鲁教五四版八年级上册英语 Unit 7 测试

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Unit 7 测试限时:60分钟满分:100分一、完形填空(每小题2分, 共20分)Have you ever been to Beijing, the capital of China?The Greens have been to two of the greatest cities in the world. One is Beijing, and _1 is Paris. The Greens _2 in Beijing for half a month _3 the summer vacation. They enjoyed _4 there. Theyve been to many great places. _5 the first two days, they went to Tiananmen Square. It is very large and there were many people _6 photos there. Next, they went to Beihai Park. They _7 boating there and had a boat race with other visitors. They had a great time there. The Great Wall is one of _8 places of interest in the world. They spent the whole day _9 the Great Wall. There were so many people on the Great Wall. The Greens felt very _10 and they took lots of photos there! How beautiful Beijing is! They will go to Beijing again next summer!1. A. other B. another C. the other D. others2. A. has gone B. has been C. have gone D. have been3. A. to B. during C. at D. with4. A. them B. oneself C. themselves D. himself5. A. To B. During C. After D. Before6. A. to take B. takes C. taking D. took7. A. go B. went C. have gone D. going8. A. more famous B. famous C. most famous D. the most famous9. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit10. A. excited B. exciting C. tired D. tiring二、阅读理解(每小题3分, 共12分)Are you planning a trip for the coming winter holiday? Here are the four advertisements from Roberts Travel Agency. Trip A One Week In The MountainBring your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in a beautiful area of the Green Mountain. You may go hiking or have a try of climbing. This is also a protection area for wild animals. You can find many kinds of animals living in this area. Time: January 8January 14 Tel:63981825Adult(成人): $110. 00Child: $55. 00Trip B Three Days In The CountryThere are many beautiful gardens. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sight in Hunter Valley. It is a good place for fishing and horse riding. You can also find different kinds of flowers here. This is also a great walk for bird lovers. Time: January 20 January 22 Tel: 63986432Adult: $ 50. 00Child: $25. 00Trip C Flashlight AdventurePut on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight(手电筒) and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. It is a trip full of adventure(冒险). A guide will lead the tour. You will see many of the plants on this trip at night. Time: January 16January 18Tel: 63875629Adult: $530. 00Not for childrenTrip D Five Days By The SeaWear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have our boats too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our boat will take you to different places for swimming. Time: January 23January 27 Tel: 67538293Adult: $3 200. 00Child: $2 700. 0011. David loves sports. He will take his holiday from January 7 to January 15. Which trip will he take?A. Trip A. B. Trip B. C. Trip C. D. Trip D. 12. Sam wants to stay in Hunter Valley with his wife, his fiveyearold daughter and his sevenyearold son. How much will he pay?A. $25. B. $50. C. $100. D. $150. 13. What cant children do according to the four advertisements? A. They cant have a boating. B. They cant take the flashlight adventure. C. They cant ride a horse. D. They cant have a try of climbing. 14. What can we learn from the four advertisements? A. Hunter Valley is a good place for boating and horse riding. B. A trip to Dungog Valley is full of adventure. C. The Green Mountain is also a protection area for wild plants. D. The hotel for Trip D is far away from the sea. 三、阅读文章, 选出最佳选项。有两项多余(每小题3分, 共15分)Sam had a goldfish(金鱼). He kept his pet in a small bowl next to his bed. Sam was careful not to give his goldfish too much food and made sure he had clean water and was happy. One day Sam said to Mom, “_15”“Why?” asked Mom. Sam told Mom that Tinker had no one to swim with and that he sometimes just sat behind his toy tree in his bowl. “_16” asked Mom. “Yes!” shouted Sam. The next day, Sam and Mom went to the pet store near their home. The store had only three goldfish left. _17 He thought and thought. Finally, Mom said to him, “Well take all three. ”“Wow!” shouted Sam. “That would be great!”Then they had to buy a bigger bowl so that the fish would have enough room to swim. _18When Sam got home and put all the fish in their new bowl, Tinker started swimming so fast. Sam knew Tinker was now a happy fish and no longer lonely(孤独的). _19 He was not lonely, either!A. Do you think Tinker would be happy to have another fish to swim with him?B. Sam is not a good owner. C. Sam could not decide which one he wanted to take home. D. They even bought another toy for the new family of fish. E. I dont think Tinker is very happy. F. I think Tinker wants to have a girlfriend. G. Sam spent the night thinking of three names for his new fish. 