蓝擎欧 柴油机wp6维护保养培训资料(译)

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蓝擎欧蓝擎欧 WP6 WP6柴油机柴油机维护保养维护保养Maintenance for Landking WP6 Euro III Diesel Engines尊敬的用户:尊敬的用户:Respected customers:Respected customers:感谢您选择了潍柴动力蓝擎欧感谢您选择了潍柴动力蓝擎欧柴油机。柴油机。Thank you for using Landking Euro III diesel engines of Wei Chai Power.diesel engines of Wei Chai Power.蓝擎系列柴油机是潍柴动力欧洲研发中心融合国际最前沿内燃机科技开蓝擎系列柴油机是潍柴动力欧洲研发中心融合国际最前沿内燃机科技开发的具有世界先进水平的成熟产品。发的具有世界先进水平的成熟产品。Landking series diesel engines,developed by European R&D center of Wei Chai Power integrating the most advanced technology of internal combustion engines,are mature products with world-class technology.潍柴动力友情提示:潍柴动力友情提示:为了提高您的运营效率,降低使用成本,请您仔细阅读手为了提高您的运营效率,降低使用成本,请您仔细阅读手册内容,进行正确的使用保养,采用正宗配件、专用油品。册内容,进行正确的使用保养,采用正宗配件、专用油品。潍柴动力潍柴动力Friendly tips from Wei Chai Power:In order to improve your operation efficiency and reduce cost,please read the manual carefully for proper use and maintenance.Special fittings and oil should be adopted.Wei Chai Power 一、蓝擎欧一、蓝擎欧柴油机常规检查柴油机常规检查 Regular inspection for Landking Euro III diesel engines 1.1.冷却系统冷却系统 Cooling System 2.2.润滑系统润滑系统 Lubricating System 3.3.燃油系统燃油系统 Fuel System 4.4.电器系统电器系统 Electrical System 5.5.机械传动系统机械传动系统 Mechanical Transmission System 目目 录录 Contents 二、蓝擎欧二、蓝擎欧柴油机维护保养柴油机维护保养 Maintenance for Landking Euro III Diesel Engines 三、蓝擎欧三、蓝擎欧柴油机操作注意事项柴油机操作注意事项 Attention Points for Operating Landking Euro III Diesel Engines 四、蓝擎四、蓝擎WP6柴油机维护保养方法柴油机维护保养方法 The Way of Maintenance for Landking WP10 Diesel Engines 一、蓝擎欧一、蓝擎欧柴油机的常规检查柴油机的常规检查Regular inspection for Landking Euro III diesel engines启动前查看冷却液液面启动前查看冷却液液面,检查柴油机冷却检查柴油机冷却系统有无泄漏。系统有无泄漏。Before starting the engine should check coolant level,check whether the cooling system is leaking or not.运行中注意观察柴油机水温是否在合适的运行中注意观察柴油机水温是否在合适的范围内。范围内。Check whether water temperature is at the required range or not when the engine is when the engine is running.running.1 1.冷却系统冷却系统 Cooling system当水温过高时,请检查:当水温过高时,请检查:When water temperature is too high,please check:水泵皮带张紧度水泵皮带张紧度the tension of water pump belt 风扇皮带张紧度风扇皮带张紧度 the tension of fan belt 节温器节温器thermostat驾驶室水温表示意图驾驶室水温表示意图diagram of water temperature in cab 海拔海拔30003000米米以下正常水温以下正常水温80958095The normal water The normal water temperature under the temperature under the sea-level of 3000 sea-level of 3000 meters is meters is 80958095当气温低于当气温低于44时必须使用冷却液!时必须使用冷却液!Must use liquid coolant when ambient temperature is below 4!