英语本科毕业论文范文;The media marketing strategy analysis of Korea -KakaoTalk- from the perspectives of the precision marketing - 英语毕业

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英语本科毕业论文范文;The media marketing strategy analysis of Korea -KakaoTalk- from the perspectives of the precision marketing - 英语毕业_第1页
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英语本科毕业论文范文;The media marketing strategy analysis of Korea -KakaoTalk- from the perspectives of the precision marketing - 英语毕业_第2页
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英语本科毕业论文范文;The media marketing strategy analysis of Korea -KakaoTalk- from the perspectives of the precision marketing - 英语毕业_第3页
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英语本科毕业论文范文;The media marketing strategy analysis of Korea KakaoTalk from the perspectives of the precision marketing - 英语毕业 英语本科毕业论文范文media marketingstrategy analysis1 Introduction引言1.1 TheSignificance重要性基于微博和KakaoTalkFast的新兴媒体进入了人们的生活。已注册的Kakaotalk数量已达3亿。Kakaotalk的影响不仅仅是手机短信和 ,它已经成为人们生活中必不可少的工具。通过Kakaotalk营销的企业已经成为一种新的媒体营销方式,它颠覆了传统的营销理念,为社会媒体提供了一个新的利润增长渠道。The emerging media based on micro-blog andKakaoTalkfast into peoples lives. The number of KakaoTalkregisteredhas reached to 300 million. The impaction of KakaoTalkis more than mobile phone text messages and phone calls and KakaoTalkhas been an essential tool in peoples life. The enterprisemarketing through KakaoTalkhas been a new kind of media marketing which is subverting the traditional marketing concept and supporting a new profit growingchannel for the social media.通过文献资料、案例研究办法,结合韩国KakaoTalk的开展现状、成功因素、营销学、传播理论,研究其开展路径,包括KakaoTalk的成功因素和移动即时通信的潜在分析,通过详细的SWOT优缺点、机遇和挑战,分析了KakaoTalk的开展趋势。e研究了Kakaotalk,并指出了Kakaotalk未来的开展趋势,具有理论分析和实践参考价值。Through literature, case study method combing Korea development status of KakaoTalk, its success factors, and marketing science, communication theory, study its development path, including the KakaoTalksuccess factors and potential analysis of mobile instant messaging, through detailed SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the research KakaoTalk, and noted that the future development trend of KakaoTalkWith theoretical analysis and practical reference value.首先,通过文献资料法和历史归纳法,分析其目的和文献综述。并对主要研究问题和办法进行了表明。First of all, analyze the purposes and the literature review through the literature material law and the historicalinduction. Also, the main research questions and methodology are explained.其次,对现有参考文献进行了详细的分类。根据Kakaostalk的引进和开展现状,分析了韩国Kakaostalk的根本功能,并实际安装了KakaostalkApp。Secondly, the existing reference literatures are to be detailed classified. The basic functions of Korea KakaoTalkare analyzed according to the introduction and development status of KakaoTalkand actually install the KakaoTalkAPP.第三,借鉴营销传播理论分析了Kakaostalk的成功因素,结合韩国Kakaostalk的营销现状,研究了Kakaostalk的成功因素和移动即时通信的潜力等开展轨迹。Thirdly, analyze the success factors of KakaoTalkreferring the marketing and communication theory, combined with Korea KakaoTalkmarketing situation to study the development trajectories including the KakaoTalksuccess factors and the potential for mobile instant messaging.Finally, media marketing model for KakaoTalkis analyzed by SWOT to study the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges and the future development trend of KakaoTalkis noted.1.2 Literature reviewThe main research both in domestic and international is analyzing the successful experiences of KakaoTalkthrough the precise marketing theories. The contemporary direct marketing written by Lisa is the work that earlier put forward the precision marketing theory and is an improvement on traditional marketing ideas. Also, the theory that decision-making can be under data which from the market segment is put forward by Lisa. At current, the researchers are mainly utilizing the potential market and classification of customers. However, the view of precision marketing theory for Chinese scholars is mainly consistent.A full definition for marketing by United States market Marketing Association is that marketing is an idea, a design for products and service, pricing, promoting and distributing plans and implementation process. Therefore, the marketing can produce exchanging which meet the personal and original target.Marketing mix can be established by business-activity and the study objects are from the customer market and potential market. Also, the marketing mix theory is first proposed by N.H.Borden who is a professor at Harvard University in 1964. And the theory is including the 4Ps theory, the 4Cs theory and the 4Rs theory.(1) The 4Ps theory which is developed by Professor E.Jerome McCarthy and from the English initials of the four elements of marketing, namely: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. 4Ps is mainly from the perspective of enterprises and paying attention to enterprises can do something to consumers. Also, the theory does not reflec12英语本科毕业论文范文media marketingstrategy analysist the customer-oriented.(2) The 4Cs is proposed by Professor Robert.lauterborn at the 20th century which is customer-centered. The four basic elements of the marketing mix are consumer, cost, communication and convenience.The 4Rs theory is the put forward by United States scholar Schultz who is forming the relationships-centered theory by analyzing the relationships during the marketing process. The four elements are including relativity, reaction, relation and retribution.From the 4Ps theory, 4Cs theory to 4R theory, the theories are generated with the ever-changing market environment, consumer psychology and consumer behavior.1.3 Research methodsThe precision marketing theory about the SWOT theory and the emerging media is summarized by reading relevant scholarly literatures from the electronic library. Also, with the help of Internet search engines to check out related information of the Korea case, data provided for the theories are mined.The first research method is the combination of the quantitative and qualitative which is gathering the relevant information, sorting out the KakaoTalkmarketing problems and qualitative analyzing the documents.The second method is the combination of the micro and macro which is making the integral analysis and the research on the trajectory of the Korea KakaoTalkmarketing situation referring to the marketing and communication theory.The third is the interview method which is to understanding the impaction and the effectiveness of KakaoTalkmarketing by talking with the KakaoTalkusers as well as the staffs.2 The overview of KakaoTalkin KoreaKakaoTalkis one of the most popular APP software of instant messengers for the smart phones in Korea at present and there are appropriate versions for variety kinds of mobile platforms. The application software is managed based on the phone numbers which can be pushed to the client and with the forms of text, images, video, audio and other multimedia formats. Therefore, it is much similar to the Chinese micro-letter and also KakaoTalkis called the Chinese WeChat in China.The developers of KakaoTalka venture team with strong background. The first version launched at March 2022. The latest is updated to 4.8.0 version for March 17, 2022. As to the late of 2022, the registered user of KakaoTalkhas over 90 million. The information number sent by KakaoTalkis more than three times of the number of message sent by the three big mobile operators. The market occupancy has to 95%.Because of the viral marketing strategy, KakaoTalkhas accounted for nearly half of the market share in a very short period and the number of users increased significantly.A wide range of publicity for KakaoTalkhas been on relying on the platform. For example, when you have sent the message, KakaoTalkwill prompt that you can invite the following recipient using KakaoTalk. When the user is using KakaoTalk, it will automatically appear KakaoTalkonline and the chatting window will also have some advertisings such as experienced KakaoTalk. After the publication, with the strong appeal and influence of the instant messaging software which is also belonging to the same company as KakaoTalk, relying on the general users, KakaoTalklaunched a viral marketing blocking action and gradually occupied the field of instant messaging mobile terminal market.Oc12


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