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Module 6 Old and New单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about buildings. Learn to describe buildings. Learn the non-defining relative clauses and the contraction of relative clauses.Write an e-mail. 目标语言功能句式Describing buildings The original wall was 6,300 kilometers long. The airport is within five hours flying time of half the worlds population.Its reservoir is more than 500 kilometers long. The dam is nearly 200 meters high and 1.5 kilometers wide. 词汇1.四会词汇canal, civil, cliff, dam, gorge, date, carving, accommodate, relic, site, generate, harness, historical, narrow, poem, submerge, global, remove, freezing, ridiculous, enormous, foggy, crash 2.认读词汇bulletin, engineering, hydro-electric, reservoir, structure, terminal, construction, watchtower, observatory3.词组date from, dream of, come true, take away, cross out, make a note of, at all, refer to, act out4.重点词汇civil, date, accommodate, relic, site, generate, harness, submerge, remove, ridiculous, enormous语法1. Learn the non-defining relative clauses.Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the idea in 1919. More than a million people who lived in the region have moved from their homes.2. Learn the contraction of relative clauses.I met a man (who) my grandfather worked with thirty years ago.重点句子1. Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty. 2. It took six years to build and cost US$20billion. 3. Now his dream has come true. 4. Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.5. Three quarters of Chinas energy is produced by burning coal. 6. Burning coal causes serious air pollution and increases global warming. 7. The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution. .教材分析与教材重组1教材分析本单元的中心话题是“建筑”,所谈论的话题涉及古今中外的一些著名建筑及文化遗迹。目的在于通过单元教学,让学生了解古今中外的知名建筑,培养学生的审美观,并能就所谈论的话题写出一则新闻报道。1.1 Introduction部分通过四个问题的提问让学生进行说前的热身,接着通过对三段小短文的展开讨论让学生明确本单元的话题。1.2 Reading部分向我们介绍了新建的三峡大坝。文章从三峡大坝兴建的原因、建成的规模、建成后的利与弊等方面进行了介绍。文章语言简洁、条理清晰,不仅有助于提高学生的阅读能力,而且在写作上也会让学生有所启发。1.3 Grammar 1部分是学习非限制性定语从句的相关知识。1.4 Writing部分通过范例让学生掌握写e-mail的结构特点,并通过模仿达到会撰写,目的在于提高学生的英语写作能力。1.5 Speaking部分通过讨论的形式练习提高学生的口语表达能力,同时也可以让学生进一步熟悉本单元的话题。1.6 Grammar 2部分是学习定语从句引导词的省略的知识。该部分通过多种形式的练习让学生逐渐理解和掌握这一知识。1.7 Listening部分设置了与本单元话题相关的短文,既可以提高学生的听力,也可以在这个过程中让学生了解更多的文化背景知识。1.8 Pronunciation部分主要练习朗读含有定语从句的句子,要让学生注意语音和语调,提高学生的口语表达能力。1.9 Function and Everyday English部分让学生了解一些用于表达强烈感情的形容词,目的在于提高学生运用词汇来描述和交流情感的能力。1.10 Culture Corner分为两部分。阅读部分介绍了美国纽约的帝国大厦,以作为对Reading的补充。另一部分则列出了高度世界排名前十位的著名建筑,开拓了学会的视野,丰富和扩充了学生的课外知识。1.11 Task的前两部分要求学生写出一则新闻介绍某一中国建设过程的开工典礼或建设。第三部分要求学生转换角色进行表演。2.教材重组2.1将Introduction, Function and Everyday English和Speaking部分整合在一起上一节“口语课”。Speaking部分既是Introduction部分第三段小短文的延伸,同时又可以引申出下节课的话题,为Reading部分埋下伏笔。2.2将Reading and Vocabulary, Task和练习册中的vocabulary整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。练习册中的vocabulary是对Reading的补充和巩固。2.3将Grammar 1, Grammar 2, 和练习册中的Grammar部分整合在一起上一节任务型“语法课”。涉及的主要任务有:学习非限制性定语从句和探讨定语从句引导词的省略问题。2.4 Writing部分的短文可作为写作的范例,将Writing和练习册中的Writing整合在一起上一节“写作课”。2.5将Listening, Pronunciation和练习册中的Listening and Speaking整合在一起上一节“听力课”。2.6 Cultural Corner和练习册中的Reading是对Reading的补充和扩展,可整合在一起上一节“泛读课”。3.课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完。)1st period Speaking 2nd period Reading ()3rd Period Grammar4th period Writing5th period Listening 6th period Reading () 分课时教案The First Period Speaking Teaching Goals 教学目标1.Target language 目标语言a.重点词汇和短语bulletin, civil, canal, cliff, dam, gorge, reservoir, structure, terminal, accommodate, date from b.重点句子1. The original wall was 6, 300 kilometres long. 2. The airport is within five hours flying time of half the worlds population.3. Its reservoir is more than 500 kilometres long. 2.Ability target 能力目标Enable students to learn about old and new buildings. 3.Learning-skill target 学能目标Let students talk about buildings around them. Teaching important points 教学重点How to improve students speaking ability. Talking about famous buildings. Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to describe buildings around us. Teaching methods 教学方法1. Listening to the tape.2. Discussing. Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder and a blackboardTeaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方法Step Greetings and Lead-in T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning/afternoon, MrT: As we know, nowadays we can travel faster and more easily than before. Many foreigners come to China to visit places of interest. Who would like to tell me the names of some places of interest? S1: The West Lake, the Forbidden city, the Great Wall and the Summer Place.T: Good job! Thank you! Which of them can be seen from the sky? S2: The Great Wall. T: Quite well!Step Introduction Pre-speaking(Ask and answer questions.)Ask several students individually the four questions.T: Now please open your books on P51. Look