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1 我会认读新单词我会认读新单词:trumpet,ring,doorbell,loudly,birthday party.2 2 我会用我会用现在进行时现在进行时描述图片中描述图片中正在发生的动作正在发生的动作 3 3 我能流利朗读短文并能我能流利朗读短文并能背诵背诵短短文中的文中的重点短语与句子重点短语与句子Learning aims:Please learn the new words within 2 minutes.(两两分钟,分钟,借助音借助音标,认标,认读新单词。)读新单词。)birthday partyplay the trumpet 吹小号吹小号loudly大声地大声地He is playing the _.trumpetThe _ is ringing.doorbellThe phone is _.ringingThey are having a _ _.birthday partyThe dog is singing very _.(大声地大声地)loudlyDamings birthday party is beginning(开始开始)now.自学指导二:自学指导二:请同学们认真、大声地朗读短请同学们认真、大声地朗读短文,看图看英文表达,遇到不认识的文,看图看英文表达,遇到不认识的单词问同桌或老师。单词问同桌或老师。3分钟后,比一比谁读得最准确!分钟后,比一比谁读得最准确!自学指导三:自学指导三:请同学们再读短文,回答下请同学们再读短文,回答下面的问题:面的问题:Who is the birthday party for?What is Daming doing?What is the day like for Daming?Who is the birthday party for?The birthday party is for_.What is Daming doing?Daming is _ _ _.Daming playing the trumpetWhat is the day like for Daming?Daming is having a _birthday!great自学指导四:自学指导四:请同学们再读对话,请同学们再读对话,重点重点读短文中含有读短文中含有“-ing”的句子的句子。4分钟后,比一比谁能看图分钟后,比一比谁能看图用用“-ing”的句子来表达。的句子来表达。含有含有“-ing”的句子:的句子:Daming is having a birthday party.He is playing the trumpet,but the phone is ringing.Daming is playing the trumpet again,but now the doorbell is ringing.Daming is playing the trumpet again,but the dog is singing very loudly.1 Daming is having a great birthday!Daming is _,but thephone is _.playingthe trumpetringingDaming is _ again,but the doorbell is _.playingthe trumpet ringingDaming is _ again,but the dog is _ very _.playingthe trumpet singingloudlyDaming is playing the trumpet,but the phone is ringing.Daming is playing the trumpet again,but the doorbell is ringing.Daming is playing the trumpet again,but the dog is singing very loudly.I can recite(我会背诵我会背诵):重点短语:重点短语:birthday 生日生日 birthday party 生生日聚会日聚会 have a birthday party 举行生日聚会举行生日聚会 trumpet 小号小号 play the trumpet 吹小号吹小号 come in 进来进来 comes in 进来进来 cant hear 听不见听不见(1)(1)生日生日生日聚会生日聚会 举行生日聚会举行生日聚会(2)(2)小号小号吹小号吹小号 (3)(3)进来进来(4)(4)听不见听不见


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