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洋昌牛晓XUCHANG UNIVERSITY考研英语高别圆僦巧与真题讲解许昌学院外国语学院目录1第一讲考研英语(一)考试大纲的变化及说明11.1 考试形式11.2 考题内容与试卷结构11.3 考研英语应对策略22第二讲考研英语新题型42.1 总论42.2 分题型讲解52.2.1 论据例子题52.2.2 主旨大意题102.2.3 段落排序题142.2.4 选择搭配题182.2.5 参考答案222.2.6 新题型答题技巧一排序题233第三讲考研英语核心词汇243.1 A243.2 B273.3 C283.4 D313.5 E333.6 F353.7 G363.8 H373.9 I383.10 J393.11 K393.12 L393.13 M403.14 N413.15 0413.16 P423.17 Q443.18 R453.19 S473.20 T513.21 U533.22 V543.23 W553.24 Y563.25 Z564第四讲完形填空大纲要求及应试技巧564.1 完形填空题大纲解析564.2 完形填空命题规律564.3 完形填空的试题类型574.4 完形填空基本解题策略584.5 完形填空的解题程序614.6 近年来出题的总体特点624.7 综合练习634.8 感受真题694.9 完形填空练习答案715第五讲考研英语阅读理解应试技巧715.1 资料的选择725.2 考研英语阅读文章来源725.3 考研英语阅读理解备考指导725.4 阅读能力的提高735.5 英语考研阅读理解各类题型的命题规律745.6 考研英语阅读技巧765.6.1 一切从解题的需要出发来阅读文章765.6.2 利用一切线索为解题服务785.7 攻克考研英语阅读理解四大技巧785.8 考研牛人:阅读经验与技巧分享815.9 考研阅读最基本的复习方法836第六讲考研英语翻译技巧866.1 英译汉试卷评分执行细则866.2 考研英语翻译大纲要求926.3 翻译解题步骤与思路四步走926.4 翻译技巧详解和练习936.5 长难句习题解析+直译答案+最终翻译版本答案966.5.1 化繁为简一破解英语长难句966.5.2 翻译练习解析1036.6 英译汉全真模拟试题1056.6.1 Passage11056.6.2 Passage21066.6.3 Passage31076.6.4 Passage41086.6.5 Passage51096.6.6 全真模拟试题答案1107第七讲考研英语作文解析1117.1 小作文1117.2 大作文1197.3 评分标准1217.3.1 小作文评分标准1217.3.2 大作文评分标准1227.4 模板作文1238第八讲历年真题1288.1 2011年考研英语(一)真题1288.2 2010年考研英语真题1408.3 历年真题参考答案1518.3.1 2010年考研英语真题答案1518.3.2 2011年考研英语真题答案1618.4 往年期末考试真题及答案1708.4.1 往年期末试题真题1708.4.2 往年期末试题真题答案1809第九讲课程安排与测试1821第一讲考研英语(一)考试大纲的变化及说明比对2011年和2010年的考纲不难发现,在去年的基础上,今年的新大纲未做任何调整和变化,而且自2005年英语考研大纲做过较大的调整以来,在时至今日的总计七个考研英语大纲出炉的年头里,考纲一直秉承了稳定性和连续性,只在去年有过局部微调,并没有实质性的重大变化,这对广大考生来说是一个非常好的态势,同学们如有考研的打算,越早启动英语复习越好,完全没必要去受新考纲的钳制。今年的考纲依然从以下儿个方面确定了考研英语的要求和侧重权重。1.1 考试形式考试形式为笔试。考试时间为180分钟。满分为100分。试卷包括试题册和答题卡。答题卡分为答题卡1和答题卡2。考生应将1-45题的答案按要求填涂在答题卡1上,将46-52题的答案写在答题卡2上。1.2考题内容与试卷结构试题分三部分,共52题,包括英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作。第一部分英语知识运用该部分不仅考察考生对不同语境中规范的语言要素(包括词汇、表达方式和结构)的掌握程度,而且还考察考生对语段特征(如连贯性和一致性等)的辨识能力等。共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分。在一篇240-280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的四个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。考生在答题卡1上作答。第二部分阅读理解该部分由A,B,C三节组成,考察考生理解书面英语的能力。共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。A节(20小题):主要考察考生理解主旨要义、具体信息、概念性含义,进行有关的判断、推理和引申,根据上下文推测生词的词义等能力。要求考生根据所提供的4篇(总长度约1600词)文章的内容,从每题所给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案。考生在答题卡1上作答。B节(5小题):主要考察考生对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征以及文章结构的理解。本部分由3种备选题型。每次考试从这3种备选题型中选择种进行考察。考生在答题卡1上作答。备选题型有:(1)本部分的内容是一一篇总长度为500-600词的文章,其中有5段空白,文章后有6-7段文字。要求考生根据文章内容从这6-7段文字中选择能分别放进文章中5个空白处的5段。(2)在一篇长度为500-600词的文章中,各段落的原有顺序已被打乱。要求考生根据文章的内容和结构将所列段落(7-8个)重新排序,其中有2-3个段落在文章中的位置已给出。(3)在一篇长度约500词的文章前或后有6-7段文字或6-7个概括句或小标题。这些文字或标题分别是对文章中某一部分的概括、阐述或举例。要求考生根据文章内容,从这6-7个选项中选出最恰当的5段文字或5个标题填入文章的空白处。C节(5小题):主要考察考生准确理解概念或结构复杂的英语文字材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。第三部分写作该部分有A,B两节组成,考察考生的书面表达能力。共30分。A节:1)考生根据所给情节写出约100词(标点符号不计算在内)的应运性短文,包括私人和公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报告等。2)要求考生根据所提供的汉语文章,用英语写出篇80100词的该文摘要。考生在答题卡2上作答。总分10分。B节:考生根据提示信息写出一篇160-200词的短文(标点符号不计算在内)。提示信息的形式有主题句、写作提纲、规定情景、图、表、等。考生在答题卡2上作答。总分20分。1. 3考研英语应对策略既然2012的考研大纲同学已熟稔了,接下来就应该做好自己的复习规划,消除疑虑,紧扣大纲的要求,踏实有效的投入到紧张的复习当中。通过对广大考生的调研,同学们在考纲出来后,在自己的学习上普遍存在以下的问题,下面就通过这些问题的答疑解惑,以便同学们对症下药的做好复习安排。1 .怎样抓好英语复习?