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食品安全管理体系食品安全管理体系 FOOD SAFETY MANAGENT SYSTEMP1Plastic Cutting&Chopping Board(1st Review)塑料砧板(第一修订)P2Health Hazard(Ban on Food Products)健康危害(禁制的食品)P2aHealth Hazard(Ban on Food Products)(1st Review)健康危害(禁制的食品)(第一修订)P3Deviation Form 偏离表P4Hand Washing 洗手P5Hand Wash Station (2nd Review)洗手设备(第二修订)P6Disposable Gloves 即弃卫生手套P7 Knife Hygiene&Storage(1st Review)刀具的卫生与存放(第一修订)P8Chilling Hot Food (2nd Review)冷却热食 (第二修订)P9Hygiene Transfer from Receiving(1st Review)运送中的卫生(第一修订)P10First Aid Wounds and Sores (2nd Review)紧急救伤伤口和患处(第二修订)P11Ice Machine(2nd Review)制冰机 (第二修订)P12Slicers Rotary (1st Review)切片机-旋转式设计(第一修订)P13Dishwashing Machine(1st Review)洗碗机(第一修订)P14Thaw In Refrigerator(1st Review)解冻 在冷库里(第一修订)P15Thawing Ambient Temperature(Deleted)解冻 室温 (删除删除)P16Thawing In Running Water 解冻 在流水中P17Priority of Product Storage 产品储藏的先后次序P18Piping Bag (2nd Review)裱花袋(唧忌廉袋)(第二修订)P19Chinese Cutting Boards(2nd Review)中式砧板(第二修订)(删除删除)目录目录 餐饮部政策餐饮部政策P20Transfer and Hot Holding Food(2nd Review)热食保温和运送 (第二修订)P21Hot Holding Food(Deleted)热食保温 (删除删除)P22Preparation Table (2nd Review)工作台(第二修订)P23Hamburger Cooking and Service (1st Review)汉堡食品的烹饪和服务(第一修订)P24Secondary Shelf Life 第二储存生命限期P24aSecondary Shelf Life(2nd Review)第二储存生命限期(第二修订)P25FIFO(First In First Out)先进先出P26Deep Fryers Temperature(Deleted)炸油炉温度 (删除删除)P27Whipped Cream Machine (1st Review)奶油搅拌器(第一修订)P28Freezer Storage 冰库贮藏P29Freezer Temperature (1st Review)冰库温度(第一修订)P30Refrigerator Stocking 冰箱储藏P31 Reheating Food(2nd Review)翻热食物 (第二修订)P32Chiller and Freezer Maintenance(1st Review)雪箱和冰库的维修保养(第一修订)P33Food Porters 食物搬运工人P34Awareness on Food Allergens(1st Review)食物敏感症须知(第一修订)P35Cooling and Drying Animals for Asian BBQ(1st Review)烧腊食品的冷却和吊干(第一修订)P36Mayonnaise Awareness 白汁(美乃滋)认识P37Can Opener 罐头刀P38Bar Counter Inspection(1st Review)酒吧柜台检查(第一修订)P39Transfer and Cold Holding Food(1st Review)输送和保持冷冻食物(第一修订)P40Receiving Freshly Slaughtered Meat 接受新鲜屠宰肉类P41Vacuum Packaging (1st Review)真空包装(第一修订)P42Dry Storage(1st Review)干货仓库(第一修订)P43Personal Hygiene in Kitchen(1st Review)厨房内的个人卫生(第一修订)P44Personal Habits(1st Review)个人习惯(第一修订)P45Pot Wash Station 洗碗/煲处装置P46Kitchen Waste Bin and Garbage/Compactor Room 厨房垃圾箱和垃圾/压缩机房P47Ice-Cream Machine 雪糕机P48Ice-Cream Freezer Box 雪糕冰箱P49 Chemical Storage 化学品贮藏P50 Color Coding Label 颜 色 标 签 规 则P51Moon Cake Production 制造月饼P52Management Commitment and Culture(2nd Review)管理承诺与文化(第二修订)P1 TITLE:Plastic Cutting&Chopping Boards-ALL Kitchens (1st Review)标题:塑料砧板塑料砧板-所有厨房所有厨房 (第一修订第一修订)Color Coding System 颜色规则系统Potentially Hazardous Foods潜在危害食物潜在危害食物Ready-to-Eat Foods可即食食物可即食食物 Raw Meat and Poultry 生肉类和家禽生肉类和家禽 红色红色Red Salads,Vegetables and Fruits (Sanitized or Peeled)色拉,蔬菜和水果(清洁后或已削皮)绿色Green Raw Seafood生海鲜类生海鲜类 蓝色蓝色Blue All Other Ready-to-Eat Foods 其它可即食食物其它可即食食物 白色白色White Specific Application Notes for Sashimi and Vegetables生鱼片和蔬菜的注意事项生鱼片和蔬菜的注意事项:Sashimi生鱼片生鱼片Sashimi is seafood served to the customer raw.