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2022年湘少版五年级英语上册阅读理解同步专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读理解。David is a schoolboy. One day, he goes back home from school. He feels ill. He has a stomachache. He says to his Mum, “I have a stomachache. His Mum brings him a cake and says, Eat it. You have a stomachache because its empty. Youll get well soon when you get something in it. He eats the cake and he feels better.After a while, his dad comes back. He feels ill, too. He says, I have a headache. I know, Dad. Thats because its empty, says the clever boy with a smile, Youll get well soon when you get something in it.”请根据短文内容。从下面各题后所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )(1)David has aafter school.A.fever B.headache C.stomachache( )(2)After eating, David feels better.A.a cake B.candy C.biscuits( )(3)David has a stomachache becauseA.hes hungry B.he has a cold C.he has a fever( )(4)His dad has a.A.fever B.toothache C.headache( )(5)Can his dad get something in his head?A.No.he cant. B.Yes, he can. C.I dont know.2. 阅读理解并选择正确的答案。Mr. White looks out of his window. There is a boy at the other side of the street, and there is a very thin dog in the street, too.The boy takes some bread out of a big and begins to eat. He says to the dog, “Come here, good dog. Ill give you some bread.” The dog is hungry and it goes to the boy, but the boy does not give it any bread. He ticks the dog. The dog runs away.Mr. White comes out of his house and says to the boy, “Come here, my boy. Ill give you one yuan.”The boy is happy, then he goes to Mr. White. But Mr. White doesnt give him one yuan. He hits the boy with a stick.The boy cries and says, “Why do you hit me? I dont ask you for any money.” “No, you dont.” Mr. White says, “But the dog doesnt ask you for any bread either, and you kick it.”1First, Mr. White is _.() A.in the street B.in his house C.Beside the boy2There is _ dog in the street. () A.hungry B.thin C.A and B3The boy does not give any bread to the dog. It is _ and runs away. () A.happy B.sad C.nice4Mr White hits the boy with a _.() A.stick B.foot C.hand5The boy _ Mr White for any money. () A.is asking B.asks C.doesnt ask3. 根据短文内容判断下列说法的正误。My name is Wang FangIm a girlMy birthday is July 23rdI usually get up early on my birthdayMy parents and friends give me many presentsUsually I have a birthday partyWe have a big dinner and eat a birthday cakeWe sing,dance,watch TV and play computer games at the partyIn the evening,I go to the beach with my family because its usually very hotI have a good time on my birthday( )(1)Wang Fangs birthday is in spring( )(2)Wang Fang usually gets up early on July 23rd( )(3)Wang Fang usually has a birthday party on her birthday( )(4)Wang Fang doesnt watch TV at the party( )(5)Wang Fang goes to the beach with her friends4. 阅读Tom的笔友写给他的邮件,将正确的选项填在括号里。To: Tompenpal. comFrom: Marka penpal. comDear Tom.At our school, we have hot lunch or cold lunch. Hot lunch comes from restaurants(饭店) and cold lunch comes from home. I usually have bot lunch. Because my parents dont have time to cook cold lunch for me.For hot lunch we have different(不同的) things every day. On Mondays, we have tomatoes and fish. It is delicious On Tuesdays, we have noodles I dont like it, so much, But I like the fruits after that. Every Wednesday we have pizza. We all like it On Thursdays, we have fresh carrots, green beans, soup and rice. We have bee and potatoes on Fridays. They make us strong and healthy.Do you have lunch at school!? What do you have for lunch every day?Mark() (1)Hot lunch comes from_.A. school B. restaurants C. home() (2)On Thursdays, we have_.A. vegetables, soup and rice B. beef and potatoes C. pizza() (3)I usually have hot lunch at school because_.A. I like hot lunch B. my parents have no time to cook C. it is delicious() (4)But I like the fruits after that. Here that refers to(指的是)_.A. pizza B. tomatoes and fish C. noodles() (5)Mark hasfor hot lunch every day.A. fruits and vegetables B. different things C. rice and beef5. 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。Today is June 1st. Its Childrens Day. My father takes me to the zoo. There are many kinds of animals, such as tigers, pandas, monkeys, elephants and giraffes.Look, the elephants are walking by the river. The monkeys are climbing mountains. The giraffes are eating leaves. I like pandas best. They are eating bamboo now. Where are the tigers? Oh, they are fighting. I love all the animals.() (1)Tomorrow is June 2nd.() (2)Today is Teachers Day.() (3)The giraffes are eating leaves. I like giraffes best.() (4)The monkeys can climb mountains.() (5)My mother takes me to the zoo.6. 阅读短文并判断正误。Mr Green is an Englishman. He is a teacher. He teaches English in No.15 Middle School in Beijing. He likes teaching a lot. He goes to work by school bus every morning.There are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. He plays games with them after class. He likes them very much. And his students love him, too. They are good friends.