答:1)依据最新考研大纲的要求有效圈定所应掌握的知识范畴;2)备全所需的辅导书;3)制定出合理的复习计划;4)适用的辅导班的选择;5)最新考研动态和资讯的获得;6)做好情绪、身体调控,全身心投入到考研复习。2 .新考纲出来后复习的重点是什么?答:通常而言,随着新考纲的出炉,大多数同学的考研复习进入了第二个阶段,因此该阶段的重点是进行英语知识运用、阅读理解、英译汉、写作的专项训练;研究和掌握各类题型的命题特点及解题规律;训练在一定时间内有效完成相关题型的能力,当然在现阶段应在阅读和完形填空上投入的时间和精力多一些,而翻译和写作安排的复习时间应该相对少一些。3 .怎样制定出合理的复习计划划?具体的复习内容怎样安排?答:(D每天花至少1小时浏览已背过的考研词汇,强化已记忆单词、查漏补缺记忆模糊词汇;(2)每天做四篇阅读理解,第遍在做题时,注意做题的时间和速度;而重点在第二遍的反馈和消化上,在第二遍中要消化理解阅读中的盲点词汇、难点句式,要彻底搞清每题的正确答案成立的原因;(当然有些同学基础较薄弱,在现阶段保证每天做并消化两篇阅读理解即可)(2)配合辅导班老师授课内容,研习完形填空复习指南方面的书籍;每周做至少三篇完型填空试题,做完型对强化提高自己的英语基础帮助极大;(3)配合辅导班老师授课内容,研习翻译复习指南方面的书籍,每周花总计3小时熟练翻译的考查形式,常考句式,打牢做翻译试题应具备的基础;(4)配合辅导班老师授课内容,每周看两篇短文写作范文,可以把写作范文当作精读材料去消化,学习其遣词造句、谋篇思路。4 .我才开始复习考研,来得及吗?答:只要方法正确,切中要害,保证学习效率,完全来得及。对于刚起步复习考研的同学来说将重心放在词汇、长难句和阅读训练上,尤其要定个目标,在一定时间内彻底搞定考研词汇。5 .考研复习有什么捷径吗?答:有些考生在英语复习上不愿投入大量的时间和精力,总想找到一些捷径就能取得成功。他们将时间不是花在打下扎实的英语基本功上,而是将时间花在寻找省时省力的考研方法、技巧上,甚至将希望全部寄托在考研辅导班上,认为只要听听课,不背单词,课下不做系统复习也行,这些做法其实不是在寻找考研英语复习的捷径而是在投机取巧。要说英语复习的捷径就只能是建立在踏实复习的基础上,在打下扎实的基本功后,通过总结、反馈历年考研真题的特点,从中总结出每项题型的应答策略和科学有效的学习方法,更切中要害的投入到复习中。6 .每天在英语学科上花多久的复习时间是科学的?答:如果是在暑期之前就已启动了考研复习计划的同学,在暑期每天投入3.5小时足以,这3.5个小时的具体安排可参照我们刚才谈到的具体复习计划里的相关内容;而对于在暑期才开始启动考研复习计划的同学而言,每天应至少花5个小时复习,至少两个小时用来专门消化记忆考研词汇。7 .记单词时,总是感觉前记后望,该怎么办啊?答:前记后望是正常现象,指望一篇记住考研词汇是不大可能的,所以要循环记忆,而且要利用自己的零散时间在查漏补缺,重复是解决遗忘的最好办法。同时可通过阅读,通过在语境中来强化巩固词汇记忆。8 .单词已经复习完了,而且基本上都记住了,可在做阅读理解时还是感觉读不懂文章,该怎么办?答:通常而言,单词都认识却还读不懂文章的原因有以下几方面:第一,英语基础较差,没有基本的断句能力,不能准确把握句子乃至篇章的意群;第二,不良的阅读习惯,在阅读时易走神、眼睛在读文章而思维没有同步运转起来;第三;背景知识较匮乏,由于对阅读理解的题材感到陌生致使对文章的话题感到艰涩难懂。基于上述原因,建议同学们结合自己的实际情况,有针对性的提高自己的阅读能力:第一,进行专门的语法复习,提高自己分析句子理解句子的能力,从句子在到篇章进行循序渐进的训练和提高;第二,在平时的阅读中多习得一些科学的阅读方法并将其有意识地用运到自己的阅读训练中;第三,除了做专门的考研阅读理解试题以外,要有比较广的知识面。考试中阅读文章的题材丰富多样,有涉及经济文化的,有关于社会科普的,还有涉及史地政治的等等。这就要求我们平时通过大量阅读各种中、英文的报纸杂志以及书籍来了解各方面、各领域的知识。9 .如何提高阅读能力?如何做阅读题才能达到最好的复习效果?答:每天花半个小时进行范读。范读的宗旨是要读懂文章的主旨大意及作者的观点、立场。进行英语阅读训练,不但有文章数量上的要求,而且也包括扩大内容涉及的范围。题材应涉及各个领域。在做专门的阅读训练试题时,要有意识的不断强化对阅读题型的总结。每一次每一套题做完,对完答案后,不要太留意分数,而应该侧重于总结和思考。总结出符合自己思路、习惯的解题方法。2第二讲考研英语新题型2005年考研英语大纲增添了新的题型,7选5的句子填空题(亦称选择搭配题),06年在此基础上又增加了另外三种,段落排序题,主旨大意题,论据例子题。很多考生对新题型了解不够,做题跟着感觉走,选择基本靠“蒙”,结果得分率很低。本课程对新题型的考查核心进行提炼,简化解题步骤,引导大家用最简单的方法来破解四类新题型。请大家记住,新题型并不可怕,掌握基本解题思路技巧之后,我们完全可以用很短的时间拿到10分的满分。阅读新题型考查的核心是对文章的整体结构,归纳和概括能力。2. 1总论一、大纲考查要求从06年大纲来看,三种题型尽管在命题形式有明显区别,但对考查考生的能力有共同点,概括如下:(-)考查考生对全文和段落结构的整体把握要求考生能够把握所读文章的结构特征,掌握文章的主旨和段落主题;能够理清文章和段落的发展脉络,把握文章的起承转合关系和段落的发展模式。(-)考查考生对文章语篇、语段特征的理解1 .一致性。“一致性”指全文围绕一个主题;每一个段落也只有一个主题。分主题是为全文主题服务的。已往考过的文章,文章或段落的主题常为明确的主题句,也可主题不直接点明,而是蕴含在论据细节中。2 .连贯性。连贯性是指段落与段落之间,段落内的句与句之间的衔接和协调致。文章或段落的论点与论据之间的关系必须清楚、合乎逻辑。这一点对考生的要求最高。了解了大纲考查重点,我们需要清楚考研文章的文章全文行文模式和段落拓展模式。概括来讲就是三段论和总分法。二、考研文章全文结构模式(-)三段论三段论是说明文议论文的共同全文结构模式。虽然表现形式有所差异,但主体板块分为三部分。说明文的三段论基本模式是:引言(用事例、试验等引出问题),分析(分析原因;实验过程等),结论(建议、解决方案)。说明文阐述事物的原理、起因和可能的后果。议论文最终目的是说服读者接受某观点。议论文要用逻辑和论据来影响别人的看法或行动。其行文规则为:提出论点(常以事例引出),提出论据并论证论点,得出结论。在考查过的文章中,无论是说明文还是议论文,都经常是: 引出要讨论的问题或现象(常以具体事例引出话题或论点), 然后展开分析过程或讨论其原因, 最后得出结论、提建议或解决方案。(二)总分法说明文和议论文在段落的拓展模式也有共性。即总分法。多数情况下段落首句是本段主题句。偶尔会有段尾句,比如说有的文章第一段的段首会先举例子,段尾才引出主题句。段落主旨极少有需自己概括的。了解这一点,要求我们从概率最高的情况出发。先快速扫描首句,看是否有概括性。如果第一句没有,迅速看段尾句。(三)一致性、连贯性一致性和连贯性是三段论和总分法的实现手段。信息是通过有章可循的逻辑关联来构成信息链的。全文中,段落间的关系是板块关系,仍属宏观结构,属“面”的问题。而句子间的关系是局部结构,属“线”的问题(词汇短语等信息是“点”的问题)。段与段的关系种类繁多,如并列,递进,比较对比,因果,转折,列举等等。句与句的关系需要把握英语中的常见连接词语,如表转折关系的however, nevertheless, but, in spite of, regardless of , despite 等,表因果关系的 therefore, thus, so, on account of, due to, thanks to, owning to, because of, now that, for that, in that 等。