推荐使用推荐使用 Recommendation 长效冷却液长效冷却液Long-acting liquid coolant牌牌 号号Brand-25-25-35-35-45-45适适 用温用温 度度 applied temperature-25-25以上以上-35-35以上以上-45-45以上以上1 1、每天开车前请检查机油液面高度;每天开车前请检查机油液面高度;Check the height of oil level before drive every day.2 2、如何正确检查?车辆停在平坦路面、开车之前或停车如何正确检查?车辆停在平坦路面、开车之前或停车1515分钟发动机分钟发动机冷却后,拉出机油油尺,查看机油液面,当液面低于油尺的下刻线或高冷却后,拉出机油油尺,查看机油液面,当液面低于油尺的下刻线或高于油尺的上刻线时,禁止启动柴油机!于油尺的上刻线时,禁止启动柴油机!How to check it?The vehicle is parking on the plain road,before start or stop for 15 minutes till the engine cools,pull out oil dipstick to check oil level:When the level is below the lower limit of oil dipstick or above the upper limit,its forbidden to start the engine.2.2.润滑系统润滑系统Lubricating system 更换机油时,首先拧下油底壳底部的放油螺塞,将旧机油放净后旋上更换机油时,首先拧下油底壳底部的放油螺塞,将旧机油放净后旋上放油螺塞;然后打开加油口盖,注入放油螺塞;然后打开加油口盖,注入CF-4CF-4机油机油直至达到刻度要求,最后拧直至达到刻度要求,最后拧紧机油加注口盖。紧机油加注口盖。Before replace oil,firstly,loosen the whorl plug at the bottom of oil pan.After used oil is drained out,tighten the plug.Then open the oil filling cap to fill CF-4 oil up to the limit required,then tighten the cap.下刻线下刻线 lower limit lower limit 上刻线上刻线upper limitupper limit机油加注口位置机油加注口位置The position of oil filling inlet第一缸摇臂罩第一缸摇臂罩机油加注口机油加注口oil filling inlet of 1st cylinder rocker arm coverWP6/WP10/WP12系列系列WP6/WP10/WP12 seriesWP12系列系列WP12 series蓝擎欧蓝擎欧柴油机推荐使用柴油机推荐使用CF-4CF-4机油机油。允许高品质机油替代低品质机油允许高品质机油替代低品质机油常用机油规格如下所示:常用机油规格如下所示:Recommend CF-4 oil to be used in Landking Euro diesel engines.High quality oil is allowed to replace low quality oil.The specification of common oil is as follows:粘粘 度级度级 别别Viscosity grade0 0W-30W-30 5W-305W-3010W-3010W-3015W-4015W-4020W-5020W-50适适 用温用温 度度applied temperature-40-403030-30-303535-25-253535-20-204040-15-155050 请根据环境温度选择使用正确牌号的机油,否则易造请根据环境温度选择使用正确牌号的机油,否则易造成柴油机故障。成柴油机故障。Please use right oil according to ambient temperature,otherwise,engine trouble can occur.注意:注意:WP6 WP6 柴油机必须使用柴油机必须使用 CF CF 级级 15W/40 15W/40 牌号机油牌号机油 Notice:WP10 diesel engine must use CF 15W/40 oil.0W-305W-3010W-3010W-4015W-40小常识:小常识:零下零下35 C时时各种牌号各种牌号机油的表现机油的表现Common sense:performances of different brands of oil at the temperature of-35 C3.3.燃油系统燃油系统Fuel supply system 蓝擎欧蓝擎欧柴柴油机采用博世高油机采用博世高压共轨系统,主压共轨系统,主要系统部件如图要系统部件如图所示。所示。Landking Euro diesel engines apply high pressure CR made by Bosh,and parts of the main systems as the right Figure:控制电脑(控制电脑(ECU)喷油器喷油器fuel injector共轨管共轨管common rail高压油泵高压油泵high pressure fuel pump柴油滤清器柴油滤清器fuel filter 新柴油机、长期停用的柴油机或由于柴油箱吸空、管路漏气,可能新柴油机、长期停用的柴油机或由于柴油箱吸空、管路漏气,可能会在柴油机低压油路中混有空气,导致柴油机启动困难,启动前需要会在柴油机低压油路中混有空气,导致柴油机启动困难,启动前需要进行手动排气,方法如下:进行手动排气,方法如下:Mixed air-fuel in the low pressure fuel passage could possibly be caused by new engines,old engines not used for a long time,or fuel tank empty,pipe leakage,which can result in difficult starting.Therefore,deflating air by hand before start is necessary as the following way:3.13.1、燃油系统排气、燃油系统排气Deflating Air from Fuel Supply System 3.13.1、燃油系统排气、燃油系统排气Deflating Air From Fuel Supply System 1.1.