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高三状语从句复习PPT课件高三状语从句复习PPT课件1._ you decide to take up,you should try to make it a success.A.If B.Whenever C.Unless D.Whatever高三状语从句复习PPT课件2.It is foolish to take a taxi you can easilywalk to the station.A.before B.that C.unless D.when高三状语从句复习PPT课件3.Ill accept any job,_ I dont have to get up early.A.even though B.though C.in case D.as long as高三状语从句复习PPT课件 一、一、时间状语从句时间状语从句:When it rains,the children will play indoors.No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.二、二、地点状语从句地点状语从句 Make a mark where you have any questions.三、三、条件状语从句条件状语从句 As long as you keep on trying,youll certainly succeed.四、四、比较状语从句比较状语从句 He speaks English much better than any other student in his class.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 五、五、目的状语从句目的状语从句 Ask him to hurry up with these letters in order that I can sign them.六、六、结果状语从句结果状语从句 It is such a difficult problem that nobody can work it out.七、七、方式状语从句方式状语从句 It looks as if the weather may clear up very soon.八、八、让步状语从句让步状语从句 Although its raining,they are still working in the field.九、九、原因状语从句原因状语从句 As the weather was fine,we decided to climb the mountain.高三状语从句复习PPT课件状语从句状语从句的定义的定义:在在复合句复合句中由从句表示的状语称作中由从句表示的状语称作状语从句,它可以用来修饰状语从句,它可以用来修饰谓语谓语(包括(包括非谓语动词非谓语动词)、)、定语定语或或状语状语,或是或是整个句子整个句子。状语从句通常由一。状语从句通常由一个个连词连词引起,也可以由一个起引起,也可以由一个起连词连词作用的词组作用的词组引起,有时甚至不需要引起,有时甚至不需要连词直接和主句连接起来。连词直接和主句连接起来。高三状语从句复习PPT课件考点难点考点难点状语从句的状语从句的时态时态问题问题各种各种从属连词从属连词的含义及用法比较的含义及用法比较no matter wh-与与 wh-ever 引引 导导的从句的区别的从句的区别状语从句状语从句倒装倒装及及紧缩紧缩问题问题状语从句状语从句与其它从句的区别与其它从句的区别高三状语从句复习PPT课件 我们复习的主要内容:我们复习的主要内容:一、时间状语从句一、时间状语从句1.when while as 用法及区别用法及区别2.一一就就 as soon as the moment the minute hardly when no soonerthan3.含含time的短语的短语 every time each time next time the day the year the morning4.before since 的用法及区别的用法及区别 高三状语从句复习PPT课件二、条件状语从句:二、条件状语从句:if in case as long as as far as unless until的区别的区别三、原因状语从句三、原因状语从句(略讲)略讲)as because since now that for 四、地点状语从句:四、地点状语从句:where wherever五、让步状语从句:五、让步状语从句:although though as 倒装问题倒装问题 even if whatever however no matter who/how高三状语从句复习PPT课件高三状语从句复习PPT课件 注意注意:时态一致时态一致:主将,从现主将,从现1.连接词连接词when的用法小结的用法小结A.when引导的时间状从引导的时间状从:谓语动词可以是谓语动词可以是延延续性续性动词,也可动词,也可短暂性短暂性动词,可用于主句和动词,可用于主句和从句同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作。从句同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作。When the film ended,the people went back.When I lived there,I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.高三状语从句复习PPT课件B.when用作并列连词,用作并列连词,“那时,这那时,这时时”=at that time Somebody was doing sth Somebody was about to do sth.Somebody was on the point of doing sth.Somebody had done sth when sth.happened(一般过去时一般过去时)(正在做正在做/正要做正要做/刚做完刚做完这时突然这时突然)高三状语从句复习PPT课件 We were having a meeting when someone broke in.We were about to set off when it suddenly began to rain.高三状语从句复习PPT课件C.when还可表示原因还可表示原因“既然既然”=since;considering that It was foolish of you to take a taxi when you could easily walk there in five minutes.