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2019-2020学年河北省石家庄市平山县五上期末英语试卷1. 选出画线部分发音不同的项。A. teacherB. weatherC. meatD. great2. 选出画线部分发音不同的项。A. howB. nowC. slowD. cow3. 选出画线部分发音不同的项。A. noseB. closeC. comeD. those4. 选出画线部分发音不同的项。A. whiteB. niceC. timeD. live5. 选出画线部分发音不同的项。A. thinB. theseC. thatD. there6. 选出画线部分发音不同的项。A. MondayB. fromC. wonderfulD. love7. 选出画线部分发音不同的项。A. afterB. appleC. SaturdayD. family8. 选出画线部分发音不同的项。A. birdB. skirtC. tiredD. girl9. 题干选项全英的选择题In China, each _ has an animal name.A. yearsB. yearC. month10. 题干选项全英的选择题Lets _ a game!A. playB. playingC. to play11. 题干选项全英的选择题This is _ ox.A. aB. /C. an12. 题干选项全英的选择题What do you need _ the trip?A. toB. onC. for13. 根据问句选择合适的答句Does she need a black dress?_.A. Yes, she doesB. No, she isntC. Yes, she is14. 题干选项全英的选择题We go to school _ foot.A. byB. withC. on15. 题干选项全英的选择题Its very far from Beijing to London. Lets go there by _.A. carB. planeC. train16. 根据问句选择合适的答句May I eat these fruits?_A. No, you may not.B. Yes, you are.C. Yes, you may not.17. 题干选项全英的选择题In China, we often eat mooncakes on the _.A. Dragon Boat FestivalB. Mid-Autumn FestivalC. Christmas18. 根据问句选择合适的答句What is the Chinese New Year?Its _.A. the Mid-Autumn Festival B. New Years DayC. the Spring Festival19. 根据图片提示选词填空补全对话根据图片提供的情景,选择合适的句子,将序号填入图中横线上。A. Its red, white and blue.B. Help! Help!C. Great!D. No, you may not.E. Yes, you can.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 20. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。Li Ming (love) to travel.21. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。Animals will have a meeting. The rat is the (one).22. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。Everyone (like) Chinese food.23. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。I will invite (they) to have dinner.24. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。The Spring Festival is (come).25. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。We will (arrive) in Sanya at 3:40 in the afternoon.26. 用所给词的恰当形式填空。Danny and Jenny (be) my friends.27. 连词成句。like, these, I, socks.28. 连词成句。in, holiday, China, what, have, do, special, you?29. 连词成句。visit, grandparents, I, my, on, Saturdays.30. 连词成句。like, the, I, to, park, kites, fly, in.31. 连词成句。Zongzi, eat, we, on, the, Dragon, Boat, Festival.32. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Mums birthday is coming(Joey and Rachel are talking about how to celebrate their mums birthday)Joey: Mums birthday is on the fifteenth of July. Its coming soon.Rachel: Its our Mums fortieth birthday. We should do something for her. How about having a big party?Joey: I dont think So. She doesnt like party.Rachel: Thats true. What about making a birthday cake? Its not easy, but we can ask Dad for help.Joey: Thats a good idea(主意)!Rachel: We should also buy some gifts for Mum. Any ideas?Joey: After a days hard work, Mum must be very tired. As a gift Im going to clean the house and make it beautiful on her birthday.Rachel: Wow, a great gift! Then, Im going to dress up as a clown(小丑). I want to make Mum laugh(笑). I hope she can be happy.Joey: Thats great. Im sure Mum will love it!(1) ( )Joey and Rachels Mum is fifty years old.(2) ( )Their Mums birthday is July 15th.(3) ( )They want to have a big birthday party for their Mum.(4) ( )Rachel is going to dress up as a clown to make Mum laugh.(5) ( )Joey is going to clean the house as a gift.33. 阅读短文,完成下面的表格。Thanksgiving Day(感恩节) Thanksgiving Day is an important holiday in the US. It is on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, people have Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday in October. On Thanksgiving Day, people in Canada and the US usually get together and have a big meal with their families. They usually eat roast turkeys, pumpkin pies(南瓜饼) and sweet corn(甜玉米). Many people put flowers, vegetables and fruit around their houses to say Thank you for the harvest. There is often a Thanksgiving day parade(游行) in the street. Thanksgiving Day is a great time for people to give thanks. Students often give thanks to their parents and teachers on this day.Thanksgiving DayTimeIts on the in the US.Its on the in Canada.FoodPeople eat Activities(活动) (1) People get together and (2) People put around their houses.(3) People say Thank you for (4) They often have a (5) Students often 34. 写作小练笔。这周末你将要干什么呢?请制定一个周末活动计划并写下来。Weekend PlanOn Saturday morningI willOn Saturday afternoonI willOn Sunday morningI willOn Sunday afternoonI will I will not go to school this weekend. So I make a 答案1. 【答案】B【知识点】eai:、eae2. 【答案】C【知识点】owa、ow3. 【答案】C【知识点】o、o4. 【答案】D【知识点】i、ia5. 【答案】A【知识点】th、th6. 【答案】B【知识点】o、o7. 【答案】A【知识点】a、a:8. 【答案】C【知识点】ir:、ira9. 【答案】B【知识点】.has+其他.10. 【答案】A【知识点】Lets.11. 【答案】C【知识点】不定冠词an:以元音音素开头的单词、.(除this/that/it)is+动物名称.12. 【答案】C【知识点】What do.do.?(其他)13. 【答案】A【知识点】Yes,.does.(除it)、Does.need+食物(其他)?14. 【答案】C【知识点】.go to.+交通工具.15. 【答案】B【知识点】Lets go.+交通工具.16. 【答案】A【知识点】No,you may not.、May I do.?(其他)17. 【答案】B【知识点】.often do(其他)18. 【答案】C【知识点】What is+其他?19. 【答案】(1) D(2) C(3) E(4) A(5) B【知识点】Help!、No,you may not.、Can.do?(其他)、.will do(其他)、Great!、What colour is it?、Yes,.can.(除it)、It is+颜色.、May I do.?(其他)20. 【答案】loves【知识点】.loves to do.21. 【答案】first【知识点】.(除this/that/it)is the+序数词.22. 【答案】likes【知识点】.likes+食物(其他).23. 【答案】them【知识点】.will do(其他)24. 【答案】coming【知识点】节日 is coming.25. 【答案】arrive【知识点】.will do.at+钟点(非整点,顺读法).26. 【答案】are【知识点】.(除these/those)are ones/sbs+朋友.27. 【答案】I like these socks【知识点】.like+衣物.28. 【答案】What special holiday do you have in China【知识点】What+其他 do.have?(其他)29. 【答案】I visit my grandparents on Saturdays.【知识点】.do.on+星期.30. 【答案】I like to fly kites in the park.【知识点】.like to do.31. 【答案】We eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.【知识点】.eat.32. 【答案】(1) 错误 (2) 正确 (3) 错误 (4) 正确 (5) 正确【知识点】礼物,一般现在时 (Gifts,present simple tense)33. 【答案】fourth Thursday of November;Second Monday in October;roast turkeys;pumpkin pies;sweet corn;have a big meal with their families;flowers vegetables and fruit;the harvest;parade in the street;give thanks to their parents and teachers【知识点】节日活动,一般现在时 (Festivals,simple present tense)34. 【答案】略。【知识点】周末活动,一般将来时 (Weekend activities,simple future tense)


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