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人教版七年级下册英语Unit3HowdoyougotoschoolB知识讲解 - 教育文库 初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji Unit 3 How do you go to school? B 知识讲解 一. Stop 用法: 1. C, 作名词,意为“停止; 逗留,车站”等。 (1)我想在下一站下车I_ _get off at_ _. . (2)我家和公园之间有三个站点儿。 There _ _ _ _my home_ the park. (3)He slowed the car almost to a stop. 他放慢车速,车几乎停住了。 2. v. “停止,终止”(1) stop to do sth. 停下来再做某事 让我们停下休息一会吧。Lets _to have a rest. (2) stop doing sth. 停止做某事 Stop talking. 停止说话。 二. Think of 的用法:后跟名词、代词、动名词等形式。 1. think of 在这里意为觉得。think of 也可意为“想起,考虑” What do you _ _ this book? = _ do you _this book?(觉得) 2. I cant think of his name. ( ) 3. think 的其他常用短语 (1). think about 意为“考虑” think of 当“考虑, 对有某种看法”讲时可以和think about互换。 I am thinking about this question. Theyre thinking about(of)buying a new car他们正在考虑买一辆新车。 What do you think of(about)the film? 你认为那部影片怎么样? 三. cross 1. cross v. “横过,越过”,从表面上横过。 They_ _ _(过河) every day. Cross the road, you will see the store. 2. cross n.“十字架,十字形饰物;画十字的动作”。 3. 拓展:across和cross的区别 这两个词都是“横越, 横跨,横穿”的意思,但是cross是动词可以单独作谓语;但是across是介词,需要和动词一起构成谓语。 They cross the street to go to school every day. =They walk across the street to go to school every day. They help the students go across the river. = They help the students cross the river. 他们帮助学生过河。 四. 11-year-old “数词-单数名词-形容词”结构,相当于形容词,可做定语修饰后面的名词, 比较: “数词 + 名词 + 形容词”结构常做表语,其中名词的单复数取决金戈铁骑 于其前的数词。 这座桥八百米长。The bridge is_ _long. =Its _ _bridge. a _10岁的boy a_ walk 一段三英里 五. Its +adj. .+to do三个句型 1、Its + adj. + to do sth “做某事是的”,it为形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式(to do sth ) 2、Its + adj. + for sb to do sth.句型 如果形容词是描述某事物对某人的影响,则用Its + adj. + for sb to do sth. 句型中adj 多用important(重要的), necessary(必要的), impossible(不可能的), easy, difficult, hard, bad等。 3、Its + adj + of sb to do sth句型 当前面的形容词是描述人的性格品质时,用 Its + adj + of sb to do sth 多用 clever, good, nice, kind, right, wrong, foolish 等。 练习: (1)说英语很容易。_-. (2)你在英语上帮我的忙,你真好。 Its kind _ you to help me with my English. (3)吃太多的垃圾食品对你有害It _too much junk food. (4) Its interesting _us_ (do) this. 六. . no 1. no用于引导否定的答语,意为“不”。 No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢。 No, I cant. 不,我不会。 2)no 置于可数名词单数前面时,相当于 not a; 放在可数名词复数前面或不可数名词前时,相当于 not any;意为“完全不,根本不”。 There are no (=not any) computers in that small village. Kate is no teacher.(=Kate is not a teacher.) 凯特(根本)不是教师。 七. afraid表语形容词 “害怕的, 恐惧的” 1. afraid of sth. / sb.怕某事/某人_ you _ _ _? 你害怕狗吗? 2. afraid of v -ing 怕做某事Im afraid of _告诉her. 3. be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 He is afraid to _a plane. 他不敢坐飞机。 4. be afraid that后跟一个完整的句子,意为“担心/恐怕”。相当于“Im sorry, but”。用于提出异议,说出令人不快的事实,拒绝对方的要求等,使语气委婉。 I am afraid I cant help you. 恐怕我帮不了你。 Im afraid I dont understand. 抱歉,我不明白你的意思。 Im afraid you are wrong. (You are wrong, Im afraid.) 恐怕你错了。 5. 在口语中Im afraid so 和Im afraid not常用作简略答语。 金戈铁骑 Is it going to rain tomorrow? 明天会下雨吗? Im afraid so. 恐怕会。Im afraid not. 恐怕不会。 八. many, much 1. Many+C 复数,如:Look! There are many _(bus) over there. 2. many of + C 复数, “中的许多”的含义, some of + C 复数, “中的一些”的含义, Many of the students are not in the classroom. 3. Much+U? I dont have _ _ _ _breakfast太多的时间吃早饭 4. lots ofa lot of 后面接可数名词和不可数名词均可 九. 宾语从句的复合句 ? Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip. 主句 宾语从句(陈述语序) I dont know what time Miss Gao gets home every day. She knows ice-cream is not good for her, but it taste good. 十. There be句型(某处存在某物或某人) 1. “ There is +不可数名词/可数名词单数+地点状语.” There _not a bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. How much milk_ _in the cup? 2. “ There are +可数名词复数+地点状语.” There _ _ _ _ dancing after dinner.晚饭后,有数百人在跳舞。 3. 注意:当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词的数要与跟它最近的那个词的数保持一致。 There_ a teacher and many students in our classroom. There _two boys and a girl under the tree. There are seven days in a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _days are there in a week? 十一. run表示“液体的流动”,在不同的语境下分别有不同的用法和含义。 The river _ into the sea. 这条河流入大海。 Your nose is running, Jack. Do you have a cold? 杰克,你在流鼻涕。是不是感冒了? 十二. Between and 在与之间between介词,表示在两者之间。 在图书馆和俱乐部之间有一个公交车站。 There is a bus stop_. 十三. come true “实现, 应验,成为现实”等,表示梦想、愿望等的实现。 Your dream will come true. 你的梦想会成真的。 金戈铁骑 His words really come true. 他的话真的应验了。 2. 比较:realize 和 come true都有“实现(理想愿望等)”之意。realize常用于sb. realize sth.主语是人。come true主语常是“理想、愿望”等. His dream of becoming a teacher came true. He realizes his dream of becoming a teacher. 他当教师的理想实现了。 十四. like 1. 像,作介词,不是动词。反义词是unlike My teacher is like a mother to me.我的老师对我就像妈妈一样 The baby is like his mother. 这个小婴儿长得像他妈妈。 He _ _ a teacher. 他看上去像个老师。 3. like 作动词, “喜欢,想要”,反义词是dislike或hate。 Jane _(like)history very much.(动词) My father _ _ _(喜欢看电视)after supper. She likes doing her homework after supper, but today she likes to watch TV. 十五. dream 1. dream动词, “做梦,梦见,渴望,向往” She _ a good _ every night. 她每晚都做美梦。 _你的愿望变成了现实。 十六. leave v. 离开 1. The train will leave in a second. 2. “leave for + 地点”表示“动身去某地” He is leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. 3. “leave+ 地点 + for + 地点”表示“离开某地去某地” Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? How is your uncle leaving Wenling for Hangzhou? 十七. have/has to do sth.不得不做某事 我得起早床。_. 她不得不快速完成家庭作业。She _ _ finish her homework. He has to finish his homework quickly 十八. 到达: get to = arrive in/ at = reach +地点, 但是遇到here/ there/ home时无介词 十九. thanks for 的用法: 1.“因而感激”,for 介词,后加n./v-ing形式,表示感激的内容或原因 Thanks for your _. Thanks for _ me.(help) 金戈铁骑 2. thank sb for 意为“因.而感激某人” _. _. 金戈铁骑 第 10 页 共 10 页


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