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 While I accept the problem is difficult,I dont think I wont work it out.Some people waste food while others havent enough.Please dont talk so loud while others are working.虽然,尽管虽然,尽管而而当当高三状语从句复习PPT课件2.连接词连接词while的用法的用法A.while引导的动作必须是引导的动作必须是持续性持续性的,侧重主的,侧重主句动作和从句动作相对比。句动作和从句动作相对比。Please dont talk so loud while others are working.B.while作并列连词,作并列连词,“而,却而,却”,表示,表示对比对比 Girls are studying while boys are playing.C.while可表示可表示“尽管尽管”=althoughWhile I admit that there are problems,I dont agree that they cannot be solved.高三状语从句复习PPT课件连接词连接词when,while,as的用法区别:的用法区别:1)while引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词必须引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词必须是是可延续可延续的,而的,而when引导的时间状语从句的谓引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词可是延续,也可是短暂性动词语动词可是延续,也可是短暂性动词 When/While he was eating his breakfast,he heard the doorbell ring.When I stopped my car,a man came up to me.(不可用不可用 while)高三状语从句复习PPT课件 2)表示表示“随着随着”,“一边一边,一边一边”用用连词连词as,不用,不用when或或while As the election approached,the violence got worse.3)如果主句表示的是短暂动作,而从句如果主句表示的是短暂动作,而从句用延续性动作的进行用延续性动作的进行 时态表示在一段时时态表示在一段时间内间内正在进行正在进行的动作时,的动作时,when,while 与与as 可互换使用可互换使用 When/While/As I was walking down the street,I came across an old friend of mine.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 P91 1 9 11 P92 6 7 8 19 20 21 26 28 29 P93 39 43 45高三状语从句复习PPT课件高三状语从句复习PPT课件 3.as soon as,the moment,the minute,the instant,immediately,directly,instantly,hardlywhen,scarcelywhen,no soonerthan 引导引导时间状语从句时间状语从句=as soon as I didnt wait a moment,but came immediately you called.The moment I heard the voice,I knew father was coming.高三状语从句复习PPT课件注意注意:如果如果hardly或或no sooner或或scarcely置于句首,句子必须置于句首,句子必须部分倒装部分倒装。HardlyHardly haddone haddonewhen.when.No sooner No sooner had.donehad.done.than.than.Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 P 91 14 P 92 9高三状语从句复习PPT课件 4.一些含有一些含有time的名词短语的名词短语:every time,each time,next time,the first time,all the time,any time,by the time等,等,“每当每当,每次每次,下次下次”以及以及the day,the year,the morning等,也引等,也引导导时间状语从句时间状语从句 The day he returned home,his father was already dead.Next time you come,please bring your composition.高三状语从句复习PPT课件5.连接词连接词before/since A.“还没还没就就,不到不到就就,才才,还没来得还没来得及及”1 We had sailed four days and four nights before we saw land.2 We hadnt run a mile before he felt tired.3 Please write it down before you forget it.4Before I could get in a word,he had measured me.才才还没有还没有就就趁趁还没来得及还没来得及就就高三状语从句复习PPT课件5.连接词连接词before/since B.1)It was段时间段时间before“过了多久才过了多久才”It was three days before he came back.2)It will(not)be段时间段时间before“要过多久要过多久(不久不久)就就”It will be two years before he leaves the country.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 since 引导的引导的 从句可用从句可用延续性延续性或或短暂性动短暂性动词词,都表示,都表示动作状态的完成动作状态的完成。1)自从自从他离开北京,我就没见过他。他离开北京,我就没见过他。I have never seen him since he left Beijing.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 2)It is/has been段时间段时间since since从句动词为延续性动词时,主句从句动词为延续性动词时,主句动作时间从从句动作结束时算动作时间从从句动作结束时算.It is/has been three years since she joined the army.