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重要文件 注意保密Important /Confidential认证合同CERTIFICATION CONTRACT合同甲方:Party A:合同乙方:北京XXXX认证有限公司Party B: China XXXX Authentication Co., Ltd.合同编号:RZHT-Contract No.:RZHT-北京 XXXX 认证有限公司制Prepared by China XXXX Authentication Co., Ltd.认证合同CERTIFICATION CONTRACT合同编号:Con tract No.:甲方:Party A:注册地址:Registered address:电话:传真:Telephone:Fax:法人代表:联系人:Legal Representative:Contact Person:乙方:北京 XXXX 认证有限公司Party B: China XXXX Authentication 注册地址: ZZZRegistered address: XXXXX电话:XXXTelephone:传真:XXXFax:法人代表:XXXLegal Representative:联系人:XXXContact Person:认证合同条款Certification Contract第一条 受甲方:委托,乙方对甲方进行移动金融技术服务认证。双方遵照中华人民共和国合同法的有关规定,经平等协商,就认证审查达 成一致意见,签订本合同,并承诺共同遵守。Arti cle I Whereas Party B: con ducts tech no logy cer ti fica tion of mobile finan cial serviceaccep ting the en trustme nt of Party A:, both par ties hereby con clude the con tract regard ingcertification review (hereinafter referred to as this Contract”) on the basis of equality in strict accordance with Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China after reaching consensus via negotiation, whereby both parties agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth below:第二条 认证依据标准:Article II Basis of Certification 中国金融移动支付技术标准(JR/T 0088-0098) Technical Standards for China Financial Mobile Payment (JR/T 0088-0098) 移动金融技术服务认证实施规则 Rules for the Implementation of Technology Cer廿fica廿on of Mobile Financial Service 甲方按上述标准规范要求提供的相关文件 Relevant documents required by Party A according to the standards and specifications above 有关法律法规文件 Relevant laws and regulation documents第三条 认证服务项目(在内划表示适用于该项)Article III Items of Cer ti fica tion Service (please tick in side 口; mea ns apply ing to this item)1认证类型:口初次认证口再认证口其他:1. Cer ti fica tion type: 口 In itial cer tifica tion 口 Re-cer tifica tion 口 Others:2. 经双方商定本合同所覆盖的认证范围包括:2. Both parties determine that the scope of certification covered by this Contract covers thefollowings:TSM系统安全芯片安全载体(SE)Trusted Service Man ager System Security ChipSecure Eleme nt (SE)嵌入式应用软件客户端软件其他:Embedded Applica tion Software of Secure Eleme ntClie nt SoftwareOthers:注:以上范围尚需经审查进一步确认,最终以乙方认证评定的决定为准。Note: The scope needs further confirming through review and the decision of Party B on certification assessment shall prevail.第四条 认证申请:Article IV Certification Application:1. 认证申请:甲方按照乙方网站(www.icfnr.org )的认证申请书要求向乙方提交认证申 请。1. Certification application: Party A shall, by strictly abiding by the requirements of certification application on Party Bs website (www.icfnr.org), submit certification application.2认证变更申请:在证书有效期内,甲方如发生移动金融技术服务认证实施规则(以 下简称认证实施规则)所规定的认证变更,需向乙方提交认证变更申请。2. Application of certification change: in case of any certification change as specified in Rules for the Implementation of Technology Certification of Mobile Financial Service (here in after referred to as “the Rules”)with in the validity of the cer tificate, Party A shall apply to Party B for cer ti fica tion change.3. 监督审查申请:在证书有效期内,甲方需按照认证实施规则要求每12个月接受乙方至 少一次的常规年度监督审查。甲方按照乙方的证后监督通知要求提交认证申请;当出现重大 安全事故、重大客户投诉及重大变更时,乙方增加特殊审查。3. Application of supervision and review: Party A shall, within the validity of certificate, accept Party Bs conventional annual supervision and review at least for every 12months according to the requirements of the Rules. Party A shall, in strict accordance with the requirements of supervision notice after obtaining certificate, submit certification application; in case of major safety accidents, customers serious complaint or critical changes, Party B shall add a special review.4. 再认证申请:为了保证认证资格的连续性,甲方应在在证书有效期满前3个月提出再 认证申请。4. Application of re-certification: Party A shall, three months prior to the expiration of certificate, bring forth the application of re-certification in order to ensure the continuity of certification qualification.第五条认证费用:乙方根据CFNR-SF-02-01移动金融技术服务认证收费标准及收费用途 文件的规定进行收费,认证费用不包括检测费用。