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宾语从句的引导连词有(that,代词who ,whose ,what,which,副词when ,where, how, why, whether, if)我们今天,讲解一下由that 引导的宾语从句:可跟 that 从句做宾语的动词有: say , think, wish, hope, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree,1、在学习宾语从句的时候要知道宾语从句的构成Iheardthat he would come here later on.主语 谓语动词 引导词 一个句子作宾语2、要注意在宾语从句中主句与从句的时态要呼应(a) 当主句用一般现在时,从句要根据实际情况,选择时态例如:I believe ( that)you did your best for that.I believe ( that ) you will do your best for that.(b) 当主句的时态用一般过去时,从句要用相应的过去时态(过去时代包括,过去进行时,一般过去时,过去将 来时,过去完成时等过去时态)例如: I hear that I he will come here later on .I heard I that I he would come here later on.I cant tell him that his mother died.(c) 当主句的时态用的是过去时态,但是从句的内容是对客观事情的叙述,从句依然用一般现在时态。例如: My teacher said that the earth goes around the sun.宾语从句的引导连词有(that,代词who ,whose ,what,which,副词when ,where, how, why,whether, if)我们今天,讲解一下由that 引导的宾语从句:可跟 that 从句做宾语的动词有: say , think, wish, hope, wonder, know, suppose, see, believe, agree,1、在学习宾语从句的时候要知道宾语从句的构成Iheardthat he would come here later on.主语 谓语动词 引导词 一个句子作宾语2、要注意在宾语从句中主句与从句的时态要呼应(a) 当主句用一般现在时,从句要根据实际情况,选择时态例如: I believe ( that ) you did your best for that. I believe( that ) you will do your best for that.(b) 当主句的时态用一般过去时,从句要用相应的过去时态(过去时代包括,过去进行时,一般过去时,过去将 来时,过去完成时等过去时态)例如: I hear Ithatl he will come here later on .I heard that he would come here later on. I cant tell him that his mother died.(c) 当主句的时态用的是过去时态,但是从句的内容是对客观事情的叙述,从句依然用一般现在时态。例如: My teacher said that the earth goes around the sun.


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