他戒烟已经他戒烟已经3年了。年了。It is 3 years since he smoked.高三状语从句复习PPT课件1)It will be three days _ you see him again.2)It will be three oclock _ you see him again.3)It is at three oclock _ youll see him again.4)It is three days _ you saw him last time.beforewhenthatsince高三状语从句复习PPT课件 P 91 10 17 P 92 10 11 18 27高三状语从句复习PPT课件Translation 我还没来得及阻止他,他已经跑走了。我还没来得及阻止他,他已经跑走了。He ran off before I could stop him.三年不知不觉过去了。三年不知不觉过去了。Three years passed before I knew it.要过一年你才能从高中毕业。要过一年你才能从高中毕业。It will be a year before you graduate from high school.我大学毕业已经我大学毕业已经15年了。年了。It is/has been 15 years since I graduated from university.高三状语从句复习PPT课件高三状语从句复习PPT课件 when,while,as as soon as,the moment,the minute,the instant,immediately,directly,instantly No soonerthan,hardlywhen before,since till/until,notuntil each time,next time,the first time,every time,all the time5+35+3 P95 P95高三状语从句复习PPT课件1.他一下车就发现钱包丢了。他一下车就发现钱包丢了。2.当面对困难的时候,我们应该保持镇静。当面对困难的时候,我们应该保持镇静。As soon as/The moment/The minute/Directly/Immediately he got off the bus,he found his wallet missing/lost.When we face/are faced with difficulty,we should keep calm.When facing/faced with difficulty,we should keep calm.高三状语从句复习PPT课件3 直到儿子成为班级的尖子生他才表扬他直到儿子成为班级的尖子生他才表扬他.He didnt praise his son until he became one of the top students in the class.Not until his son became one of the top students in the class did he praise his son.It was not until his son became one of the top students in the class that he praised him.高三状语从句复习PPT课件高三状语从句复习PPT课件高三状语从句复习PPT课件2.2.条件状语从句条件状语从句 1)用用 if(如果如果),unless(除非除非),in case(万万一一),so/as long as(只要只要),as/so far as(就就而言而言),on condition that(条件条件是是)suppose(假设假设)等词引导等词引导 2)时态:时态:主将从现主将从现 I shall not go to the cinema unless I finish my homework.只要我活着,我就会努力工作。只要我活着,我就会努力工作。As long as I live,I shall work hard.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 You mustnt make friends with girl smokers unless you want to kiss an ashtray.千万别跟吸烟的女子交朋友,除千万别跟吸烟的女子交朋友,除非你愿意吻一只烟灰缸。非你愿意吻一只烟灰缸。unless=if not“除非除非”“如果不如果不就就”高考热点高考热点高三状语从句复习PPT课件易混、易错点易混、易错点Unless/until1)I didnt finish reading the book _ Mum came back.2)I cant finish the work _ you help me.3)We are going to have a barbecue _ it rains.A.until B.when C.unless结论结论:untilunlessunlessunless强调强调条件条件 until 强调强调时间时间高三状语从句复习PPT课件 P 91 6 P91 2 3 P 92 14 15 16 17 31 32 33 P93 40 42 44高三状语从句复习PPT课件3.3.原因状语从句原因状语从句 常用常用as(由于由于),because(因为因为),since(既既然然),now(that)(既然既然),for(由于由于)considering that(顾及到)(顾及到),seeing that(由于由于)引导引导 because 表示直接的原因或理由,着重点表示直接的原因或理由,着重点在从句在从句,用于回答用于回答why,语气语气最强最强:“:“因为因为”He is absent today because he is ill.since 表示对方已知、无须说明的既成事表示对方已知、无须说明的既成事实的理由,全句中心在主句,语气比实的理由,全句中心在主句,语气比becausebecause弱,弱,“既然既然”=now that Since you are ill,Ill go alone.高三状语从句复习PPT课件as表示明显的原因,一般说明因果关系,表示明显的原因,一般说明因果关系,重点在主句,语气较弱,重点在主句,语气较弱,“由于由于”As it is snowing,we shall not go to the park.for是并列连词,只能放在另一个并列分句是并列连词,只能放在另一个并列分句前面,表示前面,表示解释解释,或,或附加说明附加说明,不是指理,不是指理由或原因,语气由或原因,语气最弱最弱,一般不在句首,一般不在句首“其理由是其理由是”The day breaks,for the birds are singing.P96高三状语从句复习PPT课件because ofthanks todue toowing to高三状语从句复习PPT课件4.4.