银屑病偏方大全(Psoriasis prescription Daquan)

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银屑病偏方大全Psoriasis prescription DaquanPsoriasis prescription daquan:For thousands of years, spread in our country a very rich folk, simple and magical effect of the treatment of Difficult miscellaneous diseases in folk remedies, there is folk prescription to cure illness, this is a grain of truth, because it contains the mechanism of current medicine can realize the remedies; people usually choose not only in the recipe, the hospital invalid, or will choose when traditional treatment costs high.Shijiazhuang Bethune hospital psoriasis experts to collect all the current treatment of psoriasis remedies, the essence of these remedies is to summarize the previous (collection of the following patients with psoriasis psoriasis remedies, do not need to find remedies - the following basic contains all current effective psoriasis remedies), have a certain therapeutic effect on psoriasis psoriasis treatment of these remedies. And some effect is good, the use of psoriasis patients can have a choice:Shijiazhuang Bethune hospital traditional Chinese medicine bath green therapy for psoriasis, hormone free, immunosuppressive agents, mercury, arsenic, Lei Gongteng and any other side effects on the body of the ingredients, otherwise you can compensate one hundred thousand yuan! Pregnant women and children can be used, and can be used for skin whitening cream, skin care and treatment of psoriasis, is currently the best, the most safe and green drug free treatment to the hospital first, ill 60% after feeling satisfactory payment.Psoriasis folk prescription 1.Jujube licorice soup formula: 30 grams of jujube, licorice 10 grams. System: jujube, licorice wash, add appropriate amount of water decoction, go to slag, take juice.Efficacy: Supplementing Qi, regulating qi, helping qi. Directions: 1 times a day, drink 2 times a day.Psoriasis folk prescription 2.Matrine 200g, vinegar 500ml.Usage: soak 5 days together, wash the affected area with warm water first, remove the scaly skin, and then apply the medicine above, 1 times in the morning and evening, and use for 3-5 days.Psoriasis folk prescription 3.Raw Pinellia 1 large, vinegar a little.Usage: pinellia, dip vinegar, grinding juice, paint the affected area.Psoriasis folk prescription 4.Pomegranate skin Decoction: Formula: pomegranate skin 100 grams. Method: pomegranate juice plus the amount of water, decocting. Efficacy: killing insects and relieving itching. Directions: use heat to wash the affected area. 2 times a day, 3 times for each dose.Psoriasis folk prescription 5.Ebony ebony 1500 grams of cream: formula.Psoriasis folk prescription 6.Method: wash the plum to go nuclear, add water to cook, 500 ml of concentrated into paste, bottling spare,Efficacy: killing insects and relieving itching.Usage: flavored sugar, 10 grams each time, warm water, 3 times a day, taking time as the condition may be psoriasis remediesPsoriasis folk prescription 7.Honeysuckle Danshen drink: Formula: 20 grams of honeysuckle, Salvia 15 grams. Method: Honeysuckle and Salvia Wuhuo buy on the amount of water, boil, then simmer for 30 minutes of suffering, to slag juice, add sugar seasoning. Efficacy: clearing away heat and toxic materials, cooling blood circulation and dredging collaterals. Directions: take it 3 times in the morning, evening and middle hours.Psoriasis folk prescription 8.Huaihua porridge: Formula: sophora flower 30 grams, 60 grams of rice, brown sugar. Method: sophora flower water decoction juice 1000 ml, with rice, brown sugar, boil congee together. Efficacy: clearing heat and cooling blood. Usage: apply as for 7 to 10 days.Psoriasis folk prescription 9:Red eggs 5, old Chen cluster 1 jin, soaked 7 days later, go to shell, leave the egg yolk, stir well, external paint on the affected area, 1, 2 times, there is good effectPsoriasis folk prescription 10.Tinea recipe: oriental arborvitae, sage, 200 grams, 40 grams of Tribulus, grind coarse powder, put gauze bag, 6 kg of water after boiling simmer for 30 minutes, wash the affected area with 3 times a day.Psoriasis folk prescription 11The prescription of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions: 30 grams, angelica 10 grams, 10 grams of red peony root, Chuanxiong 10 grams, paeonol 10 grams, 10 grams of Schizonepeta, windproof 10 grams, 10 grams of Sophora flavescens, baixianpi 30 grams, 10 grams of cicada, Daqingye 15 grams, 15 grams of burdock, one dose a day, decocted in water for 30 agent as a course of treatment.Psoriasis folk prescription 12Ingredients: raw almonds, vinegarMake use of the method: raw bitter almond (not limited), smashed into the end, plus vinegar tune into a paste, spread on the cloth, apply to the affected area (the affected area should be cleaned), the skin, bandage fixed, 24 hours to replace the new. Light continuous