排气前要保证油箱中有足够的柴油;排气前要保证油箱中有足够的柴油;Make sure enough fuel in the tank before deflate air.2.2.松开放气螺栓;(参照右图)松开放气螺栓;(参照右图)loosen deflating bolt(refer to the right Figure).3.3.按动手油泵直到放气螺栓无气泡冒出;按动手油泵直到放气螺栓无气泡冒出;Press hand pump until no air bubble spraying out from the deflating bolt.4.4.拧紧放气螺栓,启动柴油机。拧紧放气螺栓,启动柴油机。Tighten deflating bolt,then start the engine.松开或拧紧放气螺栓时切勿用力过猛,松开或拧紧放气螺栓时切勿用力过猛,以防损坏。以防损坏。Dont overexert loosening or tightening deflating bolt,so as to avoid damaging.小提示:小提示:Special Attentions:1.1.请勿在低压油路排气前一直用起动机强行带动柴油机启动!这会损害电气系请勿在低压油路排气前一直用起动机强行带动柴油机启动!这会损害电气系统,甚至烧坏起动机;统,甚至烧坏起动机;Dont forcibly start engine by the starter before deflate air from the low pressure fuel passage,otherwise,the electric system could be damaged,and the starter even could be burnt out.2.2.在燃油指针到达红线警示时必须加油,否则油路容易进气!在燃油指针到达红线警示时必须加油,否则油路容易进气!Fuel must be filled in when fuel pointer reaches the red warning line,otherwise,air could easily penetrate into the fuel passage.如果燃油系统进入水分,容易引起高压油泵、喷油器损坏或失效!如果燃油系统进入水分,容易引起高压油泵、喷油器损坏或失效!If theres water in the fuel supply system,high pressure fuel pump and fuel injector could be easily damaged or invalidated.3.23.2、柴油粗滤器放水、柴油粗滤器放水Drain Water from Fuel Pre-filter请经常定期检查粗滤下滤杯中是否有水,请经常定期检查粗滤下滤杯中是否有水,并及时放出。并及时放出。Please periodically inspect whether theres water in the filter cup of pre-filter or not,so as to drain water in time集水器放水集水器放水drain water from water collector3.23.2、柴油粗滤器放水、柴油粗滤器放水Drain Water from Fuel Pre-filter放水方法:放水方法:The method to drain water:1.1.打开集水器底部的放水阀,让水排净;打开集水器底部的放水阀,让水排净;Open drain plug(2)at the bottom of water collector(1)to drain off water;2.2.重新拧紧放水阀。重新拧紧放水阀。Tighten the drain plug again.开关塑料放水阀用力要轻,以防损坏。开关塑料放水阀用力要轻,以防损坏。Lightly loosen or tighten the plasticplug,so as to prevent it from damaging.集水器放水集水器放水drain water from water collector小提示:小提示:由于各地油品差异,新加油后由于各地油品差异,新加油后 请开车两小时左右观察集水器水位。请开车两小时左右观察集水器水位。Special Attention:Because of fuel quality differences in different places,about two-hour driving later,please inspect the water level of water collector after refill fuel.蓝擎蓝擎欧欧柴油机对油品没有比机械泵柴油机更特殊的要柴油机对油品没有比机械泵柴油机更特殊的要 求,但请尽量避免加注劣质柴油!求,但请尽量避免加注劣质柴油!Theres no more special requirements about fuel quality for Landking Euro III diesel engines than that for mechanical pump diesel engines.Please try your best to avoid using low quality fuel!