Unit 5 Plus and minus Sorry, youre wrong. (对不起,你答错了 ) Oh, no. ( 哦,不 ) zoo Lets go to the zoo. 动物园里有各种各样的动物 ,请你 来数一数各有多少只 ,好吗 ? Lets go to the zoo. Count(数一数 ) one two three four five 1+4 =? Whats one plus four? Its five. 5 + 2+5 =? Whats two plus five? Its seven. 7 + 3+6 =? Whats three plus six? Its nine. 9 + 1+4 3+6 2+5 one plus four two plus five three plus six Practice: A: Whats plus? B: Its A:Whats five plus two? 5 + 2 = ? B:Its seven . ? A: Thats right. 7 十 Questions: ? A: Whats eight plus five? 8 +5 =? B: Its thirteen. A: Thats right . 13 Questions: Whats ten plus four? 10 + 4 = ? Its fourteen . ? Thats right . 14 十 Questions: 5 4 3 2 1 15 16 17 18 19 Whatsplus? Its twenty.(20) Questions: fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen Sorry, youre wrong. (对不起,你答错了 ) Oh, no. ( 哦,不 ) 13thirteen 14fourteen 15fifteen 16sixteen 17seventeen 18eighteen 19nineteen 20twenty 12twelve Whats missing ? Whats nine minus four ? Its five 9-4=? Whats eight minus two? Its six. 8-2 20-4=? A: Whats twenty minus four? B: Its sixteen 9-4 8-2 20- 4 nine minus four eight minus two twenty minus four 11-6= 9-4= 7-2= 12-8= 10-1= 14-7= 6-4= 13-5= 8 9 7 4 5 2 Questions: 1 2 7 6 3 4 5 A: Whats plus /minus? B: Its A: Thats right. Sorry, youre wrong. Oh, no. Make a conversation 设计一份加减法口算试卷 ,与周围 同学一起练习英语表述 . 朗读并背诵 Unit 5 Part A.