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人教PEP版2022年五年级上学期英语阅读理解专项调研班级:_ 姓名:_1. 读短文,判断下面的句子是否正确,对的打“”,错的打“”。Hello! My name is Oliver. I like English. My favourite food is beef, fish and tomatoes. I can play basketball and play ping-pong. I often read books and do my homework on the weekend. What do you do on weekends?My home is near a river, there are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house. You can see two bridges over the river. Welcome to my home.1Oliver likes beef, fish and tomatoes.(_)2Oliver can play thepipa.(_)3Oliver often reads books and does his homework on the weekend.(_)4There are some mountains in front of Olivers house.(_)5There are two bridges over the river.(_)2. 阅读小短文,判断对错。Mike is new at school, but he has many friends at school. He likes playing football with his classmates. He likes talking with Lily on the phone. He often gets emails from his friends. They email him photos, too. He often reads books in the library. Books are his friends, too.1Mike likes playing basketball.(_)2He often calls Mary.(_)3He often email photos to his friends.(_)4He often gets emails from his classmates.(_)5Mike often reads books in the library.(_)3. Martin 邀请他的朋友们来参观他的新房间,阅读下面的对话.将正确的选项。My Dream(梦想的) RoomTina: Martin, your new room is very beautiful!Leo: Your room is so cool. Is this your dream room?Martin: No! If 1 can have a dream room. I want a voice-control(声控) room. When I get up, I say, Open the windows. Then, the windows open. When I go to bed, I say: Close the door. Then, the door closes,Kelly: Wow! Cool! My dream room is a fruit room. The bed is a banana. There is a big watermelon desk near it. My fruit room is fresh and sweet. How about you, Tina?Tina: My dream room is a litter room. His my bed. A is my window. E is my chair. Whats your dream room like. Leo?Leo: My dream room is my own room. There are many books in it.1 can listen to music and read books in my room every day.Martin: You are really a bookworm.() (1)Tinas dream room is aroom.A. voice-control B. fruit C. letter() (2)Leo canin his dream room,A. dance B. draw pictures C. listen to music and read books() (3)In the voice control room, I say ,Open the door. The door.A. opens B. closes C. moves() (4)You are really a bookworm. Here bookworm meansA.书吧 B.书架 C.书虫() (5)From the passage, we know.A. Martins new room is a voice control roomB. Kelly has a big watermelon desk in her dream roomC. Leos dream room is fresh and sweet4. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。Jim is an English boy. He comes to China with his father and mother. They come here to work. Jim comes here to study.He is in No. 5 Middle School. He gets up early every day. He isnt late for school. He studies hard. He can read English well. He often helps us with our English, and we often help him with his Chinese. After class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. He makes many friends here. We are glad to stay with him. On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, do the shopping. He likes Chinese food very much.He likes living here. He likes Chinese students very much. We all like him, too.() (1)He gets up late every day.() (2)He often teaches us English.() (3)After class, he likes singing and playing basketball.() (4)On Sunday he often helps his mother clean the house.() (5)He doesnt like Chinese food.5. 读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。Mum isnt at home. Tom stays at home with his sister Amy. Are you thirsty(口渴), Amy? Have some black tea! says Tom. But Amy doesnt like the tea. Taste(品尝) the vegetable soup! Is it nice? Amy answers, Yes. But its cold. Now, Tom feels(感觉)hungry, and he asks, What do you want to eat for dinner, Amy? I want a hot dog and some orange juice, says Amy. I want some orange juice, too. I want some cake, says Tom.( )(1)Tom isnt at home.( )(2)Amy likes the black tea.( )(3)The vegetable soup is nice.( )(4)Amy wants some rice for dinner.( )(5)Tom wants some cake and orange juice.6. 阅读理解。Hello! Im Li Lei .Look,this is my family photo.The man in black shirt is my father.He is a policeman.The pretty woman with long hair is my mother. She is a nurse .Whos the girl with big eyes?Guess! Shes my sister,Li Hua .She is twelve.She is a student .She likes peaches.But I dont.I like pears.