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Teacher:Mr.wangClass:Class2 Grade 8Time:September 25th,2014Material:Lesson 10 welcome Teacher:Mr.wangClass:Class2 Grade 8Time:September 25th,2014Material:Lesson 10 welcome让我们来复习吧!大家做好准备啊!Are you ready?钟表钟表 鼓掌鼓掌图书馆图书馆 携带;搬运携带;搬运 声音;噪音声音;噪音 办公室;职务办公室;职务 也许;可能也许;可能1.cl_ck2.cl_p3.l_br_ry4.c_ _ry5.n_ _se6._ff_ce7.m_yb_oai aa ro io i a eFill the missing letters:填入字母填入字母 Revision(2)Revision(2)1.的简称的简称2.考试考试3.许多许多4.迟到迟到5.关灯关灯6.停止做某事停止做某事be short forhave an exam a lot ofbe late forturn out the light stop doing sthTranslate the flowing phrases:(翻译)(翻译)今天的新课是什么呢?同学们。认真学习这一课,你将会学到新的知识和能力。让我们看看吧!Looking for Lisa new words of this lesson:新单词 Lisa 丽莎 BiLL 比尔 download 下载 librarian 图书管理员 suddenly 突然地 rush 冲,奔 into 进入,到.里 shout 喊 whisper 低语,小声说话The phrases of this lesson:(词组)(词组)1.on time/in time 按时按时及时及时 2.work on 从事于从事于 3.at the computer 在电脑旁在电脑旁 4.some more 更多一些更多一些 5.be quiet!/No noise!安静安静禁止吵闹禁止吵闹 6.half an hour 半小时半小时7.a quarter to/before three 2点点45分分 school 在学校在学校 8.in the office 在办公室在办公室 gym 在体育馆在体育馆 请同学们认真记住他们,经常使用他请同学们认真记住他们,经常使用他们。防止遗忘啊!们。防止遗忘啊!再次练习吧再次练习吧:1.on time/in time library2.work on school 3.at the computer 8.in the office4.some more gym5.be quite!/No noise!classroom6.half an hour7.a quarter to/before threeWhats librarian?Its a person who works in a library!Aims of learning(1)Aims of learning(1)1.Is there a library in your school?2.What can you do there?Think about it:Aims of learning(2)Aims of learning(2)Listen and answer:(听老师:(听老师读课文,思考问题:)读课文,思考问题:)Where is Lisa?Maybe she is in the gym.Aims of learning(3)Aims of learning(3)Please read the text carefully and answer the questions in groups.(默读课文,思考问题默读课文,思考问题)1.What time do Jenny and Bill meet to work on their project?2.Where are Jenny and Bill now?3.Who comes in when Jenny is borrowing the book in the library?4.Who is Danny looking for?5.When should Lisa and Danny meet?6.What are Lisa and Danny going to do?7.Where is Lisa?1.What time do Jenny and Bill meet to work on their project?(at 3:00)2.Where are Jenny and Bill now?(in the library)3.Who comes in when Jenny is borrowing the book in the library?(Danny)4.Who is Danny looking for?(Lisa)5.When should Lisa and Danny meet?(at a quarter to three )6.What are Lisa and Danny going to do?(work on their basketball project)7.Where is Lisa?(Mabey shi is in the Gym)Aims of learning(4)Aims of learning(4)The Present Perfect Tense:现在完成时态现在完成时态构成构成:主语主语+have/has+过去分词过去分词+现在完成时态 意义:表示过去发生的动作,持续到现在;意义:表示过去发生的动作,持续到现在;或者对现在产生了某种影响或者结果。或者对现在产生了某种影响或者结果。eg.1.I have read the book.2.I have not read the book.3.Have you read the book?yes I have No I have not 4.When have you read the book?同学们:你们理解了吗?要多多练习啊!让我们来做一些练习吧Are you ready?Do exercisesDo exercises1.按时,准时_2.半小时_3.不要喧哗_4.at the computer_5.forget(过去式)_6.tell(过去式)_(过分)_7.look(过去式)_(过分)_on timehalf an hourNo noise在电脑房在电脑房toldforgot/forgottentoldlookedlookedDo exercisesDo exercisesFill in the blanks with theFill in the blanks with the correct forms:correct forms:1.Jennys mother is a _.1.Jennys mother is a _.(library)(library)2.I need some _ 2.I need some _ (China)music.(China)music.Chinese librarianChange the drills:1.Have you been to Shanghai?(否定回答)No,_ _.2.She has lived Gansu for two years.(一般疑问句,作出肯定/否定回答)_She_Gansu for two years?Yes,She_./No,She_.Has lived I haventhas hasnt1.To recite the words/phrases.2.To read the text.3.to finish the exercises.Thank you very much!Good-bye!


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