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凝聚共识 促进亚洲健康可持续发展Asia: Coming together for Sound and Sustainable Development在博鳌亚洲论坛2012年年会开幕式上的演讲Speech at the Opening Plenary of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012中华人民共和国国务院副总理 李克强by H.E. Li KeqiangVice Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China2012年4月2日,中国博鳌Boao, China, 2 April 2012尊敬的各位贵宾, 女士们、先生们,朋友们:Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,很高兴参加博鳌亚洲论坛2012年年会,与来自世界各国的朋友们见面。我们开会的 地方博鳌,十多年前还是一个鲜为人知的小渔村,现在已成为可以共商亚洲发展之计的 大平台。博鳌是在中国和亚洲开放发展中快速成长起来的,它的开放与变化表明了中国与亚 洲、亚洲与世界的联系日益密切。可以说,身在博鳌能够“博览天下”、“博采众长”,博鳌 论坛是一个立足亚洲、面向世界、开放包容的大平台。论坛本次年会以变革的世界为背景, 谋求亚洲健康与可持续发展,很有意义。在此,我谨代表中国政府,对年会的召开表示热烈 祝贺!对各位远道而来的嘉宾表示诚挚欢迎!It is my great pleasure to join friends from the world at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2012. More than a decade ago, Boao was still a small fishing village little known to the outside world. Today, it has become a major platform for people to compare notes on issues important to Asias development. Boao has grown through the opening-up and development of Asia and China, its opening-up and changes have reflected how deeply connected China and Asia, Asia and the world have become. This gathering gives all of us a good opportunity to look at our world and learn from each other. The Boao Forum is an open and inclusive platform, based in Asia yet with a global perspective. This year s theme “Asia in the Changing World: Moving Toward Sound and Sustainable Development” is a highly relevant one. On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations on the opening of the conference and our sincere welcome to all the participants coming from afar.世界在关注亚洲,亚洲也在关注世界。当今时代,国际形势正在发生深刻复杂的调整和 变化。我们看到,虽然全球经济显露恢复的迹象,一些国家出现好的增长兆头,但国际金融 危机深层次影响尚未消除,欧洲主权债务危机还在持续,实现世界经济全面复苏仍然是一个 长期艰难曲折的过程。同时,世界经济结构调整步伐加快,新一轮科技变革与产业创新正在孕育,经济全球化、区域一体化在曲折中推进,国际政治经济秩序深刻调整,新兴经济体的 重要性日益显现。As the world sets its eyes on Asia, Asia is also looking at the world. Right now, profound and complex adjustment and changes are taking place around the globe. Although the world economy has shown signs of recovery and growth outlook in some countries gives reasons for optimism, the underlying impacts of the international financial crisis are still with us. The sovereign debt crisis in Europe persists. Achieving a full global recovery will remain a long and arduous process. At the same time, a new round of technological progress and industrial innovation is in the offing, as worldwide economic restructuring is picking up speed, economic globalization and regional integration moving forward despite twists and turns, adjustment in international political and economic order going into greater depth and the emerging economies playing even greater roles.博鳌论坛诞生于亚洲金融危机之后。十多年来,亚洲国家在应对风险中提高了自身免疫 力,在调整变革中促进了经济健康发展。这次国际金融危机中,亚洲经济率先复苏,呈现出 比较好的基本面。目前,亚洲经济总量已占世界的3 0%以上,亚洲经济增长对世界的贡献 率超过3 0%。亚洲成为全球新兴经济体最为集中的地区,后发优势和发展潜能进一步展现。This Forum came into being in the wake of the Asian financial crisis. In the past decade and more, Asian countries have acquired greater resilience in dealing with risks and endeavored to promote sound economic development through adjustment and reform. In the current international financial crisis, Asian economy has been the first to recover and displayed solid fundamentals. Asia now accounts for over 30 percent of global GDP. Asia s contribution to global growth also surpasses 30 percent. This region hosts more emerging economies than any other part of the world, and its late-development advantages and development potential have become more evident.当然,亚洲许多国家发展水平总体较低,区域内各国发展差距仍然很大,资源环境制约 日益加剧,地区安全稳定存在挑战,发展的道路并非平坦,成长中的烦恼也不少。同时,一 些国家和地区还面临经济增长下行、物价上涨、就业压力加大等问题。这些都需要认真加以 对待。Admittedly though, the overall level of development in many Asian countries is still quite low. There are significant development gaps between different Asian countries. Resource and environmental constraints are worsening. Regional security and stability face challenges. The road towards development will not be all smooth and there will be plenty of growing pains. Meanwhile, some countries and regions must still come to grips with such problems as economic slowdown, rising prices and mounting employment pressure. These issues all call for serious attention.