Article V Certification fees: Party B shall, in strict accordanee with the requirements of CFNR-SF-02-01 Standard and Application of Certification Charges for Technology Certification of Mobile Financial Service, charge relevant fees, which exclude detection fees.1. 本次认证费用清单如下:1. Below is the list of certification fees:序号 No.费用名称Name of fees金额(元)Amount(RMB Yuan)备注 Remarks1.认证申请费Certification Application fees1000 元RMB 1,0002.注册费Registration fees1000 元RMB 1,0003.证书费Certificate fees1000 元RMB 1,0004.年金Annuity5000 元RMB 5,00015.审查费Review fees元RMB6.加印证书费Fees for certificate overprinting元RMB如需加印100元一一张总计Total元RMB2. 甲方初次认证费用应在本合同签订后10个工作日内一次性支付给乙方。2Party A shall pay Party B primary certification fees in lump sum within ten working days after the signature of this Contract3. 本报价单内各项审查工作量根据甲方所提供的资料而定。审查时,若审查员发现实际 情况与甲方所提供的资料有所出入,须经双方确认后调整所需工作量及费用。3. The amount of work of reviews stated in the quotation shall be determined based on the data provided by Party A. In case of any inconsistency between the actual situations and the data provided by Party A as found by the review personnel during the review process, the amount of work and fees shall be adjusted by both parties after confirmation.4. 本次认证不通过,需要对整改后的不符合进行验证时,乙方按照实际发生工作量收取, 由此产生的相关费用由甲方支出。4. Where Party A fails to pass certification and the non-conforming items should be verified after rectification, Party B shall charge fees based on the actual amount of work and the relevant fees incurred by it shall be paid by Party A.5. 认证变更费用:按照认证变更收费项目及实际发生审查工作量收取。甲方应在认证变 更审查结束后15个工作日内,根据乙方出具的费用结算清单将认证变更费一次性支付给乙方5. Fees for certification change: Party B shall charge the fees based on the specific item and the actual amount of work. Party A shall, within fifteen working days after the review of certification change, pay Party B the fees for certification change in lump sum according to the list of fees issued by Party B.6. 年度监督审查认证费:按照监督审查收费项目及实际发生审查工作量收取。甲方应在 年度监督审查结束后15个工作日内,根据乙方出具的费用结算清单将年度监督审查费和当年 的年金一次性支付给乙方。6. Fees for annual certification supervision and review: Party B shall charge fees based on the specific item and amount of work. Party A shall, within fifteen working days after the review of annual certification supervision and review, pay Party B the fees for supervision and review and annuity of the current year in lump sum according to the list of fees issued by Party B.7. 由于甲乙任何一方原因造成审查工作量或费用的增加,其增加部分应由责任方承担。7. In case of addition of amount of work or review fees due to the cause of either Party A orParty B, the fees for the added parts shall be paid by the responsible party.8. 如甲方中途提出终止审查,若非乙方的责任,甲方仍应支付当年全部认证费或年度监 督审查认证费。8. Where review is terminated in the middle way due to the cause other than Party B, Party A shall pay the total certification fees of the current year or the fees for annual certification supervision and review.9. 如果甲方未能及时足额向乙方交纳上述费用,则乙方有权不对甲方开展认证审查活动, 待甲方交齐费用后再行开展,审查时间相应顺延。如果因为甲方未能及时缴纳年度监督审查 认证费(含审查费和年金),导致监督审查不能如期进行,乙方有权根据认证实施规则暂停或 者撤销甲方的认证资格。9. Should Party A fail to pay off the fees above to Party B in time, Party B can suspend the certification review until Party A pays off all the fees and under such circumstances, the review should be extended accordingly. Provided that the certification supervision and review cannot be conducted as scheduled as Party A fails to pay the fees for annual certification supervision and review fees (including review fees and annuity) in time, Party B shall suspend or cancel Party As certification qualification according to the Rules.10. 现场审查,乙方应依据甲方希望的审查日期优先安排,但实际审查日期由双方协商议 定。甲方如需更改希望正式审查的日期,请于30个工作日之前通知乙方。10. Party B shall arrange site review based on the date of review preferred by Party A but the actual date shall be determined by both parties via negotiation. In case of changing the date of formal review, Party A shall notify Party B thirty working days prior to the review.11. 现场审查,审查所发生的食宿、交通费用按实际支出由甲方承担。