at Part 1 Introduction. Here are four questions for you. You may discuss them with your partner. Then I will ask you to give me your answers. (A few minutes later, ask several pairs of students to ask and answer the questions.)S1: Zhang Yan, do you know how far the Great Wall is from our city? S2: I think its about 1, 500 kilometers. S3: Can you tell me which is the biggest airport in the country? S4: Im not sure which airport is the biggest. But I know some big famous airports. They are the Capital Airport in Beijing, Baiyun International Airport in Guangzhou, Hong Kong International Airport. How about you? S3: I know Hongqiao Internatinal Airport is also very big. Besides, another big airportPudong Airport, which will be completed in Shanghai soon. S5: Is there any dam near our town? S6: Yes. There is well-known dam, Foziling Reservoir, which is called the First Dam of New China. It was completed in 1954 and controls the waters of Huaihe River. S7: Do you know the names of the reservoir that provides water for our town? S8: Yes. The water of our city is mostly from Foziling Reservoir. 1. How far is the Great Wall of China from where you live? 2. Which is the biggest airport in the country? 3. Is there a dam near your town? 4. Do you know the names of the reservoir that provides water for your town? Various answers are possible. Learning new words(Teach students the words in the box one by one. Explain several important words. )1.civil adj. (belonging to the people of a place) e.g. Every citizen has civil rights and civil duties. 2.dam n. (a wall or bank built to keep back water)e.g. The Aswan High Dam helps to control the Nile in Egypt. 3. terminal n. (end of a railway line, bus line, etc.)e.g. We got off the train at the terminal. Reading and speakingT: Now we are going to read three short passages. Read them carefully and try to remember as much information as possible. After that Ill ask some of you to retell them. (Several minutes later) T: OK. Time is up. Who would like to retell the first passage? S1: The first passage is about the Great Wall of China. It is the longest man-made structure ever built.T: Good. Who wants to say something about the second passage? S2: The second passage is about Hong Kong International Airport. It took six years to build and cost US $20billion. It is the largest covered space in the world and is planned to accommodate 80 million passengers a year. T: Well, the last one. Any volunteers? S3: This passage mainly talks about the Three Gorges Dam. It is the largest hydro-electric dam in the world. Its reservoir is more than 500 kilometers long. Function and Everyday English T: Im glad that all of you can describe the buildings in your own words. You told me that the Three Gorges Dam is the biggest one in the world. Yes, it is big. But what can you do if you want to say it is very big and express your strong feelings? Well, you can use some strong adjectives. Now please turn to P58. First match the adjectives on the left with the strong adjectives on the right. And then finish the two conversations. Finally writes a similar conversation. (Give the students several minutes to do this job and then check their conversation and ask some pairs to act out their own conversations.)Example: A: Are you feeling tired! B: Tired? Im feeling exhausted!A: Do you think Hong Kong International Airport is a good airport? B: Good? Excellent! A: Was the coffee hot? B: Hot? It was boiling! Discussion (Group work) T: Please turn to P52. Discuss the three questions with your partner. After that Ill ask several of you to answer. Youll have four minutes to do this job. (A few minutes later)T: Xu min, please. Have you ever visited any of the places in the passage? S1: Last year, I visited the Three Gorges Dam with my parents. It is very beautiful and magnificent. I think only when you see it with your own eyes can you understand the words by Mao Zedong “Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.”T: Pang Yi, please. Which one is nearest to your town or city? S2: As you know, I live in An Hui province. So the Three Gorges Dam is nearest to our city. T: Now what other things do you know about them? S3: The Three Gorges Dam is the most beautiful part of the Yangtze River. S4: I know the Three Gorges Dam refers to Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge. S5: The First Emperor started built the Great Wall in order to keep the tribes of Huns and Tartars outside his countryS6: The Great Wall has often been rebuilt through the centuries, and much of it is still standing today.Various answers are possible. step Discussion (Speaking P55)T: The Three Gorges Dam generates a great deal of electricity for the central region of our country. It saves a lot of coal and has reduced the serious air pollution caused by burning coal. However, there are