生鱼片为提供给客人的生海鲜食物。The raw seafood must be of the highest quality.生海鲜必须绝对高质素。The product must not be cross-contaminated by other meat or fish.产品未被其它肉类或鱼类交叉污染。The raw sashimi must not be allowed to cross-contaminate other ready-to-eat products.生鱼片不可与其它可即食食物交叉污染。Cut Sashimi on a Blue Cutting Board 在蓝色砧板上切生鱼片在蓝色砧板上切生鱼片1.Prepare sashimi in specially designated area of the kitchen.在厨房制定区域预备生鱼片。2.Prepare sashimi with a Blue cutting board and knife that is used only for sashimi.用蓝色砧板和专用刀具处理生鱼片。3.Clean and sanitize knife and cutting board at least once every 30 minutes.用蓝色砧板和专用刀具处理生鱼片。4.Wash hands after handling raw fish.处理完生鱼片后洗手。5.Do not prepare sashimi next to other ready-to-eat products.避免在处理生鱼片时,隔邻同时在处理可即食食物。Preparation of Raw Produce生食蔬果产品的预备生食蔬果产品的预备Raw produce is prepared for cooking and eating raw.生食蔬果产品的预备Produce for eating raw Salads,Fruits,Ingredients,Garnishes生吃的蔬果产品生吃的蔬果产品 色拉,水果,材料成分,装饰色拉,水果,材料成分,装饰Salads,vegetables and fruits to be eaten raw are to be trimmed,then sanitised.Once sanitised,vegetables and fruits are to be handled in the cold kitchen or according to similar operating hygiene procedures.(See Cutting Board Flow Chart)可生食的色拉,蔬菜和水果应该整理,清洁,清洁后,蔬菜,水果应该在冻厨房中处理或参照类似的卫生操作规程 (见塑料砧板工作流程图)。Cut or peeled pieces are to be placed in sanitised containers and rinsed under tap water.切开或已剥皮食物应放置于清洁的容器中并且在自来水下漂洗。Vegetables that have been cut on a green cutting board should be sanitised before being eaten raw.在绿色砧板上加工的蔬菜应在生食前清洗。All Shangri-La Kitchens will ensure that cutting boards are managed to provide observable proof that opportunities for cross-contamination are eliminated.Kitchen Management will regulate the method for hygienic use of cutting boards.Improper use of hygienic cutting board procedures is a critical failure during Food Hygiene Audits所有香格里拉的厨房应提供砧板的管理证明,用以确保杜绝交叉污染的可能性。Maintenance of Cutting Boards塑料砧板的保养塑料砧板的保养The surface of cutting boards will develop deep groves during normal use.These cuts are difficult to clean and sanitise.They provide a trap for bacteria to accumulate and possibly grow.The cuts in the surface of cutting boards need to be removed at regular intervals and as needed to keep the surface smooth.在平时使用过切菜板后会有刀痕残存于其上,这些刀痕很难清洁干净,并且非常适合细菌生长,这些砧板需定期清洁并保持表面光滑。All Shangri-La Kitchens will grind the surface of each cutting board every six months.The time of this interval will be regulated,based on the results of inspection by Kitchen Management or as failed during Food Hygiene Audits.所有香格里拉的厨房每六个月应研磨砧板的表面,根据厨房检查或食物卫生检查的结果而自行 制定时间表。P 2TITLE:Health Hazard(Ban on Food Products)標題:標題:健康危害(禁制的食品)As a preventive measure,Shangri-La has decided to follow the recent decision by the Ministry of Health from some Asian countries to take off shelves 22 products.由于安全性措施的問題,香格里拉集團決定遵守衛生部門新近頒布的決定,將某些國家生產的22种產品從貨架上撤下。