小提示:小提示:推荐使用推荐使用合格合格的柴油,以保证加注柴油的品质。的柴油,以保证加注柴油的品质。Special Attention:Recommend using qualified fuel to guarantee the quality of fuel filled.3.33.3、柴油的选用、柴油的选用 Fuel Selection 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 408度以上 84度以上45#0#-5度以上-5-20#-35#-50#柴油的牌号并不是指柴油所适应的气候温度,而是指在某温度下柴油失去柴油的牌号并不是指柴油所适应的气候温度,而是指在某温度下柴油失去流动性的凝固点。流动性的凝固点。Fuel brand doesnt mean the ambient temperature the fuel can fit,but the freezing point at which the fuel cant flow under certain temperature.-10#-14度以上-14-29度以上-29-45度以上-45 小常识:小常识:Common sense环境温度环境温度 ambient temp.4.4.电器系统电器系统Electrical System 蓝擎欧蓝擎欧柴油机带有控制电脑柴油机带有控制电脑(ECUECU)、传感器、电控喷油器等电子元件,传感器、电控喷油器等电子元件,过高电压、过大电流可对电器系统造成毁灭性损害;蓝擎欧过高电压、过大电流可对电器系统造成毁灭性损害;蓝擎欧系列柴油机发系列柴油机发电机额定电压是电机额定电压是28V28V,带有晶体管调节器(雪崩二极管)。因此,在整车进行,带有晶体管调节器(雪崩二极管)。因此,在整车进行电焊操作时请注意:电焊操作时请注意:Landking Euro III diesel engines are with ECU,sensors and electrically controlled fuel injectors,etc.Too high voltage or current can damage electrical system.Generators of Landking Euro III series diesel engines,with rated voltage of 28v,have transistor regulators(breakdown diode).Therefore,please pay attention to the following aspects when electrically weld whole vehicle:进行电焊操作前必须断开电源;进行电焊操作前必须断开电源;Cut off electricity supply before weld;必须使用蓝擎欧必须使用蓝擎欧专用发电机。专用发电机。Special generators for Landking Euro III engines must be used.(1 1)关闭蓄电池总开关、断开电瓶负极)关闭蓄电池总开关、断开电瓶负极Close the control switch of battery,and cut off negative electrode of battery jar.在进行在进行ECU 供电电源连接的时候,务必确认好电源的正负极,以免烧坏电控单供电电源连接的时候,务必确认好电源的正负极,以免烧坏电控单元。元。Identify positive and negative electrode of electricity supply when connect ECU with electricity supply to avoid ECU burning out.将接插件从ECU上取下步骤:Pull out the collector as the following steps:拨开接插件锁紧片拨开接插件锁紧片,压到底压到底;push aside the locking slice of collector,and press it into its bottom.将接插件取出。将接插件取出。pull out the collector.注意不要左右晃动注意不要左右晃动,以免折弯以免折弯ECUECU针脚针脚!Dont shake to avoid ECU stitch bending.(2 2)拔掉与)拔掉与ECUECU连接的线束接插件连接的线束接插件 Pull out the wiring harness connecter connecting with ECU.(3 3)进行电焊操作)进行电焊操作 Welding operation接插件插上接插件插上ECUECU步骤步骤:plug into the collector in the following steps:将接插件摆正轻轻放入将接插件摆正轻轻放入ECUECU插槽插槽,将插接件压到底将插接件压到底;Gently and properly put the collector in the ECU groove,and press it into its bottom;合上锁紧片。合上锁紧片。Shut down the locking slice.注意:不允许频繁插拔注意:不允许频繁插拔ECUECU接插件!以免影响接插件!以免影响ECUECU的信号的信号连接。连接。Notice:Not allowed to frequently pull out and plug the ECU collector,thereby avoiding influencing message connecting of ECU.