problems when the Three Gorges Dam is built. Many towns and villages have disappeared. What do you think about this? Has the Three Gorges Dam affected the lives of people in your area or anyone you know? Discuss these two questions with your partner. You can debate with your partner about the first question. (A few minutes later, ask two pairs of student to make a debate in the front.)Example: S1The Positive side S2The negative sideS1: In my opinion, the Three Gorges Dam brings us more economic returns and social benefits. Firstly, the Yangtze River, which is the worlds third longest river, has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam. The people living along the river will seldom suffer floods. Secondly, at present, three quarters of Chinas energy is produced by burning coal, which causes serious air pollution and increases global warming. The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution. S2: I think we had better not build the Three Gorges Dam. Firstly, its a pity that many towns and villages with long history will be flooded as a result of the Dam, because they were built by many generations hard work and wisdom. Secondly, many historical and cultural relics have been covered by the water, because we have no ability enough to save them now. Thirdly, more than a million people have to leave their homes. Although our government has been offering them great help, they still have difficulty in setting up new homes, hunting jobs and offering children going to school. T: Excellent! Now who can tell us if the Three Gorges Dam has affected the lives of people in your area or anyone you know? S3: Yes. In our county there is a “The Three Gorges Dam Immigrants Village”. All the people in the village are farmers from the Three Gorges area. The local government had built the new houses for them before they arrived. Each family has also got a piece of farmland. Now, some of them have founded new jobs, doing business, driving cars and so on. The immigrants from the Three Gorges area have been part of us. The village has new scenery of our county. Various answers are possible. Step Summary and homeworkT: Its time to end this class. In this class, we have learned some important words and how to describe buildings. Wed better practice more after class. Homework: Preview the part of Reading. The Second Period ReadingTeaching Goals 教学目标1.Target language 目标语言a.重点词汇和短语relic, site, generate, harness, historical, narrow, poem, submerge, global, remove, dream of, come true b.重点句子1. Now his dream has come true. 2. Sun Yat-sen, who was the leader of the 1911 Revolution, first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River in 1919.3. Burning coal causes serious air pollution and increases global warming. 4. The dam will generate electricity equal to about 40 million tons of coal without causing so much air pollution.2.Ability target 能力目标Enable students to obtain the fast speed reading ability, such as skimming, scanning, and making a summary. 3.Learning-skill target 学能目标Let students learn how to describe places and buildings.Let students summarize the main idea of the text. Teaching important points 教学重点Give the right questions for the answers according to the text. Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to analyze the text and grasp the main idea of the text. Teaching methods 教学方法Skimming, listening and discussing. Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder a projector and a blackboard Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方法Step Greetings and revision1. Greet the whole class as usual. 2. Ask some questions about the three short passages in Introduction part. T: Good morning/afternoon everyone!Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mr. Chen. T: We read three short passages during the last lesson. Now Ill ask some detailed questions about the three buildings. Q1: How long was the original wall of the Great Wall? Q2: How much did it cost to build Hong Kong International Airport? Q3: Which river is the Three Gorges Dam built over? Suggested Answers: Q1: The original wall was 6, 300 kilometers long. Q2: $20 billion. Q3: The Three Gorges Dam is built over the Yangtze River. Step Vocabulary Teach students how to guess the meaning of new words. T: When we read, we often meet new words. What shall we do if we dont have a dictionary at hand? We may do as follows. Wed better read the whole sentence first. Then try to work out what kind of word it is. It is a noun, verb, or an adjective, etc. Lastly, we can use the words before and after that to help us guess the meaning. True or false sentencesAsk Ss to do this exercise individually. Two or three minutes later, check the answers with the whole class. Learning new wordsTeach students the words in the box one by one. Explain several important words. 