11. The board and accommodation fees and transport fees for site review shall be paid by Party A第六条 甲方责任和权利Article W Party As Rights and Responsibilities1. 严格遵守国务院认证认可条例和国家有关认证认可行政规章制度的规定。1. Strictly abiding by the Regulations of the peoples Republic of China on certification and Accreditation of the State Council and relevant national administrative rules and systems with regard to certification and accreditation;2. 严格遵守认证实施规则的有关规定。2. Strictly abiding by the relevant regulations of the Rules;3. 严格遵守双方签订的保密协议中的相关规定。3. Strictly abiding by the relevant requirements of Confidentiality Agreement signed by both parties;4. 严格遵守双方签订的认证证书和认证标志使用协议中的相关规定。4. Strictly abiding by the relevant requirements of Certificate and Mark Using Agreement signed by both parties;5. 按认证实施规则要求提供真实充分的文件及其他相关资料。5. Providing authentic and sufficient documents and other relevant data according to the requirements of the Rules;6. 按合同的约定及时向乙方支付认证费或年度监督审查认证费。6. Paying certification fees or fees for annual certification supervision and review according to the provisions of this Contract on a timely basis;7. 在获证后维持产品持续符合认证要求,包括当收到乙方的认证要求变更通知时应做出 适当变更。7. Making products always satisfy the certification requirements upon receiving certificate, including proper change when receiving the notice of change of certification requirements from Party B;8. 在证书有效期内,接受并配合乙方实施监督审查,当发生认证实施规则规定的重大变 更或问题时及时通知乙方。当发生可能影响满足认证要求的能力的如下变更时,也应及时通 知乙方:8. Accepting and coordinating Party Bs supervision and review during the validity of certificate and notifying Party B of any critical change or problems specified in the Rules on a timely basis; notifying Party B of the following changes that may affect the capacity required by certification;法律、商业、组织的状况或所有权的变更; Con diti ons of laws, bus in ess and orga nization or cha nge of own ership; 组织和管理层的变更(如:主要的管理、决策或技术人员变更); Change of organization and management level (such as change of major managers, decision-makers or technicians);联系人及联系地址变更。 Cha nge of con tact pers on and mail ing address.9. 按合同约定及时获得认证证书。9. Obtaining certificate timely based on the provisions of this Contract;10. 宣传认证结果时不应损害乙方的声誉。10. Never impairing Party Bs reputations when publicizing the certification results;11. 在乙方要求时,向乙方提供获证产品、服务相关的投诉记录和依据相关标准或其他规 范性文件要求所采取的纠正措施的记录。甲方在收到投诉时,应确定不符合产生的原因,包 括甲方的产品中存在的任何潜在(倾向性的)因素,并在适当时通告乙方。11. Providing Party B with the complaint records related to the certified products and service and records of corrective measures taken according to relevant standards or other normative documents, if required by Party B; Party A shall, upon receiving complaint, determine the cause why such non-conformance happens, including any potential (tendentious) factors existing in Party As products and notify Party B in proper time.12. 当法律法规或认证相关标准有要求时,应接受相关机构的见证审查,向特定机构提交 信息和报告。12. Receiving the witness review of relevant organizations and providing information and report to the special organizations if required according to laws, regulations or relevant certification requirements;13. 若认证证书被乙方撤销,应将原证书与副本及时交回乙方。13. Returning the original and duplicate of certificate to Party B in time once the certificate is withdrawn by Party B;14. 甲方有权正确使用认证证书和认证标志,宣传获准认证的事实。14. Party A shall have the rights to use certificate and mark and publicize the fact that he has passed certification;15. 甲方享有由于获得认证以及使用认证标志取得的经济利益。15. Party A shall own the economic benefits obtained by certification and using certification mark;16. 甲方对乙方关于认证的暂停、注销和撤销决定有权提出申诉,有权对不规范的认证行 为提出投诉。16. Party A shall have t he rights to lodge an appeal against Party Bs decision on suspension, cancellation and withdrawal of certification and file a complaint against non-standard certification. 第七条 乙方责任和权利Article W Party Bs Rights and Responsibilities1. 严格遵守国务院认证认可条例和国家有关认证认可行政规章制度的规定。1Strictly abiding by the Regulations of the peoples Republic of China on certification andAccreditation of the State Council and relevant national administrative rules and systems with regard to certification and accreditation;2. 