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Horror Film Alfred Hitchcock,director of such horror classics as Psycho and The Birds,once claimed,“I aim to provide the public with beneficial shocks.Civilization has become so protective that were no longer able to get our goose bumps(鸡皮疙瘩鸡皮疙瘩)instinctively.The only way to remove the numbness(麻木麻木)and revive(使恢复,使恢复,复兴复兴)our moral equilibrium,i:kwlibri:m(平衡平衡)is to use artificial means to bring about the shock.”曾经导演过曾经导演过精神病患者精神病患者和和鸟鸟等经典恐怖片的等经典恐怖片的阿尔弗雷德阿尔弗雷德希区柯克曾经宣称希区柯克曾经宣称“我要给观众以不无我要给观众以不无裨益的惊吓。文明的保护性太强了,我们连起鸡皮疙裨益的惊吓。文明的保护性太强了,我们连起鸡皮疙瘩的本能都失去了。要想打破这种麻木,唤醒我们的瘩的本能都失去了。要想打破这种麻木,唤醒我们的道德平衡,就要使用人为的方法给人以惊吓。道德平衡,就要使用人为的方法给人以惊吓。”Horror seeks to horrify and terrify the audience,but in doing so it also serves the higher function of reviving our consciousness of the moral evil that exists beneath the veneer vni:r(假象,虚饰假象,虚饰)of modern civilization.恐怖片的目的就是要使观众害怕、惊骇,恐怖片的目的就是要使观众害怕、惊骇,同时它又有着更深一层的功能,就是要让同时它又有着更深一层的功能,就是要让我们认识到在文明世界风平浪静的外表下我们认识到在文明世界风平浪静的外表下潜藏着的道德败坏。潜藏着的道德败坏。Three Main Narrative Paths恐怖片的三种叙述模式 Narratives concerning madmen and mentally disturbed individuals有关疯子和精神有问题的人 Narratives about horrific imaginary monsters有关凶神恶煞的虚构怪兽 Narratives about abnormal hostile forces entering the lives of human beings有关危险的异常力量进入普通人的生活Horror ConventionsThe“Terrible House”恐怖之屋恐怖之屋The doppelgangerdpl,g幽灵幽灵 The most sophisticated horror films employ the common generic figures of the madman,the monster,and the evil force to represent not so much an external evil as a darkness hidden within-and indivisible form-ourselves and our superficially respectable societies.在意义深刻的在意义深刻的恐怖电影中,疯子、怪物和邪恶力量等常见形象所代表的常常恐怖电影中,疯子、怪物和邪恶力量等常见形象所代表的常常不是外界的邪恶,而是我们内心里和表面上看来井井有条的社不是外界的邪恶,而是我们内心里和表面上看来井井有条的社会中潜藏着的、我们自己看不到的黑暗面。会中潜藏着的、我们自己看不到的黑暗面。Horror films are concerned with the lower levels of the psyche,“What they often map out is the terrain of the unconscious,and in that connection they often deal with fantasies of brutality,sexuality,victimization(牺牲牺牲),repression and so on.”Horror films could equally well be said to enact a“return of the repressed”,horror embodies that which the conscious mind of the individual,or society as a whole,is unable or unwilling to confront.恐怖片的主题是心理的底层:恐怖片的主题是心理的底层:“恐怖片常常向我们恐怖片常常向我们展现无意识的领域,因此常常与残暴、性欲、牺牲、压抑等等展现无意识的领域,因此常常与残暴、性欲、牺牲、压抑等等联系在一起。联系在一起。”恐怖片也可以说是一种恐怖片也可以说是一种“压抑的释放压抑的释放”,它是,它是用来表现人们的意识或者整个社会不能也不愿意面对的东西。用来表现人们的意识或者整个社会不能也不愿意面对的东西。Why do we need horror?It is stimulating.刺激刺激It encourages us to dwell on the basis problem of moral evil.促使促使我们对道德败坏的基本问题进行思考我们对道德败坏的基本问题进行思考It brings to consciousness that which has been repressed and needs to be addressed.让让我我们们意意识识到一些被到一些被压压抑的、需要解抑的、需要解决决的的问题问题It makes us feel much more grateful for the fact that we remain joyously alive considering human morality and the fragility of the human body.考考虑虑到人到人类类道德以及人道德以及人类类身体的脆身体的脆弱性,弱性,这让这让我我们们感到自己的幸福,感到自己的幸福,我我们们仍然快快仍然快快乐乐乐乐地活着。地活着。The Hauntingh:nti鬼入侵鬼入侵 导演导演 Director-简简德德邦特邦特 Jan de Bont 编剧编剧 Writer -Shirley Jackson(novel The Haunting of Hill House)-David Self(screenplay)演员演员 Actor 莉莉莉莉泰勒泰勒 Lili Taylor.Eleanor Nell Vance 连姆连姆尼森尼森 Liam Neeson.Dr.David Marrow 凯瑟琳凯瑟琳泽塔泽塔-琼斯琼斯 Catherine Zeta-Jones.Theo 欧文欧文威尔逊威尔逊 Owen Wilson.Luke Sanderson 布鲁斯布鲁斯邓恩邓恩 Bruce Dern.Mr.Dudley Some houses are born badSleep TightWelcome to Hill House.This is its body,this is its skin,this is its eyes.Wont you come in?Ghosts with the most.It will haunt youInside the HauntedThere once was a house,a bright happy home,something bad happened,now it sits all alone.Its pillars are its bones,its walls are its skin,its windows are its eyes,wont you come in?The Sixth Sense灵异第六感灵异第六感 Malcom Crowe is a child psychologist who receives an award on the same night that he is visited by a very unhappy ex-patient.After this encounter,Crowe takes on the task of curing a young boy with the same ill as the ex-patient.This boy sees dead people.Crowe spends a lot of time with the boy(Cole)much to the dismay of his wife.Coles Mom is at her wits end(智穷才尽智穷才尽)with what to do about her sons increasing problems.Crowe is the boys only hope.麦坎医生是个杰出的儿童心理学家麦坎医生是个杰出的儿童心理学家,帮过不少痊愈的青年帮过不少痊愈的青年,闯入闯入医生家对他开枪后医生家对他开枪后,随即举枪自尽随即举枪自尽.一年后一年后,麦坎医生又遇到与自麦坎医生又遇到与自尽青年相似的病例尽青年相似的病例,为弥补缺憾为弥补缺憾,医生决定尽力帮助这名叫做柯医生决定尽力帮助这名叫做柯尔的小男孩尔的小男孩.由于柯尔拥有阴阳眼由于柯尔拥有阴阳眼,长久以来饱受鬼魂的惊扰长久以来饱受鬼魂的惊扰,活活得十分恐惧得十分恐惧,因此当麦坎医生向柯尔伸出援手时因此当麦坎医生向柯尔伸出援手时,却不被接受却不被接受,因因为柯尔不相信有人能帮他脱离困境为柯尔不相信有人能帮他脱离困境.但在麦坎医生锲而不舍的但在麦坎医生锲而不舍的努力下努力下,终于逐渐突破柯尔的心防终于逐渐突破柯尔的心防.当柯尔终于能接受自己拥有当柯尔终于能接受自己拥有阴阳眼且勇敢面对现实之际阴阳眼且勇敢面对现实之际,麦坎医生却有一个惊人的发现麦坎医生却有一个惊人的发现.


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