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Taj MahalMing Dynasty Vaseivory dragon boatUnit 1 Cultural relics巩固练习单元基础知识回顾Unit 1 Revision of vocabulary核心单词短语突破一、一、Read the words and phrases of this unit.Try to get the Chinese meaning of each word or phrase.二、二、Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases of this unit,Chinese or English meaning given.1.Is it enough to _ for a long time?2.It was a treasure _ jewels and gold,which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.3.Frederick William,_ whom the amber room _,did not to keep it.belongedsurvivedecorated withtosth.belong to sb.=sb.own sth.belongings 所有物,行李所有物,行李luggage,baggage 4.The room _ a reception hall for important visitors.5.This was a time when the two countries were _.6.Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace,the Russians were able to _some furniture and small objects the Amber Room.7.In two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes.be used asserves asat warfightingremovefromless thanat war 处于交战状态处于交战状态 at work 在工作在工作at table 在用餐在用餐at risk 有风险,有危险有风险,有危险 at ease 轻松地,自在地轻松地,自在地no less than 不少于,至少不少于,至少more than 超过,不仅仅超过,不仅仅no more than 不超过,不超过,不过不过rather than 而非而非other than 不同于,除了不同于,除了 besides,except 8.Is it _ rebuilding lost cultural relics such as the Amber Room or Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing?9.The old man saw some Germans _ the Amber Room and removing it.10.I _ those who are the Amber Room.worthtaking apartthink highly ofsearching forworthy,worthwhilevalue,respect,think sth.importantget sth.into small pieceslooking for sth.think much/well/highly ofthink little/nothing of 认为认为不怎样,看不起不怎样,看不起apart from 除除-之外,要不是之外,要不是except;except for1 survive v.Unfortunately,no one _ the traffic accident.survived核心单词短语突破核心单词短语突破The woman was the only _ who _ the earthquake,but her husband was not so lucky and lost his life.Its said that she survived on a little water.Everyone said her _ was a miracle.Ten years after the earthquake,she died.She _ his husband _10 years.survivedsurvivedby1 survive v.survivalsurvivor1 survive v.survive v.幸存,存活,继续存在survival n.幸存,存活survivor n.幸存者survive the flood/the earthquake/the traffic accidentsurvived on 靠生存 live on /feed on No from!2 design n/vLugger Hotel DubaiThe _ of the building is special,it is _ _ as a hotel.design designed2 design n/vby design=on purpose 故意地故意地by accident=accidentally 偶然地偶然地 be designed by sb.由由设计设计be designed for 为为.而设计而设计be designed to do 设计的目是设计的目是The new department store(百货大楼)(百货大楼)_ by a famous artist.Since it was beautifully _,people from many places visited it.After they went there,they found the _was really great,but soon they knew the store _ only for the wealthy because it is _sell luxury goods(奢侈品奢侈品).designedwas designedwas designeddesignwas designed to2 design n/v3 wonder n;vPyramidsPyramids are such a_ that I_ how ancient Egyptians built them.wonderwonderwonder n 奇迹,奇迹,惊奇,奇景惊奇,奇景 v 疑惑,惊奇疑惑,惊奇;纳闷儿纳闷儿;想弄明白想弄明白wonderful adj.美妙的精彩的美妙的精彩的 wonderfully advI wonder if/wh.