收到他的邀请,但我没接受。)2.achieve-He hopes to achieve all the aims soon.(他希望很快达成所有目标。)3.advise-My teacher advised me to do more reading.(我的老师建议我多读。)4.afford-Mary was not able to afford a new car.(玛丽买不起新车。)5.agree-Her father didnt agree to buy him a computer.(她父亲不同意给她买电脑。)6.allow-Father allowed me to go to the cinema.(父亲允许我去看电影。)7.affect-The rise in the price of rice will affect us all.(大米价格上涨影响我们所有人。)8.admit-She is admitted into the university.(她被大学录取。)9.appear-It appears that hes lost interest in singing.(看来他对唱歌失去兴趣了。)10.arrive-They arrived in Huizhou on time.(他们按时到达惠州。)Review of Task 1 Bar Chart Useful phrases and words Introduction:The(two)pie charts show(reveal,suggest,illustrate,demonstrate,indicate,describe,relate)the proportion(percentage)of A and B in(categories)Description of numbers百分比的表达percentage,proportion,share,某些情况下可以用rateHave a significant percentage of a substantial proportion of was Share equal popularity1.Riola had a significant percentage of its production in apples,at 89%.2.A substantial proportion of Austanis metal production was in copper,with 78%.3.The least popular sport is athletics,with a participation rate of 10%.4.Volleyball and swimming share equal popularity,each with 12%participation1.ProportionEg.A large proportion of the country is desert.这个国家的大部分地方是沙漠 2.PercentEg.Over ninety percent of the islanders here are illiterate.这儿的岛民,百分之九十以上都是文盲。多样句型:描述“33%的美国青少年喜欢汉堡”(主语:33%的美国青少年、百分比)A 33%of the teenagers in the USA prefer hamburgersB There are 33%of the teenagers who prefer hamburgers in the USA.C The teenagers who prefer hamburgers in the USA make up 33%of the total.D The percentage of the teenagers who prefer hamburgers in the USA is 33%约数表达the majority of,most of,a minority of,just over,slightly more than/less than,nearly half 等A significant/substantial percentage/proportion of 相当大比例的Over two thirds 超过2/3just over two thirds 2/3多一点slightly more than 20%20%多一点A further 20%另外20%Less than one tenth 不到1/10Almost the same as 几乎和一样多About/nearly half 差不多一半左右确切数字表达 分数与百分比的转化:one third,two fifths,one tenth 常见表达:a quarter,a half动词“占”的表达:account for,make up,take up,constitute,comprise,represent3.CompriseEg:The weekly report shall comprise the following parts:-周报应由以下几个部分构成:4.ConstituteEg:The blacks constitute ten per cent of the population.黑人占人口的百分之十。5.Represent Eg.Soda is the most popular drink because it represents the largest proportion of the chart.苏打水是最受欢迎的饮料,它在饼形图上所占的比例最大。6.make upEg.Fruit juice has made up 26%of the preference.果汁所占的比例为26%。7.Account for Eg.This accounts for only 4%of high school students preference.这点占到高中生喜好的4%Comparison:1、The biggest difference between(2)groups is in,where A makes up%while(whereas)B constitutes%(makes up=constitutes=accounts for)the highest percentage/amount of A,which was approximately%,was found in 2、The percentage of A in is more than twice the percentage of B,the ration is%to%(%compared to%)3、In,while there is(not)a great deal of difference between the percentage of A and B(the former is%and the latter is%).3、There are more A(in),reaching%,compared with%of B 4、By contrast,A has increased(declined),from%in to.%in.Task2 Environment Technology Social problems Semi-political issues Working environment Moral questions Education Health Relationship between countries(culture)Introduction Introduce the topic and your opinion Main body Explain your opinion Conclusion Briefly summarize your pinion Sentence 1 当前情形的一个方面Sentence 2 当前情形的另一个方面Sentence 3 论题:你在文章中打算如何做Exercises:Who should take care of our old people?Does aid to poor countries work?Should dangerous sports be banned?Doe space exploration benefit mankind?Do athletes deserve their high salaries?Mainbody 7-8 sentences 7-8 sentences 主题句论据1或原因1 举例,解释或可支持的事实 论据2或原因2 举例,解释或可支持的事实论据3或原因3 举例,解释或可支持的事实 第二段总结句 第三段同第二段结构Conclusion3 sentences 总结当前情形或你的观点展望未来Exercises:Should we test products on animals?Should we beat children?Is education important?Who are the better parents-men or women?Who learns quicker-adults or children


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