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Lesson 70Red for DangerNew Concept English1 Leadin Questionsl1)What is your favorite sports?lI am interested in lI am fond of l I am crazy about.l2)What do you consider the most dangerous sport?l3)Why do people enjoy taking watching such a sport?2 Brain-storminglName the following sportsl3 Review the PASSIVE VOICE 被动语态1 The Peoples Republic of China _ on October 1,1949.A.found B.was founded2 English _ in Canada.A speaks B.is spoken3 This English song_ by the girls after class.A is often sang B.is often sung4 This kind of car _ in Japan.A,makes B is made5 New computers _ all over the world.A.is used B.are used4 Word-study bullfight n.wander v.unaware adj.matador n.remark n.apparently adv.sensitive adj.criticism n.charge v.clumsily adv.bow v.safety n.sympathetically adv.lA 冲上去lB 安全地带(safe)lC 评论;言语lD 明显地 lE 不知道的,未觉察的lF 批评(criticize)lG 笨拙地lH 鞠躬lI 溜达,乱走lJ 斗牛lK 斗牛士L 敏感的lM 同情地5 Word Practicel1 the drunk,the danger,just now,be unaware of,l2 Mary,sensitive,to criticism.l3 How much,you ,charge for ,this dressl4 Mary,the crowd,now,wander into The +形容词表示一类人l6 Key words lcharge(sb/sth)for sth.要价,收费lThey charged us too much for delivery.lcharge sb.with sth.以某事指控某人lThe police charged him with murder.lin charge(of sb/sth)负责 She was in charge of the shop when the manager was away.lbe unaware of(sth.)/that+句子I am unaware of this problem.catch sight of 一眼憋见she caught sight of a car in the distance break into 突然发出,突然起来On hearing the news,she broke into tears.look on 旁观,观看Many people just looked on when the two men robbed a woman.Text understanding Read for danger l Lesson 70 Red For Danger During a bullfight,a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.The crowd began to shout,but the drunk was unaware of the danger.The bull was busy with the matador at the time,but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.The crowd suddenly grew quiet.The drunk,however,seemed quite sure of himself.When the bull got close to him,he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.By this time,however,three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him,for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.l1 Questions?lWho suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring?lWhy isnt the bull notice the drunk at first?lWhy did the bull charge at the drunk?1)How did the drunk leave the ring?2 Difficult sentences1、The crowd began to shout,but the drunk was unaware of the danger.be unaware of 不知道,没有觉察2、The bull was busy with the matador at the time,but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.catch sight of 突然看到 As I came out of the shop,I caught sight of Dan in the crowd.3、The drunk,however,seemed quite sure of himself.be/feel sure of oneself 有自信心4、Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.l5、The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.On hearing the news,she broke into tears.When Sally saw the woman wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse,she broke into laughter.3 Pattern drilll1 T:grateful for your helpl S1:What did you say she was grateful for?l S2:I said she was grateful for you help.lKeen on tennislAfraid of ghostslContent with her lifel2 T:faithful to the bossfrightenedl S1:Why is he so faithful to the boss?l S2:Because he is frightened of him,I suppose.l lCruel to his brother/sister -jealouslPolite to you/afraidlGood to that childfond l4 Special Difficultiesl一些形容词与固定介词的搭配。一些形容词与固定介词的搭配。l 1)与for连用的形容词(包括eager,enough,ready,sorry,famous等)2)与with连用的形容词(包括angry,busy,content,popular等)l3)与of连用的形容词(包括afraid,aware,unaware,careful,certain,kind)l4)与to连用的形容词(包括close,cruel,dear,new,obvious,polite,sensitive,rude,useful)l5)与at连用的形容词(包括good,bad,clever,expert,quick,slow等)斗牛的历史可以追溯到克利特岛上的古希腊文明。早期的斗牛只斗牛的历史可以追溯到克利特岛上的古希腊文明。早期的斗牛只是在马背上进行的,当时只有在重大场合,如皇室婚礼、军事胜是在马背上进行的,当时只有在重大场合,如皇室婚礼、军事胜利或宗教仪式时才举行斗牛。后来,斗牛逐渐传播开来,成为贵利或宗教仪式时才举行斗牛。后来,斗牛逐渐传播开来,成为贵族间的一种娱乐方式,并没有固定的比赛规则。族间的一种娱乐方式,并没有固定的比赛规则。西班牙的斗牛季节从每年的月日西班牙的斗牛季节从每年的月日“巴仑西亚的火节巴仑西亚的火节”开始开始到月日的到月日的“沙拉哥沙的比拉尔祭沙拉哥沙的比拉尔祭”时结束,一般在星期时结束,一般在星期天与假日举行,、月份是欣赏斗牛表演的黄金时期。天与假日举行,、月份是欣赏斗牛表演的黄金时期。lBACKGROUND INFORMATIONTell the storyl1 bullfight-a drunk-middle-ringl2 crowd-shout-but-unaware-dangerl3 bull-busy-caught sight-drunkl4 bull-forgot-charged at-drunkl5 crowdquiet,but-drunk-surel6 bull-close-stepped aside-passl7 crowd-cheersdrunk bowedl8 3 men-into ring-draggedto safetyl9 evenbulllooked onbefore turningSummary:1)Review the phrases2)Discussion:Why do you like sports?HealthyExciting.interestingBring love and prideSymbol of friendship


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