deposited 4-5 times, that is, more stubborn, can be increased by several times.Psoriasis folk prescription 13Ingredients: Rose, clove, cantharidin, Costus root.Method of usage: at the end of the research, 7 days after using the vinegar soak, daily 1-2 times can take appropriate embrocationPsoriasis folk prescription 14Material: Tougucao, AI, saltMethod of usage: first salt wok fry yellow, with the top 2 taste the same into the iron pot, pour a pot of boiling water on the fire to boil. The suitable water temperature after every 15-20 minutes, wash the affected area, 1 times every night. Each dose can be used 3 times. After each wash, wipe Erythromycin Ointment or Clotrimazole Ointment over the affected area. During the use of drugs, avoid spicy and pungent food, the affected parts do not touch cold water.Psoriasis folk prescription 15Papaya SoupIndications: PsoriasisRecipe: papaya 1, honey 300 ml, ginger 2 grams.Usage: wash papaya, peel and slice, add water, honey, ginger, boil, simmer for 10 minutes, soup, papaya.Psoriasis folk prescription 16Areca ginger congeeIndications: PsoriasisRecipe: areca 1, ginger juice 10 grams of honey, 50 ml, 100 grams of rice.Usage: areca research, boil for 15 minutes, cooling precipitation juice, rice porridge to the rotten rice porridge thick, add ginger, areca juice, honey to boil, take an empty stomach.Psoriasis folk prescription 17Peanut red bean soup red dates (folk Square)Indications: PsoriasisRecipe: peanuts with peanuts 90 grams, red beans, red dates 50 grams, 15 grams of garlic.Usage: on a total of four flavor soup, sooner or later.Psoriasis folk prescription 18Recipe: shrubalthea bark 180 grams, 150 grams of hydnocar: Fructus Cnidii, Haitongpi rattan peel 120 grams, 90 grams of Sophora flavescens, camphor 30 grams, 15 grams of salicylic acid, a white 10 grams, 300 ml of 75% ethanol.Usage: crush the first 9 ingredients, fill in the container, add 75% ethanol, seal, soak for 15 days, then remove the slag. Take this wine by inunction several times a day.Three. Psoriasis prescription DaquanPsoriasis remedies 1. leek legen 30 grams, fried coke, lard coating.Psoriasis folk prescription, 2. raw alum for the end, the wine coating.Psoriasis remedies 3. Bauhinia root vinegar coated abrasive, available.Psoriasis remedies 4. Aconitum grinding daub.Psoriasis remedies 5. Arhats rough as pine trunk bark deposit of Chen vinegar transfer on the affected drug.Psoriasis remedies 6. gallnut pestle, Chen vinegar boiled cream, psoriasis parts scratch, medication is put on the stem is complex enough to not itch for medicine to the affected part of the skin, and stick together, as far as the root.Psoriasis remedies 7. pepper, onion, egg and oil fried, mashed bread, while hot compress.Psoriasis remedies with saponin Decoction on 8., washed 2 to 3 times, so that half effective.Psoriasis folk prescription 9. raw nuts (cut), frequency wipe take effect.Psoriasis remedies for the end of 10. Hibiscus bark, such as vinegar boiled glue, apply to the affected area.Psoriasis remedies 11. peach root, with vitriol mash, deposited.Psoriasis remedies 12. Pseudolaricis (do not see the fire) 500 grams, dry grinding, add 500 ml of wine, 120 grams of elm, soak 7 days, dipped in paint rub wine from time to time.Psoriasis remedies 13. white Jiangcan 30 grams, water roll, a little warm, wash the affected area frequency several times, such as cold soup, the original soup and warm wash, that is.Magic psoriasis remedies 14. fresh Herba Centipedae rub.15. with psoriasis remedies that can wipe wintersweet flower leaves.Psoriasis remedies 16. mung bean hammer broken, paper covered bowl, with broken beans: Acupuncture porous paper shop, with 1 pieces of carbon baked beans, beans burning, the paper will focus, go to a water bowl bean pound paper, take 3 - 5 times the effect on.Psoriasis folk prescription 17. burn with the leather, gray oil deposited, effective.Psoriasis remedies with 18. leaves is more clean and check, very.Psoriasis folk prescription 19. soap alum, no matter how much, fry extremely dry at the end, lard tune deposited, wonderful.Psoriasis remedies 20. eggplant leaf drum head guillotining, in psoriasis lesion to wipe out the yellow water, effective.Psoriasis remedies 21. Timothy, to hand rub broken, from time to time to clean, effective.Psoriasis remedies 22. banyan leaves Daolan deposited, or on the same tree sap.Psoriasis remedies 23. purslane ointment, if burning ash deposited, but also good.24. donkey skin psoriasis remedies into 1 pieces, pickled mirabilite, burning ash, oil paint will sweep away the light.Psoriasis folk prescription, 25. horse tooth, nitration water, paint, very effective.Psoriasis folk prescription 26. governance psoriasis first experience God side, all suffer from this ringworm, more in the neck, itching can not endure, the more grasping the bigger, along a piece. With the new cotton torn