( )(1)Mr Green is Canadian.( )(2)He likes teaching very much.( )(3)He goes to work by bike every morning.( )(4)He speaks Chinese in class.( )(5)He likes his students very much.7. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Its warm on Sunday. My father is writing a book about my family. My sister is reading a magazine in the living room. My brother is making posters about his class. My baby brother is sleeping. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. What am I doing? I am watching them. Because of the fine day, we decide to climb a mountain in the afternoon. What a nice day!( )(1)Its warm on Monday.( )(2)My father is reading a book about my family.( )(3)My sister is reading a magazine in the living room.( )(4)My mother is cooking in the kitchen.( )(5)My family decide to climb a mountain.8. 阅读对话,判断正误。Zip: What do you do on the weekend?Dog: I usually go hiking. Sometime I go shopping. But not this weekend.Zip: Why?Dog: Its going to rain this Saturday.Zoom: Really? I often play football. But I cant play this weekend.Monkey: I usually watch TV and play the piano on the weekend. But my TV doesnt work. And my piano teacher is ill.Dog: Why dont we read some books together(一起) ?My mum bought(买) some new books for me.Zoom: Great!( )(1)Dog usually goes shopping on the weekend.( )(2)Zoom often play football on the weekend.( )(3)Monkey usually watches TV and plays sports on the weekend.( )(4)They will have a party this Saturday.( )(5)Zip sometimes goes shopping.9. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。We go shopping almost every day. We have many choices (选择) of the places to buy things. Supermarket is the right place for you. There are some good points (优点) buying things at the supermarket.You buy things at the supermarket with less money. You pay much more in the big store to buy the same goods (商品).You decide what to buy all by yourself at the supermarket. No one troubles you like at the big store.There are more choices at the supermarket. You can buy many things for a weeks use at a time: it saves (节省) us much money and time.In a word, it is better to buy things at a supermarket.() (1)There are some good points shopping in the supermarket.() (2)The things at the supermarket are expensive.() (3)At the supermarket, no one troubles you.() (4)Therere all kinds of goods at the supermarket.() (5)Shop at the big store saves time and money.10. 阅读理解。Jenny is Mr. Whites little daughter. She is good at Art . But she isnt good at Math. Mr. White is teaching her ,”Whats six plus three?”Jenny counts her fingers and answers ,”Its nine .”“Good .Whats twenty minus three?”Anna counts her fingers and toes. “Mm.its five .No , its seventeen .”Jenny answers slowly.“Whats eleven plus twelve, then ?”Jenny looks at her fingers and toes . They are not enough (足够). Seeing this , Mr. White isnt glad and says, “Use your head, Jenny .”“Thats not enough .Ive got only one head.”根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确。( )(1)Mr White has a little daughter .( )(2)Jenny doesnt do well in English.( )(3)Mr. White is teaching Jenn y.( )(4)Jenny is very clever(聪明的).( )(5)Mr. White doesnt feel happy.11. 判断正误。Amys birthday is coming. On her birthday, she wants to have a birthday party in her house. She will invite her friends to her party. At the party, they will eat the birthday cake. Amy likes singing very much. So they will sing and dance. They will play many games, too.Amys parents will give her a big surprise(惊喜). She will have a great time. Amys birthday is on April 21st. The party will start at 7:30 p.m. You can send a birthday card to her email as a present(礼物).Here is Amys email address: Amy112.( )(1)Amys birthday is in Spring.( )(2)The birthday party will start in the morning.( )(3)If you go to the party, you can eat the birthday cake.( )(4)Amy doesnt like singing.12. 根据对话内容,选择正确答案。Mum: Its 7:00. Its time to get up, Sarah. Breakfast is ready.Sarah: What day is it today, Mum.Mum: Its Sunday. What do you do on Sundays?Sarah: I often play ping-pong with my friend, Chen Jie.Mum: OK. And?Sarah: My friend Lily asks me to go shopping.Mum: Thats good. And?Sarah: I do my homework. What do you do on Sundays?Mum: I wash clothes.Sarah: Ill help you, Mum.Mum: You are athoughtfulgirl!Sarah:Thankyou,Mum.(1)Itis_today.A.Monday B.Saturday C.Sunday(2)Its7:00.Itistimeto_.A.do homework B.get up C.goshopping(3)Sarahoften_withherfriendChenJie.A.plays ping-pong B.goes shopping C.washesclothes(4)heunderlined(划线)word“thoughtful”means_.A.懒惰的 B.懂事的 C.严厉的13. 阅读理解。