亚洲的发展,机遇和挑战并存,希望和困难同在;但机遇多于挑战,困难可以克服。回 顾历史,亚洲孕育了多个文明,创造过辉煌。近代以来,亚洲历经磨难和考验,在奋斗中不 断发展。现在,亚洲已经站在一个新的起点上,自强不息、开拓进取的亚洲人民正在携手创 造新的崛起,面向世界,走向未来,迈向现代化。在世界调整与变革的大势下,我们愿与亚 洲各国一道,凝聚共识,携手努力,应对挑战,战胜困难,共同推动亚洲健康与可持续发展。We know that in Asias development, opportunities and challenges and hopes and difficulties exist side by side. We also know that opportunities and hopes outweigh challenges and difficulties. History recalls that Asia was the cradle of several proud civilizations and the region where splendor was created profusely. In modern times, Asia has gone through trials and tribulations and worked relentlessly for development. Today, Asia is at a new starting point. The resilient and enterprising people in Asia are working together to embrace a new rise, thus bringing themselves to the world, to a better future and to modernity. In this changing world, China is ready to work with other Asian countries to jointly cope with challenges and overcome difficulties, so to push forward Asias sound and sustainable development.一是立足内生增长。这是亚洲健康与可持续发展的独特优势,也是亚洲开放型经济发展 的新趋势。亚洲人口约占全球的4 5%,绝大多数国家是发展中国家,各国国内和各国之间 发展不平衡,内需市场潜力巨大。亚洲还拥有世界上最多的劳动人口,有最大的工程师与科 研人员队伍,人力资源优势明显。在继续发挥比较优势、参与全球竞争的同时,着力开拓内 需市场;在保持投资适度增长、增加要素投入的同时,充分发挥消费的作用,发挥科技进步 和劳动者素质提高的潜能,亚洲经济是能够实现强劲、可持续、平衡增长的。First, we should promote internal drivers of growth. Here lies Asias unique advantage in achieving sound and sustainable development. It is also the new trend in the open economic development in Asia. Asia is home to around 45 percent of the world s population. Most Asian countries are developing countries. Development is uneven both inside individual countries and among them, which gives a huge potential in their markets of domestic demand. Asia also has the worlds largest labor force and the largest pool of engineers and scientific researchers, enjoying a remarkable edge in human resources. While continuing to unleash its comparative advantages in global competition, it is important for Asia to explore and expand markets of domestic demand, and while maintaining measured investment growth and increased factors input, Asia should fully tap the potential of consumer spending, technological upgrading and improvement of labor skills. In so doing, Asias economy will be able to achieve robust, sustainable and balanced growth.二是秉承开放包容。这是亚洲健康与可持续发展的必然要求。过去亚洲经济的快速增长 是在开放中实现的,今后亚洲进一步发展仍需坚持开放,包括向世界开放和各国相互开放。 实行开放的地区政策,在开放中相互促进、取长补短,对亚洲持久发展意义重大。各国应增 进相互信任,加强学习借鉴,倡导包容性增长,在重大国际和地区问题上保持沟通协调,积 极应对气候变化、粮食和能源资源安全等全球性挑战,主动参与全球治理结构和国际金融体 系调整改革。同时,我们欢迎地区外国家参与亚洲发展进程并发挥建设性作用。这有利于促 进亚洲繁荣,有利于促进新兴经济体与发达经济体深化合作,有利于世界和平、稳定和发展。 参加本次年会的嘉宾有1/3来自欧美国家,这从一个侧面反映了亚洲更加开放。Second, we should stay open and inclusive. Here lies the inevitable requirement for Asia s sound and sustainable development. The fast growth Asia has achieved in the past is due to its openness. Asia should stay open, both to the world and among its members. Open regionalism with mutual learning is crucial to the sustained development of Asia. Countries in Asia should enhance their mutual trust, draw on each others strength, advocate inclusive growth, maintain communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, and get actively involved in addressing climate change, food, energy and resources security and other global challenges as well as adjustment and reform of the global governance structure and international financial system. At the same time, we welcome involvement of countries outside the region in Asias development and a constructive role they play in this process, for this serves to promote Asias prosperity, enhance deepened cooperation between emerging economies and developed ones and is conducive to the peace, stability and development of the world. One third of the guests to this years forum come from European and American countries, which has reflected a more open Asia.