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见面与道别 商务实战交流课程 基础篇 问候与回答 Greetings & Responses 这一节给大家系统的提供一些见面时问候和回应的表达方式,绝对地道实 用!一定能够让老外听了,有回到家乡的亲切感觉。霎那间提升你在对方 脑海中的形象! 问好: 你好吗? How are you? (比较正式的问候方式 ) How are you doing? (比较亲密的问候方式) Hows it going? / Hows your business? / Hows your job? / Hows your family? (询问一切) Hows everything?(最偷懒的问候方式) Howve you been?(有段日子没有见面 ) Whats new? / Whats up? What are you up to? (注意:这类提问,事实上已经演变为问候的基本用语,倒不是人家真的对你的境况 感兴趣。) 肯定回答 :很好,好极了。 Im doing fine. Find. /great. Pretty well./Pretty fair! Terrific. / Awesome. (注意:在书面语中, terrific和 awesome都是负面的意思,但是在口语中,却表达 为 “ 很好,好极了。 ” 其中, awesome简直就是老美的口头禅。) 普通回答 :一般般啦,和过去差不多啦,没什么好抱怨的啦。 So-so. / Not bad. Not so great. The same as ever. I cant complain too much. / I cant complain. (使用频率很高的一句话) 负面回答 :糟透了。 Terrible. Ive had a headache all morning. 糟透了,我整个早上都头痛。 其他回答 : Well, Im still alive and kicking. 还好,我依然活蹦乱跳的。 So far so good. 目前为止一切都好。 Not much. / Nothing special. 没啥新鲜事。 Im just taking one day at a time. 我只是过一天算一天。 Couldnt be better. 再好不过了。 Im extremely well, thank you. 有针对性的问候 : Whats going on? 发生什么事了? Whats happening?/ Whats the matter?/Whats up? (如果你发现对方的行为有些特别,比如很高兴或很沮丧,就可以用这个表达法, 既表达问候,也询问情况。嘿嘿,看到对方鼻青脸肿也可以问这句话哦。) Are you gonna be okay? 你还好吧?( gonna=going to) (对方若是情况不妙,可以用这句话询问对方的感受,绝对地道。) 回答 : Fine with me. 我没事。 I am gonna be okay. 我好多了。 更亲密的表达例子 : Hi! My fellow/guys/kids/old chap! What a pleasant surprise running into you! 老朋友!碰到你真是太好了,我们边喝边聊。 Ive been thinking about you lately. Where have you been hiding? 最近我一直在想你。你藏到哪去了? 离开与道别 DEPARTURE & FAREWELL 所谓善始善终,有了好的开头,当然也要有好的结尾。以下介绍一些道别和离别 时常用的句子。绝对另老外感到离开你是人生最大的损失! TYPICAL EXPRESSIONS: 离别 Where are you headed? A: Where are you headed? A: 你要到哪里去? B: I am headed to Washington. B: 我去华盛顿。 be about to leave A: I am about to leave Beijing. A: 我即将离开北京。 B: Have a good trip. B: 旅途愉快。 Wed better be off A: Wed better be off now. A: 我们该走了。 B: Why dont you stay a little longer? B: 为什么不多留一会儿呢? I just stopped by to say goodbye. A: I just stopped by to say goodbye. A: 我顺便过来向你道别。 B: I hope you can come again soon. B: 希望你再来。 说再见 : (除了 Goodbye/Bye bye/Bye 你还会说什么?) Take it easy. 慢走。 So long. 再见。 See you soon. 回头见。 Take care. 保重。 Talk to you later. 回头聊 Its been good talking to you. 能和你聊天很高兴 See you! Well, hope to see you again soon. 回见 ! 希望很快又能见面! 离开前去处理事务 : I am on my way. A: Bill, there is something wrong here! A: Bill,这里出事了。 B: Dont worry, I am on my way. B: 别担心,我马上就去。 暂时离开 : Excuse me for a moment. A: Excuse me for a moment. A: 失陪一会儿。 B: It doesnt matter. B: 没关系。 PRACTICAL DIALOGUES saying goodbye 告别 1) A: Id better be going. B: Why dont you stay a little longer? A: I wish I could, but its already late. B: Oh, its a shame that you have to leave. A: 我得走了。 B: 为什么不多留一会儿呢? A: 我希望我能,但是太迟了。 B: 真遗憾你要走了。 2) A: I really must be going now. B: But you just got here. Cant you stay a little longer? A: Thats very nice of you, but I really cant. B: Well, its too bad that you have to go. A: Thanks very much. It was a great party! B: It was our pleasure. A: 我必须要走了。 B: 但是你才刚到啊。你不能多呆一会儿吗? A: 你真是太好了,但是我必须走。 B: 真糟糕,你得走了。 A: 非常感谢你,真是不错的晚会。 B: 这是我的荣幸。 3) A: I think its about time we got going. B: What? Wont you have more coffee? A: Id love to, but I have to get up early tomorrow. B: Oh! Im sorry. I wish you could stay. A: Thank you for a very enjoyable evening. B: Dont mention it. I hope you can come again soon. A: 差不多了,我们该走了。 B: 什么?不再来点咖啡? A: 我也想,但是我们明天还要早起。 B: 真遗憾。真希望你能留下。 A: 非常感谢让我们度过了这么愉快的夜晚。 B: 没什么。我希望你们能再来。 总结:表达道别的句型 Id better / be going I (really) must get going now! go I really have to / go now Its about time to leave now. left now got going now. Ive got to go. Its about time we 离别的至高境界:离别致辞 Today is one of the happiest and saddest days in my life. I am very happy that Mr. Lee has been promoted director of the Los Angeles branch. However, I am very sad that he has to leave us behind. For the past five years Mr. Lee has been with us, he has always been our pride, and was willing to share his talent, abilities, and warm personality. Mr. Lee, we are going to miss you very much and we all wish you the best of luck in the future. 今天是我一生中最悲喜交加的日子之一。喜的是李先生已经被提升为 洛杉矶分布的主任,悲的是他必须离开我们了。在共事五年里,李先生一 直是我们的骄傲。他用才能帮助大家,用古道热肠感染大家。 李先生,我们会非常想念您,同时也祝您万事如意。


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