The Health Ministry ordered 22 sauce and seasoning products from five countries to be taken off shelves after they were found containing 3-MCPD,a cancer-causing chemical,above the permitted level of 20 parts per billion(ppb).衛生部門之所以要求將5個國家的22種醬料和調味品從貨架上撒下,是因為發現其中有包含3-MCPD,一種致癌物質,遠超出了允許的規定。3-MCPD is a substance that may be released during the processing of a savouring ingredient known as hydrolysed vegetable protein(HVP)that is commonly used in food products around the world.在調味品的製造過程(水解蔬菜蛋白質)中,會釋放出3-MCPD。赔偿赔偿停业停业罚款罚款入狱入狱违反食品卫生法违反食品卫生法意味着意味着:P3 偏离表偏离表 Policies must be implemented within 15 days.Deviation form is provided to ensure that in case of non-compliance a system is in place to know the reasons and establish a new date in the future in order for the hotel to eventually comply with SFSMS.政策应在颁发后15天内执行。如未能执行,可填写偏离表已作记录,有系统地知道未能执行的原因,和另提新日期,以确保酒店最终符合SFSMS的要求Deviation Policy偏离政策偏离政策eviation form must be faxed to SLIM GDFB within 15 days from issuing of policy by SLIM.偏离表应在偏离表应在SLIM颁发政策后颁发政策后15天内传真给天内传真给SLIM GDFBShould there be any deviation requested,form to be filled with the following:如有任何偏离,填写表格如下:如有任何偏离,填写表格如下:*Title(Topic of SFSMS policy)题目(SFSMS政策的题目)*Reference No:(Policy number)序列号(政策编号)*Reasons:(Reason for deviation)原因(偏离原因)*Cost Involved:(Estimated cost to change equipment as per SFSMS policy)有关费用(根据SFSMS政策更改设备的预算)*Time Required for Full Implementation:(new date to be provided by Hotel until the policy is implemented)完成所需时间(酒店预计时间可完全推行政策)*Hotel:(Name of the hotel)酒店(酒店名称)*Requested by:(Name and position)申请人(姓名,职位)*1st Endorsement by:(Hygienist name and signature)第一认可人(卫生员姓名及签名)*Endorsement by GM/RM:(Name and signature)GM/RM的认可(姓名及签名)*Approval by GDFB:(Name and signature of GDFB with approval or not approve status and date.GDFB批准(批准人姓名及签名,附有批准或未批准理由及时间)P4 Hand Washing 洗手 Risks 危险性危险性Hands are one of the principle agents in transferring bacteria to food and handling should be reduced to the minimum.Proper hand washing is a critical protective measure against contamination and foodborne illness.手是向食品传播细菌最基本的途径,应最低限度减少触摸手是向食品传播细菌最基本的途径,应最低限度减少触摸.正确的洗手是防止污染和食源性疾病有效的保护措施正确的洗手是防止污染和食源性疾病有效的保护措施.Hand Washing Policy 洗手制度洗手制度 Hand Washing Procedure.洗手程序洗手程序1.All kitchen employees must wash their hands and scrub their nails upon arriving in the kitchen for work.所有厨房员工在到达厨房开始工作时必须洗手所有厨房员工在到达厨房开始工作时必须洗手 和擦洗指甲和擦洗指甲.2.All kitchen employees must wash their hands before handling food.所有厨房员工在食品操作前必须洗手所有厨房员工在食品操作前必须洗手.3.All kitchen employees must wash their hands at least every 30 minutes or after any of the following activities:所有厨房员工每隔所有厨房员工每隔30分钟或做下列活动后必分钟或做下列活动后必 须洗手须洗手:Using the toilet;上厕所后上厕所后Handling raw food;触摸生食后触摸生食后Stocking or storing food items;储存食品后储存食品后Handling garbage;扔垃圾后扔垃圾后Leaving a high risk area such as butchery,pastry sushi or sashimi;离离开易污染地区如开易污染地区如:肉房、西点房或寿司加肉房、西点房或寿司加工间工间Returning from a break;休息回来后休息回来后 1.Use warm water.用温水用温水 2.Wet your hands.