四、词汇运用(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)A) 根据句意及汉语提示, 填写恰当的单词。20. I tell him to come back _(无论何时) he wants to. 21. It is not _(安全的) to cross the street. There are too many cars. 22. We are happy that space research has _(进展) greatly. 23. Have you tried _(印度的) food?24. He was born in a small village in Sichuan _(省). B)用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。25. The old man loves living in the _(peace) countryside. 26. I think his _(perform) is the best one in the show. 27. Did you hear anything _(usual) last night?No. I was listening to music. 28. These animals _(most)feed on plants. 29. Its _(believable) that the boy can carry such a huge stone. 五、阅读表达(每小题2分, 共10分)阅读下面的短文, 完成短文后的问题。France is wellknown for its fine art, tasty food and romantic scenery(风景). About 75 million visitors come here every year. France is the largest country in Western Europe. It has a population of over 66 million. The country is home to many famous places of interest, like the River Seine as well as the Eiffel Tower. Many visitors also come for the countrys art. Sculptor(雕刻家)Auguste Rodin and painter Claude Monet once created their great works here. If you visit France today, it is not a surprise to meet street artists in the city or come across a singer in the subway. No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to Louvre(卢浮宫), one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. Inside, there are more than 400, 000 works of art, and the most famous one is the painting Mona Lisa by Da Vinci. It would take nine months to enjoy all the pieces. Besides, French food is world famous. Bread is very important in France. The best known French bread is called a baguette(法棍面包). It is long, delicious and tastes salty. Snails(蜗牛)are also a musthave here. French people eat 40, 000 tons of snails every year!But France is not always good. Paris, the city of light, may also show its dark side to visitors. Chinese visitors feel sorry about the crowded subway in Paris. 30. What is France famous for?_31. How many people live in France?_32. Who painted Mona Lisa?_33. Whats the dark side of Paris to Chinese visitors?_34. 将画线句子译成汉语。_六、书面表达(28分) 假如你叫李华, 你的朋友Ben想去旅游, 但又不知道去哪里, 于是给你写信征求意见。请根据下列提示给Ben写一封回信, 为他推荐一个你曾经去过的而且很棒的地方, 词数80左右。提示:1. 曾经和父母一起去伦敦旅行;2. 建议乘飞机去;3. 介绍伦敦一些好玩的地方。Dear Ben, Thanks for your letter. _ 参考答案一、1. C点拨: 强调两者当中的另一个用the other, 故选C。2. D点拨: The Greens意为“格林一家”, 是复数概念, 排除A和B。for half a month为时间段, 故选D。3. B点拨: “在期间”应用介词during, 故选B。4. C点拨: “enjoy oneself”是固定短语, 意为“玩得高兴”, oneself应和前面的they保持一致, 故选C。5. B6. C7. B点拨: and连接两个并列的成分, and后的动词had为过去式, 因此前面的动词也应用过去式, 故选B。8. D点拨: “one of the most famous可数名词复数”意思是“最有名的之一”, 故选D。9. B点拨: spend some time doing sth. 花费时间做某事。故选B。10. A点拨: exciting和tiring修饰事或物, excited和tired修饰人, 根据句意可知选A。二、11. A点拨: 细节理解题。由本文表格一信息可知, 其标题为Trip A One Week In The Mountain, 内容为运动, 其时间范围: Time: January 8January 14 符合David的要求, 故选A。12. D点拨: 细节理解题。关于Hunter Valley的信息在表格二, 由其标注的价格可知, 成年人为$50, 儿童为$25。而Sam夫妇要带两个孩子, 所以是两个成年人, 加两个儿童, 票价为$150, 故选D。13. B点拨: 推理判断题。本文表格三文字最后一行信息为价格: Adult: $530. 00 Not for children。其中有Not for children字样, 说明“儿童不宜”, 由此可推知, Trip C Flashlight Adventure不适合儿童, 故选B。14. B点拨: 细节理解题。表格三中: Dungog Valley. It is a trip full of adventure(冒险). 由此可知, B项符合原文。三、1519: EACDG四、A) 20. whenever21. safe22. progressed23. Indian24. ProvinceB) 25. peaceful26. performance27. unusual28. mostly29. unbelievable五、30. Its fine art, tasty food and romantic scenery. 31. Over 66 million. 32. Da Vinci. 33. The crowded subway in Paris. 34. 不去卢浮宫就不算去了巴黎, 它是世界上最大、最著名的博物馆之一。六、范文: Dear Ben, Thanks for your letter. I have been to London with my parents. We went there last year. If you want to go there, I think youd better take a plane, because it is far from the city that we live in. And you can enjoy the flight. London is famous for many things. Tourists come from all over the world to visit its famous buildings. If you go to London, dont forget to take your umbrella with you, because its always rainy there. There are five parks in the city center. My favorite place is Hamleys, the biggest toy shop in the world. You can buy whatever you like there. How wonderful the trip I had was! I hope you can have a good trip, too. Yours truly, Li Hua名师点评: 本文用4W1H法写作: who(第一段第2句); where(第一段第2句); when(第一段第3句); what(第2、3段); how(最后一段)。本文添彩点: 恰当使用了定语从句that we live in, 避免了句式的单一。had better, be far from, be famous for等的运用恰到好处。恰当地使用了现在完成时。


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