-我想知道,很疑惑我想知道,很疑惑(It is)no wonder(that)难怪难怪3 wonder n;vwonderwonderfullyNo wonderwonderedWhen I saw the _ designed vase,I _how the artists did such a _.The tour guide told me the vase took 100 men about a year to make._it looks so _.wonderfulwonder n;vThe house is worth a lot of money.Dont lock the door-its not worth it.The story is interesting,it is well worth reading.Most of the jewellery was of little worth.4 worth n;prep;be worth sth.worth it 值得的,有用处的值得的,有用处的be(well)worth doingof(no)worthTry to translate the sentences into English.was of no worthwere worth seeingnot worth buyingHe said the antiques _(值得一看值得一看).Soon after we got there,I was attracted by a beautiful vase,which I even decided to buy,but my husband thought it _(没什么价值)没什么价值)and it was _(不值得买)不值得买).However,in my friends view,the vase was valuable and _(有用处的)有用处的).worth itLast Saturday,my friend strongly recommended me to go to an antique city(古玩城古玩城).be worth sth.worth it 值得的,有用处的值得的,有用处的be(well)worth doingof(no)worthworth,worthy,worthwhile这电影值得一看。这电影值得一看。The movie is worth watching.The movie is worthy of being watched.The movie is worthy to be watched.It is worthwhile to watch the movie.Sth.is worth doingSth.is worthy of being done.Sth.is worthy to be done.It is worthwhile to do sth.5 search n;vThey went there _the missing child.The police the building but didnt find the thief.The policethe thief.in search of5 search n;vsearchedsearched forsearch sp./sb.搜查某地搜查某地/搜身搜身search for sb./sth.搜寻某人搜寻某人/某物某物 search A for B 为了为了B尔搜查尔搜查Ain search of=in a/the/ones search forsearchin search of or in his search forThe beggar was so hungry that he wanted to buy a pancake.When he put his hands in his pocket _some money,but in vain!The poor beggar had to _the trash bin _ food.for5 search n;v6 doubt n;vHe has no doubt _ his ability,which makes him always confident.I never doubted _ she would come.I doubt _ the new amber room would be any better.There is _ (doubt)that the boxes were put on a train for Konigsberg.no doubtaboutthatwhether/if_(毫无疑问)毫无疑问)he is excellent,and I dont doubt _ he took the first place in the college entrance examination.But considering(考虑到)考虑到)his badThere is no doubt thatthatif/whethercharacter and temper,I do doubt _ he will succeed in the future.6 in return(for)作为(作为(的)回报的)回报_her selfless help,I gave her a bunch of flowers.In return forWe give enough time,space and love we can spare,and _,dogs give us their all.轮流,依次轮流,依次作为回应,响应作为回应,响应总共,合计总共,合计CA in turn B in answerC in return D in all 改错。改错。1 Luckily,the boy survived from the terrible earthquake,which killed so many people.2 They started off in their search of the missing child.3 She doubts that he will love her for ever.4 The book is very worth reading.forif/whetherwell用本单元单词或短语替换划线部分。用本单元单词或短语替换划线部分。1As a reward for her selfless help,they decided to hold a party for her.2.The book is worthy to be read.3Well thought of,the well designed book sells well.in return foris worth readingHighly thought of完形完形英译汉英译汉1.昨天我去书店昨天我去书店搜寻搜寻以为著名艺术家的绘画集以为著名艺术家的绘画集2.这位艺术家的画被人们这位艺术家的画被人们给予评价很高给予评价很高。Yesterday I went to a bookstore in search of a famous artists collection.The artists paintings are highly thought of by many people.in my search forsearching forMany people think highly of the artists paintings.3 这位艺术家的画很贵,我在这位艺术家的画很贵,我在犹豫犹豫买不买买不买4 这些画构思独特,这些画构思独特,毫无疑问很值得毫无疑问很值得收藏收藏。The paintings have fancy design,so there is no doubt that they are well worth collecting.The artists paintings are very expensive,I wonder if/whether I will take them.whether to take themit is worthwhile to collect them.微写作微写作【写作素材写作素材】1昨天我去书店搜寻一位著名艺术家的绘画集。昨天我去书店搜寻一位著名艺术家的绘画集。2.这位艺术家的画被给予评价很高。这位艺术家的画被给予评价很高。3这位艺术家的画很贵,我在犹豫买不买。这位艺术家的画很贵,我在犹豫买不买。4.这些画构思独特,毫无疑问值得收藏。这些画构思独特,毫无疑问值得收藏。要求:要求:1 适当添加连词或句子使行文更流畅适当添加连词或句子使行文更流畅;2 60词左右词左右。Thank you!


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