淋湿双手淋湿双手 3.Get a small amount of soap.用一些洗手液用一些洗手液 4.Rub hands together for 20 seconds.双手搓洗双手搓洗20秒钟秒钟 5.Brush hands and fingernails.刷洗手和指甲刷洗手和指甲 6.Rinse with warm water.用温水冲洗用温水冲洗 7.Dry with paper towel or dryer.用纸巾擦干用纸巾擦干 8.Put on the sanitizer gel(if any).擦涂消毒霜(如果有)擦涂消毒霜(如果有)P5 洗手设备洗手设备Risks 风险风险Inadequate resources will reduce the effectiveness of the hand-washing program and increase the risk of cross-contamination.不足够的设备会降低洗手的效果,和提高交叉污染的风险。Hand Wash Station Policy 洗手设备政策洗手设备政策 1.A hand wash station should be located at all kitchen entrances.Exceptions to policy must be documented,i.e.due to water supplies or kitchen lay out(refer to Reference No.:FSMS P3 Deviation Form).洗手设备应设置在所有厨房的进口处,特殊情况应注明,例如因供水口或厨房结构问题,(请参照FSMS P3偏离表)。2.It is recommended to have additional hand wash sinks near high risk locations such as cold kitchen,butchery,pastry and sashimi/sushi areas in order to facilitate hand washing.建议在高风险地区增设洗手槽在冻厨房,肉类加工作房,饼房间和鱼生/寿司机等地区,以便洗手。1.3.Hand wash sinks need:洗手槽应有:2.*must be mechanically or electronically 3.operated hand sink to minimize risk of4.cross-contamination,必须使用机械式或电5.子式操作的洗手槽,以防止交叉污染。*supply of warm water 有温水供应该。*hand washing instructions posted。(Please refer to DLs instruction。)洗手指示(请参看DL的指示)。*supplies of paper towel,desinfecting hand soap,nail brush chained and Kept in container with sanitizer.供应纸巾,含有消毐性质的洗手液和指刷,指甲刷应装有链子并放在有消毒水的容内。4.Sanitizer must be changed at a regular interval and documented.5.消毒水必须按时更换和记录。6.5.Hand should be washed in accordance with FSMS P4.应按照FSMS P4的程序洗手。P6 即弃卫生手套即弃卫生手套Risks 危险性危险性Disposable gloves are required to be used more frequently by food handlers,to prevent the hands coming into direct contact with high-risk food,such as Ready-to eat items,Fruit and salad.The use of disposable gloves is increasing the effectiveness in reducing the contamination.食品操作人员应尽可能多的使用一次性手套,以防食品操作人员应尽可能多的使用一次性手套,以防止直接接触易污染食品。例如:直接入口食品、水止直接接触易污染食品。例如:直接入口食品、水果和沙拉。使用一次性手套可有效降低污染。果和沙拉。使用一次性手套可有效降低污染。Disposable Gloves Policy 一次性手套制度一次性手套制度1.1.Disposal gloves are to be used when touching ready-to eat food.2.即棄卫生手套是在接触即时食用的食物时使用的。3.2.Hands are to be washed before putting on gloves.戴手套之前要先洗手。4.3.Gloves are to be changed every 30 minutes when in continuous use.5.手套在连续使用了30分钟之后,应被更换。6.4.Gloves are to be changed after each task to control cross-contamination.7.完成一项单独工作后需要更换手套,以防止交叉污染。完成一项单独工作后需要更换手套,以防止交叉污染。8.5.Immediately discard gloves that are torn or have holes.当手套有破损或洞时,应及时更换。6.Paper towels are to be used when touching non-food contacts i.e.refrigerator doors,telephone,switches,etc.应使用纸巾,当接触其它物品如冰箱门、电话、开关製等。7.Ensure Shangri-La is in accordance to local regulations.香格里拉要确保与当地的法规一致.Hand Washing Procedure.(before putting on gloves)洗手程序洗手程序(戴手套前戴手套前)Use warm water.用温水用温水Wet your hands.淋湿双手淋湿双手Get a small amount of soap.用一些洗手液用一些洗手液Rub hands together for 20 seconds.双手搓洗双手搓洗20秒钟秒钟Brush hands and fingernails.