(4 4)插上与)插上与ECUECU连接的线束接插件连接的线束接插件 Plug into the wiring harness collector connecting with ECU.l 对对ECUECU插拔时务必关闭插拔时务必关闭ECUECU电源,不要电源,不要用手触摸用手触摸ECUECU的管脚。的管脚。Must cut off electricity supply for ECU before pull out or plug ECU.Dont touch ECU stitch by hand.l 不要硬拉硬拽整车的电线和(或)电气不要硬拉硬拽整车的电线和(或)电气线束。当需要断开接插件时,要拿住插接线束。当需要断开接插件时,要拿住插接器断开锁扣,不可拉电线,以防损坏!器断开锁扣,不可拉电线,以防损坏!Dont forcibly draw electrical wire of whole vehicle or electric wiring harness.Hold the disconnection locking buckle when need to disconnect connectors.Dont draw the electrical wire against damaging.ECUECU插拔操作注意事项插拔操作注意事项When pull out or plug ECU,pay attention to:(5 5)接上电瓶负极、打开蓄电池总开关)接上电瓶负极、打开蓄电池总开关 Connect negative electrode of battery jar,open the control switch of battery.柴油机运行前应检查柴油机外部的机柴油机运行前应检查柴油机外部的机械传动系,如皮带的张紧度和磨损程度械传动系,如皮带的张紧度和磨损程度等。等。Inspect mechanical transmission system of external diesel engines before running,such as tensity and wearing of the belt.皮带通过皮带张紧轮自动张紧,可通皮带通过皮带张紧轮自动张紧,可通过手压皮带检查皮带的松紧。过手压皮带检查皮带的松紧。Belt can be automatically tightened through tension pulley.Press belt by hand to check tension of the belt.5 5.机械传动系统机械传动系统Mechanical transmission system 二、柴油机维护保养二、柴油机维护保养Maintenance for Diesel Engines 合理的保养可以有效提高柴油机的使用寿命合理的保养可以有效提高柴油机的使用寿命,降低故障率,减小使用成本。降低故障率,减小使用成本。Proper maintenance can effectively prolong service life of diesel engines,decrease trouble rate and reduce cost.保养内容:保养内容:Maintenance contents:更换柴油滤芯、机油滤芯;更换柴油滤芯、机油滤芯;Replace fuel filter element and oil filter element;清理检查空气滤芯,每清理清理检查空气滤芯,每清理5次后必须更换次后必须更换。Clean and check air filter element.Replace it every 5 times of cleaning.保养周期:保养周期:Maintenance interval:可参考如下要求按时到蓝擎欧可参考如下要求按时到蓝擎欧服务站保养。服务站保养。Maintenance should be done in time at Landking Euro service stations according to the following requirements:1.1.卡车卡车 Truck公路用卡车请参照下列标准进行保养:公路用卡车请参照下列标准进行保养:Maintenance for highway trucks according to the following standard:负载情况负载情况 load 标载标载 rated load标载标载 rated load首次保养首次保养1stmaintenance新车运行新车运行30003000公里或公里或5050小时(以先到为准)小时(以先到为准)New vehicle run 3000 km or for 50hrsNew vehicle run 3000 km or for 50hrs例行保养例行保养periodical maintenance每运行每运行1 1万公里或万公里或500500小小时时(以先到为准)(以先到为准)Every 10,000km or Every 10,000km or 500hrs500hrs每运行每运行1 1万公里或万公里或4 40000小小时时(以先到为准)(以先到为准)Every 10,000km or Every 10,000km or 500hrs500hrs非公路用卡车(含水泥搅拌车)请参照下列标准进行保养非公路用卡车(含水泥搅拌车)请参照下列标准进行保养:Maintenance for non-highway truck(including cement mixing vehicle)according to the following standard:负载情况负载情况loadload标载标载 rated loadrated load标载标载 rated loadrated load首次保养首次保养1stmaintenance新车运行新车运行5050小时或小时或30003000公里(以先到为准)公里(以先到为准)New vehicle run for 50hrs or 3,000kmsNew vehicle run for 50hrs or 3,000kms例行保养例行保养periodical maintenance每运行每运行300300小时或小时或1 1万公里万公里(以先到为准)(以先到为准)Every 300hrs or Every 300hrs or 1,0000km1,0000km每运行每运行2 20000小时或小时或0.50.5万公里万公里(以先到为准)(以先到为准)Every 200hrs or 5,000kmEvery 200hrs or 5,000km2.2.