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题型:Multi plechoices (多选);Brief explana tions (简答);Essayques tions (论述) Trad it ional commerce (传统商务) 传统商务就是用户可以利用电话、传真、信函和传统媒体来实现商务交易和管理过程。 该过程具有环节多、成本高、效率低、双方心里距离远的特点。Traditionalbusinessisusercanusethetelephone,fax,letterandtraditional media to implement business transactions and management process. The characteristics of the traditional business links, the cost is high, the efficiency is low, the distance in heart. Electronic commerce (电子商务) 通过计算机购买、销售、交换产品、服务或信息的过程。Theprocessofbuying,selling,orexchangingproducts,services,orinformation via computer。 Collaborative commerce (协同商务) 将具有共同商业利益的合作伙伴整合起来,实现信息共享,同时满足客户需求和企业自 身。Will merchants together with a common business interests, realize information sharing, at the same time meet the needs of customers and the enterprise itself. Mobile commerce (移动商务)移动商务是指通过无线通信来进行网上商务活动。Mobile Business (MB) refers to the business activities on the Internet by wireless communication. e-business (电子商务) 关于电子商务更广泛的定义,不仅包括买卖商品和服务,而且包括顾客,商业合作伙伴 和组织电子营销。AbroaderdefinitionofECthatincludesnotjustthebuyingandsellingofgoods and services, but also servicing customers, collaborating with business partners, and conducting electronic transactions within an organization。 revenue model (收入模式)收入模式是描述公司或一个电子商务项目将获得收入a revenue model is the description of the company or an EC project will earn revenue business model (商业模式)企业为满足客户需求而形成的特有的模式Company to meet customer requirements and the formation of a unique pattern B2C (商家和消费者)business to consumer企业出售商品给个人E-commerce model in which businesses sell to individual shoppers C2Cconsumer to Customer个人与个人之间的电子商务Electronic commerce between the person and person。 B2Bbusiness to business所有参与者都是企业或组织E-commerce model in which all of the participants are businesses or other organizations B2S (分享式电子商务)business to share 先使用商品,后付款Use goods first, after payment. B2B2C (供应商和销售平台和顾客)business to business to consumer 公司提供一些产品或服务给客户商家,来维护自己的顾客E-commerce model in which a business provides some product or service to a client business that maintains its own customers B2C2C (商家和渠道和顾客)Business To Channel To Customers 终端消费者在网上购买商品后由商家直接发货After the final consumers to purchase goods online delivery directly by the manufacturer。 C2B2C (消费者 和 企业 和消费者)customers to business to customers 顾客向企业提供信息,企业根据信息满足顾客需求Customers to provide enterprise information, the enterprise according to the information to meet customer demand C2B2B (消费者和电商平台和生产商)Customer to Business to Business 消费者向销售平台提出需求,销售平台向生产商提供信息实现产品制定。Consumers to provide information to the middlemen, middlemen to producers to provide information for product making Click-and-mortar organizations (多渠道策略) 公司企业结合在线电子商务和传统零售渠道的营运策略Combiningonlinee-commerceandtraditionalretailchannelsoperatingstrategy Pure-play organizations (完全在线组织)完全在线开展他们的业务Organizations that conduct their business activities solely online。 Brick-and-mortar organizations (老牌经济组织) 离线执行他们主要业务的老牌经济组织,物理销售他们的商品。Old-economy organizations that perform their primarybusiness off-line, selling physical products by means of physical agents Virtual organizations (虚拟组织)不是实际存在,指在线上形成的组织Not actually exist, refers to the online form of organization social net work (社交网络) 社交网络营销的核心是关系营销。社交的重点在于建立新关系,巩固老关系。Thecoreofthesocialnetworkmarketingisrelationshipmarketing.Socialfocus is to build a new relationship, consolidate old relationship. in ternal procurement marke tplace(内部采购市场)公司有独立结算的部门或子公司,部门或子公司进行交易的时候就叫内部采购 Companies have an independent department or a subsidiary of settlement, branch or subsidiary traded is called an procurement internal supply chain (内部供应链) 业内部产品生产和流通过程中所涉及的采购部门、生产部门、仓储部门、销售部门等组 成的供需网络Industry internal product involved in the process of production and circulation ofpurchasingdepartment,productiondepartment,warehousingdepartment,sales department, etc in the network of supply and demand Intra-business commerce (内部业务商务) 通过企业内部网的方式处理与交换商贸信息。