1.dream v. (hope for something nice in the future)e.g. He often dreams of going to Europe. 2. generate vt. (cause to exist, produce)e.g. Loud laughter was generated all through the crowd. 3. harness vt. (use a river, waterfall, etc. to produce power)e.g. It is a good idea to harness the river to generate electricity. 4.submerge v. (go under the surface of the water)e.g. The crocodile submerged when it saw the boat.Answering questionsT: Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “walls of stone” Did Mao Zedong actually see the walls of stone? S1: No.T: The power of the Yangtze River has been harnessed by the Three Gorges Dam. Does this mean that the power can be used or not? S2: This means that the power can be used. T: Sun Yat-sen first suggested the idea in 1919. Did Sun Yat-sen think of the idea himself or hear it from someone else? S3: He thought of the idea himself. T: About 800 historical relics have been submerged. Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged? S4: It is impossible. Step Lead-in T: With the fast development of science and technology, people live a much more comfortable life than ever before. More and more people even including peasants in the countryside buy air-conditioners. So we need more electricity. As a result, the Three Gorges Dam has been built not long ago. Today we will learn a passage about the Three Gorges Dam. (Write the title on the Bb)Step Reading 1. SkimmingT: Now please look through the text and then do some reading comprehension exercises according to the text. Choose the best answers. (Show the following on the screen.)1. Who dreamed of harnessing the power of the Yangtze River? A. Sun Yat-sen. B. Mao Zedong. C. Deng Xiaoping. D. A great designer. 2. How many tons of coal was used for heating and generating electricity in 1993? A. 1.2 billion. B. 20 billion. C. 40 billion. D. About 800 billion. 3. What problem does burning coal cause?A. Air pollution. B. Increasing global warning. C. Destroying the balance of nature. D. Both A and B. 4. Which of the following famous historical sites is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The Qu Yuan Temple. B. The Han Watchtower. C. The Grand Canal. D. The Moya Cliff carvings. Key: BADC 2. Scanning(Get the students to read the passage carefully again.) T: Now read the text carefully and finish part 3, that is, write questions for the answers. You can look at the example first. A few minutes later, check the answers in the class.T: OK. Are you ready? (Ss: Yes.) Lets begin to give the questions. Volunteers!Suggested answers:1. Why was the Three Gorges Dam built? 2. How high is the dam? 3. How wide is the dam? 4. Who first suggested the idea of a dam across the Yangtze River? 5. How much energy is produced by burning coal? 6. How many villages have been flooded by the reservoir? Ask the Ss to listen to the passage and try to get the main idea. T: Now we are going to listen to the passage and after that Ill give you two or three minutes to summarize the main idea of this passage. Main idea: The Three Gorges Dam, which is the largest hydro-electric power station and dam in the world, has been built to control flooding and generate electricity for the central part of China. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and then help them get the main idea.T: We have got the main idea of the text. Now lets learn some difficult languages points together. Show the notes on the blackboard.Language learning:e true At last Lincolns dream came true. 2.equal to Tom is equal to John in height. a life At present they live a comfortable life. 4.including All my students have seen the film, including me. Step Discussion Ask Ss to discuss the three questions on P54. A few minutes later, ask several students to give their answers.T: We know that building the Three Gorges Dam is good for many people especially the ones who live in the central part of China. Who would like to describe the advantages of the Three Gorges Dam? Any volunteers? S1: Coal is one of the natural resources that are limited. Harnessing the power of the Yangtze River can save a lot of coal. It can help to reduce the air pollution as well. T: Good! You are right. The Three Gorges Dam has much effect on us human beings. On the other hand, sometimes it is bad for us. Now, who can tell us the disadvantages of the Three Gorges Dam? S2: It has flooded a large area including 2 cities, 11 counties, and 140 towns and more than 4, 000 villages. A great many people have to leave their hometown and set up a new home that is never as good and comfortable as the one before. Whats worse, some of Chinas most famous historical sites have been submerged, for example, the Qu Yuan Temple. T: Do you think the advantages are more important than the disadvantages? S3: Yes. We can h


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