( )(1)How many people are there in LiLeis family?A.Four.B.Three.C.Five( )(2)Whos the man in black shirt?A.My fatherB.Li Huas brother.C.Li Leis father( )(3)How old is Li Huas sister?.A.ElevenB.TwelveC.Thirteen( )(4)Whats LiLeis fathers job?A.Policewoman.B.Policeman.C.Nurse( )(5)The woman with long hair is LiLeis.A.brotherB.motherC.sister7. 阅读短文判断句子,对的画“”错的画“”。It was sunny last Sunday. Tom went to the park with his mother. They went to there by bus. In the park, they played shess. They went fishing. They played football. When they went home, his mother asked, “Where is your football? ” “Oh! ” Tom said. “Its in the park. I lost it under the tree.”1Last Sunday it was raining.(_)2Tom went to the park with his father.(_)3They went to the park by bus.(_)4Tom played games with his mother.(_)5Tom lost his mother under the tree.(_)8. 阅读短文,判断正误。与短文内容相符的写“T”,否则写“F”。I love summer! In summer, the weather is usually very hot, and I can swim in the river.Spring is beautiful, I like to plant flowers in the garden. Its so nice to watch the flowers grow. In autumn, I can pick apples. They are so delicious in the autumn. I also love to watch the leaves fall. Is that why we can call autumn fall? It usually snows in winter here. When it snows, I like to make a snowman. I love all the seasons. They are all beautiful and I can find many things to do.1The weather is warm in summer.(_)2I like to plant flowers in the park.(_)3I like to watch the leaves fall in summer.(_)4I dont like snow in winter.(_)5I like spring.(_)9. 阅读理解。Mum: Lingling, what would you like for lunch?Lingling: Id like some noodles.Mum: Can you use chopsticks?Lingling: Yes, I can.Mum: OK, go and buy some noodles for lunch.Lingling: How many noodles?Mum: Two bowls.Lingling: What else do you want?Mum: Four bottles of juice, please.(1)Does Lingling like noodles?(2)Can Lingling use chopsticks?(3)How many noodles does her mother want ?(4)How much juice does her mother want?(5)What do they want to buy for lunch?10. 阅读理解。Im John. This is my new bedroom. There is a big bed in my room. Look at my shoes. They are under the bed. There are two chairs near the bed. They are in front of the desk. The computer is on the desk. The photo of my family is near the bed. There is a beautiful picture on the wall. There are many mountains and white clouds in the picture. I clean my bedroom every day. I like my bedroom very much.( )(1)Whats on the desk?A. A computer. B. Many books. C. A ball.( )(2)Where is the desk?A. Its in front of the bed.B. Its in front of the chairs.C. Its behind the chairs.( )(3)The photo is.A. near the bed B. on the bed C. over the bed( )(4)Is there a picture on the wall?A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, there is. C. No, it isnt.( )(5)What does John do every day?A. He listens to music. B. He washes his clothes. C. He cleans his bedroom.11. 根据短文内容填空。Hi, Im Alice. I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening. But now we are looking at the stars.Hello, my name is Kitty. My brother Ben and I usually read storybooks before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a story.(1)Alice is notTV with her parents now.She isat the stars.(2)Kitty and her brother are notstorybooks now.Their grandma isthem a story.(3)Alice usuallyTV with her parents in the evening.(4)Ben and Kitty usuallystorybooks before bedtime.12. 根据电子邮件的内容,选择正确答案。From: Li MingTo: Wang TaoDear Wang Tao,Next Friday is the Mid-Autumn Festival. I am very happy. My father makes a plan for it.On Thursday evening, Mum and I will go to the supermarket. We will buy some presents for my grandparents. On Friday morning, we will go to my grandparentshome by car. We will have a big dinner with my grandparents. Uncle Linghui and his family will also come together. They will come by underground. After dinner, we will go out and look at the beautiful moon and enjoy the mooncakes. I can also play with Uncle Linghuis son, little Yangyang. He is five years old. He is cute. I like playing with him very much. What are you going to do at the Mid-Autumn Festival? Please write and tell me.love,Li Ming( )(1)The Mid-Autumn Festival is on.A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Friday( )(2)will go to the supermarket with his mother.A. Li Ming B. Wang Tao C. Yangyang( )(3)Uncle Linghui will go to Grandpas home by.A. bus B. car C. underground( )(4)Yangyang is Li Mings.A. friend B. cousin C. uncle( )(5)Li Ming and his mother will buy some presents for his.A. uncle B. grandparents C. cousin13. 