客车客车 Bus公交车公交车(城市公交、通勤车)(城市公交、通勤车)请参照下列标准进行保养:请参照下列标准进行保养:Maintenance for bus(city bus,dedicated bus for workers)according to the following standard:首次保养首次保养1st maintenance新车运行新车运行5050小时或小时或30003000公里(以先到为准)公里(以先到为准)New vehicle run 50hrs or 3,000kmNew vehicle run 50hrs or 3,000km例行保养例行保养periodical maintenance每运行每运行300300小时或小时或1 1万公里(以先到为准)万公里(以先到为准)Every 300hrs or 10,000kmEvery 300hrs or 10,000km客运、旅游车请参照下列标准进行保养客运、旅游车请参照下列标准进行保养:Maintenance for passenger bus,sight seeing bus according to the following standard:首次保养首次保养1st maintenance新车运行新车运行30003000公里或公里或3030小时(以先到为小时(以先到为准)准)New vehicles run 3,000km or 30hrsNew vehicles run 3,000km or 30hrs例行保养例行保养periodical maintenance每运行每运行1 1万公里或万公里或3 30000小时(以先到为准)小时(以先到为准)Every 10,00km or 300hrsEvery 10,00km or 300hrs 3.3.工程机械工程机械 Construction Machinery 装载机、挖机、压路机、汽车起重机等请参照下列标准装载机、挖机、压路机、汽车起重机等请参照下列标准进行保养:进行保养:Maintenance for loader,excavating machine,road roller and crane,etc according to the following standard:首次保养首次保养1st maintenance新车运行新车运行5050小时或小时或30003000公里(以先到为准)公里(以先到为准)New vehicle run for 50hrs or 3,000km New vehicle run for 50hrs or 3,000km 例行保养例行保养periodical maintenance每运行每运行200200小时或小时或1 1万公里(以先到为准)万公里(以先到为准)Every 200hrs or 10,000kmEvery 200hrs or 10,000km小提示:小提示:恶劣工况下请适当缩短例行保养时间或里程!恶劣工况下请适当缩短例行保养时间或里程!Special attention:Please properly shorten periodical maintenance interval or mileage under severe work condition.柴油机操作人员,必须认真阅读使用保养说明书,熟悉柴油机结柴油机操作人员,必须认真阅读使用保养说明书,熟悉柴油机结构,严格遵守说明书规定的技术操作和保养规程。构,严格遵守说明书规定的技术操作和保养规程。Operators of diesel engines must carefully read Operation and Maintenance Manual,and well understand the structure of diesel engines,strictly comply with the operation and maintenance stipulated in the Operation and Maintenance manual.在本手册提出的保养要求基础上,请在本手册提出的保养要求基础上,请根据使用工况根据使用工况按柴油机说明书要求按柴油机说明书要求定定期进行柴油机例行检查,并更换柴油机油期进行柴油机例行检查,并更换柴油机油。Based on the maintenance requirements stipulated in the manual,please periodically inspect diesel engines and replace oil in accordance with work condition.蓝擎欧蓝擎欧柴油机维修指南柴油机维修指南Maintenance Guide for Landking Euro Diesel Engines 蓝擎欧蓝擎欧柴油机在机械方面的维修与传统欧柴油机在机械方面的维修与传统欧柴油机保持一致。柴油机保持一致。