地点状语从句地点状语从句 地点状语从句常用地点状语从句常用where,wherever 等连词引导。等连词引导。We shall go where working conditions are difficult.Wherever you go,I will be with you.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 P92 12 22 23 35高三状语从句复习PPT课件5.5.让步状语从句让步状语从句 让步状语从句由让步状语从句由although(though),as,even if,however,whatever,no matter who(how)等词引导等词引导 Although it rained heavily,they kept on working.=Heavily as it rained,they kept on working.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 as也可引导让步状语从句也可引导让步状语从句,要要倒装倒装。Child as(though)he is,he knows a lot.Much as I like it,I wont buy.从句中的表语从句中的表语状语状语动词原形放在句首动词原形放在句首.若表语为单数名词若表语为单数名词,前置时要省略冠词前置时要省略冠词.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 P 91 3 4 7 16 P92 24高三状语从句复习PPT课件 while 是高考中的高频词,它既是高考中的高频词,它既可引导时间状语从句,又可引导可引导时间状语从句,又可引导并列句,还可引导让步状语从句,并列句,还可引导让步状语从句,表示表示“尽管尽管”even if=even though,“即使、尽管即使、尽管”。as though=as if,“好像、似乎好像、似乎”P98高三状语从句复习PPT课件no matter wh-no matter wh-与与 wh-everwh-ever 1)no matter wh-只引导让步状语从句只引导让步状语从句=wh-ever No matter when/Whenever he comes back,he should be invited to the party.2)wh-ever又可引导名词性从句,又可引导名词性从句,No matter wh-不能不能 Whatever I can do for you will be nothing but paying a debt.Whoever can help us will be welcome.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 无论他说什么无论他说什么,都别相信他都别相信他.我会拒绝他给我的任何东西我会拒绝他给我的任何东西。No matter what he says,dont believe him.I will refuse whatever he gives me.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 P 91 8 15 P 91 4 5 34 P93 41高三状语从句复习PPT课件 后面不讲了高三状语从句复习PPT课件6 6、方式状语从句方式状语从句 引导方式状语从句的从属连词有引导方式状语从句的从属连词有as,(just)asso,as if(though).as引导的方式状语从句常位于句首。引导的方式状语从句常位于句首。“正如正如,就像就像”It looks as if the weather may clear up very soon.Air is to man as water is to fish.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 方式状语从句放在主句之后。方式状语从句放在主句之后。as if 和和as though 引导的从引导的从句一般用句一般用虚拟语气虚拟语气。但如果从。但如果从句中所陈述的情况很可能实现,句中所陈述的情况很可能实现,也可用陈述语气。也可用陈述语气。The old man runs very fast as if he were a young man.高三状语从句复习PPT课件7.7.结果状语从句结果状语从句 结果状语从句一般由结果状语从句一般由so,so that,sothat,suchthat引导,放在主引导,放在主句之后。句之后。It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it.=The box is so heavy that nobody can move it.P97高三状语从句复习PPT课件8.8.目的状语从句目的状语从句目的状语从句常用目的状语从句常用 so that,in order that等引导等引导从句中一般有从句中一般有情态动词情态动词 He works hard in order that he can serve his country well.高三状语从句复习PPT课件9.9.比较状语从句比较状语从句比较状语从句常由比较状语从句常由asas,than,not soas,the morethe more等词引导。比较从句部分常是省略等词引导。比较从句部分常是省略句。句。The more we can do for you,the happier we will be.我比他更了解你。我比他更了解你。I know you better than he does.高三状语从句复习PPT课件连接词连接词+done过去分词过去分词 Dont speak until spoken to.Pressure can be increased when needed.Unless repaired,the washing machine is no use.(2)连接词连接词+doing现在分词现在分词 Look out while crossing the street.She waits outside the door as if waiting for someone.在时间和条件等状语从句中在时间和条件等状语从句中,如果主句的如果主句的主语主语和从句的主语一致和从句的主语一致,可以把从句中的可以把从句中的主语和主语和be动词省略动词省略高三状语从句复习PPT课件1 The sky is covered with harmful substances.We can hardly see the blue sky.