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1单项选择1.He doesnt get up early on Sundays.He gets up .A.late B.lately C.slowly D.hardly2.Kate,when you arrived there,remember to me.Ok,Mom.A.ring B.ringing C.rang D.rung3.He until it stopped raining.A.leave B.left C.dont leave D.didnt leave4.The bus was ten minutes .A.late B.later C.latest D.lately5.She is very lazy and gets up early at weekends.A.always B.usually C.never D.also A A D ACExercise2Revision3Breakfastorlunch1neversometimesstay2last late3What a day!Just then4coming to see5repeatedDo you always?4 This week,we have two holidays.What are they?What did you do for your teachers?Did you write some cards to your teachers?5Lesson 3 Please send me a card.请给我寄一张明信片。请给我寄一张明信片。6Q1:Where did the writer spend his holidays last summer?Q2:What did he think about every day?Q3:Did he write any cards or not?Look,listen and answer7send/send/spoilspoil/spl/8museum/mju:5zi:m/friendlyfriendly/5frendli/9lend/lend/10whole/hl/11New wordssend /send/v.寄,送 (sent/sent/,sent)postcard /5pstkB:d/n.明信片spoil /spl/v.使索然无味,损毁(spoiled or spoilt/splt/)museum /mju:5zi:m/n.博物馆public /5pQblk/adj.公共的12friendly /5frendli/adj.友好的waiter /5wt/n.服务员,招待员lend /lend/v.借给 (lent/lent/,lent)decision /d5sn/n.决定whole /hl/adj.整个的single /5sgl/adj.唯一的,单一的New words13Wordssendwaiterspoillendwholepublicpostcardmuseumsingledecisionfriendly14send sth to sb/send sb sthsend送某物给某人送某物给某人sent sentlend lent lentlend sth to sb/lend sb sth借给某人某物借给某人某物borrowfrom从从借来借来15post-box 邮箱邮箱postcode 邮政编码邮政编码postcardspoilspoiled spoiledspoilt spoiltin publicpublic公开地公开地16friend+lyfriendly名词名词+ly=形容词形容词brother+lybrotherly 兄弟般的兄弟般的love+ly可爱的可爱的dead+lylovelydeadly致命的致命的loud loudly动词动词+ly=副词副词angry angrily17waiterwaitressmake a decision下决心下决心decide to do sth=make up ones mind to do下决心做某事下决心做某事decisiondecide18Daotu 19课文分解课文分解第一句第一句第二句第二句第三句第三句第四句第四句第五句第五句第六句第六句第七句第七句第八句第八句第九句第九句第十句第十句第十一句第十一句(300)(500)(700)(800)(300)(600)(700)(1000)(900)(800)(1200)201.Please send me a card.=Please send a card to me.a.send-sent-sent v.寄,送 send sb.sth.=send sth.to sb.给某人寄/送 某物(接双宾语)eg:A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian.b.teach-taught-taught v.教 teach sb.sth.=teach sth.to sb.教某人Article focuses212.Then he lent me a book.=He lent a book to me.a.lend-lent-lent v.借给,(借出,把东西 借给别人)lend sb.sth.=lend sth.to sb.当sth.是代词时,只能用 lend sth.to sb.eg:He likes the book very much,but he lent it to me.b.borrow v.借,(借入,向别人借东西)borrow sth.from sb.从某人/处借某物Article focuses223.I spent a whole day in my room.a.spend v.花费(人做主语)spend+time/money+on sth/(in)doing sth eg:I spend two hours on English.=I spend two hours(in)reading English.How did the kids spend the weekend?Article focuses234.Every day I thought about postcards.a.every day 每天 everyday adj.每天的 eg:We learn everyday English every day.b.think about:想Article focuses245.On the last day I made a big decision.a.make up ones mind 做决定 make a decision 做决定 decide to do sth 决定去做某事 Article focuses25双宾语双宾语 Please send me a card Please send a card to me He lent me a book.He lent a book to me.A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian.A friendly waiter taught a few words of Italian to me.He gave me a watch.He gave a watch to me.Focus on grammar26双宾语双宾语He took me an umbrella.He took an umbrella to me.He brought me a flower.He brought a flower to me.She showed me her new dress.She showed her new dress to me.She bought me a tie.She bought a tie for me.She made me a cake.She made a cake for me.Focus on grammar27双宾语双宾语有些动词可以带两个宾语:直接宾语-物,间接宾语-人。可以接双宾语的动词大多含有“给予”的含义:give/send/lend/take/bring/show/teach +sb.+sth.+sth to sb.eg:He gave me a watch.=He gave a watch to me.Focus on grammar28双宾语双宾语buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.make sb.sth.=make sth.for sb.eg:She bought me a tie.=She bought a tie for me.She made me a cake.=She made a cake for me.Focus on grammar29一、按照例句改写以下句子eg:I wrote a letter to Lucy.I wrote Lucy a letter.1.She sent them a letter._ 2.His mother bought a tie for him._ 3.He has given some advice to us._ 4.Could you do me a favor?_ 5.He owes me$10,000._ His mother bought him a tie.She sent a letter to them.He has given us some advice.Could you do a favor for me?He owes$10,000 to me.Exercise30二、用括号内所给单词改写句子eg:He usually goes to bed at ten(yesterday)He went to bed at ten yesterday.1.He visits the museum once a month.(last year)_ 2.The awful noise spoils my sweet dream.(yesterday)_ 3.I write a composition today.(yesterday)_4.Grandpa lends us the money to buy the house.(last year)_5.We sit in a public garden and play games.(last night)_ I wrote a composition yesterday.The awful noise spoiled my sweet dream yesterday.He visited the museum last year.Grandpa lent us the money to buy the house last year.We sat in a public garden and played games last night.Exercise31三、单项选择1.Bad weather my summer holiday last year.A.spoil B.spoils C.spoiling D.spoilt2.Its been a year since I last saw you.A.whole B.two C.who D.one3.A waiter taught me a few words of Italian.A.badly B.hardly C.neatly D.friendly4.You have to a decision here now.A.take B.put C.make D.let5.I 50 dollars buying these shoes last week.A.took B.spent C.paid D.cost D AD CBExercise32Key structures33see过去分词过去分词seen现在分词现在分词seeing过去式过去式saw原形原形see不定式不定式to see动词的各种形式动词的各种形式34Fill in the blanks Postcards always _ my holidays.Last summer,I went to Italy.I visited _ and sat in _gardens.A _ _ taught me a few words of Italian.Then he _ me a book.I read a few lines,butI did not understand a word.Every day I thought about_.My holidays passed quickly,but I did not _cards to my friends.On the last day I made a big _.I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.I spent the_ day in my room,but I did not write a _ card!spoilmuseumspublicfriendly waiterlentpostcardssenddecisionwholesingle35Summary writing.(摘要写作1)1)Do postcards always spoil the writers holidays or not?Yes,they do.The postcards always spoil the writers holidays.2)Where did he spend his holidays last summer?He spent his holidays in Italy last summenr.3)What did he think about every day?He thought about postcards.4)Did he send any cards to his friends or not?No,he didnt send any cards to his friends.5)How many cards did he buy on the last day?He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.6)Where did he stay all day?He stayed the whole day in his room.7)Did he write any cards or not?No,he didnt write any cards.36Summary writing.(摘要写作2)The postcards always spoil the writers holidays.He spent his holidays in Italy last summenr.He thought about postcards every day.He didnt send any cards to his friends.He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.He stayed in his room the whole day.He didnt write any cards.3738394041424344


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