严格遵守国家有关法律法规、标准,客观、公正地为甲方提供认证服务。2. Providing certification service to Party A on an objective and fair basis in strict accordance with relevant national laws and regulations;3. 严格遵守双方签订的保密协议中的相关规定。3. Strictly abiding by the relevant requirements of Confidentiality Agreement signed by both parties;4. 严格遵守双方签订的认证证书和认证标志使用协议中的相关规定。4. Strictly abiding by the relevant requirements of Certificate and Mark Using Agreement signed by both parties;5. 应甲方要求为其提供资格证明文件及有关公开性文件。5. Providing qualification certificates and relevant public documents to Party A if required;6. 在签订合同后委派有相应资格人员组成审查组实施审查。6. Designating relevant personnel that have the corresponding qualifications to carry out review by forming review team after the signature of this Contract;7. 乙方做出甲方通过认证的决定后,应及时向甲方颁发认证证书并公布甲方获证信息。7. Issuing certificate and declaring the information that Party A has obtained the certificate after deciding that Party A passes the certification;8. 甲方获证后定期对其认证相关内容实施监督审查和按期实施再认证。8. Supervising and reviewing the relevant certification contents of Party A regularly after PartyA obtains the certificate and conducting re-certification as scheduled;9. 当认证要求发生变更时应及时通知甲方。9. Notifying Party A of the change regarding certification requirements on a timely basis;10. 做出暂停、撤销认证证书的决定时,必须书面通知甲方,说明理由。10. Notifying Party A in time and writing to explain the cause if suspending or withdrawing certificate;11. 在法律法规许可的情况下满足甲方关于可公开信息的特殊要求。11. Satisfying Party As special requirements on the publicly disclosed information on the basis of meeting laws and regulations;12. 通过审查证明不满足认证要求的,乙方有权不颁发认证证书/不允许使用认证标志。12. Not issuing certificate/allowing the use of certification mark if Party A fails to satisfy the certification requirements through review;13. 如甲方产品发生重大变化或异常情况时,乙方有权增加监督审核频次。13. Adding the supervision and audit frequencies if major changes or abnormality happens to Party As products;14. 如甲方在获准认证后不按期支付年金和监督审查费用,乙方有权暂停、撤销甲方的认 证证书,并要求甲方停止使用并交还相关认证证书和认证标志。14. Suspending or withdrawing Party As certificate and requesting Party A to stop using and return certificate and certification mark if Party A fails to pay annuity and supervision and review fees as scheduled after obtaining certificate;15. 乙方有权公布甲方获准、暂停、撤销和注销认证状态信息。15. Issuing the information that Party A has passed certification or the certification has been suspended, withdrawn or cancelled.第八条 风险Article VIII Risks1. 甲方应承担因未能达到认证要求而不能取得认证注册资格的风险。1. Party A shall bear the risks of being unable to pass certification due to the failure in reaching certification requirements.2. 甲方应承担因不能持续满足认证要求而被暂停或被撤销认证注册资格的风险。2. Party A shall bear the risks of suspending or withdrawing certification if dissatisfying certification requirements constantly;3. 甲方应承担因在合同期内隐瞒重要信息、提供虚假信息而导致被撤销认证证书的风险。3. Party A shall bear the risks of withdrawing certificate if concealing major information or providing fake information within the terms of this Contract;4. 乙方应承担因审查方法导致不能发现甲方产品缺陷的风险。4. Party B shall bear the risks of being unable to discover the defects of Party As products due to review method;5. 乙方应承担因甲方获证后出现重大责任事故,而被认可机构暂停、撤销认可资格的风险。5. Party B shall bear the risks of certification qualification suspended or withdrawn by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment after major responsibility accident happens to Party A after obtaining certificate.第九条 违约责任Article IXViolation Liabilities1. 如一方未经另一方正式同意而擅自不履行本合同以致认证审查不能如期进行时,则违约 方应当向对方支付相当于认证费或年度监督审查认证费 15%的费用作为违约金。逾期超过15 天的,守约方有权单方解除本合同,违约方除应支付上述逾期违约金外,还应支付守约方因 此造成的全部损失。1. If either party refuses to perform this Contract arbitrarily without obtaining the formal agreement of the other party, making it impossible to conduct certification review as scheduled, the default party shall pay the other party liquidated damages which shall be 15% of the certification fees or the fees for annual certification supervision and review. If, however, the default party refuses to perform this Contract for fifteen days overdue, the observant party can terminate this Contract unilaterally. The default party shall, besides paying the aforesaid liquidated damages, compensate all the losses suffered by the observant party by it.2. 