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Unit 1 Lets Go Somewhere!Unit 2 Indoors and OutdoorsUnit 3 Life Is All About ChangeUnit 4 HealthUnit 5 Student LifeUnit 6 TelecommunicationsUnit 7 Sports and HobbiesUnit 8 Men and WomenAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit 4 HealthAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthIn the neighborhoodVocabulary LinkAIt gave me indigestion.Use the words under the pictures to complete the sentences below.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?1.2.3.When I exercise,I a lot.Im going to if I dont eat soon.I a lot in the spring when the flowers bloom.sweat_faint_sneeze_ faint cough sweat scratch shiver sneeze An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthVocabulary LinkLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?A4.5.6.When my back itches,I it.Cigarette smoke makes me .I used to all the time.Then I bought a heavier coat.scratch_cough_shiver_ faint cough sweat scratch shiver sneeze An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthVocabulary LinkBIt gave me indigestion.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Match the words in blue with their definitions.Write the letter. ate too much spicy food and it gave him indigestion.I feel lightheaded after riding the roller coaster.Id better sit down.After she finished the marathon,she was exhausted.My allergies are bad this year.I have itchy eyes and a runny nose.a.b.c.d.dizzy very tireda stomach painwith liquid coming outd_c_a_b_An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthVocabulary LinkCPair work.Ask and answer the questions on the previous page.You may use the model conversation for help.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?It gave me indigestion.A:Has anyone you know ever fainted?B:Oh,yes.He was one of my high school friends.One day he just fell on the floor and lost consciousness.A:What happened then?B:We felt very anxious.So one of us hurried to tell our teacher,and the rest of us waited beside him.A:Was it serious?B:Thankfully,it wasnt.He recovered before our teacher arrived.A:How lucky!B:Yeah,he really was.He told us that he had been playing online games all night and he hadnt eaten anything.Thats why he felt lightheaded and fainted.A:Has anyone you know ever _?B:Oh,yes.He was one of my high school friends.One day he just _ on _ _ and _ _.A:What happened then?B:We felt very anxious.So one of us hurried to tell our teacher,and the rest of us waited beside him.A:Was it serious?B:Thankfully,it wasnt.He _ before our teacher arrived.A:How lucky!B:Yeah,he really was.He told us that he had been playing online games all night and he hadnt eaten anything.Thats why he felt lightheaded and _.A:Has anyone you know ever fainted?B:Oh,yes.He was one of my high school friends._ _ he just fell on the floor and lost consciousness.A:What _ _?B:We _ _ _.So _ _ _ hurried to tell our teacher,and _ _ _ _ waited beside him.A:Was _ _?B:_,it wasnt.He recovered before our teacher arrived.A:How _!B:Yeah,he really was.He told us that he had been playing online games _ _ and he hadnt eaten anything.Thats _ he _ _ and fainted.Model ConversationAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthProper namesIrene Saint Martin New wordsexhausted a.精疲力竭的complain(about)v.抱怨,投诉cruise n.v.巡航,航游,乘船游览 depart v.离港Give us the details.给我们讲详细点。go straight to 直奔Heres the story.事情是这样的。Language NotesActivity 1 Mystery illnessListeningLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?indigestion n.消化不良It sounds scary.听起来挺可怕的。keep following the story 追踪事态的发展lightheaded a.头晕refund v.退款Whats the situation now?现在情况怎么样了?An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthIn the neighborhoodListen and check the best headline for the news story you hear.AListeningLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 1 Mystery illnessAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningListen again.Put the events in the order that they happened.BThe passengers ate some bad food.The passengers had severe indigestion.The passengers went to the hospital.The cruise ship departed.The cruise ship returned home.The passengers felt lightheaded.a.b.c.d.e.f.4_6_1_5_3_Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 1 Mystery illness2_An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningListen again and complete the summary with information you hear.About(1)people went on a(2)to Saint Martin.The ship departed around(3)on Friday night,but by(4)more than half of the passengers had severe(5).Everyone was complaining,so the ship had to return home after(6).Most of the passengers(7)the hospital.They felt exhausted because of(8).They could not enjoy their vacation so they(9).But the company refused to(10).Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 1 Mystery illnessC200_two-week holiday cruise/trip _10 p.m._Sunday afternoon_indigestion_only two and a half days at sea _went straight to_lack of sleep_wanted their money back_refund the full amount_An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningHow long does it take you to get ready for a night out with your friends?To go to school or to work in the morning?Activity 2 Last minute checklist Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?New wordsAll right,then.