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Unit 3Inventors and inventions重点单词分类识记单词核心单词记全记牢用准用活1.distinguish vi.&vt.显示的差别;使有所不同;辨别2product n. 产品3abrupt adj. 突然的;意外的4passive adj. 被动的;消极的;被动语态的5merry adj. 愉快的;高兴的6seize vt. 抓住;捉住;夺7recognition n. 认出;认可;承认8ripe adj. 熟的;成熟的9dial vt. 拨(电话)10bear vt. 忍受;忍耐;负担11tap vt.&vi. 轻打;轻拍;轻敲n. 轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头12stable adj. 稳固的;稳定的;安定的13invaluable adj. 无价的;极宝贵的14rainfall n. 降雨 品句填词1(2019天津卷)We learn to bear(忍受)with the things we cant change.2I seized(抓住)the opportunity to practise my spoken English.3We believe that only a stable(稳定的)and fully confident middle class will guarantee the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong.4The abrupt(突然的)change of the climate has drawn worldwide attention to the benefit of green energy.5The young athlete distinguished(distinguish)herself by winning two gold medals in the Olympic Games.6You could hear them singing and dancing merrily(merry)out in the street.7Anyone cant bear being_laughed(忍受)at in public,especially those who are sensitive.拓展单词1.convenient adj.便利的;方便的;就近的convenience n便利;方便inconvenient adj.不方便的;引起麻烦的2caution n小心;谨慎cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地3expectation n预料;期待;期望expect vt.&vi.预料;期待;期望;认为4innocent adj.清白的;无罪的;天真的innocence n天真;清白5recognition n认出;认可;承认recognize vt.认出;识别;承认6freezing adj.冰冻的;严寒的freeze vt.&vi.冰冻frozen adj.冻结的7occasionally adv.偶然地;不时地occasional adj.偶然的;临时的occasion n机会;场合8criterion n(评判的)标准;尺度(pl.)criteria9merciful adj.仁慈的;慈悲的merciless adj.残忍的;无情的mercy n宽恕;仁慈10practical adj.实际的;实用的practice n实践;练习impractical adj.不切实际的;不现实的11associate vt.联想;联系 n同伴;伙伴association n联系;联盟;协会 用所给词的适当形式填空1(2020浙江卷7月)I believe in the near future,we will live up to your expectations(expect).2(2019天津卷) Occasionally(occasional),I would read a novel that was assigned,but I didnt enjoy this type of reading.3Children are innocent,as a future teacher I have a childlike innocence and I will really love them.(innocent)4In western countries,the number “thirteen” is usually associated with bad luck,but actually there isnt any association between them.(associate)5He is such a merciful man and always has mercy on those homeless animals but sometimes he can be merciless to those he doesnt like.(mercy)6It is freezing outside now,and more snow is falling on already frozen streets.(freeze)7Although there are many practical difficulties in learning oral English,you must keep practicing speaking every day.(practice)8He is a cautious man and is always doing things with cautionYou should get on with him cautiously(caution)阅读单词1.patent n.专利证书;专利权2courtyard n. 院子;庭院3powder n. 粉末;火药4glue n. 胶;胶水vt. 粘贴;粘合5personnel n. 人力资源;人事部;全体人员6extension n. 电话分机;扩大;延伸7perfume n. 香水;香味8.greengrocer n.蔬菜水果商(pl.) 蔬菜水果店9refrigerator n. 冰箱10jam n. 堵塞;阻塞;果酱11microphone n. 麦克风;话筒12dynamic adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的13version n. 版本;译本14.helicopter n.直升飞机15cube n. 立方体;立方16claim n&vt. 要求;声称;主张17file n. 文件;档案;文件夹vt. 提交;将归档18competence n. 能力;胜任19valid adj. 有效的;确凿的20current n. (水或气)流;电流adj. 现在的;当前的 单元主题语块背诵1advanced science and technology先进的科学技术2research center 研究中心3electronic waste 电子垃圾4information technology 信息技术5search engine 搜索引擎6electronic books 电子书7advocate science 崇尚科学8benefit a lot from the scientific advancements 受益于科学的进步9make a big breakthrough 取得重大突破10gifted inventor 天才发明家11respect science 尊重科学12scientific and technological innovation 科技创新distinguish vi.&vt.辨别;显示的差别;使有所不同单句语法填空(2017江苏卷)They can even distinguish their mothers voice from that of a female stranger.(2019全国卷书面表达)I can introduce Chinese painting to our distinguished(distinguish)guests efficiently while offering them constructive guidance.词汇/句式升级Mount Tai is famous for its beautiful sights as well as rich culture,which attracts visitors all over the world.Mount Tai is_distinguished_for its beautiful sights as well as rich culture,attracting_visitors_all_over_the_world(分词作状语)(1)distinguish between A and B 区分A和Bdistinguish.from. 把与区分开来distinguish oneself as/to be 作为而出名(2)distinguished adj. 卓越的;著名的;杰出的be distinguished for/as. 因/作为而出 Reading good books can not only enrich our minds but also teach us to distinguish between right and wrong.阅读好书既能丰富我们的头脑又能教我们分辨是非。“因而出名”的其他表达形式:(1)be famous for;(2)be wellknown forbear vt.(bore;borne)忍受;忍耐;负担,承担;生育;结(果实)写出下列句中bear的含义(2019天津卷)Everyone should bear the responsibility of protecting the environment.v.承担We learn to bear with the things we cant change.We learn to avoid selfpity.v.忍受She did bear a healthy baby in hospital yesterday.v.