2 .2分题型讲解3 .2.1论据例子题一、大纲要求在一篇长度约500词的文章后有6段文字。这些文字分别是对文章中某一部分的阐述或举例。要求考生根据文章的内容,从这6个选项中选出最恰当的5段文字填入文章的空白处。这一题型主要考查考生把握论点论据一致性的能力。要求考生根据文章内容,从多个选项中找到能支持相应论点的论据。这就要求考生理解各个论点的含义,并能找出与论点一致的论据。根据总分法段落模式,概括一下,这种题目给出“总”,即主旨句,要求找出“分”,即论据例子。此种题型难度较小。二、解题步骤与技巧这种题目要求所选论据或例子不能张冠李戴,这就要求必须找出论据和例子和哪一个主题句在信息上是一致的。即确定真正的总分关系。第步:通读全文,精读标题以及解释标题的文字,在阅读标题及其解释性文字的同时应该将后面的论据逐一与选项相对照。第二步:阅读所有选项,在每个选项下方标注关键词的汉语意思,对备选的儿个论据有个整体把握。对于谈论相似主体的选项,需区别内容的相同处和不同处,并牢记体现不同处的关键词语。第三步:将选项与文中标题进行对应比较安排,检查它们是否内容一致。解题技巧:牢记“呼应原则”。标题与选项在内容上必然有内容呼应,关键词经常为近义词。三、样题解析Directions:You are going to read a text about the tips on resume writing, followed by a list of examples. Choose the best example from the list A F for each numbered subheading (4145). There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)The main purpose of a resume is to convince an employer to grant you an interview. There are two kinds. One is the familiar “tombstone“ that lists where you went to school and where you ve worked in chronological order. The other is what I call the “functional” resume-descriptive, fun to read, unique to you and much morelikely toIt s employers interviewland you an interview.handy to have a “tombstone“ for certain occasions . But prospective throw away most of those unrequested “tombstone” lists, preferring to the quick rather than the dead.What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read-a resume that makes you come alive and look interesting to employers.(41) Put yourself first:In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel important about yourself.(42) Sell what you can do, not who you are:Practice translating your personality traits, character, accomplishments and achievements into skill areas. There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work.Toot your own horn!Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities. Some think they have none at all! But everyone does, and one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punchif only you show it.(43) Be specific, be concrete, and be brief!Remember that “brevity is the best policy.”(44) Turn bad news into good:Everybody has had disappointments in work. If you have to mention yours, look for the positive side.(45) Never apologize:If you re returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph ( summary of background ) in place of a chronology of experience. Don t apologize for working at being a mother; it s the hardest job of all . If you have no special training or higher education, just don t mention education.The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about yourself. Take four or five hours off, not necessarily consecutive, and simply writedown every accomplishment in your life, on or off the job, that made you feel effective.Don, t worry at first about what it all means. Study the list and try tospot patterns . As you study your list, you will come closer to the meaning: identifying your marketable skills. Once you discover patterns, give names to your cluster of accomplishments ( leadership skills, budget management skills, child development skills etc.) Try to list at least three accomplishments under the same