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红楼梦 译本对比 131501131、 32、 34、 35 红 楼 梦 红楼梦的翻译过程 早在 1830年就开始翻译 红楼梦 了,从 1830年到 1986年间,主要有三 个阶段: 第一阶段有四个译本,约翰 德庇时, 罗伯特 汤姆,波拉和裘里的译本。 第二阶段是王良志和两个王际真的译 本。 第三阶段有两个译本,一个是霍克斯 的,另一个是杨宪益和戴乃迭夫妇的。 书名翻译 The Story of the Stone-David Hawkes A Dream of Red Mansion-Yang Hsien Yi and Glads Yang Dream of the Red Chamber- C.C.Wang(王际真) An Old, Old Story-E. Huclson The Hung Lou Meng-H.A.Giles 众婆子去世后,探春问宝钗如何。宝钗笑答道: “幸于始者怠于终,缮其辞者嗜其利。” 杨译: And as soon as the women had gone, Tan-chun asked Pao-chai her opinion.“ One who is zealous at the start may grow lax before the finish,” quoted Bao-chai smiling. “ Fine speech may hide a hankering after profit.” 霍译: After the women had gone, Tan-chun looked at Bao-chai inquiringly:“ Well?” Bao-chai laughed:“ He who shows most enthusiasm in the beginning proves often to be a sluggard in the end; and he who promises the fairest is often thinking more of his profit than of his performance. 一 “ 况且这通身的气派竟不像老祖宗的外孙女儿,竟是 嫡亲的孙女儿似的。” (第三回) (语气中带着对老祖 宗的恭维) 杨译: HER WHOLE AIR IS SO DISTINGUISHED! SHE DOESNT TAKE AFTER HER FATHER, SON-IN-LAW OF OUR OLD ANCESTRESS, BUT LOOKS MORE LIKE A CHIA. 霍译: AND EVERYTHING ABOUT HER SO DISTINGUE! SHE DOESNT TAKE AFTER YOUR SIDE OF THE FAMILY, GRANNIE. SHE IS MORE LIKE A JIA. 成语的处理 黛玉听了,“ 兔死狐悲,物伤其类 ”,不免也要 感叹起来了。湘云听了却动了气。 杨译: Daiyu, exclaimed in distress and sympathy, but Xiangyun grew most indignant. 霍译: Daiyu, feeing the foxs sympathy for the hunted hare, was much distressed, but Xiangyuns reaction was one of anger. 宗教词汇的异化与归化 刘姥姥说:“这倒不然,谋事在人,成事在 天 。咱 们谋到了,看 菩萨 的保佑,有些机会也可知 ” 杨译:“ Dont be so sure,” said Granny Liu. “Man proposes, Heaven disposes. Work out a plan, trust to Buddha, and something may come of it for all you know” 霍译:“ I wouldnt sat that,” said Grannie Liu. “Man proposes, God disposes. Its up to us think of something. We must leave it to the good lord to decide whether hell help us or not. Who knows, He might give us the opportunity we are looking for” 一、红楼梦(第三回林黛玉进贾府) 中人物外表形象翻译 -比较分析杨译和霍译 1.形容脸面的词语的翻译 2.描写 眉眼 的词语的翻译 形容脸面的词语 红楼梦中用大量词语形容人物脸面形状和肤质的 词语,极富赞美之情,如 “ 腮凝新荔,鼻腻鹅脂 ” “ 香腮 ” “ 粉面含春 ” “ 面若银盘 ” “ 面如春花 ” “ 面如桃瓣 ” “ 面如秋月 ” 。 贾迎春 王熙凤 贾宝玉 贾迎春 曹雪芹在描写迎春的时候,用到 “ 腮凝新荔,鼻腻鹅 脂 ” ,汉语的四字结构音韵优美,读起来朗朗上口。 杨译: Her cheeks were the texture of newly ripened lichees, her nose as sleek as goose fat. 霍译: Cheeks as white and firm as a fresh lychee and a nose as white and shinny as soap made from the white goose-fat. 分析: 霍译:当中句子结构上起到了对仗作用, cheeks, nose后面都接 了 “ as.as结构,但整个译文中出现了三次 ”white显得啰嗦。 杨译:在描写迎春皮肤水嫩白皙却没有出现一个 white,而 sleek(光滑细嫩的)一词更是比 “white and shiny简洁,有力道。 王熙凤 “粉面含春威不露 ,丹唇未启笑先露 ” 杨译: the springtime charm of her powdered face 霍译: the ever-smiling summer face 分析:简单来看,曹雪芹描绘的熙凤, 不仅仅是要有 “粉面 ”,还要有暗藏的 “威 ”。而霍译中只是简单译了她爱笑的 特点,而杨译中将王熙凤比作春天里万 物复苏、生机盎然、充满活力。 贾宝玉 “面若秋月 ,色如春晓之花 ” 曹雪芹把带有女性气 质的贾宝玉形容为面若秋月,用中秋之月来赞美宝玉 的脸面白嫩和肤色白皙。 杨译: “His face was as radiant as the mid-autumn moon 霍译: a face like the moon of Mid-Autumn 分析:这两位都采用中秋之月来解释面若秋月。而在 用词方面,杨宪益则添加了 radiant 则更突出宝玉的脸 面之亮的特点。而霍克斯则译出了其脸面的形状却没 有更多的赞美。 眉眼的描写 探春: “俊眼修眉,顾盼神飞 ”,这里曹雪芹用此形容探春眼睛炯 炯有神,且似有智慧的人。 