生育(2020浙江卷)Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous.n.熊 (1)bear doing/to do sth.忍受做某事bear ones doing sth. 忍受某人做某事(2)bear/keep sth.in mind 记住某事bear/keep in mind that. 记住 However,a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out.然而,一个计划如果不付诸实施就不会有结果。associate vt.联想;联系单句语法填空(2020全国卷语法填空)Bamboo plants are associated with health,abundance and a happy home.(2019浙江卷满分作文)I am writing to apply for the post of volunteer for our school English Association(associate).微写作这次展览是由当地政府联合一些剪纸艺术家共同组织的。This exhibition was organized by the local government in_association_with_several_papercutting_artists.(1)associate.with.把和联系在一起associate with sb. 与某人交往或打交道(2)be associated with. 和有关(3)association n. 联合;联想;交往;协会;团体in association with. 与合伙/合 If you associate with positivethinking people,you are definitely going to achieve success.如果你和思想积极的人交往,你一定会成功。单词三维练用所给词的正确形式填空,注意特殊词形变换1(2018全国卷)For this purpose,select ripe bananas for freezing(freeze)as they are much sweeter.2(2017北京卷)In the 1950s in the USA,most families had just one phone at home,and wireless(wire)phones hadnt been invented yet.3(2018北京卷) Here I put forward some practical(practice)suggestions especially for you.4I think we should be cautious(caution)about investing in this project.5The exhibition was organized by the school in association(associate)with local artists.6(2018全国卷)Experts say its an invaluable(value)social practice that results in big benefits.用所给动词的正确形式填空,注意不规则动词的形式变化1In my opinion,only by facing difficulties bravely and seizing(seize)opportunities can one succeed.2I am not in favour of you going skating,as the ice is too thin to_bear(bear)your weight.3(2020全国卷)As a result,she says,some of the injuries associated(associate)with running,such as runners knee,are uncommon among race walkers.4They objected to the plan,claiming(claim)they had been treated unfairly.在空白处填入1个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式1Distinguished(distinguish)for its attractive scenery,Hangzhou witnesses large numbers of tourists every year.2You need to approach that animal with caution as it may bite you abruptly.3After 25 years the town centre has changed beyond recognition.短语和句式语境记忆短语记全记牢用准用活1.call_up 给打电话2now_and_then 偶尔;有时3set_about 开始;着手4dive_into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入5set_out(to_do) 开始(做)6hang_on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住7out_of_order 次序颠倒;发生故障8get_through 设法联系上;(设法)做完;通过9ring_back 回复电话10ring_off 挂断电话 选用左栏短语填空1Although Helen has moved to the other side of the town,we meet each other now_and_then2Robert dived_into his pocket and took out a handful of pennies.3I tried to call you up last night,but no one answered the phone.4Its the love and responsibility that have driven him to get_through many hardships and survive.5The lift is out_of_order,so we will have to climb to the 16th floor by ourselves.6As soon as she got into the classroom,she set_about preparing for the lessons.仿写用活句式 单元句式会写1句式:“连词过去分词”省略结构教材:Between the outside and the inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly,which freezes when_cooled在碗的内壁和外壁之间有些胶状物,冷却后会冻结。2句式:so.that.引导结果状语从句教材:The criteria are so_strict_that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel.(评定)专利标准是很严格的,除非新的想法真的很新颖,否则很难被接受。3句式:祈使句and陈述句教材:Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you_will_have_something_worth_thinking_about to occupy your mind.跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。 单元主题佳句背诵发明1Try using some of the thinking strategies of the great and the famous and you can develop your creativity.尝试使用一些伟人和名人的思考策略,你就能发挥创造力。2They are the result of a long process of trial and error.它们是长期试验和错误的结果。3We are living in the “ Information Age”,a time of new discoveries and great changes.我们生活在“信息时代”,一个充满发现和巨大变革的时代。4Every new thought or idea has to be connected to what we have already known.每一个新思想或新思路必须与我们已有的知识联系起来。5His invention was so practical that he soon got a patent.他的发明如此实用以至于很快就获得了专利。call up给打电话;使回忆起用适当的介、副词填空The saying concerning friendship calls up one unforgettable thing that I went through last year.If war breaks out,we shall be called up right away.I quickly learned that flights headed to the Northeast were called off because of a storm.Mr.White called at my house after he finished his speech.微写作在地球日的前一周,我们学校里贴满了海报,呼吁我们加入行动,建设一个更加绿色的地球。A week before Earth Day,posters were put up around our school,calling_upon_us_to_join_in the actions for a greener earth.call off取消;停止进行call for 要求;呼吁;需要call at地点 拜访(某地)call on/upon sb. 