对于蓝擎欧对于蓝擎欧电控系统方面的故障,用户可以去就近潍柴欧电控系统方面的故障,用户可以去就近潍柴欧服务服务站维修,站维修,不允许私自对燃油系统、电控系统拆卸操作不允许私自对燃油系统、电控系统拆卸操作,以免造成不必要,以免造成不必要的损失。的损失。Maintenance on mechanical system of Landking Euro Diesel Engines is similar with that of Euro II.For the trouble on electronically controlled system of Landking Euro Diesel Engines,users may go to Wei Chai Euro maintenance station nearby.Dont dismantle or repair fuel supply system and electronically controlled system privately,so as to avoid unnecessary loss.小提示:小提示:Special attention:维修、更换柴油机零配件须知:维修、更换柴油机零配件须知:When repair or replace components of diesel engines,pay attention to:蓝擎欧蓝擎欧系列柴油机是高性能的柴油机,用户在维修时请按照潍柴动力欧系列柴油机是高性能的柴油机,用户在维修时请按照潍柴动力欧系列柴油机维修手册和零件图册的要求进行操作,请购买系列柴油机维修手册和零件图册的要求进行操作,请购买正宗配件正宗配件,以确保以确保柴油机性能、可靠性和使用寿命。柴油机性能、可靠性和使用寿命。Landking Euro III series diesel engines have high performance,therefore,maintenance should be done in accordance with Maintenance Manual and Parts Catalogue of Wei Chai Power Landking Euro III series diesel engines.Please purchase special fittings to ensure the performance,reliability and service life of diesel engines.三、柴油机操作注意事项三、柴油机操作注意事项 Attention points for operating diesel engines1.1.欧欧柴油机的油门踏板的操作柴油机的油门踏板的操作Accelerator Pedal Operation of Euro Diesel Engines 蓝擎欧蓝擎欧柴油机采用电子油门踏板,内部采用的是电子结构传感器。柴油机采用电子油门踏板,内部采用的是电子结构传感器。建议用户在驾驶过程中平稳加速、减速,可以更好地达到节油效果。建议用户在驾驶过程中平稳加速、减速,可以更好地达到节油效果。Landking Euro diesel engines adopt electro-accelerator pedal with electro-structure sensor inside.Recommend that users placidly accelerate or decelerate speed when drive to ensure more effective fuel-saving.2.2.换挡时机的选择换挡时机的选择Time selection for shifting the gear 柴油机工作点影响柴油机的燃油经济性,行车时挡位的选择对节油也有柴油机工作点影响柴油机的燃油经济性,行车时挡位的选择对节油也有很大的影响,一般而言高挡节油。很大的影响,一般而言高挡节油。Operating points of diesel engines influence fuel economy,but gear selection when drive also has a great impact on fuel saving.Generally,high gear saves fuel.A A、一挡起步;、一挡起步;Shift the first gear to start.B B、进入高挡前,柴油机转速应该提升到、进入高挡前,柴油机转速应该提升到12001200转左右;转左右;Before shift high gear,the speed of diesel engines should be accelerated to about 1200 r/min.2.2.换挡时机的选择换挡时机的选择Time selection for shifting the gear C C、避免出现高转速低挡位的情况,当工况允许时,应积极挂高挡,使柴油、避免出现高转速低挡位的情况,当工况允许时,应积极挂高挡,使柴油机运行在经济转速区内。机运行在经济转速区内。In order to avoid high speed,but low gear,should positively shift high gear to make diesel engines run at the range of economical speed if work condition permitted.小提示:小提示:对机械变速箱而言,蓝擎欧对机械变速箱而言,蓝擎欧柴油机在整柴油机在整 车挂挡滑行时停止喷油,比车挂挡滑行时停止喷油,比空挡滑行省油!空挡滑行省油!Special Attention:For mechanical gear-box,whole vehicle matched with Landking Euro III diesel engines stop injecting fuel when sliding with shifting the gear,which is more fuel-saving than that when sliding with neutral gear.3.3.