三是实现互利共赢。这是亚洲健康与可持续发展的有效途径。近年来,亚洲国家之间各 种务实合作不断加深,东南亚、中亚、东北亚、南亚等区域合作成果丰硕。目前,亚洲区域 内贸易占全部贸易的比重已超过5 0%,彼此在合作中获得了发展的红利。新的形势下,需 要各国继续加强磋商与合作,推动全球贸易自由化、投资便利化,反对各种形式的保护主义, 提升交通、通信、能源等基础设施互联互通和网络化水平,深化区域及次区域合作,促进亚 洲和世界各国共同发展。开放合作于人有利,于己有利,是互利共赢之路。Third, we should go after mutual benefit and win-win result. Here lies the effective way for Asias sound and sustainable development. In recent years, Asian countries have deepened their practical cooperation of various types through fruitful cooperation programs in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Northeast Asia and South Asia. Intra-Asian trade has accounted for over half of Asian countries total foreign trade, allowing them to reap handsome dividends for development. Under the new circumstances, Asian countries need to further enhance their consultation and cooperation, promote trade liberalization and investment facilitation, oppose all forms of protectionism, upgrade the connectivity and networks of transport, communication and energy infrastructure, deepen regional and sub-regional cooperation, and work to promote common development between Asia and the rest of the world. Openness and cooperation benefits all and leads to win-win progress.四是促进团结和谐。这是亚洲健康与可持续发展的有力保障。亚洲各国体制和模式多样, 民族和文化多元,团结互助格外重要。建设一个和平、团结、和谐的亚洲,需要继续发扬同 舟共济的精神,共同应对金融危机冲击和经济风险挑战,共同克服重大自然灾害的影响,共 同解决发展中遇到的阶段性难题;需要在经济发展中更加重视社会公平正义,更多帮助欠发 达地区和困难群体,促进各国人民共享发展的成果。Fourth, we should advocate solidarity and harmony. Here lies the strong guarantee for Asia s sound and sustainable development. Given the Asian countries differences in social system and development model and diversity in ethnic structure and cultural heritage, solidarity and mutual assistance in Asia is of particular importance. A peaceful, united and harmonious Asia requires that we continue working together like passengers traveling in the same boat and make concerted efforts to respond to the impact of financial and economic crises, mitigate major natural disasters and address development bottlenecks. We are also required to place greater importance on social equity and justice while pursuing economic development, give greater help to underdeveloped areas and distressed groups and ensure that people of all countries can share the fruits of development.五是坚持和平发展。这是亚洲健康与可持续发展的重要基石。亚洲之所以能够取得今天 的发展成就,很大程度上得益于长期保持了总体和平稳定的局面。在经济全球化和新的国际 体系中,各国和亚洲的繁荣发展,应当也只能通过和平与合作来实现。从战略高度考虑彼此 关系,求同存异,寻求利益最大交汇点,是各方根本利益和长远利益所在。无论是以往的遗 留问题,还是现实的分歧和争端,只要有关各方从维护相互友好关系和发展大局出发,尊重 历史,遵循国际关系的基本准则,是能够通过对话协商与和平谈判解决的。这是亚洲之福、 世界之幸。Fifth, we should stay committed to peaceful development. Here lies the vital cornerstone for Asias sound and sustainable development. Asias success in development is largely attributable to the overall peace and stability the region has enjoyed over the years. With ongoing economic globalization and the changing international system, Asia and the countries in the region should and must achieve their growth and prosperity through peace and cooperation. Countries will have their fundamental and long-term interests served if they view their relations with each other from a strategic perspective, seek common ground while reserving differences and seek the maximum convergence of interests. As long as the parties concerned proceed from the larger picture of friendly relations among Asian countries and the development of Asia as a whole, respect history, and abide by the basic norms governing international relations, we will be able to solve our problems through dialogue, consultation and peaceful negotiation, be it issues left over from history or differences and disputes of the day. It will be a blessing for both Asia and the world.女士们、先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,中国是亚洲大家庭的一员,中国经济与亚洲经济密不可分。中国坚持走经济社会全面协 调可持续的科学发展之路,也将为亚洲健康与可持续发展贡献力量。近年来,中国经济继续 朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展,实现了经济平稳较快增长和民生不断改善。中国经济的基本 面是好的,发展的态势没有改变,有条件保持经济长期平稳较快发展。