刷洗手和指甲刷洗手和指甲Rinse with warm water.用温水冲洗用温水冲洗Dry with paper towel or dryer.用纸巾擦干用纸巾擦干Put on the sanitizer gel(if any).擦涂消毒霜(如果有)擦涂消毒霜(如果有)P7 Knife(Coding,Cleaning and Storage)刀具(顏色規則,清洁和存放)Risks 风险:风险:Bacteria can be transferred through a vehicle of contamination.People,animals,equipment and utensils are the most usual vehicles of contamination.细菌依靠一些污染工具进行傳播。人、动物、仪器和器皿就是这些最常见的污染工具。Knife Coding 刀具顏色規則刀具顏色規則Colour coded knives should be used in accordance with colour coded cutting boards.(Please refer to FSMS P1.)顏色刀具應与相同顏色的砧板一起使用。(請參照FSMS P1)Knife Hygiene 刀具衛生刀具衛生1.Knife should be washed and sanitized at the beginning and at the end of the shift.在工作前和工作后,應把刀具清洗和消毒。2.During the shift,knife must be washed and sanitized before and after each task.在工作時,刀具必須在每件工作前和后,进行清洗和消毒。Knife Storage 刀具刀具存放存放Knife must be cleaned and sanitized and hung in designated sanitary station(drawers are not acceptable).刀具必須加以清洁和消毒,并且存放在指定清洁的位置(抽屜不可)。P8P8 Chilling Hot Food 冷却热食冷却热食 Risks 风险风险Hot food passes through the temperature danger zone(5C-63C)as it cools,so we should reduce the temperature as quickly as possible.The best method is to cool food quickly in a blast chiller.This shortens the time that food spends at danger zone temperatures.If a blast chiller is not available,transfer the food to a clean,cold container or an ice bath and cover it before moving it the coolest part of a food area.Food should be kept above floor during the cooling period.Whenever possible,use large shallow trays and pans for cooling food in liquid,because the large surface area helps to accelerate the cooling process.Remove cooked meat joints and whole chickens from their juices before placing them in clean containers with enough space for air to circulate.当热食冷却时,它需要经过 5-63的危险温度区范围,因此,我们应把温度尽快降低,最方便的冷却方式是使用冷库(降温冷柜),这缩短了食物在危险温度区的时间,如果没有冷库(降温冷柜)设备,则将食物放在一个干净的冷容器内或冰水,然后加盖,把它放在食物处理范围内清凉处冷却。在冷却它过程中,应把食物放在离地的层架上冷却。当有需要,在冷却食物液汁时,应使用浅而扁大的容器,因为大而敞开的表面有助于冷却进程,当冷却肉类或鸡时,应将它们与汤汁分离后,再放进一个干净的容器内,不可太挤迫,以帮助空气流通。Chilling Hot Food Policy 冷却热食政策冷却热食政策1.1.Chilled food has an internal temperature of 4C to 8C.已冷却食物的内部温度為 4-8。2.Cool all food as quickly as possible(use blast chiller or ice bath).把食物尽快冷却。3.Hot food at or above 63C should be chilled to 10C in less than 90 minutes,but shall never exceed a 4 hour limit to reach 5C.当热食的温度在或超过63时,应在90分钟内将其冷却至10,但当到达5时,不能超过4小时的限制。4.Once chilled,all food must be labeled,kept covered and immediately stored at 5C.一旦被冷却,所有食物都应贴上标签,加盖并立即冷藏在5。5.Cooling temperature records must be completed and available.必须存有完整的冷却热食温度记录。冷却辣肉酱的标准冷却辣肉酱的标准1.在2小时内快速冷却肉酱,温度由63C降至 5C。2.把肉酱盛于浅盆中,埋在冰内。冷却后用保鲜纸把冷却后用保鲜纸把盆盖住,置于雪柜盆盖住,置于雪柜上层,标明日期时上层,标明日期时间及食品名称。间及食品名称。P9Hygienic Transfer from Receiving 运送中的卫生 Risks风险风险The transfer of food from receiving is essential.Containers,trolleys,push-carts are the main sources of contamination.从收货部运送食物到其它地方乃是不可少的一环。容器、推车都是污染的主要来源。