那好吧。allergy medicine 过敏药aspirin n.阿司匹林bandage n.绷带check one last time 最后再检查一遍first aid kit 急救包I was just trying to 我只是想just in case 以防万一Like what?譬如?Language Noteslotion n.洗液,洗剂,外用药水lozenge n.糖锭,锭剂(用于治咳嗽患者喉药)mouthwash n.漱口水nasal spray 鼻喷雾剂 or something 或者什么东西poison ivy 毒藤You know.你知道,你要知道An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningA a big dateb.an overseas tripListen.What is Bill getting ready for?Check()the box.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 2 Last minute checklist c.an overnight camping tripd.an important interviewAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningListen again.Check()the items Bill is going to take with him.BLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 2 Last minute checklist 1.aspirin2.bandage7.toothbrush8.toothpaste3.lotion4.lozenges5.mouthwash6.nasal sprayAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningListen again and answer the questions.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?C Why does Bills Mom suggest he take nasal spray and some lozenges?2.What do you think the lotion is used for?3.Why doesnt Bill take mouthwash?Bill thinks mouthwash might be an unnecessary item for a camping trip._Bill probably has some kind of allergy and he might need these medicines._The lotion is used to treat a rash caused by touching poison ivy._Activity 2 Last-minute checklist An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningActivity 3 Whats wrong?Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?AListen to the conversation and choose the picture that shows the correct situation.A B C An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningListen to another person giving some health advice and fill in the blanks with the information you hear.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 3 Whats wrong?B I stopped(1)because I couldnt(2).It was hard to(3),but now I sleep very well,and I dont(4)in the middle of the night.If you want to stop drinking coffee,(5).Dont stop drinking coffee(6).You might(7).Reduce(8)slowly.Drink juice or(9)instead.If you usually have coffee(10),go for a walk or(11)instead.That will wake you up.And go to bed early!A lot of people drink coffee(12).drinking coffee_sleep at night_break that habit_wake up_heres some advice for you_suddenly_get a headache_the amount of coffee_herbal tea_in the morning_do exercises_just because they feel tired_An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningActivity 4 Get in the habitLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Proper names Los Angeles 洛杉矶 The University of California 加州大学New words alcoholic a.酒精的,烈酒的 be closely linked with 与紧密相关 break the habit 改掉一种习惯 change habits 改变习惯 form a habit 养成习惯 get in the habit 养成的习惯 snack n.小吃;点心Language NotesAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningListen to the health talk“Get in the habit.”Complete the summary with information you hear.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 4 Get in the habitA Good habits bring good health.From a study of health habits of(1)people,scientists at UCLA found that(2)were closely linked with a longer life.These habits had a(3)on health.Those who had(4)of these habits lived another 21.6 years,and those who had six or seven lived another(5)years.People aged 55 to 64 with(6)were as healthy as younger people aged 25 to 34 who had(7)of the habits.It takes about(8)weeks to form a new habit,and you should take a(9)approach and(10)every week.7,000_seven habits_powerful effect_three or fewer _33_all seven habits_only one or two_3_slow_make one small change _An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 4 Get in the habitListen again.According to the talk,which things are good(+)for your health,which are bad for your health(),and which are not mentioned()?B1. only coffee for breakfast taking vitaminsgoing for a walk every day eating ice cream as a snackdrinking a glass of wine with dinnersleeping nine hours every night being very skinnyswimming three times a weekseeing your doctor every year having cereal and toast every morning_An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListening*Activity 5 Surprising syndromes of modern life Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Proper names Bahman Margaret Mari StevenNew wordsfaraway a.遥远的 a farewell party 告别晚会syndrome n.综合症状messy a.凌乱的embarrassed a.尴尬的,窘迫的maid n.女佣text message 短信fatigue n.疲劳Language Notesparalyze v.使瘫痪deskfast n.在办公桌上吃的早餐underload n.低负荷,工作量不足pretend v.假装,装作severe a.严重的depressed a.压抑的Chances are 可能massage n.