Through the way of Intranet information processing and exchange business. A business plan (商业计划) 在战略导向下通过确定的商业模式实现阶段性战略目标的一切计划和行动方案。 Under the strategy oriented by determining the business model of strategic target implementation stage all plan and action plan. marketing strategy (营销策略) 以顾客需求为出发点,通过提高满意的商品或服务而实现企业目标的过程。To customer demand as the starting point, through improve the satisfaction of goods or services and realize the goal of enterprise process. intelligent agent (智能代理) 只能代理使计算机应用趋向人性化、个性化,提高顾客购买欲。Onlyagenttomakecomputerapplicationtendencyofhumanization,individuation, increase customer purchases. electronic shopping cart (电子购物车) 一个订单处理技术,使客户能够积累他们想买的商品,他们继续购物An order-processing technology that allows customers to accumulate items they wish to buy while they continue to shop mobile portal (移动门户网站) 门户可以通过移动设备访问A portal accessible via a mobile device forward auction (提出拍卖) 卖家向卖家招标的一种拍卖,投标人按顺序增加价格。Anauctioninwhichasellerentertainsbidsfrombuyers.Biddersincreaseprice sequentially reverse auction (逆向拍卖) 逆向拍卖指一种存有一位买方和许多潜在卖方的拍卖形式。Reverse auction refers to a kind of being a many potential buyer and sellers auction. the advantages and disadvantages of different pricing methods 成本导向定价法:保证企业所有成本得到补偿,但是效率低。Cost oriented pricingmethod: ensure all cost compensation,but the efficiency is low.竞争导向定价法:随市场定价,利于竞争,利益无保证。Competition oriented pricing method: along with the market pricing, competition, benefit guaranteed.顾客导向定价法:适应顾客需求,但是那一衡量。Customer oriented pricing method: to meet the needs of customers, but the measure. Mass production (大规模生产) 根据客户的个性化需求,以大批量生产的低成本、高质量和效率提供定制产品和服务的 生产方式。According to the personalized needs of customers, with mass production of low cost, high quality and efficiency to provide customized products and service mode of production. Personalization (个性化)根据客户的制定来实现,以满足客户需求According to the customer to achieve to meet customer demand Social computing (社会计算) 一个旨在使人机界面更自然的方法An approach aimed at making the human-computer interface more natural Build-to-order (按订单加工) 生产流程,从订单开始。A manufacturing process that starts with an order corporate portal (企业门户网站) 网关主要通过它的员工、业务伙伴和公众可以进入企业网站A major gateway through which employees, business partners, and the public can enter a corporate Web site online store e-marketplace (电子市场) 买家和卖家满足交换货物、服务、资金,或信息的电子交易市场An online marketplace where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods, services, money, or information virtual world (虚拟世界) 一个用户定义的世界里,人们可以交流,玩耍,做业务。最广为人知的虚拟世界“第二人 生”A user-defined world in which people can interact, play, and do business. The most publicized virtual world is Second Life。 Disin termedia tion (非中介化)消除卖家和买家之间的中介Elimination of intermediaries between sellers and buyers Rein termedia tion (中介角色) 去中介化实体或新生的中介角色Disintermediated entities or newcomers take on new intermediary roles Strategic sourcing (战略采购) 购买涉及长期合同,通常是基于私人卖家和买家之间的谈判Purchases involving long-term contracts that usually are based on privatenegotiations between sellers and buyersSpot buying (现货购买)购买需要的商品和服务,通常在当时的市场价格The purchase of goods and services as they are needed, usually at prevailing market pricesDirect materials (直接材料)被用于生产产品的材料Materials used in the production of a productIndirect mat erials (间接材料)用于支持生产的材料Materials used to support productionOperational materials (操作材料)用于支持生产活动的间接材料Indirect materials used in activities that support production Channel conflic t (渠道冲突)由于从竞争中所感受到的或真实的损害使得在线营销代替传统营销的一种情况。