益生菌≠益生元 正确服菌有助养生

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益生菌≠益生元 正确服菌有助养生_第1页
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“许多人都不知道益生菌是什么,益生元又是什么,常常把二者混淆起来,也常常有人问, 益生菌真的有广告上说的那么好吗?真的只要喝酸奶就能补充足够的益生菌吗?”在 8 月 27日由广东省食品学会主办、信息时报承办的“健康有益一014年益生菌益生元高峰 论坛”上,奶业专家王丁棉如此表示。中国对益生菌的研究到了20世纪90年代才重新开始, 比起发达国家晚了许多,如今,人们已经认识到了补充益生菌和保持肠道健康对人体健康的 积极影响,然而对于益生菌、益生元,却有着诸多迷思。就让专家们来答疑解惑吧! 受访专家: 浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院食品科学与营养系教授、博士生导师 何国庆 广东省奶业协会副会长、奶业专家 王丁棉 广东省妇幼保健院院长 陈运彬 量子高科首席科学家、教授 魏远安喝酸奶工补充益生菌搭配益生元服用效果更好 说到益生菌,人们并不陌生,市场上的益生菌产品层出不穷,包括蒙牛、伊利、光明在 内的各大乳制品企业纷纷开始抢占益生菌酸奶市场,浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院 食品科学与营养系教授、博士生导师何国庆表示:“酸奶并不能等同益生菌,也并不是所有 的细菌都能称为益生菌,国际上对益生菌有非常明确的定义只有活的、有足够数量并对 宿主产生有益影响的微生物菌种才能被称为益生菌。不是所有的酸奶都能改善胃肠道健康, 只有被临床研究证实的才能证明其有效性。”也就是说,喝酸奶的行为并不完全等于补充益 生菌,只有酸奶中的菌种成功到达并根植于大肠并对宿主产生好的影响才能说补充了益生 菌。酸奶中的细菌从口腔到达大肠需要经过一段漫长的旅程,它必须经受住胃酸与小肠中碱 性消化液的“考验”,在消化道中经过的过程会使大多数菌种死亡,到达肠道的寥寥无几, 这时候就需要益生元的保驾护航。据介绍,目前中国消费者对于益生元并不了解,它是一种 通过选择性地刺激一种或少数种菌落中的细菌的生长与活性而对寄主产生有益的影响从而 改善寄主健康的不可被消化的食品成分,通俗地说,益生元是益生菌的“饵食”。大多数益 生元属于碳水化合物,其中异麦芽低聚糖和低聚果糖是益生元中的杰出代表。量子高科首席科学家魏远安教授在接受采访时表示:“益生元有许多可取之处。首先, 它只会刺激有益菌群的生长,而不是有潜在致病性或腐败活性的有害细菌,这也从侧面促进 了人体益生菌的生长,促进肠道健康;其次,益生元有甜味,但是它不会被胃肠道吸收,只 会直接到达大肠刺激菌群生长,也就是说,它不会给人体提供额外的能量,也不会进入血液 系统对血糖值造成波动影响,适合任何人群服用且几乎没有副作用。因此,如果人们在补充 益生菌的时候相应也补充一些益生元,不但不会对肠道产生负面影响,还能让益生元更好地 为益生菌保驾护航,促进肠道健康。”喝酸奶当心糖摄入过多,冷藏保存是关键 喝酸奶怎么喝、喝多少才健康是几乎所有的消费者都关心的问题。广东省妇幼保健院院 长陈运彬表示,对于正常人来说每天摄入 5 亿个菌较为合适,按照目前国家制定的 GB 19302-2010发酵乳国家标准,乳酸菌数应三106个/ml,如果考虑活菌在消化道中的损失, “每天喝 1-2 小瓶是没有问题的”。但陈运彬同时提醒,由于乳酸菌以碳水化合物为食,生 产厂家为了尽可能保证乳酸菌的活性,同时改善风味,往往会添加大量的糖。市场上益生菌 产品规格大小不同,但如果选择大包装的益生菌产品,很有可能导致糖摄入过多,消费者应 当引起重视。奶业专家王丁棉在会上提醒称,一部分益生菌产品会在包装上写清楚需要在2-7度的温 度下冷藏,一部分却只在包装上写冷藏为佳,后者其实是对消费者的欺骗。益生菌只有低温 环境中才能最大可能地保持活性,而非在进入人体之前就死亡,因此消费者在购买时应当看 清楚包装,在购买以后尽快饮用,如果需要储存,则最好在购买后以最快的速度放入冰箱中 保存。消费者选购酸奶应当按照自己的需求来选 大多数营养专家认为,购买酸奶时应当首先关注酸奶中含有的蛋白质,尽量选购蛋白质 含量高的,一般蛋白质含量为 1g/100ml 左右的乳酸菌饮料,因其含有的糖分多而蛋白质少 被认为营养价值不佳,不予推荐。王丁棉表示:“购买酸奶时,到底选择哪一种酸奶产品, 应当根据消费者自身的需求来选择。以目前我国的乳酸菌产品生产水平,营养价值和活菌量 二者不可兼得。”王丁棉指出,消费者大多会将蛋白质作为购买酸奶的第一参考指标,市场上大多数发酵 乳均为保加利亚活杆菌、嗜热链球菌为基本发酵菌种,配合以其他的菌种发酵而成,但事实 上,这两种菌种耐酸性较差,在经过胃部时会大量死亡,难以提供给人体需求量的活菌。“如 同我们前面讲的,如果消费者是以补充蛋白质为目的,那么选择蛋白质含量高的这一类型的 发酵乳比较好;但是如果消费者以补充肠道益生菌为目的,那么就可以选择乳酸菌饮料。这 一类饮料蛋白质含量低,但使用的菌种较多,活菌数量也更大,更经得起人体消化道的折 腾。因此说,乳酸菌产品没有一定好的或者不好的,消费者应当根据自己的需求来选择产 品。”但市场上各种益生菌产品层出不穷,使用的菌种也五花八门,对于消费者来说, 哪种菌种才是自己适合的,才能达到自己缓解便秘、减肥或美容养颜的目的呢? 该怎么选择才好呢?陈运彬表示,不同的人对于菌种的耐受程度不同,适合于别 人的,未必适合自己。他举例称:“我母亲有习惯性的腹泻,吃了东西就很容易 腹泻,为了调节肠道环境,她几乎尝试了市场上的所有产品,终于找到一款对她 有用的,其他的产品别人吃了很好,对她却没用。因此我建议消费者不要盲目听 从别人的建议,最重要的是选择自己适合的产品,进行为期一周的尝试,如果有 效,那就继续吃;如果不行,那就换一种。” A lot of people dont know what is the probiotics, prebiotics is what, ofte n conf use the two. Together, ofte n some one asked, probiotics are advertised? Really just dr in kyogurt can add eno ugh probiotics? In August 27th by the Guangdong Prov in cialFood Associati on, inf ormati on times hosted the 2014 health - probiotics, prebioticsSummit Forum, the dairy in dustry expert Wang Dingmian said. China study ofprobiotics in twentieth Century 90 time only to re start, compared with developed coun tries, a lot of late, now, people have realized the probiotics and maintain in test inal health positive effects on huma n health, however, probiotics, prebiotics, but there are many myths. Let the experts to an swer questi ons!Resp ondents expert:Zhejia ng Uni versity biological systems engin eer ing and PhD Professor, Departme nt of food scie nee and Nutriti on In stitute of food scie nee tutor He GuoqingVice preside nt of Guangdong Prov ince Dairy Associati on, dairy in dustry expert Wang Di ngmia nGuangdong Prov in cial Mater nity and Child