按摩An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListening*Activity 5 Surprising syndromes of modern life Listen to the passage about“Surprising syndromes of modern life.”Then list the names of the five syndromes(medical conditions)mentioned.ALesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel? Have Anyone Over Syndrome)_information fatigue syndrome_hurry sickness_underload syndrome _phone neck_Can modern life make you sick?Explain.An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningListen again.Then complete the chart about each syndrome and its treatment in your own words.If a treatment is not mentioned,write NM in the chart.BLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?*Activity 5 Surprising syndromes of modern life SyndromeDescriptionPossible treatmentCHAOSYou feel embarrassed because your house is always messy.Get a maid. fatigue syndrome You become paralyzed and cant think clearly because there is too much information.NM.Hurry sickness.You get bored or depressed because you dont have enough work to do.Take aspirin.Phone neck.You get a pain in your neck because of how you hold the phone.Get a massage.You get headaches a lot because you are always rushing.NM.Underload syndrome.An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthListeningLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?*Activity 5 Surprising syndromes of modern life Do you suffer from any of these syndromes?Do you know anyone else who does?What advice would you give to the people who suffer from these syndromes?ask&ANSWERAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthPronunciationDropping the h Look at these pictures.Listen to the advice given for each one.Notice how the h-sound is dropped when the pronouns are linked to the word before them.ALesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthPronunciationPair work.Practice reading the sentences in A.BLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Dropping the h An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthPronunciationPair work.Choose one of these situations.What would you tell the person?Make a list of advice.C1.Your best friend has indigestion.2.Your classmate is lightheaded.3.Your teacher is exhausted.Id tell him to take some stomach medicine.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Dropping the h An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthSpeaking&CommunicationActivity 1 A visit to the doctorUseful expressions for talking about health problemsLanguage Notes Checking how someone feels Describing symptomsAre you OK?Are you all right?How do you feel?How are you feeling?Is anything the matter?Is something wrong?I have a bad headache/high blood pressure/a rash/a toothache/a cold/a sore throat/a fever.I feel unusually tired/lightheaded/dizzy/weak/exhausted/anxious/sick/nauseous.I cant stop hiccupping/shivering/coughing/sneezing.My head/tooth/stomach/back/wrist hurts.My symptoms include loss of appetite,weight loss,excessive fatigue,fever and chills.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Here are useful expressions for talking about health problems.AAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthSpeaking&CommunicationChad is visiting the doctor.Listen to their conversation.Underline Chads problems.AHi,Doctor Park.Hi,Chad.How are you today?Not so great.What seems to be the problem?Well,I have a rash on my arm.I cant stop scratching it.Is there anything else?Yes.I have a slight fever.I see.Have you been in the woods recently?Lets see I went hiking last week.Maybe an insect bit you.Please sit up here.Lets take your temperature.Chad:Doctor:Chad:Doctor:Chad:Doctor:Chad:Doctor:Chad:Doctor:_Key Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 1 A visit to the doctor_An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthSpeaking&CommunicationPair work.Practice the conversation with your partner.BLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 1 A visit to the doctorHi,Doctor Park.Hi,Chad.How are you today?Not so great.What seems to be the problem?Well,I have a rash on my arm.I cant stop scratching it.Is there anything else?Yes.I have a slight fever.I see.Have you been in the woods recently?Lets see I went hiking last week.Maybe an insect bit you.Please sit up here.Lets take your temperature.Chad:Doctor:Chad:Doctor:Chad:Doctor:Chad:Doctor:Chad:Doctor:An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthSpeaking&CommunicationPair work.Look at the two situations.Work with a partner and answer these questions.CLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 1 A visit to the doctor1.What has just happened in each situation?2.How does each person feel?An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthSpeaking&CommunicationA:Excuse me.Are you all right?B:Im not sure.A:What happened?B:I had a bicycle accident.A:How do you feel?B:My ankle hurts badly.A:Maybe you cant ride your bike for now.B:Yeah,youre right.A:Is there anything I can do for you?B:Yes,please.Would you mind calling an ambulance for me?Thanks a million.A:Excuse me.Are you all right?B:Im not sure.A:What happened?B:I had _ _ _.A:How do you feel?B:My _ hurts badly.A:Maybe you cant ride your bike for now.B:Yeah,youre right.A:Is there anything I can do for you?B:Yes,please.Would you mind calling _ _ for me?Thanks a million.A:Excuse me._ _ _ _?B:Im not sure.A:What _?B:I had a bicycle accident.A:How _ _ _?B:My ankle _ _.A:_ you cant ride your bike for now.B:Yeah,youre right.A:Is there _ _ _ _ _ _?B:Yes,please._ _ _ calling an ambulance for me?