as a paper thin layer, and the amount of ringworm wide, cotton paving, burning with fidibus, point to the cotton, immediately immediately and not burn, itching, pain coke. Not to use, very simple, very true, only 1 times to heal. If the following year, according to rule 1, is said to be verified - never become extinct.Psoriasis folk prescription 27., tea root 3060 grams, slice, add water, deep fried, 2 to 3 times a day, fasting to heal.Psoriasis remedies 28. water mustard, mash, paint on the lesion.Psoriasis remedies 29. Brucea Ren, Yanlan, bartend rubbing the affected area.Psoriasis remedies 30. vinegar 500 grams, 50 grams of concentrated, with cotton balls dipped in rubbing the affected part. 23 days is effective, up to 7 days can bear fruit. Before wiping outside, grab and wash first. 31., the Chinese parasol tree pulp, painted affected department, 1 times 35 times.Psoriasis folk prescription 32. Bai Zhuang 30 grams, for the fine end, with vinegar tune, wipe the affected area.Psoriasis folk prescription 33., cat eye grass juice smear, used 3 times.Psoriasis folk prescription 3 thousand and 400, 30 grams, fried water outside wash.Psoriasis folk prescription 35. grapefruit skin oil, paint affected Department 56 times.36.: psoriasis psoriasis remedies Kawaji banana banana peel rub the affected part (small area), for two consecutive months, the skin becomes smooth not skin nor itch.Psoriasis folk prescription 37.Hydrogen peroxide treatment of psoriasis: add 50% distilled water in hydrogen peroxide, coated with the affected area 2 times a day, 3 times, the effect is good.Psoriasis remedies to cure psoriasis 38. garlic: garlic Daocheng mashed garlic, deposited in the affected area for two hours to burn around and then foaming, cupping, will suck out the poison. Put some salt or garlic smashed drunk, deposited in the affected area with gauze cover and fixed with plaster, every day for a new mashed garlic. After a period of time, the psoriasis was removed, leaving only a dark spot mark on the affected area.Psoriasis remedies to cure tinea manuum 39. Cod Liver Oil external Cod Liver Oil pill burst, taking a little application, such as allergic reactions, can be coated, every 3 to 4 times a week or so is effective.40. pepper can cure psoriasis psoriasis remedies: a wisp of peppercorns, put no oil pan fry gently, deep red when removed by hot rolling into powder, add sesame oil mix to dilute. In the sun, while the sun side wipe pepper oil, for 3 consecutive days.Psoriasis remedies 41. green walnut ring can cure ringworm: cut a piece of green walnut with a knife (not to cut nuclear heart) on the affected part, inunction, a day of 4 - 5, 2 - 3 green walnut can be cured.Psoriasis treatment of psoriasis (42. prescriptions of eel bone athletes good effect): take 100 grams of raw eel bone, dried powder, borneol 3 grams grind with sesame oil, apply affected area, 1 times a day, generally 3 - 4 times that bear fruit xu.Psoriasis folk prescription 43. garlic cure psoriasis (peach ringworm effect is very good): with a slice of garlic cut into pieces, with garlic juice smear ringworm. Generally 3 - 4 times ringworm will be fine.Psoriasis remedies 44. vinegar pepper cure psoriasis: a bottle of vinegar put pepper, boil for half an hour, let cool will boil water into a bottle of pepper, pepper water with a brush hairs on the surface of the skin, adhere to the early and late afternoon, brushing the affected area every day, no matter what kind of stubborn ringworm, have the effect.Psoriasis remedies 45.: treatment of tinea versicolor ginger wine bubble catty ginger is abluent slice, in the sun dried into the bottle, soaked with liquor and sealed 2 to 3 days. Then soak the white wine on the affected area, 3 times a day, 3 - 5 days will be fine.Psoriasis remedies: choose 46. elm juice treating ringworm several branches of the elm will be fresh, peeling mash juice was shaped after deposited in the affected area with gauze and tape tightly wrapped, 4 - 5 hours off, up to 3 times can be effective. It should be noted that during the treatment, the water should not be too long, or squeeze out the juice and smear it directly on the affected area (juice can only be used once). Once a day, even for 10 days, you can see the effect.Psoriasis remedies 47. plus external application of local mashed garlic moxibustion.Psoriasis folk prescription 48. external paint Zhuang medicine antipruritic tincture.Psoriasis remedies 49. superficial needle therapy, each 20 to 30 needle needle.Psoriasis remedies: lung, 50. ear Shenmen acupoint.Psoriasis folk prescription 51. fresh raw soil 100 grams, washed and sliced directly after the local smear, until the heat up to 3 times a day, 15 days for a course of treatment.Psoriasis remedies 52. vinegar, water chestnut, peeled and sliced into the amount of vinegar, put in casserole body fire suffering, to harden when water