Care Cen ter Dean Chen YunbinLead researcher Professor, qua ntum Gaoke Wei YuananDrink yoghurt + probiotics with prebiotics take effect is betterSpeak ing of probiotics, people is not n ew, probiotic products on the market emerge in an en dless stream, the Daru products en terprises in clud ing Mengniu, Yili, Guangmin g,have started to seize the probiotic yogurt Market, the Zhejia ng Uni versity, Departme nt of engin eer ing and scie nee and bus in ess of food scie nee professor, tutor of abiological system, He Guoqing said: not equal probiotic yogurt, and not all bacteria are called probiotics, in ter nati onal have very clear defi niti on - only the liv ing, there isa sufficient number and microbial strains can produce beneficial effects on the hostare called probiotics in probiotic. Not all of the yogurt can improve gastro in test in alhealth, only to be con firmed in cli ni cal research to prove its effective ness. That is to say, dr ink yoghurt behavior is not completely equal to a probiotic suppleme nt, only in the yogurt bacteria successfully reached and rooted in the large intestine and in flue nee to the host added probiotics.The bacteria in yogurt from the oral to Escherichia need after a long journey, it must withsta nd the alkali ne acid digesti on in the small i ntesti ne and the test, i n the digestive tract after process will make the most of bacterial death, in test inal sca ntyarrived, it requires the prebiotic escort. Reportedly, the current Chinese consumersfor prebiotic does not understand, it is the growth and activity of a selectively stimulated through one or a few species of bacteria was the host to produce ben eficial effects to improve host health food in gredie nts can not be digested, popularly says, isprebiotics probiotics bait. The majority of prebiotics are carbohydrates, in clud in gisomaltose oligosaccharide and fructo oligosaccharide is the outstanding representative of prebiotics in.Qua ntum Gaoke chief scie ntist Professor Wei Yuanan said in an in terview: prebioticshas many good poin ts. First of all, it will stimulate the growth of ben eficial bacteria,rather tha n a pote ntially harmful bacteria pathoge nic or spoilage activity, this is also from the side to promote the huma n body growth of probiotics, to promote in testi nalhealth; sec on dly, prebiotics are sweet, but it wont be absorbed in the gastro in test inal tract, can only directly to reach E. stimulati on flora growth, that is to say, it is not the body to provide extra en ergy, can not en ter the blood system value fluctuation effect on blood glucose level, suitable for any crowd tak ing and almost no side effects.Therefore, if people in a probiotic suppleme nt corresp onding also to add someprebiotics, not only will not have a n egative effect on in testi nal prebiotics, can makebetter probiotics Escort , promote in testi nal health.Dri nk yoghurt to beware of the in take of too much sugar, cold storage is the keyHow to dri nk, dri nk yoghurt dr ink how much health is almost all con sumers are con cer ned about the problem. Guangdong Prov in cial Mater nity and Child Care Cen ter Dean Chen Yunbin said, for n ormal people daily in take of 500000000 bacteria is more www.meiguoqia ngge appropriate, accord ing to the n ati onal n ati onal standard GB 19302-2010 fermented milk, lactic acid bacteria number should ben 106/ml, if we consider the loss of viable bacteria in the digestive tract, drink 1-2 vial every day is no problem. But Chen Yunbin also rem ind, due to lactic acid bacteria feed on the carbs, manu facturers in order to en sure the activity