拜访(某人);号召;需 Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which calls for a clear road map and timetable.发展长江经济带是一项系统工程,需要有明确的路线图和时间表。与“打电话”有关的其他短语:(1)ring up 给打电话(2)ring/call back 回复电话(3)give sb.a ring/call 给某人打电话(4)ring off 挂断电话(5)hang/hold on 不挂断 get through 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过;渡过(难关);用完;耗尽写出下列句中get through的含义I managed to get through the hard work and the pain was worth it in the end.设法做完I couldnt get through to him because his telephone was out of order now and then.打通电话Luckily,he got through the exam and his efforts paid off.通过The little boy got through all his money in just one week and had to ask his mom for some more.用完 get across被理解; 使人了解get away with 被放过; 逃脱惩罚get down to sth. 着手认真做某事get over 克服get on 进展; 进 Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped you get through the tough years.毕业是感谢帮助你度过艰难岁月的那些人的美好时刻。句型公式:祈使句and陈述句(教材P25)Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。单句语法填空(2018全国卷满分作文)Dont be too talkative,or you may leave a poor impression on others.A bit more effort,I think,and you will settle the problem.一句多译给我一个机会,我会给你更多的回报。(2018浙江卷满分作文)Give_me_a_chance,and I will reward you with more. If_you_give_me_a_chance,I will reward you with more.,(1)祈使句and陈述句If.主句(2)祈使句or/or else/otherwise陈述句If.not.主句(3)名词词组and陈述 Form good habits of learning and you will improve your learning efficiency.If you form good habits of learning,you will improve your learning efficiency.养成良好的学习习惯,你就会提高学习效率。短语句式二维练在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式1Follow your doctors advice,and you will_get(get)better soon.2I think we can get through any difficult situation if we dont lose hope and keep on trying.3Once exposed(expose)to light,the film will be damaged and get useless.4As the clerk went to look for the manager,I was so impatient that I hung(hang)up.5The Students Union will set about preparing(prepare)for the party next week,so we are waiting for your advice to make the party a success.6It was not until then that I realized how merciful he was to the poor children.1我们都知道,当我们需要帮助的时候,我们的朋友会伸出援助之手,帮助我们度过难关。As we all know,our friends lend us a helping hand when we need help and they help_us_get_through_difficult_situations2给我一个机会,我不会辜负你的期望。(2018浙江6月卷写作)Give me a chance and_I_will_live_up_to_your_expectations3有很多严重的健康问题与吸烟有关。(associate)There are many serious health problems which_are_associated_with_smoking(定语从句)There are many serious health problems associated_with_smoking(分词作定语)4He was not considered for the job when they began to choose a new manager.He was not considered for the job when they set_about_choosing a new manager.(set about)He was not considered for the job when they set_out_to_choose a new manager.(set out)维度1生词生义1(2020全国卷阅读A) All customers travelling on TransLink services must be in possession of a valid ticket before boarding.adj.有效的;确凿的2(2020全国卷阅读D) In the future,the team hopes to develop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant leaves in a oneoff treatment that would last the plants lifetime.n.版本3(2019全国卷完形)At the base is a rainforest.It ends abruptly at 3,000 meters,giving way to lands of low growing plants.adv.突然地 维度2熟词生义1(20207月浙江卷完形)My heart froze in my chest as I saw the tractor heading towards the motorway.vi.(因害怕)吓呆了2(2019全国卷)The likables playswellwithothers qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships,jumpstart interpersonal skills and,when tapped early,are employed ever after in life and work.vt.发掘3Jane was quick to seize the meaning of what the professor said at the meeting.vt.理解 用本单元词汇、句式和语法知识完成满分作文假设你是李华,你从当地一家网站上看到一则招聘设计部助手的广告,请你给负责人写一封求职信,内容包括:自我介绍;个人优势;希望得到回复。Dear Sir/Madam,Learning that your designing department is in need of an assistant,Im writing to apply for the position.I 1.have_set_about_designing_things(开始设计东西)since my childhood.In the past two years,I have been diving into designing and have won first prize in the designing competition.In addition,I can 2.bear_the_hard_training_and_like_to_associate_with_others(吃苦耐劳,喜欢与人交往).Meanwhile,I feel comfortable with computer operation and office software,3.which_can_help_me_get_through_my_work(这能帮我完成工作)well.If employed,I will spare no effort to live up to your expectations.4.I_d_appreciate_it_if_you_could_take_my_application_into_consideration_at_your_convenience(如果您能在方便的时候考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激).Yours,Li Hua友情提示每道习题都是一个高考点,每项训练都是对能力的检验,认真对待它们吧!进入“高考提能练(三十八)”,去收获希望,体验成功!本栏目内容以活页形式分册装订! 11


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