skills heading. Now start writing your resume as if you mattered.It may take fourdrafts or more, and several weeks, before you re ready to show it to a stranger (friends are usually too kind) for a reaction. When you re satisfied, send it to a printer; a printed resume is far superior to photocopies. It shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work, worth doing right.Isn, t that the kind of person you* d want working for you?A A woman who lost her job as a teachery s aide due to a cutback in government funding wrote: aPrincipal of elementary school cited me as the only teacherJ s aide she would rehire if government funds became available.”B One resume I received included the following: uinvited by my superior to straighten out our organizations accounts receivable . Set up orderly repayment schedule, reconci1edaccounts weekly, and improved cash flow 100 per cent. Rewarded with raise and promotion.” Notice how this woman focuses on results, specifies how she accomplished them, and mentions her reward-all in 34 words.C For example, if you have a flair for saving, managing and investing money, you have money management skills.D An acquaintance complained of being biased when losing an opportunity due to the statement “Ready to learn though not so well educatedv .E One of my former colleagues, for example, wrote three resumes in three different styles in order to find out which was more preferred. The result is, of course, the one that highlights skills and education background.F A woman once told me about a cash-flow crisis her employer had faced. She, d agreed to work without pay for three months until business improved. Her reward was her back pay plus a 20 percent bonus. I asked why that marvelous story wasn, t in her resume. She answered,“It wasn, t important. What she was really saying of course was T m not important.”【解题提示】这是一篇如何写好个人简历的文章。首先,我们要通读全文,了解大意。作者在文中强调简历要让招聘者感兴趣,应该有趣的,有个性,同时又要符合招聘要求。作者在文章中给出了写简历时的一些诀窍,每个诀窍都有出一个小标题,然后进行解释和举例。考生应该明确一点,这些小标题不一定等同于论点或段落总结句。但通常都会对本段有直接的提示作用四、模拟练习1. Dreams and dream interpretations have been acknowledged from the beginning of recorded history.aDreams are a vehicle for knowledge not open to the waking mind,“ declared Robert Abrams, University of Washington assistant professor of English, who taught a class on dreams and literature last year.In some ways, our dreams may be smarter than we are,“ he continued , Our waking conscious mind is culturally contaminated, constrictedv 一by things like media and current morality.Nineteenth-century writers-the Romantics-were fascinated by dreams and encouraged people to look inward and be more receptive to irrationality, according to Abrams. They believed that the greatest minds should have a negative capabilitythe ability to be in doubt, mystified, or uncertain without any irritable reaching after fact or reason.Ignoring the Romantics,20th-century psychologists, psychiatrists, and doctors have come up with some startling facts about dreams: Everybody dreams every night (with few exceptions). Some don t remember. Most people dream about 20 minutes out of every hour and one half. Dreams have been shown to take about as much time as events would take in waking life. A dream may last up to 20 minutes, or