_ _ _.Model ConversationPair work.Role play.Choose one of the situations in C and make a conversation.Student A:You are a helpful person.Student B:You have the problem.Use the Useful expressions and the model conversation for help.Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?Activity 1 A visit to the doctorDAn English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthSpeaking&Communication*Activity 2 Have you tried hypnotism?Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?New wordsacupuncture n.针灸hypnotism n.催眠术yoga n.瑜伽Language NotesWhat do you do when you have a medical problem?Who do you talk to first?APair work.What do you know about these different kinds of treatments?Would you ever try any of them?Tell a partner.An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthSpeaking&CommunicationGroup work.Role play.In groups of four,role-play the following situations.Take turns to think of a health problem and ask the other group members for advice.Each student should give some advice and should recommend a different treatment:hypnotism,acupuncture,yoga,or some other treatment and explain why.You can use the notes below and the model conversation to help you.BLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?*Activity 2 Have you tried hypnotism?Hypnotism+used to treat nervous energy or pain+good for treatment of bad habits+uses the mind no medicine required-Some people are not easily hypnotized.Acupuncture+helps with headaches,backaches,and sore muscles+has been used for 2,500 years+safe-Some people are afraid of needles.Yoga+a good way to exercise+emphasizes breath control+no special equipment necessary-Yoga can be physically challenging.A treatment of your choice:_+-An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthSpeaking&CommunicationLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?*Activity 2 Have you tried hypnotism?A:B:A:B:A:B:C:A:C:A:C:D:A:D:I seem to have a headache all the time.Well,you should try acupuncture.Really?Have you tried it yourself?Absolutely.It really works.I dont know Im scared of needles.Dont worry.It doesnt hurt and its very safe.You know,it has been used for more than 2,000 years in traditional Chinese medical practice.If youre afraid of needles,perhaps you should try hypnotism.Is it effective in curing headaches?Sure it is.It has been used to treat nervous energy and pain.The biggest advantage is that no medicine is required because it uses your mind to bring you peace of mind.It will definitely do you good.But Im not sure if I could be hypnotized.Relax.Ill recommend you a very nice hypnotist.If you find it difficult to be hypnotized,you should try yoga.But its physically challenging.Thats true but yoga emphasizes control of breathing and its a very good way to exercise.Daily exercise are said to help ease aches and pains.An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthGlobal ViewpointsGetting betterBefore You WatchLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel?New wordsaloe vera 芦荟bee sting 蜂刺burn v.&n.烧伤,灼伤ease the pain 减轻疼痛gargle v.漱口just a matter of time 不过是时间问题Language Notesmedicine cabinet 药柜,药箱skeptical a.怀疑study up on 研究trudge v.步履艰难地走work v.起作用,有效An English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthGlobal ViewpointsAHere are some words you will hear in the interviews about“Getting better.”Write the correct word under each picture.aloe vera medicine cabinet needle toothpasteBefore You Watch toothpastealoe vera medicine cabinet _needle_Lesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel? English Video Course 3视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3Unit4HealthYou will hear also the underlined words in the interviews.Study the sentences.Then write the letter of the correct definition next to each sentence.Global ViewpointsBBefore You WatchLesson B Getting betterLesson A How do you feel? has been practiced in China for more than 2,000 years.If youre sick you should drink a lot of liquids like water and orange juice.Some people are very allergic to bee stings.Smoking causes lung cancer.After he brushes his teeth,he gargles with mouthwash.Im very skeptical about popular new diet plans;they usually dont work.I was expecting my math test to be difficult,but it was surprisingly easy.The farmer trudged through the deep snow to the village.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.unusually or unexpectedlya serious disease that causes tumors in the bodykinds of matter that are not solid or gasmoves liquid around in the back of the mouthdoubting or disbelieving something that other people think is truewalked with slow,heavy steps and some effortpainful wounds caused by yellow and black insectsa medical


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