旅游服务英语un等it3 Accommodation Service

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Unit Unit 3 3 AccommodationAccommodation ServiceService高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等高等Unit ObjectivesUnit Objectives高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材1.Understand the procedures of hotel check-in.2.Help tourists check in at the hotel.3.Manage to introduce hotel facilities and services4.Manage to make next days schedule.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Lead-in Lead-in Reading A&Reading BReading A&Reading BListening&SpeakingListening&SpeakingWritingWriting4123ProjectProject5Unit 3 Accommodation ServiceUnit 3 Accommodation ServiceQ2:What should a tour Q2:What should a tour guide do after the guests guide do after the guests check in?check in?Q1:What documents are Q1:What documents are needed when tourists needed when tourists check in at the hotel?check in at the hotel?Lead-inLead-in 高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Reading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Task 3高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材 InterContinental Sanya Resort is one of the worlds finest hotels of the InterContinental Hotels Group.It is located in Xiao Dong Hai tourism area of Sanya in HainanProvince.The resort lies between a beautiful beach on one side and mountains on the other.As the first eco-friendly hotel in Sanya,it has more than 57 thousand square meters of green area irrigated by an advanced watering system which can save up to 60 tons of water each day.The resort also has 1000 square meters of solar power which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 600 kilograms per day.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材The transportation of InterContinental Sanya Resort is very convenient.It takes only 25 minutes to get tothe airportand 10 minutes to the city center by car.The resort offers 343 rooms with beautiful sea views.Each room is air-conditioned and has a refrigerator,internet access,a bathtub,a hair dryer,hot and cold water,TV,a balcony and a mini bar.Eight restaurants and bars provide varieties of seafood,beers,Asiancuisine,especially the Sea Pavilion which is 100 meters from the shore.There,people are treated to beautiful views as they enjoy their meals.The resort offers a fitness center,game rooms,Spa,business center and banquet service.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材1.advanced/dv:nst/adj.先进的;高级的2.air-conditioned/ekndnd/adj.装有空气调节设备的3.balcony/blkni/n.阳台;(剧院)楼厅4.banquet/bkwt/n.宴会,盛宴;筵席5.bathtub/b:tb/n.浴缸,浴盆6.cuisine/kwzi:n/n.风味,烹饪;菜肴7.eco-friendly/i:kfrendli/adj.环保的;环境无害的8.emission/imn/n.排放,发出,射出9.fitness/ftns/n.健康;适合10.intercontinental/ntkntnentl/adj.洲际的New Words and PhrasesNew Words and Phrases高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材11.irrigate/rget/v.灌溉;冲洗(伤口)12.pavilion/pvlin/n.亭,阁13.refrigerator/rfrdret(r)/n.冰箱14.resort/rz:t/n.度假胜地;采取15.InterContinental Sanya Resort 三亚半山半岛洲际度假酒店16.InterContinental Hotels Group 洲际酒店集团17.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳18.solar power 太阳能New Words and PhrasesNew Words and Phrases高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Task One:Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1.InterContinental Sanya Resort is located in Hainan Province.()2.InterContinental Sanya Resort is far from the airport.()3.InterContinental Sanya Resort offers an international menufor diversetastes.()Answers:T F TAnswers:T F T 高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材 Task Two:Answer the following questions according to Reading A.1.Why is InterContinental Sanya Resort an eco-friendly hotel?_2.What measures do you think a hotel should be taken to reduce carbon dioxide emissions?_ _ 高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Reading AReading ASuggested Answers:Suggested Answers:1.Because it has an advanced watering system to save water and solar power to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.2.I think more solar power and wind power equipment can be used to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Reading BReading BTask Three:Work in pairs.Try to search some basic information about the hotels in your hometown or in China,read and share with yourclassmates.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Reading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2Task 3高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材 Accommodation is a very important part of tourism industry.In order to meet different demands of tourists,the hospitality industry has now developed many different types.For tourists that require high quality leisure,international hotels and resorts are their best choice.Now lots of brands such as Intercontinental Hotels Group,Hilton Hotels Corporation,Starwood Hotels&Resorts Worldwide,as well as other hotel corporations have branch hotels and resorts all over the world.Some hotels with local characteristics,such as Burj Al Arab in Dubai,are also becoming more common.Reading BReading B高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Other hotels like Club Med offer all-inclusive services which are popular with family tourists.Business hotels with easy access and that are equipped with meeting and business facilities are a good choice for business travelers.Budget hotels with related facilities are preferred by backpackers.In recent years,there are some unique hotels,for example:cave hotels,ice hotels,garden hotels,railway hotels,tree house hotels and underwater hotels.They can give tourists a great experience.Reading BReading B高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材A Bed and Breakfast(usually shortened to B&B orBnB)is quite popular.It offers home style rooms and meals.Tourists can enjoy local activities and food.With the development of the internet and social networks,it is easy to book hotels all over the world.People can visit websites like Agoda,Booking,or Airbnb to choose hotels with only a computer or a cell phone.Reading BReading B高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材1.all-inclusive/:linklu:siv/adj.