The Roses(罗斯一家)like having picnics on Sundays. This Sunday they want to go to the Red Park. Jack and Mike, their sons, get up early in the morning. Jack puts on a shirt and jeans, and Mike puts on a T-shirt and jeans. They also put on their running shoes. After that they help their mother put bread, milk, eggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the car. Mrs Rose also takes four glasses of juice with her. The little dog Jerry is running after her. It wants to go with them, too. They are all very happy.( )(1)On Sundays, the Roses like_.A. going shopping B. watching TV C. having picnics( )(2)Jack and Mike wear_.A. shirts and jeans B. jeans and running shoes C. jackets and jeans( )(3)Mr. Rose and Mrs. Rose have_.A. two sons B. a little cat C. a new car( )(4)They go to the park with_.A. some apples and oranges B. some bread and milk C. some food and drink( )(5)Which sentence is not true? (下面哪句话是不正确的?)A. There are five people in Mr. Roses family.B. Jack and Mike can have some juice.C. Jerry wants to go to the park, too.14. 阅读理解。Hello, I am Mike. I get up at six oclock in the morning every day. I eat breakfast at 6:30. Then I go to school at seven oclock. We do morning exercises at eight oclock. We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I go home at five oclock in the afternoon. I play basketball at 5:30. I eat dinner at 7:30. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at nine oclock. This is my day.( )(1)Where does Mike eat breakfast?A.At 6:30B.At schoolC.At home( )(2)How many classes does Mike have in a day?A.SixB.ThreeC.Five( )(3)When does Mike play sports in the afternoon?A. At five thirtyB.At fiveC.At four( )(4)When does Mike go home in the afternoon?A.At fiveB.At five thirtyC.At six( )(5)When does Mike go to bed?A.At nine oclockB.At seven thirtyC.At eight oclock15. 阅读短文,判断对错。Dear Robin,Im Nicky. Im from the city of Hangzhou. I like it. It is beautiful. There is a big lake in the city. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. We often cat good food or go shopping on the weekends.My grandpa lives in a village. It is between two hills. There is a river in front of his house. The water is clean. Sometimes. I read under the big tree beside the river or listen to the birds singing. There is a vegetable garden behind my grandpas house. You can see red tomatoes and fresh carrots in the garden. I love the village very much.I am friendly. My favourite food is fish. I can sing English songs. But I cant dance. Do you want to be my friend? Please send an email to Nicky .Yours,Nicky() (1)There is a big park in Hangzhou.() (2)Nicky often eats good food and reads books on the weekends.() (3)There is a river behind his grandpas house.() (4)Nicky likes fish best.() (5)Nicky doesnt like the city. He likes the village.16. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Dear Amy,Our school has a new building and a playground. The building is next to the gate. Its tall and white. There are flowers and trees on the playground. The statue is in the middle of the playground. Now our school is so beautiful. Welcome to our school. Its near the square.We can play together.Ben( )(1)The building is _the gate.A.In front ofB.next to( )(2)Where is the statue?A.In front of the playground.B.In the middle of the playground.( )(3)Where is the school?A.Its near the aquare.B.Its near the library.( )(4)Is the building new or old?A.Its new.B.Its old.( )(5)Are there any flowers and trees on the playground?A.Yes, there are.B.No, there arent.17. 阅读短文,选择最佳选项。The wind and the sun are very good friends, March is their favourite month. They can play together . They dont like November. Its cold and snowy. They like different clothes and colours .The wind likes the sweater and pants . Yellow is his favourite colour .For the sun , he likes the shirt and green . The wind likes to play games , but the sun likes to sit quietly (安静的).They are different ,but they are both our friends.( )(1)Who is the suns good friend?A.The moon is the suns good friend.B.The rain is the suns good fri end.C.The wind is the suns good friend.( )(2)Which month dont they like?A.November.B.October.C.July.( )(3)What colour do the sun like?A.The sun likes red.B.The sun likes yellow.C.The sun likes green.18. 阅读理解。The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Its to celebrate the lunar calendars new year (农历新年). In the evening before the Spring Festival, the family get together and have a big dinner. Dumplings are the most traditional (传统的) food. Children like the festival very much, because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes. They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck.People visit relatives and friends during this time. Chinese people like this festival very much.阅读短文,判断正()误()。1In China, the Spring Festival is the most important festival.(_)2Noodles are the most traditional food during the Spring Festival.(_)3Children dont like the Spring Festival.(_)4Children can get some lucky money from their parents on the Spring Festival.(_)5Chinese people like this traditional festival.(_)9 / 9


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