状语从句:状语从句:We can hardly see the blue sky _ the sky is covered with harmful substances.得分亮点得分亮点:_ _ harmful substances,the blue sky can hardly be seen.becauseCovered with高三状语从句复习PPT课件2.There are too many cars in Beijing now.Traffic jam has been a headache.状语从句:状语从句:There are too many cars in Beijing now_ traffic jam has been a headache 得分亮点:得分亮点:_ too many cars,traffic jam has been a headache in Beijing now.soWith高三状语从句复习PPT课件3.Time permits.A redesign of the city will provide a better environment.状语从句:状语从句:_ time permits,a redesign of the city will provide a better environment.得分亮点:得分亮点:_ _,a redesign of the city will provide a better environment.IfTime permitting高三状语从句复习PPT课件使用状语从句时要注意的问题使用状语从句时要注意的问题 注意区分不同从句:引导什么从句,不仅要注意区分不同从句:引导什么从句,不仅要根据连词,还要据根据连词,还要据句子结构和句意句子结构和句意判别。判别。You are to find it where you left it.(地状地状)I dont know where he came from.(宾从宾从)Where he has gone is not known yet.(主主从从)This place is where they once hid.(表从表从)Tell me the address where he lives.(定从定从))高三状语从句复习PPT课件 虽然虽然Mary 很胖,但她还是每天吃肉。很胖,但她还是每天吃肉。每次每次我看到她,她总是在吃东西。她变我看到她,她总是在吃东西。她变的的非常非常胖胖以至以至她的父母很是为她的健康她的父母很是为她的健康担心。他们把她送到了减肥夏令营担心。他们把她送到了减肥夏令营(the slimming summer camp)以便以便她可以她可以减肥。在夏令营中,她每天都锻炼,而减肥。在夏令营中,她每天都锻炼,而且尽量不吃肉。两个月后,她回学校来且尽量不吃肉。两个月后,她回学校来上学。上学。我见到她时我见到她时,几乎认不出她来了,几乎认不出她来了,因为因为她变化太大了。她变化太大了。状语从句翻译练习状语从句翻译练习高三状语从句复习PPT课件1 1虽然虽然Mary 很胖,但她还是每天吃肉。很胖,但她还是每天吃肉。2 2每次我看到她,她总是在吃东西。每次我看到她,她总是在吃东西。3 3她变的非常胖以至她的父母很是为她的她变的非常胖以至她的父母很是为她的健康担心。健康担心。Although Mary was very fat,she ate much meat every day.Every time I saw her,she was eating something.She became so heavy that her parents worried about her health.状语从句翻译练习状语从句翻译练习高三状语从句复习PPT课件4他们把她送到了减肥夏令营他们把她送到了减肥夏令营(the slimming summer camp)以便她可以减肥以便她可以减肥5在夏令营中,她每天都锻炼,并且尽量在夏令营中,她每天都锻炼,并且尽量不吃肉。不吃肉。They sent her to the slimming summer camp so that she could lose weight.In the camp,she exercised every day,and tried her best not to eat any meat.高三状语从句复习PPT课件6两个月后,她回学校上学了。我见两个月后,她回学校上学了。我见到她时,几乎认不出她来了到她时,几乎认不出她来了,因为她变因为她变化太大了。化太大了。Two months later,she came back to school.When I saw her,I could hardly recognize her,because she changed a lot.高三状语从句复习PPT课件 Although Mary was very fat,she ate much meat every day.Every time I saw her,she was eating something.She became so heavy that her parents worried about her health.They sent her to the slimming summer camp so that she could lose weight.In the camp,she exercised every day,and tried her best not to eat any meat.Two months later,she came back to school.When I saw her,I could hardly recognize her,because she changed a lot.高三状语从句复习PPT课件5.till,until和和notuntil1.肯定肯定句句:until/till引导时状用于肯定句,主句动引导时状用于肯定句,主句动词词 延续性动词延续性动词,表示动作或状态一直持续到,表示动作或状态一直持续到until/till所所 表示的时间,表示的时间,“某动作一直延续到某动作一直延续到某时间点才停止某时间点才停止”We waited until he came.2否否定句定句:主句谓语动词是主句谓语动词是非非延续性动词延续性动词,从句,从句为肯定,意为为肯定,意为“某动作直到某时间才开始某动作直到某时间才开始”He wont go to bed till/until she returns.3位置位置:till不可以置于句首,而不可以置于句首,而until可以可以 Until you told me I had no idea of it.4notuntil句型中的强调和倒装说法:句型中的强调和倒装说法:It was not until you told me that I had any idea of it.Not until you told me did I have any idea of it.