包括一切的2.backpacker/bkpk(r)/n.背包旅行者,背包客3.budget/bdt/adj.价格低廉的,花钱少的4.characteristic/krktrstk/adj.典型的,独特的5.Dubai/dju:bai/n.迪拜(中东一城市名)6.Hilton Hotels Corporation 希尔顿酒店集团公司7.Starwood Hotels&Resorts Worldwide 喜达屋国际酒店集团8.Burj Al Arab in Dubai 迪拜帆船酒店9.Club Med 地中海俱乐部10.meet the demand of.满足.的需求New Words and PhrasesNew Words and Phrases高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Task One:Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to Reading B.1.Starwood Hotels&Resorts offer all-inclusive services.()2.Budget hotels with related facilities are preferred by business travelers.()3.Railway hotels offer home style rooms and meals.()Reading BReading BAnswers:F F FAnswers:F F F 高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Task Two:Answer the following questions according to Reading B.Reading BReading B 1.What kind of hotel would you like to stay at when you go traveling?_ _ 2.Do you know any unique hotels in the world?Describe one or two._ _ 高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Reading AReading ASuggested Answers:Suggested Answers:1.Id likeB&B.2.Ice hotel in Sweden is really cool,even the bed is made of ice!高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Reading BReading BTask Three:Work in pairs.Try to search some basic information about the hotel industry development in your hometown in China,read and share with your classmates.Reference websites:http:/www.chinaculture.org/https:/www.wikipedia.org/https: 高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Dialogue 1Dialogue 2Dialogue 3Listening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材T=Tourist L=Local GuideL:Here we are at the hotel.Shall we get off,please?T:Could we have our room key first?L:Yes,lets ask for room key at the reception desk.Would you please give me your passports for hotel check-in?This is required by the police.T:What items are going to be registered?ListeningListeing&SpeakingListening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材L:The full name,nationality,and visa number are needed to be registered.T:How long does it take before I can take my passport back?L:Well,it takes only a few minutes.Can you wait here for a moment?T:No problem.By the way,wheres the elevator?L:Its over there in the hallway.T:Is Wi-Fi available in the hotel?Listeningpassword number Listening and speaking Listening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材L:Yes,it is.You dont need a for the Wi-Fi in the room,while,theres a password for the Wi-Fi in the lobby.Its the hotel name plus .T:Thanks very much.L:OK,now please take back your passport.Heres your room key and .Service time for breakfast is ,in the restaurant on the second floor above the lobby.T:OK,Thank you very much.ListeningpasswordNo.1-8 Listening and speaking Listening and speakingbreakfast coupon06:30-09:30 am.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Task 1:Listen to the dialogue and then fill in the blanks with what you hear.Task 2:Work in pairs.Suppose you are a tour guide,and youre helping the tourist with hotel check-in.Practice making a dialogue according to the model in dialogue 1.Task 3:Work in pairs.Discuss the procedures of hotel check-out.Listening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Introducing hotel facilities and services T=Tourist L=Local GuideL:Mr.Clerk,let me introduce hotel facilities to you.On the 3rd Floor theres a Chinese restaurant.You could order local dishes there.T:Oh,thats very good.I could have a taste of some local food.Can I also order in the room?L:Yes,you can.is available from morning till mid-night.Listeningfood and drinksRoom serviceListening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材T:Thats very good.L:Theres a fitness room on the fourth floor.T:Oh,Id like to have some sports.Can I have in the hotel?L:Yes,theres massage service on the fifth floor.T:Where can I get and stamps?L:You can find a post-office near the hotel.It stays open 8:00a.m.6:00p.m.T:Are we far away from the city center?foot massagepostcardsListening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材L:No,we arent.Actually,its within .Go out of the hotel,turn left,and walk to the third crossroad.Turn left,walk for three crossroads,and then youll arrive at the city center.T:Thank you.Can I take a bus there?L:Yes,theres a bus-stop opposite the hotel.Bus will take you there,or you can take a taxi.When you go out,please take a hotel card with you just in case you get lost.Listeningwalking distanceNo.2Listening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Task 1:Listen to the dialogue and then fill in the blanks with what you hear.Task 2:Work in pairs.Suppose you are a tour guide,and youre introducing hotel facilities and services to the tourists.Practice making a dialogue according to the model in dialogue 2.Task 3:Work in pairs.Discuss how to introduce hotel facilities and services.Listening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Discussing the itinerary with the tour escort G=Local Guide L=Tour Leader G:Excuse me,Jack?Shall we check the itinerary,please?L:OK,lets start with the for today.G:Today is the first day,the program is only the transfer service from the airport to the hotel.And dinner is not included.ListeningListening&SpeakingarrangementListening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材L:Right.G:You will have a one-day tour of the Stone Forest on the second day,with lunch included.And dinner is on your own.TE:Its correct.What time shall we start?G:.L:Isnt it a bit too early?We are very tired today,and we need a good rest.Is it possible that we start at nine?G:OK.Now,lets come to the third Day,well leave the hotel at ,visit the Western Hill and the Dragon Gate;Lunch is included.8 oclockListening and speakingListening and speaking8:30a.m.