of lactic acid bacteria, and improve the flavor, often addinga lot of sugar. The market of probiotic products of different specifications and sizes,but if the choice of probiotic products packaging, is likely to cause too much sugar in take, con sumers should pay atte nti on to.Dairy in dustry experts at the meeti ng Wang Din gmia n war ned, part of probiotic products on the packag ing clearly n eed to be refrigerated at 2-7 degrees temperature, some only write on the packaging storage is better, the latter is con sumer decepti on. Probiotics can only in low temperature en vir onment will rema in active, rather tha n death just before en tered the body, so con sumers in the purchaseshould see the packag ing, to buy as soon as possible after dr inkin g, if you n eed tostore, it is best to buy to the fastest speed in the ice box to save.Con sumers buy yogurt should accord ing to their own n eeds to chooseMost nu triti on experts think, should first pay atte nti on to buy yogurt yogurt contain sprote in, to choose a high protein content, protein content of lactic acid bacteria beverage aro und the 1g/100ml, because it www.meiguoqia ngge c on tai ns sugar and protein lessc on sidered nu triti onal value is not good, no t recomme nded. Wang DingThe gen eral prote in content of lactic acid bacteria beverage aro und the 1g/100ml,because it contains sugar and protein less considered poor nutritional value, not recommended. Wang Dingmian said: to buy yogurt, choose a yogurt products,c on sumers should choose accord ing to their own n eeds. The curre nt level of lactic acid bacteria products in China production, nutritional value and live bacteria amo unt two can not have both.Wang Din gmia n poi nts out, most con sumers will protein as a first refere nee in dex to buy yogurt, the market most of fermented milk were Bulgaria live bacillus,Streptococcus thermophilus with basic fermentation, fermentation and other, but in fact, these two kinds of bacteria resista nt to acid is poor, after the stomach will be a lot of death live bacteria, to provide huma n dema nd. As we said before, if the con sumeris to suppleme nt the prote in as the objective, the n select the high prote in content ofthis type of ferme nted milk is good; but if the con sumer for the purpose of in test inal probiotics suppleme nt, you can choose the lactic acid bacteria beverage. This kind of dri nk low prote in content, but more stra ins used, the n umber of live bacteria is greater, toss ing more ame nable to the huma n digestive tract . Therefore, lactic acid bacteria are not n ecessarily good or bad, con sumers should choose products accord ing to their own needs. But all kinds of probiotic products market emerge in an en dless stream, using all kinds of bacteria also, for con sumers, what kind of stra in is suitable, can achieve their ease con stipati on, weight loss or the beauty of the objective? How to choose it? Chen Yun bin said, differe nt people of differe nt stra ins for tolera nee, suitable for others, may not be suitable for their own. His cit ing says: my mother has the habit of diarrhea, eateasy to diarrhea, in order to regulate the in testi nal en vir onment, she tried almost allproducts on the market, an d fin ally found a use to her, other products others eatgood, is of no use to her. Therefore I suggest that con sumers should not bli ndly liste n to the advice of others, the most important is to choose their own products, to try for a week, if effective, then continue to eat; if not, then a change. www.meiguoqia ngge


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