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The Use Of V - ed 分 词 现在分词:动词原形 +-ing 过去分词:动词原形 +-ed 1.语态上 现在分词 :表示 主动 的动作 过去分词 :表示 已经被动 的动作 I heard someone opening the door. I heard the door opened. 2.时间上 现在分词 : 表示 正在进行 的动作 过去分词 :表示 完成 的意思 the changing world the changed world the falling leaves the fallen leaves boiling water boiled water developing countries developed countries 动词 -ed形式作 定语 动词 -ed形式作 表语 动词 -ed形式作 补语 动词 -ed形式作 状语 作表语 I was very excited that we won the game. 分词作 表语 表示 主语 的某种性质或状态 注意: 现在分词 表示主语的性质,主语多为 物 过去分词 表示主语的感受或状态,主语多为 人 。 e.g. He was very excited. The book was rather boring. 过去分词叙述的是人的本身感受; 现在分词叙述的是某一物或事情给予人的感受。 动名词 作表语,表语和主语几乎处于同等地位, 可以互换位置 ,其句意不变; 现在分词 作表语, 表语和主语则 不能互换位置 。 My job is interesting. 我的工作很有趣。 My job is teaching maths. 我的工作是教数学。 误: Interesting is my job. 正: Teaching maths is my job. 动名词和现在分词的区别 2. Past Participle used as predicative The shop is _(close). closed Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ (pay) by the hour. paid There are two glasses which are _ (break). broken There are two broken glasses. The person who feels _ (excite) is Ronaldo. excited The excited person is Ronaldo. 作定语 1、现在分词作 定语 ,当 分词单独 做定语时,放在所修饰 的名词前;如果是 分词短语 做定语放在名词后。 They found a damaged car at the gate of the park. I have read this book written by LuXun. 单词分词 +被修饰的词 被修饰的词 +分词短语 2、注意 : 不定代词 +单个分词 在修饰 something, nothing, anything, someone等词时要 置于它们的后面 。 There is nothing interesting. There is something missing The ground is covered by _ (fall) leaves. fallen 1. Past Participle used as attribute These _ (want) people are from Hong Kong. wanted This will be the best novel of its kind ever _(write). written that has ever been written. Who were the so-called guests _ (invite) to Jacky Chuang s concert last month? invited that had been invited She is drinking _ (boil) water. boiled She is drinking the water which was boiled. 分词一般只在两类动词后作补语 感觉、感官动词 : see observe notice watch hear smell listen to look at feel find 使役、致使动词 : catch set have make get start leave keep 此用法中 : 现在分词 表示正在进行的主动意义, 过去分词 表示已完成的被动意义 作宾补 He found the door _(lock). 他发现门锁上了 I watched the boy _(climb) the tree. 我看见那男孩正在爬树。 I heard someone _(knock) at the door. 我听见有人敲门 locked climbing knocking make 后的宾语补足语只用过去分词,不能用现 在分词 She still couldn t make herself understood in English He couldn t make himself believed set 后的宾语补足语只用现在分词,不能用过 去分词 The joke set them all laughing His word set us thinking deeply 注意 注意: 在 have或 get后面的复合宾语中,宾语补足语 多是过去分 词 ,而它所表示的动作又往往 由别人所完成 We must get the television repaired. 我们必须把电视机修好。 (请别人修 ) I am going to have my hair cut. 我要去剪头发。 区分 have 的几种结构: 1.have sth. to do 有某事要做 2.have sth done 使某事被做 3.have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 4.have sth. doing 让某事一直做着 Translation 1. 我有些话要说。 I have some words to say. 2. 昨天我理了发。 I had my hair cut yesterday. 4. 别让机器一直开着。 Don t have the machine running. 3. 我叫弟弟寄了一封信。 I had my brother post a letter. Exercises 1、 The next morning she found the man _ in bed, dead. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying 2、 A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen. A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D.smoked 作状语 Walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine. (=When I was walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine.) 分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、伴随、结果等,现在分词 一般不用作表目的地状语 (通常用不定式表目的地状语)。 1) 表时间状语 (相当于 when引导的从句) 见到猫,老鼠就跑了 Seeing the cat, the mouse ran off 2) 表原因状语( 相当于 as , since ,because 引导的从句) 既然你是一个学生,你就应该努力学习 Being a student, you should study hard. (=Since you are a student, you should study hard.) 3)表方式、伴随情况地状语 :作伴随状语地分词表示 的动作,必须是 主语的一个动作 ,或是 与谓语所表 示地动作(或状态)同时发生 ,或是 对谓语表示地 动词(或状态)作进一步地补充说明 。 She stood there waiting for the bus.她站在那儿等公共 汽车 他坐在椅子上看报 He sat in the chair reading a newspaper 4) 表结果( 相当于 so that引导的从句) Her mother died in 1990, leaving her with her younger brother. 5)表条件( 相当于 if , unless引导的从句) Using your head, you will find a way. (=If you use your head, you will find a way.) 一直往前走,你就会看到一座白色地房子。 Walking ahead, you will see a white house 现在分词的完成式 过去分词没有时态形式的变化,过去分词只有一般式,没有 完成式,只有主动式,没有被动式 现在分词的时态形式 having+过去分词 一般式 writing 完成式 having written 现在分词完成式 其所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动 作之前,常常用作状语,表示时间或原因。如: Having done his homework, the schoolboy began to write his diary.这个小学生做完作业后,开始写日记。 (having done his homework发生在 began之前,表示时间。 ) 一般式 being+过去分词 表示被动动作 e.g. I saw him being taken away by the police. 我看见他被警察带走。 现在分词的被动语态 将否定词 not置于分词之前 not +分词 Not knowing English, he didn t know what she wanted. 由于不懂英语,他不知道她想要什么。 Not having finished his work, he could not leave the office. 由于工作没干完他不能离开办公室。 分词的否定式 Homework Make use of different learning resources to summarize the rules of v- ing forms.


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