高三状语从句复习PPT课件高三状语从句复习PPT课件4._ problems you have,you can always come tome for help.A.What B.Whatever C.Whichever D.Which高三状语从句复习PPT课件5._ much advice I gave him,he did exactly what he wanted to do.A.How B.Whatever C.However D.No matter高三状语从句复习PPT课件6.-Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?-Yes.I gave it to her _ I saw her.A.while B.the moment C.suddenly D.once高三状语从句复习PPT课件7.If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,_ great it is.A.what B.how C.however D.whatever高三状语从句复习PPT课件8.I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class.A.since B.so that C.as if D.unless高三状语从句复习PPT课件9.John plays football _,if not better than,David.A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as高三状语从句复习PPT课件10.-What was the party like?-Wonderful.Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.A.after B.when C.before D.since高三状语从句复习PPT课件11.Dont change your mind,_ happens to you.A.which B.what C.whichever D.whatever高三状语从句复习PPT课件12._ he comes,we wont be able to go.A.Without B.Unless C.Except D.Even高三状语从句复习PPT课件13.Nobody believed him _ what he said.A.even though B.even if C.no matter D.because高三状语从句复习PPT课件14.I was watching TV _ suddenly the lights went out.A.when B.while C.as D.for高三状语从句复习PPT课件15.Take your umbrella with you _ it rains.A.if B.as ifC.in case D.as long as高三状语从句复习PPT课件16.No sooner _ entered the office _I heard the telephone ringing.A.had I,when B.I had,than C.had I,than D.I had,when高三状语从句复习PPT课件17.I had hardly arrived _ he started crying to go home.A.as B.for C.when D.until高三状语从句复习PPT课件18.It wont be long _ you regret what you said.A.since B.when C.before D.till高三状语从句复习PPT课件19.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_.A.will arrive B.arrives C.is going to arrive D.is arriving高三状语从句复习PPT课件20._ the day went on,the weather got worse.A.With B.Since C.While D.As高三状语从句复习PPT课件1.The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.A.begins B.having begunC.beginning D.begun2.The eighteen-storied building,when _,will shut out the sun lighting up the rooms in my house.A.completed B.to be completed C.completing D.have completed高三状语从句复习PPT课件3.If you go to Britain,youll find the streets there less beautiful than commonly _.A.Supposing B.supposed C.to suppose D.suppose4.Im sure all will go well as_.A.being planned B.planned C.having planned D.planning高三状语从句复习PPT课件高考链接:高考链接:1.1.When first _ to the market,these When first _ to the market,these products enjoyed great success.(NMET 2004products enjoyed great success.(NMET 2004全全国卷国卷II)II)A.introducing B.introduced A.introducing B.introduced C.introduce D.being introduced C.introduce D.being introduced 2.2.It shames me to say it,but I told a lie when It shames me to say it,but I told a lie when _ at the meeting by my boss.(NMET _ at the meeting by my boss.