Situation in which an online marketing channel upsets the traditional channels due to real or perceived damage from competitionMass marke ting (大众营销)使用同样的营销组合模糊地针对每一个顾客Use the same marketing mix vaguely for each customerRelationship marketing (关系营销)把营销活动看成是一个企业与消费者互动的过程The marketing activities as a process of enterprise and the consumer interaction Market segmentation (市场纟细分)将消费者市场划分为进行市场研究和分析个人信息的逻辑分组的过程The process of dividing a consumer market into logical groups for conducting marketing research and analyzing personal informationSpamming (垃圾邮件)电子垃圾邮件The electronic equivalent of junk mailTrojan horse计算机领域中指的是一种后门程序,黑客用来窃取他人信息或远程控制电脑的技术。Computing the middle finger is a backdoor, hackers to steal others information or remote control computer technology.Phishing (钓鱼) 指伪装成电子商务网站,窃取用户提交的银行帐号、密码等私密信息的网站。Refers to the disguised as e-commerce sites, steal the user submits the bank account number, password, and other private information website.Social engineering (社会工程)使用一些诱骗技术或动作来妥协计算机的一种非技术性攻击。Atypeofnontechnicalattackthatusessomerusetotrickusersintorevealing information or performing an action that compromises a computer or network Procurement management (采购管理)规划,组织和协调所有活动相关的采购商品和服务需要完成组织的使命The planning, organizing, and coordinating of all the activities relating to purchasing goods and services needed to accomplish the organizations mission Supply chain management (供应链管理) 多个活动相互合作,使产品由生产商到消费者的管理过程 Multipleactivecooperation,maketheproductmanagementprocessfromproducer to consumer Knowledge management (知识管理) 捕获、创造,存储,不断地更新,传播,在必要时使用知识的过程中。The process of capturing or creating knowledge, storing it, updating it constantly, disseminating it, and using it whenever necessary Cus tomer rela tionship managemen t(顾客关系管理) 企业以满足顾客满意为目标,使能在市场上维持竞争力的管理过程In order to meet customer satisfaction as the goal of the enterprise, make management process can maintain a competitive edge in the market Behavioral targeting (行为命中) 通过用户浏览行为,选择向个人展示广告。Through a user browsing behavior, select show personal ads. Personalized marketing (个性化营销) 根据不同客户的喜好,向他们制定不同产品The be fond of according to different customers, to develop different products to them. Collaborative filtering (协同过滤) 市场研究和个性化的方法,使用客户数据预测,其他什么产品或服务客户可以享受。Amarketresearchandpersonalizationmethodthatusescustomerdatatopredict, what other products or services a customer may enjoy。 User profiling(用户分析) 用户的喜好、行为、需求和数据统计的制定The requirement , preferences ,behaivors and demographic traits of a customer. CPFR (协同式供应链库存管理)为了供应链中的原材料最优,供应商与零售商在计划及需求预测过程中协作的项目。Forrawmaterials,theoptimalofthesupplychain,suppliersandretailersin the process of planning and demand forecasting collaborative projects. Payment tools (支付工具) 经济活动的一种交易方式,如支付宝Economic activity of a kind of way to trade, such as alipay Intellectual assets (知识产权) 去也拥有的,未来给企业带来经济利益的知识To have, to bring economic benefits to the enterprise knowledge in the future Organizational behavior and marketing (组织行为营销)指发生在组织与组织之间的营销,其目的是在两个或多个组织之间交换产品与服务。 Referstothemarketingofoccurbetweentheorganizationandtheorganization, its purpose is between two or more organizations to exchange products and services. Internet+ 互联网+就是使互联网融入社会各行各业中,使互联网与传统行业相结合,促进各行各 业产业发展。Internet + is to make the Internet into the social from all walks of life, the Internet and traditional industries combined, promote the development of industry in all walks of life. how ecommerce impacts on industry 电子商务的出现打破了传统的时间与空间的界线,让竞争的区域由局部转向 了更大的 范围,将传统的竞争区域又一次扩大到互联网络。电子商务改变了产业经营与竞争等多 方面的法则,减少无效中间商,提高供应链的运作效率。The emergence of electronic commerce has broken the traditional boundaries of time and space, make the competition area from the local to the larger range, the traditional competition area expanded to the Internet again. E-commerce has changedtheaspectsofindustryoperationandcompetitionrules,reduceinvalid middlemen, improve the operational efficiency of the supply chain.


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