you could have several during the 20-minute dreaming phase. You dream more toward morning as you enter into lighter phases of sleep. Depressants like alcohol or barbiturates can suppress dream phases. Dream-deprived people become irritable, anxious, less tolerant in stressful and emotional situations. During nightly dream phases, our eyes move although the lids are closed and our other muscles are relaxed. Watch for this rapid eye movement ( REM ) in people sleeping. If you wake them up during the REM phase, they,11 have a dream to tell you. If you wake them up during a non-rapid-eye-movement phase, they will probably remember only something vague or nothing at all.2. Everybody has some idea of the nature of his dreams, but what are the dreams of others like?3. Dreams are not lonesome places, the studies show.4. The question of what causes us to dream still has scientists scratching their heads.One hypothesis considered in Dr. Ernest Hartmannr s book, The Functions of Sleep. is that dreaming may be the major function of sleep and the role of sleep may be merely to allow a state such that dreams may emerge.5. In Sleep the Gentle Tyrant, author psychologist Wilse Webb notes three main beliefs about dreams.A In 95 percent of the dreams analyzed by Hall, another person besides the dreamer was present. Also, the majority of dreams included unpleasant emotions.B Dr. Ely felt that we may have dreams because we have needs that are unmet in our daily lives. British psychologist Ann Farady, in her book Dream Power, sets forth a different reason.REM sleep is important for brain growth and renewal,“ she says, citing studies that show that unborn babies in the month or two before birth may spend up to 80 percent of their total sleep in REM sleep.C This muscle relaxation tends to account for one of the common dreams everybody has-the dream in which somebody or something chases or bears down on you and you feel unable to move, according to Dr. Neal Ely, University of Washington clinical professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.D Two medical studies done in the United States by Drs. Calvin Hall and Fred Snyder proved that most peopleJ s dreams are not very exciting; the majority of the dreams reported were of a familiar nature to the dreamer and quite reasonable.E Biblical Joseph interpreted a dream of Egypt s Pharaoh that saved the country from famine . Freud used dreams in an attempt to solve people* s psychological troubles. Artists or writers John Keats, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ingmar Bergman, and Anais Nin have all used dreams in their works.F One of the understandings occurs in people like the Eskimos of Hudson Bay or the Pantani Malay who claim that one leaves one s body during sleep and enters another world. Another belief is that dreams have a prophetic nature. And finally, dreams can be an “echo of a point in the individual * s waking world which is heard in the dream world.2.2.2主旨大意题一、大纲要求在一篇长度约500词的文章前有6个概括句或小标题。这些标题分别是对文章某一部分的概括。要求考生根据文章内容,从这6个选项中选出最恰当的5个标题填入文章的空白处。二、解题步骤与技巧(1)解题步骤A.先看选项,从选项中就可以推断出相关段落大致的内容是关于什么的。B.读所考段落,抓住每段主题句和核心词汇。正确答案经常是主题句的改写。C.将从段落中提炼出的主题句和选项相对照,选出答案。