Unit 5What’s your hobby?第三课时

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Unit 5 Whats your hobby? (第三课时 教学设计)一、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第三课时,是阅读和写作课。本课在整个单元中扮演着承前启后的角色,既是对上节听说课的复习与巩固,又为本单元的任务建立班级兴趣小组做好准备。阅读部分是关于人们的兴趣爱好的短小文章,并分别以第一人称和第三人称叙述形式出现。写作部分是让学生写出同学的好恶。所以这课时旨在通过阅读课文和写作训练让学生进一步了解有关喜好的表达方式。2教学重点、难点(1) 教学重点学生能通过阅读有关喜好的材料,获取相关信息。学生能以第一人称和第三人称书面表述自己和他人的兴趣爱好。(2) 教学难点学生能将兴趣爱好第一人称的叙述方式以第三人称进行复述学生能结合生活实际写出同学的好恶。二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1)学生能掌握和运用表达兴趣爱好的词汇和短语,如enjoy, hate, exciting, boring;playing computer games , singing English songs ,etc。(2)学生能理解和运用表达兴趣爱好的第一人称和第三人称的句型。如 I enjoy playing computer games. I hate playing the piano. She likes American football, but she doesnt like playing chess. 2. 能力目标(1)学生能读懂关于兴趣爱好的阅读材料。(2)学生能写出相关句子表达同学的兴趣爱好。3. 情感目标(1)学生能够积极与他人合作,有积极的学习态度(2)尊重他人的兴趣爱好三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (5 min)1 Give a short reportSeveral students are asked to give a report according to the homework about their classmates hobbies they did after class.(设计意图:从上节课的课后作业入手,让学生根据他们的调查作简单的口头报告说出同学的喜好,一方面以检查课后作业,另一方面自然引入到本课。)Step Two Reading (20 min)1. Read and fill in blanks ( Activity 13 )Students read the material and fill in the blanks in Activity 13. Teacher asks 3 students to write their answers on the board to check whether they are right or not.(设计意图: 在填空练习中,学生可以理解阅读材料,并通过书写为后面的写作作好基本的语言储备。让学生在黑板上写出答案以面对全体学生检查阅读结果。) 2. Explain the important words and expressionsTeacher explains the important phrases and sentences in Activity 13, especially the words and phrases about hobbies. For example, boring, favorite, playing the piano etc.(设计意图:在老师的解释过程中以处理阅读材料中的生词,让学生更深刻理解有关重要的词汇的运用。)3. Read and match ( Activity 14 )First, students read the material of Activity 14 together, and then students read it again . At last they match with the pictures. Teacher checks the answers by asking several students to answer it. (设计意图:通过学生读句子,连线活动将上一活动中第一人称的叙述方式以第三人称重复一遍,为后面的单元任务做语言上的准备。)4. Retell Teacher takes a family as an example and shows the pictures about the family members hobbies. Meanwhile , showing the sentences to describe their hobbies, using (第一人称)图片(father) I like playing basketball, but I dont like playing baseball. 图片(daughter)图片(mother) I love singing English songs, but I dont love seeing movies. I enjoy watching TV, but I dont enjoy playing computer games. Teacher asks students to work in the group to retell the sentences, using the third-person narrative.(设计意图: 通过介绍一户家庭的兴趣爱好设置相关情境,并在小组活动中把句子用第三人称代替第一人称,以此训练学生的阅读能力并为下面的写作做好铺垫。)Step Three Writing (18min)1. Example writingTeacher: Ask two students to write down the sentence on the board according to the homework of the last lesson (classmates hobbies). For example XXX likes dancing, but she doesnt like playing the piano. XXX loves singing songs, but she doesnt love dancing. Students: Look at the board to see if the sentences are right. If not, correct them by discussing. Then they write down the sentences, following the examples on the board according to their own homework.(设计意图: 让两个学生根据自己的上节课的课后作业(关于同学的兴趣爱好的采访结果)在黑板上写出相应句子。并通过同学的检查给出正确的范例,为每个学生的写作起到示范作用。)2 Write oneself ( Activity 15)Students write the sentences about classmates hobbies according to the form in Activity 12. Teacher walks around to see if they can write the sentences correctly. (设计意图:利用上节课的活动12的表格让学生用第三人称写出同学爱好的句子, 通过写作的方式训练学生从阅读中获取信息并应用的能力。)Step Four Homework (2min) Read the following material and rewrite it, using the third-person narrative. I live in China. I study in Xingzhi Vocational School. I like playing chess, but I dont like playing basketball. I love sing songs, but I dont like dancing. (设计意图:通过阅读材料并用第三人称重写句子以巩固课堂上所学内容。).The sentences to describe classmates hobby (written by students)the answers to Activity 13 (written by students ) Unit 5 Whats your hobby四、 板书设计 宁波慈溪行知职业中学 翁燕华 2009年10月4


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