杨译: lovely dancing eyes 霍译: evpressive eyes shot out glances that sparkled with animation 分析:杨宪益短短三个词,却给人拍案叫绝之感, dancing不仅 写出炯炯有神的眼神,更突出了聪明,有智慧的感觉。而霍克斯 则只是忠于原文。 凤姐:丹凤眼 杨译: almond-shaped eyes of a phoenix 霍译: trigon phoenix-eyes, slant, hard and bright 分析: almond-shaped eyes 形似杏仁的眼睛,给尤其是外国读者 更贴切形象的比喻。而霍克斯则只是贴近原文并没有多加修饰。 二、第八十七回 感秋声抚琴悲往事 坐禅寂走入火邪魔 Original text: 宝玉自觉造次,连忙陪笑道:倒是出家人比不得我们在家的俗人。头 一件,心是静的。静则灵,灵则慧。宝玉尚未说完,只见妙玉微微的把眼一抬, 看了宝玉一眼,复又低下头去,那脸上的颜色渐渐的红晕起来。宝玉见他不理, 只得讪讪的旁边坐了。 杨译: Conscious of his gaffe, Baoyu tried to cover it up.“You who have renounced the world are not like us vulgar worldlings,” he said with a conciliatory smile. “First of all, your hearts are at peace, so you are more spiritual and have quiet perception.” He was running on like this when Miaoyu glanced up at him, then lowered her head again, blushing furiously. Baoyu, cold- shouldered like this, sat down sheepishly at one side. 霍译: Bao-yu could see that he had embarrassed her, and tried to make up for it. Seriously, he said, with a charming smile, how can common mortals compare with those who, like you, have renounced the world? In the first place, you have achieved inner peace. And with that peace comes a deep spirituality. And with that spirituality a clear insight. As he was speaking, Adamantina lifted her eyes a fraction and glanced at him. She looked down again at once, and a deep flush spread slowly across her face. Bao-yu realized that she was deliberately trying to ignore him, and sat down awkwardly beside the table. 坐到三更以后 ,听得房上嗗一片响声,妙玉恐有贼来,下了禅床, 出到前轩,但见云影横空,月华如水。那时天气尚不很凉,独自一个凭栏站 了一回,忽听房上两个猫儿一递一声嘶叫。那妙玉忽想起日间宝玉之言,不 觉一阵心跳耳热,自己连忙收摄心神,走进禅房,仍到禅床上坐了。 杨译: Some time after midnight, she heard a thud on the roof. Suspecting a thief, she left her couch and went out to the veranda. She saw cloud streamers in the sky and moonlight limpid as water. As it was not yet too cold, she stood there alone for a while by the balustrade till a sudden caterwauling broke out on the roof. Abruptly recalling Baoyu s remarks that day, her heart started beating faster and her face burned. Hastily suppressing her feelings, she returned to her cell and sat down again on the couch. 霍译: She sat in meditation until well after midnight, when she was disturbed by a sudden clattering sound on the roof. Afraid there might be burglars about, she rose from her couch and went into the front hall. Looking out, all she could see were long clouds that stretched across the sky, and the moon shining through a watery haze. It was a mild night, and she stayed there for a while, leaning over the balustrade.Suddenly two cats started wailing to each other on the roof above her head. The words Bao-yu had spoken to her that afternoon came flashing into her mind. She felt an involuntary racing of the heart, her ears burned. Making a determined effort to compose herself, she went back into her meditation room and sat down again on her couch. 结论 霍克斯的译文语言精美,几乎做到 了逐句翻译,力图保持原文的完整 性,以及原文的风格,翻译严谨, 备受海内外的赞誉。 杨宪益夫妇的翻译为欧美读者提供 了一个最好的译本。 吴世昌先生说过:“我敢说,这是 目前几个英译本中最完备最正确的 译本。” 可见,两个翻译大家都为 红楼梦 的翻译作出了自己最大的贡献。


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