柴油机经济转速柴油机经济转速 Economical Speed of Diesel Engines柴油机系列柴油机系列diesel engine diesel engine series series 经济转速经济转速economical speedeconomical speedWP6WP61200-18001200-1800WP10WP10、WP10NWP10N1100-16001100-1600WP12WP12、WP12NWP12N1100-16001100-1600 4.WEVB4.WEVB的使用的使用 Usage of WEVB 下长坡推荐使用下长坡推荐使用WEVBWEVB(潍柴专利发动机安全(潍柴专利发动机安全制动系统);制动系统);Recommend to use WEVB when run downward the long slope(Wei Chai patent of safety brake system for engines)蓝擎欧蓝擎欧柴油机的柴油机的WEVBWEVB受电控单元控制,在受电控单元控制,在WEVBWEVB起作用时,柴油机不喷油,从而节油。起作用时,柴油机不喷油,从而节油。WEVB is controlled by electronically controlled unit.When WEVB works,the diesel engine doesnt inject fuel to save fuel.WEVB在柴油机转速低于在柴油机转速低于800转时不起作用。转时不起作用。WEVB cant work when the speed of diesel engines is less than 800 r/min.潍柴动力蓝擎欧潍柴动力蓝擎欧柴油机服务四项特别提示柴油机服务四项特别提示Four Special Attentions for Landking Euro III Diesel Engine Service of Wei Chai Powerl 强保建议强保建议按照要求由潍柴动力欧按照要求由潍柴动力欧服务站进行柴油机的强保;服务站进行柴油机的强保;Forcible Maintenance Suggestion-Forcible Maintenance should be done by Euro III maintenance station of Wei Chai Power in accordance with relevant requirements;l 维修建议维修建议维修服务由维修服务由潍柴动力欧潍柴动力欧服务站服务站进行;进行;Maintenance Suggestion-Maintenance should be done by Euro III maintenance station of Wei Chai Power;l 配件建议配件建议使用由潍柴动力欧使用由潍柴动力欧服务站提供的服务站提供的正宗配件正宗配件;Fittings Suggestion-Use special fittings provided byEuro III maintenance station of Wei Chai Power;l 油品建议油品建议使用正宗柴油,使用由潍柴动力欧使用正宗柴油,使用由潍柴动力欧服务站、配件专卖店提供服务站、配件专卖店提供的的蓝擎欧蓝擎欧柴油机专用机油柴油机专用机油。Oil Suggestion-Use special oil for Landking Euro III diesel engines provided by exclusive agency of fittings.四、蓝擎四、蓝擎WP6WP6柴油机维护保养方法柴油机维护保养方法The way of maintenance for Landking WP10 diesel engines第 48页 共 页更换机油和机油滤清器,以清除悬浮在机油中的杂质。更换机油和机油滤清器,以清除悬浮在机油中的杂质。Replace the oil and oil filter to clean the impurities containing in oil.注意:应在机油是热的时候放油注意:应在机油是热的时候放油Note:The oil should be drained off when it is hot19mm 开口扳手开口扳手Tool:19mm open-ended wrench在发动机下放置回收机油的容器在发动机下放置回收机油的容器,准备收集准备收集 13 升机油升机油,打开放油螺塞打开放油螺塞 1,注意,注意密封圈密封圈 2。放尽机油;加置密封垫圈。放尽机油;加置密封垫圈 2 后,拧紧放油螺塞后,拧紧放油螺塞 1。Put the recollecting oil container under the engine for collecting 13L oil.Open drain plug 1,pay attention to seal ring 2.Drain out all oil.After mounting seal ring 2,tighten the drain plug.注意:热机油会伤人注意:热机油会伤人Note:Hot oil can injure people.第 49页 共 页1 1、换机油及机油滤清器、换机油及机油滤清器 Replace Oil and Oil Filter滤清器专用扳手滤清器专用扳手Tool:The special wrench for filter


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