Receiving Transfer Storage Policy 运送贮藏食物政策:运送贮藏食物政策:1.Transfer products received at the loading dock to sanitized 2.containers to minimize risk of cross contamination.在盛装前先将容器消毒以减低交叉污染。2.Dirty and abused outer cartons are not allowed in chillers.冷库里不应有不洁和破损的盛放食品的纸箱。3.Clean,original cartons may be stored in the Central storage chillers only.干净的盛放食品的纸箱只可以存放在总冷库内。4.Delicate fruits,i.e.mangoes,pears,berries,etc.maybe stored in original containers to protect the product.细嫩而易受损的水果,如芒果、梨、莓类等,可以放在原有的包装箱内以利保护。5.Ensure that trolley are cleaned and sanitized when contaminated.确保手推车在污染后能及时清洁和消毒。6.Transport raw meats,poultry and seafood in separate containers to avoid cross contamination.运送生肉、家禽和海鲜时,应使用不同的器皿以防交叉污染。P10 First Aid Wounds and Sores 紧急救伤 伤口和患处 Risks 风险风险There must be a well-equipped first aid box on the premises and situated where it is easily accessible to all food handlers.厨房裹必须安放一个物品充足的急救箱,以供食物处理者随时取用。A first aid box should contain waterproof dressings.Waterproof dressings are necessary to prevent blood and bacteria from the cut contaminating the food and also to prevent bacteria from food,especially raw meat or fish,making the cut septic.Furthermore,waterproof dressings do not collect grease and dirt.急救箱内应包括防水黏贴胶布,防水黏贴胶布可防止血液和细菌污染食物,也能防止食物的细菌污染伤口,尤其是生肉或生鱼,可使伤口发炎,此外,防水黏贴胶布不沾油污和灰尘。Employees with boils and septic cuts should be excluded from food handling areas,as such plaster should be changed at a regular interval as lesions(wound)may contain Staphylococcus aureus(refer to SFSMS Ref No.G1.5).员工有烫伤和发炎的伤口不能参与食品处埋工作,防水黏贴胶布必须在指定时间内更换,伤口可能感染金黄葡萄球菌(参看SFSMS G1.5)。Staff who reports for work wearing unacceptable dressings must have them changed before they enter a food room or commence food-handling duties.员工如贴有不合规格的黏贴胶布,必须在进入食品工场前把它更换,才可开始处理食物有关的工作。Loss of dressings must be reported to the supervisor immediately.黏贴胶布丢失了,应立即向主管报告。First Aid Policy 紧急救伤政策紧急救伤政策1.Food handlers should not work with open or infected wounds.食品处理者工作时不可有裸露或发炎的伤口。2.Clean cuts should be covered with brightly coloured waterproof plaster and gloves must be worn over the waterproof plaster.干净的伤口应再贴上一块颜色鲜明的防水黏贴胶布,然后再戴上即弃 卫生手套。3.Plaster should be changed every 4 hours.该防水黏贴胶布应每4小时更换一次。Note:Executive Chef is responsible for the exercise of this policy.注意:行政副总厨有责任贯彻执行这项政策。P11 Ice Machine 制冰机 Risks 风险:风险:Ice machine may present difficult cleaning problems.The complexity of some of the working parts,the time allocated for cleaning and the nature of the soil deposits have often resulted in machine being imperfectly cleaned.Deep cleaning should be performed on a regular base to prevent bacteria builds up on the inside of the ice machine that may contaminate the ice.制冰机可能有较困难的清洗问题。一些部位的复杂性,安排清洗的时间和一些自然形成的污垢,都能导致制冰机的清洗不够干净,应为制冰机安排定期的深层清洁来防止机器内部的细菌污染冰块。Ice Machine Policy 制冰机政策制冰机政策:1.Ice machine is only for storage of ice for consumption.制冰机只能用来贮藏給客人用的冰块。