阅读歌谣,完成下列任务Spring is green with flowers and songs. We can go on a picnic.Summer is hot and the days are long. We can go swimming.Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. We can pick apples.Winter is white and the year is gone. We can make a snowman.根据歌谣完成问句或补全空缺,根据文章提示填空,选择恰当的句子完成对话。(1)What colour is Autumn?(2)Farmers arein Autumn.(3)What colour is winter?(4)Spring is full of (充满)and songs.(5)Green springflowers and songs Hot summerdays go swimmingbusypick applesend of the year (6)选择恰当的句子完成对话。Mike: Hi, Andy!Andy: Autumn.Mike:Andy: Because I can pick apples in autumn.Mike:Andy: Yes, they are.Mike:Andy: I often go hiking with my father.A. Why do you like autumn?B. Are famers very busy in autumn?C. What do you often do in autumn?D. Whats your favourite season?14. 阅读理解。My name is Tingting. I have four good friends. Linda has short hair. SongMei has black, straight hair. She is a Chinese girl. She is very pretty. Joe has short, brown hair. He is an English boy. Li Lei has a kind face. He is a Chinese boy.根据短文内容判断下列句子正()误()。1Thingting has four good friends.(_)2SongMei has short hair.(_)3Linda is a Chinese girl.(_)4Joe is a Chinese boy.(_)5Li Lei has a kind face.(_)15. 阅读理解。In winter, the weather is very cold. Some people feel sick in the cold weather. If you dont wear enough clothes, you will have a cold. How do you feel if you have a cold? You will be very tired. Your head may hurt badly. Your temperature(体温) will be higher than 37. Then the cold may turn into a fever. But dont worry if you are sick. Go to see a doctor. Take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days. And drink more hot water. Then you will get well soon.(1)People feel sick in winter because it is_.A. warm B. cold C. sunny(2)If you have a cold, you will be_.A. tired B. happy C. ill(3)If your temperature is higher than 37, you will_.A. have a cold B. have a fever C. have a toothache(4)If you are sick, you must_.A. see a doctor B. go to school C. go out to play(5)_ is good for you when you are sick.A. Putting on a hat B. Taking some medicine C. Taking a shower16. 阅读理解。Dongdongs bag is broken. He cant take it to travel. His mother will buy him a new one. Dongdong likes a blue bag, because its small and light. But his mother likes the black one, because its big and it has got wheels. Itll be very easy for him. So dongdong takes the black bag with wheels. He and his mother are very glad.() (1)What will Dongdongs mother buy?A. A new bag. B. A small bag. C. A blue bag.() (2)Which bag does Dongdong like?A. The black one. B. The blue one. C. The red one.() (3)Why does he like it?A. Because its big and heavy.B. Because its small and light.C. Because it has got wheels.() (4)Which bag dose Dongdongs mother like?A. The black one with wheels.B. The blue one with no wheels. C. The yellow one with wheels.() (5)Do they happy?A. Yes, they did. B. Yes, they are very happy. C. Yes, they are.17. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。Miss Tailor is a primary school teacherAll the students like her very muchToday is November 1stIn the eveningMiss Tailor gets two letters One is a birthday cardIts from her studentJack,It is a big surprise,because her birthday is in next monthThe second letter is also from JackIt says:Dear Miss TailorIm sorry for the birthday cardIt is a mistakePlease read the birthday card next month( )(1)Miss Tailor is a teacher( )(2)Miss Tailor gets the letters in the evening( )(3)Miss Tailors birthday is in November( )(4)The birthday card is for Jack( )(5)Jack makes a mistake18. 阅读理解,选出正确答案。My good friend Lucys is from Canada . She is eleven years old . Shes pretty and smart . She is helpful at home . She can help her mother cook the meals . She can clean her bedroom . Lucy has a sister . Her name is Lily . Lily is eight years old . She is young , but she can make the bed . The two sister often read books on Saturdays . They love weekend very much .1Lucy is _ years old .() A.8B.2C.112Lily isLucys_ .() A.brotherB.sisterC.friend3Lucy and Lily often _ on Saturdays .() A.cook the mealsB.sweep the floorC.read books4Lily is _ .() A.oldB.tallC.young5Lucy and Lily love _ very much . () A.Mondays and TuesdaysB.Wednesdays and Fridays9 / 9


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