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材L:Perfect.I have heard Kunming is a flower city.Can we visit a?G:On the fourth day,well take an early flight to Dali.The departure time of the flight is .L:Right.What time do we have to leave for the airport?G:At ,because we are supposed to get to the airport two hours .L:OK.flower marketListening and speakingListening and speaking7:50 a.m.5:15 a.m.in advance高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Task 1:Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Task 2:Work in pairs.Suppose you are a tour guide,and youre talking with the tour leader about the itinerary.Practice making a dialogue according to the model in dialogue 3.Task 3:Work in pairs.Discuss how to talk about the itinerary.ListeningListening and speakingListening and speaking高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材 New words and phrases New words and phrases1.conduct/kndkt/vt.实施;处理;引导,带领2.elevator/eliveit/n.电梯;升降机3.available/velbl/adj.可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的4.password/pa:sw:d/n.密码;口令5.coupon/ku:pn/n.配给券;(购物)票证6.item/atm/n.项目;条款高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材7.room-service n.送餐服务;房间服务8.fitness room n.健身房9.massage/msa:/n.按摩,推拿10.arrangement/reindmnt/n.安排;计划;筹备11.transfer/trnsf/n.接送;转移;转乘 v.(在旅途中)转乘;换乘12.do sb.a favor 帮一个忙13.in case you get lost 万一迷路14.on ones own 靠自己安排;费用自理New words and phrasesNew words and phrases高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材1.name-list 名单2.group visa 团体签证3.morning call service 叫醒服务4.breakfast buffet 自助早餐5.single room 单人间6.double room 双人间7.reception desk 前台 Supplementary Words and Sentence StructuresSupplementary Words and Sentence Structures高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材8.We would like to check in.9.Here is the name-list with the group visa.10.Here are your room keys and breakfast coupons.11.The bellboy will take your luggage and show you up to your room12.The breakfast will be served at the dining hall on the first floor from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m.Supplementary Words and Sentence StructuresSupplementary Words and Sentence Structures高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Task 1 Read the following reservation email and fill in the Hotel Reservation Card,sum up the main information needed in a hotel reservation.WritingWriting高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Dear Ms.Wang,My name is Li Yan and I am from the Seagull Overseas Travel Agency.I contacted you last Friday,and thank you for your kind reply.Id like to reserve rooms for my Australian tourists.Have you got any vacancies from March 15th to 17th?We have 20 people requesting nine double rooms and two single rooms with city views.We would like the corporate room rates of 500 RMB for a double room and 450 RMB for a single room per room per night as usual.The group will arrive around 3:00 p.m.on the 15th,WritingWriting高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材and check out at 9:00 a.m.on the 17th.Please arrange for a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m.to each room every day.A name list and passports will be ready for you to make registrations when they check in.Please give me a confirmation letter once the rooms are reserved.If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me.My phone number is 135xxxxxxxx.Sincerely yours,Li YanWritingWriting高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材WritingWritingHotel Reservation CardHotel Reservation CardSurname First Name Gender Nationality Passport No.Arrival Date Departure Date Room Type Room Rate No.of Rooms No.of Guests Booked by Tel Approved by Taken by Remarks Date AustralianMarch 15thMarch 17th9 double rooms and 2 single rooms500 RMB,450 RMB20Wake-up call at 7:00 a.m.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材WritingWritingTask 2 Suppose you are a tour guide in Beijing.Write an email to Mr.Xu of JW Marriott Hotel Beijing to make a reservation with reference to the above model.Task 3 Design a briefing of a famous hotel in China according to the model of Reading A.高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材This project aims to go through the whole process of hotel check-in and introduction to hotel facilities and surroundings.The task is divided into four steps.ProjectProject高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Step One Divide the class into several small groups of 2-4 students;Step Two Discuss in groups and sum up the main steps in the hotel check-in.Step Three Role play make dialogues about receiving a tour group;Step Four Try to make an introduction of a hotel facilities and surroundings in your city.Perform it in front of the class.ProjectProject高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材Task 1 Rate your Practical Skill progress in each part of the form.Note:tasks in Unit 3.1.I can help with check-in.2.I can help the problems occurring when checking in.3.I can introduce the main facilities in hotels and arrange hotel service.4.I can discuss the tour schedule with the tour leader.Self-assessmentSelf-assessment高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材 Task 2 Rate your project-work collaboration progress in this unit.Task 3 Rate your attitudes/behaviour progress in each part of the form.Self-assessmentSelf-assessment高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材高等职业教育旅游类专业系列教材


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