As a member of the Asian family, China is closely interdependent with Asia economically. A China that is committed to scientific development, which features comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development, will contribute to a sound and sustainable development in Asia. In recent years, China s economy has grown in line with macro-economic management. The economic growth has been fairly fast and people s lives have been improved. The fundamentals of Chinas economy are sound. The country has not changed its course of development and is capable of maintaining long-term, steady and fairly fast development.我们也认识到,中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持 续问题依然突出,一些结构性矛盾凸显,需要逐步解决。当前,我们将按照推动科学发展、 加快转变经济发展方式的要求,把握稳中求进的总基调,既立足当前,稳增长、控物价、促 和谐;又着眼长远,在调结构、惠民生、抓改革等方面取得新进展,继续促进中国经济社会 全面协调可持续发展。We should also be mindful that China remains the largest developing country in the world. There is a serious lack of balance, coordination and sustainability in its development, and some outstanding structural problems need to be addressed gradually. At present, we will seek progress while maintaining stability as we work to promote scientific development and move faster in changing the growth model. We will address the immediate needs by ensuring steady growth, controlling price level and promoting harmony while keeping an eye on the future by ensuring fresh progress in structural adjustment, improvement in peoples livelihood and continued reforms with a view to promoting a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development in China.继续促进中国经济社会发展,加快转型是关键。加快转变经济发展方式是中国“十二五” 发展的主线,经济结构战略性调整是转方式的主攻方向,扩大内需是结构调整的首要任务, 城镇化是中国内需最大的潜力所在。中国人口多,地域辽阔,正处于工业化、城镇化持续发 展的阶段。去年城镇人口比率刚刚超过5 0%,每提高1个百分点就会有1 0 0 0多万人口 从农村转入城镇,能够释放巨大的消费和投资需求。同时,提升工业发展水平,促进服务业 加快发展并提升其比重,可以为扩大内需、增加就业提供强有力的产业支撑;保障粮食安全、 保护生态环境、发展现代农业,可以为扩大内需奠定坚实的物质基础。总之,协调推进工业 化、城镇化和农业现代化,实行“三化”并举,是中国现代化的必由路径,也是转方式、调 结构、扩内需的战略举措,可以助推中国在“十二五”期间乃至更长时期保持经济适度较快 增长,不断提高发展的质量和效益。A faster shift of the growth model holds the key to continued economic and social development in China. China s 12th Five-Year Plan calls for faster change of the growth model, which makes strategic adjustment of the country s economic structure a top priority. The primary task of the structural adjustment is to expand domestic demand, and the best way to do that lies in urbanization. China has a large population and vast areas. The country as a whole is in the middle of ongoing industrialization and urbanization. Last year, Chinas urbanization rate for the first time exceeded 50 percent. Each additional percentage point in this figure means more than 10 million rural residents becoming city dwellers, along with their enormous demand for consumption and investment. At the same time, upgrading industries and speeding up the development of service sector for its larger share in the economy can provide a strong industrial support for larger domestic demand and more employment. What is more, better food security, better protection of the ecosystem and development of a modern agriculture can lay a solid material foundation for larger domestic demand. In a word, continued industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization pushed in a balanced way is the necessary path for Chinas modernization. It is also a strategic move to ensure the shift of the growth model, structural adjustment and larger domestic demand. This move will help China maintain fairly rapid economic growth in the 12th Five-Year Plan period and beyond while improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of development.继续促进中国经济社会发展,改善民生是根本。我们加快转型、调整结构,根本目的是 保障和改善民生。而保障和改善民生又有利于增加收入、刺激消费、开拓市场,发展经济与 改善民生相辅相成,可以形成良性互动。中国正在进行的就业扶持、保障性安居工程建设、 全民医保等医改重点工作的推进、集中连片扶贫攻坚等都是重大民生工程,也是重大发展工 程。实施这些工程,致力于保障群众基本生活,同时增加中低收入者收入,都是调节收入分 配的重大措施。我们将着眼于提高人民生活水平和质量,构建社会保障的安全网,推进基本 公共服务均等化,鼓励就业创业,努力实现居民收入增长和经济发展同步,提高居民消费能 力,扩大国内需求,使现代化建设不断向前推进,使全体人民共享成果、切实受益。