2.Ice machine is to be kept clean and sanitary at all time.制冰机应时常保持干净卫生。3.Ice machine is to be kept closed or covered.制冰机应把盖子关好。4.Ice scoop is stored with a chain in separate sanitary container with sanitizing solution.安有鏈子的冰鏟应放在一个盛載有消毒劑的卫生容器里。5.Ice bin must not be used to cool any bottle or container.制冰机不能用来冷却任何瓶子或容器。6.Rubber gasket or sponge on the lid to be kept clean and in working condition.盖上的橡皮垫或海绵应保持干净和良好狀態。7.Cleaning and sanitizing of ice machine to be done weekly.制冰机应每星期清洗与消毒。8.Cleaning records,or copies,must be available in plastic files with each ice machine.制冰机的清洁記錄或复印本,必須存放在塑膠袋中,貼在制冰机上。P12 Slicers Rotary 切片机-旋转式设计 Risks 风险:风险:To ensure that the best results are obtained,it is important that machines are serviced regularly and operated in accordance with manufacturers instructions.为确保最好的效果,最重要的是,切片机应定时检查和按照厂家的指导操作。Where the machine is of a type that has a removable blade,a blade guard must be fitted before the blade is removed.Staff must be properly trained.某类型切片机的刀片是可以拆下来的,放下保护盖之后才把刀片拆下,员工应接受适当的培训。1.Kitchen employee must clean slicer with spray sanitizer after each use or the end of production period.厨房的员工应在每次使用后和工作结束时喷洒消毒剂来清洗切片机。厨房的员工应在每次使用后和工作结束时喷洒消毒剂来清洗切片机。2.Slicer must be dismantled by kitchen employee at the end of the day.Removable parts must be cleaned and sanitized.厨房员工应在每天工作结束后,厨房员工应在每天工作结束后,必须把切片机的配件拆卸必须把切片机的配件拆卸才进行清洗和消毒。才进行清洗和消毒。3.It is the fully responsibility of the Kitchen employees to clean and sanitize the slicer.清洗和消毒切片机是厨房员工的责任清洗和消毒切片机是厨房员工的责任。4.All nuts and bolts from slicing machine after dismantled must be stored away by kitchen employee in an appropriate container.切片机内拆卸的螺母和螺栓必须由厨房的员工保存在恰当的容器内。切片机内拆卸的螺母和螺栓必须由厨房的员工保存在恰当的容器内。Slicers Rotary Policy 旋转式设计切片机政策旋转式设计切片机政策P13 Dishwashing Machine 洗碗机 Risks 风险:风险:All dishwashing machines should be operated according to manufactures instructions.Improper dishwashing temperature will increase the danger of potential contamination.所有洗碗机必须按照制造商的产品说明书来操作,不适当的温度将会增加污染的潜在危险。Dishwashing Machine Policy 洗碗机政策:1.Document correct function beginning of each shift.每班開工時,記錄洗碗机洗碗机的操作。Wash temperature 55C 65 C 清洗溫度为55C 65CGauge final rinse temperature 82C-86C(high temperature disinfection)測量器最后的過水温度为82C-86C(高溫消毒)Exit temperature of a plate greater than 71C for 15 seconds 盘子离開洗碗机的温度为高于71C保持15秒钟。Machine that cannot achieve 82C,chemical disinfection should be used.洗碗机不能達到82C,應該使用化學品消毒。2.Recommended Option:Test with thermosensitive stripes each morning,result to be paste into record book.選擇性提議:每天早晨用温度膠貼紙來測試,然后将它貼在记录本上。3.Change water waste tank every 2 hours.每2小时换水1次。4.Separate handling of clean and dirty items.将干净与肮臟的的物品分开操作。5.Sanitize hands before handling clean items.先将手洗净,才處理清洁物品。6.Use clean towel to polish dry.使用干净的毛巾将之擦干净。P14 Thawing InRefrigerator冰箱内解冻冰箱内解冻 Risks危险性Inadequate thawing often causes food poisoning.If ice remai


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