(NMET 20042004全国卷全国卷IV)IV)A.questioning B.having questioned A.questioning B.having questioned C.questioned D.to be questioned C.questioned D.to be questioned 高三状语从句复习PPT课件3.3.The man we followed suddenly stopped The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _ whether he was and looked as if _ whether he was going in the right direction.(NMET 2003 going in the right direction.(NMET 2003 安徽安徽春春)A.seeing B.having seen A.seeing B.having seen C.to have seen D.to see C.to have seen D.to see 4.4.Generally speaking,_ according to Generally speaking,_ according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.the directions,the drug has no side effect.(NMET2003(NMET2003上海卷上海卷)A.when taking B.when taken C.when to take D.when to be taken高三状语从句复习PPT课件5.5.Unless _ to speak,you should Unless _ to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.(NMET remain silent at the conference.(NMET 20032003上海春上海春)A.invited B.inviting A.invited B.inviting C.being invited D.having invited C.being invited D.having invited 6.6.When _,the museum will be When _,the museum will be open to the public next year.(NMET 2002open to the public next year.(NMET 2002上上海春海春)A.completed B.completing C.being completed D.to be completed 高三状语从句复习PPT课件7.7.Though _ money,his parents Though _ money,his parents managed to send him to university.managed to send him to university.(NMET 2002(NMET 2002上海卷上海卷)A.lacked B.lacking of A.lacked B.lacking of C.lacking D.lacked in C.lacking D.lacked in 8.8._told to stop,the excited children _told to stop,the excited children kept on talking in class,so I got angry.kept on talking in class,so I got angry.A.as B.when C.while D.though A.as B.when C.while D.though高三状语从句复习PPT课件1.-You should have thanked her before you left.-I meant _,but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A.to do B.toC.doing D.doing it2.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him _.A.not to B.not to do C.not do it D.do not to 3.-Ill be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat?-Not at all._.A.Ive no time B.Id rather not C.Id like it D.Id be happy to BAD链接其他省略链接其他省略 动词不定式的省略动词不定式的省略:在同一句或联系紧密的对话里,常把不定式在同一句或联系紧密的对话里,常把不定式to后内容相同的部分省后内容相同的部分省略,略,只保留只保留to。高三状语从句复习PPT课件1.-Are you a sailor?-No,but I _ A.am not B.used to C.used to be D.used to being 2.-Why didnt you take part in my birthday party yesterday?-I_,but I had an unexpected guest.A.would like to B.would like to have C.should D.wouldnt like to 如果不定式中含有如果不定式中含有be,have,have been通常保留通常保留be,have和和have been高三状语从句复习PPT课件1.-Do you think its going to rain over the weekend?-_.A.I dont believe B.I dont believe itC.I believe not so D.I believe not 2.-The boys are not doing a good job at all,are they?-_.(03 北京春招北京春招)A.I guess not so B.I didnt guessC.I dont guess so D.I guess not :在在Im afraid,I think,I believe,I Im afraid,I think,I believe,I hope,I guesshope,I guess等开头的作答句中,后面跟等开头的作答句中,后面跟so so 与与 not not 分别用于肯定或否定宾语是,宾语从句可省分别用于肯定或否定宾语是,宾语从句可省去。去。高三状语从句复习PPT课件 :主、谓、宾等成分的省略主、谓、宾等成分的省略在英语情景会话中,答语常常省略不会引起歧义在英语


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