(2)解题技巧把握“关键词原则”:阅读整个段落,标出反复出现的词,及其同义词和近义词三、样题解析Directions:You are going to read a list of headings and a text about plagiarism in the academic community. Choose the most suitable heading from the list AF for each numbered paragraph (4145). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10 points)A What to do as a student?B Various definitions of plagiarism.C Ideas should always be sourced.D Ignorance can be forgiven.E Plagiarism is equivalent to theft.F The consequences of plagiarism.Scholars, writers and teachers in the modern academic community have strong feelings about acknowledging the use of another persons ideas . In the Englishspeaking world, the term plagiarism is used to label the practice of not giving credit for the source of one, s ideas . Simply stated, plagiarism is “the wrongful appropriation or purloining, and publication as one9 s own of the ideas, or the expression of ideas of another.”41.The penalties for plagiarism vary from situation to situation . In many universities, the punishment may range from failure in a particular course to expulsion from the university . In the literary world, where writers are protected from plagiarism by international copyright laws, the penalty may range from a small fine to imprisonment and a ruined career. Protection of scholars and writers, through the copyright laws and through the social pressures of the academic and literary communities, is a relatively recent concept. Such social pressures and copyright laws require writers to give scrupulous attention to documentation of their sources.42.Students, as inexperienced scholars themselves, must avoid various types of plagiarism by being self critical in their use of other scholars ideas and by giving appropriate credit for the source of borrowed ideas and words, otherwise dire consequences may occur. There are at least three classifications of plagiarism as it is revealed in students inexactness in identifying sources properly . They are plagiarism by accident, by ignorance, and by intention.43.Plagiarism by accident, or oversight, sometimes is the result of the writer s inability to decide or remember where the idea came from. He may have read it long ago, heard it in a lecture since forgotten, or acquired it second-hand or third-hand from discussions with colleagues. He may also have difficulty in deciding whether the idea is such common knowledge that no reference to the original source is needed. Although this type of plagiarism must be guarded against, it is the least serious and, if lessons learned, can be exempt from being severely punished.44.Plagiarism through ignorance is simply a way of saying that inexperienced writers often do not know how or when to acknowledge their sources . The techniques for documentation-note-taking, quoting, footnoting, listing bibliography-are easily learned and can prevent the writer from making unknowing mistakes or omissions in his references . Although athere is no copyright in news, or in ideas, only in the expression of them, the writer cannot plead ignorance when his sources for ideas are challenged.45.The most serious kind of academic thievery is plagiarism by intention. The writer, limited by his laziness and dullness, copies the thoughts and


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