如果违约方未能按时向另一方支付本合同规定的任何款项,则每逾期一日,违约方应当 按照逾期支付款项的万分之五向另一方支付违约金。逾期超过 15 天的,守约方有权单方解除 本合同,违约方除应支付上述逾期违约金外,还应支付守约方因此造成的全部损失。2. If the default party refuses to pay the fees stipulated in this Contract to the other party in 廿me, the default party shall pay the other party liquidated damages which shall be 0.5%oof the overdue payment for each day overdue. If, however, the default party refuses to make payment for fifteen days overdue, the observant party can terminate this Contract unilaterally. The default party shall, besides paying the aforesaid liquidated damages, compensate all the losses suffered by the observant party by it.3. 本合同当事人对违约行为的弃权须以书面形式提出方才有效。当事人未行使或迟延行使 其在本合同项下的任何权利或救济不构成弃权;当事人部分行使权利或救济亦不得阻碍其行 使其他权利或救济。3. The partys waiver of violation behavior becomes valid once it is proposed in writing. The party concerned does not mean quitting the right if failing to exercise or delays in exercising any right or remedial measure under this Contract. The party concerned shall not be hindered from exercising other rights or remedial measures if exercising rights or remedial measures partially.4. 当发生连带责任赔偿时,乙方不承担超出认证审查费或该年的监督审查费以外的任何损 失赔偿,若该连带责任是由于甲方原因导致,乙方可在承担责任后向甲方追索全部损失。4. In case of joint responsibility compensation, Party B shall bear no any damage compensation that exceeds the fees for certification review or the fees for annual certification supervision and review. Should the joint liability be caused by Party A, Party B can, after bearing the liabilities, claim all the losses against Party A.5. 甲方应承担因证书误用或认证标志、认可标志(适用时)使用不当而造成的乙方全部损 失。5. Party A shall bear all the loss suffered by Party B if Party A misuses or improperly uses certification mark or accreditation mark (if applicable).6. 甲方因违反认证所依据的相关法律法规及规范(见甲方的责任和义务)而导致的后果由 甲方自行承担,甲方因违反保密协议、认证证书和认证标志使用协议中相关规定导致 乙方利益受损的,乙方有权依照上述协议中的相关约定追究甲方的责任。6. The consequences caused by Party As violation of relevant laws and regulations (see Party As responsibilities and obligations) based on which, certification is made, shall be borne by Party A. If Party B suffers interests loss after Party A goes against relevant regulations of Confidentiality Agreement and Certificate and Mark Using Agreement, Party B shall investigate Party As responsibilities according to the relevant provisions of the agreement above.第十条 争议处理Article X Dispute Resolution1. 在合同履行过程中发生争议,双方应当协商解决。如无法协商,可由主管部门先行协调, 如协调未果,可向被告所在地有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。1. Any dispute arising out of the performance of this Contract shall be resolved by both parties via negotiation. In case of failure in negotiation, both parties can apply to the competent department for mediation; in case of failure in mediation, both parties can file a lawsuit to the competent peoples court at the site of the defendant.2. 在合同有效期内,由于一方责任致使另一方利益受损失的,责任方应承担赔偿,赔偿的 措施协商解决。2. If either party suffers any loss or losses due to the other party during the validity of this Contract, the responsible party shall make compensation, the measures of which shall be negotiated by both parties hereto.3. 乙方通过现场审查或文件审查收集具有代表性的客观证据进行判定。在证据收集过程中 如因甲方过失或操作不当而造成自身的损失,乙方不予负责。3. Party B shall make judgment by site review or documents review by collecting representative objective evidences. In case that Party A suffers loss due to own mistakes or own improper operation when collecting evidence, Party B shall bear no liabilities for it.4. 甲方如对审查过程、审查行为或审查结论有异议,可与审查组长协商解决。如不能达成 一致意见,甲方可于争议发生后 10 日内向乙方提出书面投诉或申诉。4. Should Party A have objection to review process, review behavior or the conclusion, Party A may negotiate with the revi


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