仁爱英语七年级上册U3Section Appt课件.ppt

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Unit 3 Topic 3 What would you like to drink? Section A 学 习 目 标 u掌握关于食物的单词。 u区分可数名词与 不可数名词。 u学习表达关于点餐与 就餐的句型。 Words and expressions 一 二 yourself j: self 你自己 1.Help yourself to. 自便吃点. would wd 打算 Help yourself to some apples. fish f 鱼 2.would like. 想要 chicken tkn 鸡肉;鸡 What would you like? rice ras 大米 Id=I would like some rice. drink drk 饮料;喝 3. would like to do=want to do. juice dus 果汁 I want to go to school. milk mlk 牛奶想要做. =I would like to go to school. idea adi 主意 4.What about.?. 怎么样? water w:t 水 What about some fish? vegetable veditbl 蔬菜 =How about some fish? bread bred 面包 5.yourself -yourselves hamburger hmb: 汉堡包 6.Good idea! 好主意! Learn by yourselves bananas apple egg chicken rice fish milk orange juice water vegetables hamburger bread vegetables ( ) water ( ) rice ( ) eggs ( ) bread ( ) milk ( ) hamburgers ( ) chicken ( ) fish ( ) 3. Look and match. bananas ( ) juice ( ) k c f d h e i a j g b _ Countable nouns: Uncountable nouns: vegetables water rice eggs bread milk hamburgers chicken fish bananas juice _ Work in groups of four, divide these words into C.n and U.n. 可数名词 不可数名词 名词 可数名词: cake egg apple banana vegetable noodle pencil car 不可数名词 fish meat rice chicken milk water tea (some+可数名词复数) some cakes eggs vegetables (some+不可数名词) some fish meat milk egg hamburger fish chicken juice some some some some s some s some s Exercises: Please add “some” to these words. 可数 不可数 Would you like some eggs? 你想要一些鸡蛋吗? Yes,please./No,thanks. Would you like sth.? 表示 “ 你 想 要 某 物 吗 ” 这种建议常希望对方给予肯定回答,用 于提出礼貌的提议或邀请,有时含有请 求的意味。 3. Would you like some water? 你想要一些水吗? 1. 用some 或any 填空: I have _books, but I dont have_ pencils. some any Would you like_ apples ? A 、some B 、any 2. 选择题 A Yes,please./No,thanks. 2. I would like some water. 3. 我想要些水。 翻译: 我想要一些面包。 _ I would like some bread. =Id like some bread. =I want some bread. I would like=Id like =I want (我想要 ) 如: I would like some apples. = I want some apples. 我想要些苹果。 _ _ 2. I would like some water. 3. 我想要些水。 翻译: 我想要参观北京。 _ I would like to visit Beijing . =Id like to visit Beijing. =I want to visit Beijing. I would like=Id like =I want (我想要 ) 如: I want to buy a T-shirt. = I would like to buy a T-shirt. _ _ water juice milk What would you like to drink? 你想要喝点什么? I would like some water. I would like some eggs. Id like some vegetables. (二)变一变。 1 Id like an egg and some bread. ( 划线提问) _ _ you _? 2. I would like to drink some milk. (改为一般 疑问句) _ _ _ to drink some milk ? 3. I want some oranges. (同 义句 转换) I_ _ some apples. Would you like would like What would like (录音1 ) 1b Work in groups of four Fill out the table according to 1a. Name Food Drink Michael Maria Jane an egg and some fish milk some chicken milk rice and chicken apple juice 1. Help yourselves. 随便吃。 Key points: 翻译: 请随便吃些鸡肉。 _ Help yourself( 单数) ;Help yourselves( 复数 ). 如:Help yourselves to some fish, kids. 孩子们,随便吃些鱼。 Help yourselves to some chicken. 随便吃 / 喝 Help yourself /yourselves to 4. What about you, Jane? 你呢,简? 这本英语书怎么样?What about_? 你呢,Tom ?What about _, Tom ? = How about 来些面包怎么样? _ What about some bread? = How about some bread? this English book you 2 Work alone Listen and fill in the blanks. A: What would you like to have? B: Id like some _ and _. A: Would you like some _ _? B: No, thanks. A: What about some _? B: Good idea. rice chicken orange juice milk 吃,喝 Play 请 点 击这里 1. 水_ 2. 汉堡包_ 3. 鱼_ 4.鸡肉_ 5. 米饭_ 6.牛奶_ 7.饮料_ 8. 我想要一些桔子。 I_ _ some oranges. 9. 来些苹果怎么样? _ _ some apples? 10. Help yourselves _some fish. A. to B. of C. with D. in 11. 那是个好主意!That is a _ _! water hamburger fish chicken rice milk drink would like What about A good idea Self test 课堂训练 1. Help yourselves, kids! _ A. Me, too. B. Thank you. C. All right. D. Thats OK. 2. Would you like _ bananas? Yes, please. A. a lot B. much C. some D. lot 3. What would you like _? Some milk, please. A. eat B. to eat C. drink D. to drink 4. What about some _?Good idea! A. apple juice B. apple juices C. apples juice D. apples juices B C D A 课堂训练 5. 1.I want some bananas.( 同义句转换) I_ _some bananas. 6. A fish lives in the w_. 7. Would you like something to d_? Yes. A glass of milk, please. 8. Help _ (you) ,Tom! Thank you. would like ater rink yourself 此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!


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