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2013届M 2 U 3 学案作业1. Over time I _ quite a lot.(change)经过一段时间我已经被改变了很多。2. I _ in offices and homes since the 1970s. (use)自20世纪70年代以来,我就被用在办公室和家庭里。3. Over time my memory _ so much that, like an elephant, I never forget anything _ .(develop; tell)随着时间的推移,我的记忆能力发展得如此之快,就像一头大象一样,我从来不会忘记已经告诉我的任何事情。4. Since the 1970s, many new applications _ for me. (find)从20世纪70年代起,我被开发出了很多新的用途。5. I _ robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical operations. (put)我还已经被放在机器人里面,被用来制作手机,也用来帮助做医疗手术。6. By the 1940s I _as large as a room. (grow)到20世纪40年代,我已经长得像一间屋子那么大。7. _ , I was made smaller. (as)随着时间的推移,我被弄得更小。8. It took me nearly two hundred years _ as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.(build)差不多200年之后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。9. Anyhow, my goal is _ a life of high quality. (provide)不管怎样,我的目标是给人类提供高质量的生活。10. By the time I was sixteen, my dream _ . (come)十六岁的时候,我的梦想实现了。11. About once a year we _ to play a game of football. (allow)我们大约每年可以被允许参加一次足球赛。12. Personally, I think the team _ cheated. (win)我个人认为那个冠军队作弊了。13. I would really like to play against a human team, for I _ to act just like them. (programme)我真的喜欢和人类球队比赛,因为我已经经过程序编制,可以像人一样行动。14. I would like to have an android _ all my jobs around the house. (deal)我想拥有一个机器人,它能处理我所有的家务活。15. _ ,I have to help her with her homework.( Whenever)无论何时她来,我都要辅导她做家庭作业。16. To be a good learner, you _ library books, newspapers and magazines. ( make)要想成为一个好的学习者,你必须充分利用图书,报纸以及杂志。17. There are many websites on the Internet in English _ your vocabulary.( increase)在互联网上有很多的英语网站,这些网站会帮助你增加你的词汇量。18. I _ the money, but he didnt tell me he needed it. (lend)我本来可以借钱给他,但他没有告诉过我他需要钱。19. _ the rare valuable gold ring belongs to my grandmother. (doubt)毫无疑问,这枚珍贵的戒指是我祖母的。20. The school shop, _ , is closed for the holidays. (be)学校的商店因为放假关门了,顾客主要是学生。21. It is a bad habit to sleep with lights on. (with)开着灯睡觉时坏习惯。22. This is the first time _ in the cinema together as a family. (see)这是我们家第一次一起在电影院看一部电影。23. You cant be too careful _ . (cross)过马路时再小心也不为过!24. With a very important report, surely shell have a busy weekend. (write)她有一个重要报告要写,周末当然会忙了。25. I saw the film 1942 last Saturday . _ . (so)我上周六看了1942,他们也看了。26. The second-hand dictionary _ is just as useful as a new one. (spend)我花10元买的这本二手字典就像新的一样好用。27. Not until the term was at an end _ how time had flown. (realize)直到学期结束时我们才意识到时间过得多快。28. The managers suggestion is _ next week. (hold)经理建议下周举行会议。29. Cindy _ Scott in New York because she was in Chicago at that time. (visit) Cindy 不可能在纽约拜访了Scott, 因为那时她在芝加哥。30. The plan put forward by Professor Brown sounds great, but _ whether it works well in practice. (see) Brown 教授提出的计划听起来不错,可是是否实用还有待观察。31. _ you have decided to change your previous idea ? (it) 你究竟为什么决定改变先前的主意?32. _ the coal mine for more than 70 hours , the workers survived by eating newspapers. (trap) 困在煤矿里70多个小时,那些矿工靠吃报纸幸存下来。33. The reason _ was that he committed a murder on purpose.(sentence) 他之所以被判死刑是因为他犯了故意杀人罪。34. I dont know where he will go for his holiday. Nor _ when he will leave. (know) 我不知道他去哪里度假,也不想知道他什么时候离开。35. Mr. Johnshon insisted that the problem worthy of attention _ at the meeting. (discuss) 琼斯先生坚持要求在会上讨论一下那个值得关注的问题。36. There are a good many islands in China , _ is Taiwan. (large) 中国有许许多多的岛屿,其中最大的是台湾。37. The question is whether the plan _ . (try) 问题在于这个计划是否值得尝试。38. We are proud of _ in the past ten years. (achieve) 我们对过去十年我们取得的成就感到骄傲。39. The questions _ are of great importance. Therefore, dont disturb them. (discuss) 正在讨论的问题很重要,不要打扰他们。40. My advice is _. (work)我的建议是我们应该一起工作。41. He talked about Rome as though he _ there before. But in fact he read that from a book. (work)他说的那样好像他在罗马工作过一样,但实际上他是从书上读来的。42. _, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (dress)穿着白色的衣服,他看起来更像个一厨师而不是一个医生。43. _ in this activity has not been decided. (play)他将在这个活动中扮演什么角色尚未决定。44. _ remains a mystery. (escape)那个囚犯是怎样逃脱的仍然是个谜。45. She _ the table, for the table is very clean. (clean)她一定是擦了桌子,因为桌子很干净。46. He lives in a house _ south. (face) 他住的房子窗户朝南开。47. Jim passed the driving test, _ everybody in the office. (surprise) 吉姆过了驾考,这让办公室的人人都感到惊讶。48. _, he went on working. (tired)无论他有多累,他都继续工作。49. In the USA, there are thousands of poor people, _.(work)在美国有成千上万的穷人,其中10%的人都失业了。50. It was at the G20 meeting _ on how to fight against pollution all over the world.(come) 正是在二十国峰会上,许多关于全球如何抗击污染的好建议被提了出来。51. _ him about it. He is certain not to listen to you. (talk) 告诉他没有用。他肯定不会听你的。52. No one can predict_ in the international business in the future.(part) 没有人能预测在未来的国际贸易中中国会起什么作用。


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