chestnut pieces (about 10 minutes) removed, Daocheng paste paste, coated with skin lesions, covered with plastic paper and tied with gauze. Take medicine once a night before going to bed.Psoriasis remedies 53. momordic aka Strychnos, toxic, can cure psoriasis tongluo.Psoriasis remedies 54. Momordica cochinchinensis oil from egg yolk, peeled, add a little vinegar, research into the juice, wash the affected part, wipe the egg butter, then apply Momordica juice.Psoriasis folk prescription 55. pomegranate peel and plum taste the same, acid, convergence, insecticidal, antipruritic effect, cure psoriasis.Psoriasis remedies 56. pomegranate peel ointment, pomegranate peel powder, camphor, carbolic acid, Vaseline, plus a small amount of oil or paraffin oil (pomegranate peel and pomegranate peel 1, charcoal grinds to the powder, sesame oil three transferred into a paste standby) outside the rub, 2 times a day.57. pomegranate skin psoriasis remedies amount of sesame oil, pomegranate charcoal powder, sesame oil into a paste, coated surface of the skin, 2 times a day.Psoriasis remedies 58. homemade tape with alcohol onto the affected area, until the alcohol evaporates after taking a Shangshizhitong plaster or Musk Balm, the lesion is sealed, once a day, can be effective after 2 weeks.Psoriasis remedies 59. Astragalus treatment of psoriasis remediesA kind of mushroom psoriasis remedies - Astragalus is some effect, long-term use can make skin tinea block off, and restore luster, not verified.Psoriasis folk prescription 60., banana skin rubbing the affected area may have a certain effect, continuous wipe for two months, can make the skin gradually smooth, itchingPsoriasis remedies 61. put milk into the pot to boil, boil and then switch to simmer for 3 to 5 minutes, then put the milk in the pot pour out, then the pot wall has a layer of white film, this layer of tunica albuginea scraping down to the affected area can have a certain effect.Psoriasis remedies 62. bran oil 500 ml add 30 grams of powder dissolved in acid bran oil, apply daily medication at the same time, several times, immediately itching, and scaly shedding. After wiping out for a while,Skin lesions to calm down, and then adhere to smear for some time, the skin color to restore the same color as a healthy skin.Psoriasis folk prescription 63. burning chicken bone powder smell tobacco treatment psoriasis:Directions for use and precautions:Once a day, once a, seven for a course of treatment. The drug lit a head, let the spontaneous combustion, one hand placed in the nose under 30 centimeters around the umbilicus. Sniffed, absolutely can not drink smoke mouth; one takes about 30-40 minutes.Efficacy: less than 4 years of onset, after a course of treatment, you can see a rash gradually subsided, to fourteen may subside most, at this time, and then second treatment period, you can generally recover, serious need third coursesPsoriasis, Chinese medicine, folk prescription:Psoriasis remedies 1. drugs: 15 grams of raw fried 15 grams 10 grams of red peony flower peony 10 grams 10 grams 10 grams shikonin lingxiaohua Xuanshen 10 grams of peony skin 6 grams 6 grams of rhubarb safflower 6 grams.Attending: psoriasis usage: a daily agent Shuijianbi note: progressive stage showed blood, the main symptoms of rash appear constantly, the color red, itchy, red tongue. The number of vein. In life, Flos Sophorae, Radix Paeoniae Alba, Radix Scrophulariae Yangyin Liangxue, red peony Ling flower shikonin paeonol rhubarb safflower cooling blood detoxification.Psoriasis remedies 2. tincture drug: Rhubarb Cnidium Pseudolaricis each 30 grams, add 75% ml of 1000 alcohol soaked for 10 days, filtering to obtain liquid, then add 5 grams of salicylic acid, benzoic acid, 12 grams of mixing. Efficacy: detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.Indications: psoriasis, psoriasis: Usage: apply the liquid outside the affected area, not two times a dayEfficacy: Party Turkey rhubarb aka sheep crow, for Polygonaceae perennial herb of bitter cold, the efficacy of Liangxue hemostatic therapy, insecticidal tinea, laxative laxative, for treating skin tinea disease to medicine. Cnidium, Pseudolaricis insecticidal dampness itching, is also commonly used drugs for treating skin tinea scabies.Psoriasis remedies unilateral 3. drugs: pure colophong powder: dampness detoxification effectIndications: psoriasis use: take 3-4 grams each time, sooner or later each time, after the anti cold water delivery service. If after taking the symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort, capsules can be loadedEfficacy: clinical observation of heat dampness rosin, good skin inflammation obvious effect. But the drug on the digestive system of liver. Kidney. Some effects of endocrine function, so these conditions should be used with caution.Psoriasis


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