Improved livelihood is the ultimate goal of continued economic and social development in China. The fundamental goal of our efforts to accelerate the transformation of the growth model and adjust structure is to ensure and improve peoples livelihood. This would increase peoples income, stimulate consumption and expand market demand. Our efforts to promote growth and our endeavor to improve people s lives reinforce each other. China is implementing such projects as employment support, social housing, full coverage of health care and large-scale poverty alleviation. These major projects are important to people s livelihood and China s development. Aimed at ensuring peoples basic livelihood and raising the income of the low-income groups, these are also major measures to regulate income distribution. We will, with a view to raising the level and quality of peoples lives, build a social security net, promote equal access to basic public services and encourage the people to go for employment or to create jobs. We will raise people s income in tandem with economic growth and expand consumption and domestic demand. Our purpose is to make steady progress in China s modernization drive and bring benefits to the entire population.继续促进中国经济社会发展,改革创新是动力。3 0多年来中国发展取得巨大成就,进 入新世纪后现代化建设迈出重大步伐,靠的是改革开放。面对世情、国情的深刻变化,破除 那些不利于经济发展方式转变的体制机制障碍,还是要靠改革开放。中国改革已进入攻坚时 期。我们将深化财税、金融、价格、收入分配、企业等方面改革,努力在重点领域和关键环 节实现新突破,更好地发挥市场机制在资源配置中的基础性作用,全面推进制度创新、技术 创新、管理创新,注重增强发展的内生动力和内在活力。中国扩大内需是在对外开放条件下 进行的。我们坚持实行更加积极主动的开放战略,实行出口和进口并重、利用外资和对外投 资并举,有重点地扩大进口、促进对外贸易平衡发展,努力提高开放型经济发展水平。中国 对内外资企业一视同仁,致力于营造公开透明、公平竞争、可预期的市场和法治环境,加大 知识产权保护力度,促进各类企业在创新转型中共同发展。Reform and innovation provide the driving force for continued economic and social development in China. It is reform and opening-up that has delivered the remarkable progress in Chinas development over the past 30-odd years and its significant strides forward in modernization in the 21st century. Faced with the profound changes in international and domestic landscapes, we must let reform and opening-up continue to lead the way in removing the institutional obstacles that hamper the shift of the growth model. China has entered the critical stage of reform. We will deepen reform of the fiscal sector, taxation, finance, pricing, income distribution and enterprises, endeavor to make breakthroughs in the key areas and key links, bring into better play the markets fundamental role in resource allocation and advance institutional, technological and management innovation in an all-round way so as to increase the internal driving force and dynamism of development. Chinas efforts to expand domestic demand are made in the context of continued opening-up. Going forward, we will adopt an even more proactive opening-up strategy, attach equal importance to export and import, continue to welcome foreign investment while promoting investment overseas, increase import with priorities, promote balanced development of foreign trade and endeavor to raise the level of an open economy. China gives equal treatment to domestic and foreign-invested enterprises. China is dedicated to creating an open, transparent, fair, competitive and predictable marketplace and legal environment. China will step up IPR protection and promote the common development of all types of enterprises through innovation and shift of the growth model.女士们、先生们!Ladies and gentlemen,中国把扩大对亚洲开放作为对外开放的战略重点。目前,中国是亚洲第一大进口市场, 是许多亚洲经济体的最大贸易伙伴,也是亚洲重要的投资来源地,与亚洲国家各领域交往十 分频繁。我们愿与各有关国家一道,继续推进中国东盟、上合组织、中日韩、东盟和中日 韩、亚太经合组织等区域合作机制建设,推进双边与多边自贸区建设,拓展在新兴产业、基 础设施、金融、科技等方面的合作;扩大人文合作尤其是青年交流和民间往来,推进文化交 流与文明对话,增进各国人民友谊。China makes greater openness to Asia the strategic priority in its opening-up policy. China is now Asias largest importer, the largest trading partner of many Asian economies and an important source of investment for Asia. China enjoys highly frequent exchanges in various fields with the rest of Asia. We are ready to work with relevant countries to improve such regional cooperation mechanisms as China-ASEAN cooperation, the Shanghai Coopera


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