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Lesson 71Lesson 71Hes awfulHes awful awful 让人讨厌的 telephone 打电话 time 次数 answer 接电话 last 最后,上一个 phone 电话 again 又一次地 say 说 say the poem again Key words:awful adj.让人讨厌的,坏的 awfully adv.非常(在表示负面的情景中,可用 awfully代替very)I am awfully(very)sorry.time n.次(数)C once twice 3 times 时间 U on time 按时 in time 及时 all the time 一直3 数词+times动词过去式不规则变化1.把动词原形中的o改为a becomebecame,comecame2把动词原形中的i改为a beginbegan,drinkdrank,givegave,singsang,sitsat,swimswam 3把原形中的i改为o drivedrove,riderode,winwon,writewrote4动词原形中的e改为o,getgot,forgetforgot 一般过去时构成(含有实义动词)肯:主+V.ed.否:主+didnt +V.原.疑:Did +主+V.原?答:Yes,主+did.No,主+didnt.昨天我们一起唱歌了。We sang songs together yesterday.We didnt sing songs together yesterday.Did you sing songs together yesterday?Yes,we did.No,we didnt.What did you sing together yesterday?他们昨天晚上给我打电话了。They telephoned me last night.They didnt telephone me last night.Did they telephone you last night?Yes,they did.No,they didnt.What did they do last night?awful adj.让人讨厌的,坏的 The weather was awful.It is a really awful book.You look awful,whats wrong with you?Alice is awful!telephone v./n.打电话,电话 telephone sb=phone sb=call sb(up)给某人打电话 I was on the telephone when she came in.He telephoned me twice,but I didint answer.a telephone boxtime n.时间,次数 once 一次 twice 两次 three times 三次 四次 four times Time goes by so quickly these days.我们一个月看他三次。We visit him three times a month.Its time to do sth.Its time to go home.answer v./n.接(电话),回答 What is the answer to the question?她了吗?answer thetelephone 接电话phone n.电话again adv.又一次 once again 再来一次 again and again 一次又一次 Can you say it again?I will never go there again.他昨天又给你打电话了吗?Did he telephone you again yesterday?last adj.最后的,前一次的 last night/week/year/month/time 你昨天晚上在电视上看汽车比赛了吗?Did you watch the car race on TV last night?你昨天做什么了?What did you do yesterday?say(said)V.说 你跟她说什么了?What did you say to her?say sth to sb 和某人说了什么事 Can I go,Mum?Please say yes!speak with sb (spoke)Can I speak with you for a minute?Whats Ron Marston like?whats someone like?询问某人或某物怎么样?(问内在)Whats the weather like yesterday?It was windy and rainy.Whats your little sister like?Shes cute and clever.He telephoned me four times yesterday and three times the day before yesterday.动词过去式的变化规则:work listen 1.直接加ed live like 2.以e结尾加d study cry try stay 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i加ed stop plan 4.以“辅音+元音+辅音”辅元辅结尾,双写最后的辅音加ed一般过去时的标志性时间状语yesterday短语,yesterday morning/afternoon/eveninglast短语 last night/Monday/week/month/year,in+过去年份 in 2010,时间段+ago,three months agojust now刚刚,at that time=then 在那时the other day 那天,in the past 在过去after+时间段=时间段+later 一段时间以后todaythis morningthis afternoonthis eveningtonightyesterdayyesterday morningyesterday afternoonyesterday eveninglast nightthe day before yesterdaythe day before yesterday in the morningthe day before yesterday in the afternoonthe day before yesterday in the eveningthe night before last5.有些动词不符合上面的规则,需要特殊记忆。如:am(is)-was,are-were,go-went,do-did eat-ate,swim-swam,buy-bought,see-saw,teach-taught,bring-brought,think-thought,fall-fell,hurt-hurt,break-broke,win-won,lose-lostWhat did you say to him?say 说的内容 say“sorry”/hello to sb speak to sb/某种语言 All of us speak Chinese.talk 谈话 The teacher talked with my mother last night.tell 告诉 Tell him the good news.tell a story 一般过去时的构成一般过去时的构成:陈述句陈述句:主语主语+动词过去式动词过去式+其他其他 He arrived home at six oclock yesterday evening.We were students three years ago.一般疑问句一般疑问句:助动词助动词+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其他其他 Did he arrived home at six oclock yesterday evening?Were you students three years ago?肯定回答肯定回答:否定回答否定回答:特殊疑问句特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+一般疑问句一般疑问句 When did he arrive home yesterday?What were you three years ago?用所给词的适当形式填空:All the books _(be)not here,but they _(be)here a moment ago.It _(be)there just now,but it isnt there now.Your CD (be)on the ground just now.Wheres the camera?It _(is)there a moment ago.Where _(be)the diary now?It _(is)there just now.It _(be)Helens birthday yesterday.It _(be)on the ground just now,but it isnt there now.My parents _(be)not at home a moment ago.Tom _(go)to visit a farm last week.The twins _(water)the flowers in the garden yesterday morning.I _(watch)a film with my friend last Friday.My father _(be)in London last year.What_(do)you do three days ago?_(be)there any parks in the town in 1950?Where _(be)you just now?I _(be)in the classroom.What _ you _(do)last Friday?We _(water)trees on the farm.


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