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第二部分第二部分 专项语法高效突破专项语法高效突破专项专项4 4 介词介词高频考点精讲考点1 1 表时间介词的辨析1.at1.at表示具体的时间点。如:at six oclock在六点;at half past four在四点半。at 还常用在一些固定短语中。at New Year 在新年;at the age of 在岁时;at the end of 在最后;at first 起初。2 2inin(1)表示时间:与年、月、日、周、季节、早晨、下午或晚上等名词连用。如:in 2016 在2016年;in September 在九月份;in the morning 在上午。(2)“in时间段”,意为“(时间)以后”,表示将来。3 3onon表示具体某日或某日的上午、下午或晚上。如:on Sunday在星期天;on March 2nd在三月二号;on Tuesday afternoon在星期二下午;on a hot morning在一个炎热的早晨。4 4beforebefore,afterafterbefore“在之前”,after“在之后”,常用于时间点前。5 5sincesince,forfor(1)since指从某时一直延续至今,后常跟时间点,句子用完成时。如:She has lived here since 1993.自1993年她就已经住在这了。(2)for指动作贯穿整个过程,后接时间段,句子用完成时。如:I have studied English for 10 years.我学习英语已经十年了。6 6byby“by时间点”表示“到为止”,如果by后跟一个过去的时间点,句子应用过去完成时。如:We had learned 1,000 English words by the end of last term.到上学期为止,我们已经学会1000个英语单词了。7 7duringduring“在期间”。表示一定时间中的某个时间段。后接名词或动名词。如:During he was in Paris,he lived with his friends.他在巴黎期间,与他的朋友住在一起。8 8untiluntiluntil与否定词连用,即not.until意为“直到才”。如:I didnt leave until my mother came here.我直到我妈妈到这才离开。考点2 2 表地点介词的辨析 1.at1.at,inin,ononat较小地点;in较大地点。如:at the bus stop在汽车站;in Beijing在北京。on表示“在上面”,表示和物体表面相接触。如:on the table在桌子上。2 2in front ofin front of,behindbehind,in the front ofin the front of,at the back ofat the back of表表示示“前后前后”in front of常指位置“在的前面/正面”,其反义词为behind“在后面”。in the front of也指位置,“在前部”,指一物体在另一物体的内部的前方。其反义词为at the back of“在后面”。3 3inin,insideinside,outsideoutside,intointo,out ofout of表示表示“里外里外”in“in“在在内部内部”。inside“在里面/到里面”,反义词为outside“在外面”。into“到内”,反义词为out of“在外”。4 4overover,above above 表示表示“上方上方”over表示两者不接触,两者是垂直关系,表示“在正上方”,其反义词为under。above 表示两者不接触,不一定垂直,表示“在的上方”,其反义词为below。5 5betweenbetween,amongamong表示表示“在在之间之间”between表示“在之间”,多用于两者之间。如:This is a secret between you and me.这是你和我之间的秘密。among指在三者或三者以上的对象之间。如:How do you like the book?你觉得这本书怎么样?Its the best among detective novels.它是侦探小说中最好的。6 6throughthrough,acrossacross表示表示“穿过穿过”through表示从中间“穿过,贯穿”,表示动作发生在立体空间,是从内部穿过。如:Is the street too narrow for the bus to go through?汽车通过这条街道是不是太窄了?across表示从表面“横穿”。如:A bus is going across the street.一辆公共汽车正横穿马路。7 7besidebeside表示表示“在在旁边旁边”如:My bike is beside Toms.我的自行车在汤姆的自行车的旁边。考点3 3 方式、手段或工具介词的辨析和用法介词用法例句byby表示交通工具的名词 He goes to school by bike.他骑自行车去上学。byv.ing 表示“通过方式”He learns English by listening to the radio.他通过听收音机学英语。inin语言类名词或具体的工具Please speak it in English.请用英语说。Dont write it in pencil.不要用铅笔写。on表示用收音机、电视等He is listening to music on the radio.他正在用收音机听音乐。with表示用某种工具、身体的某一部位或器官Cut the bag with the knife.用刀子割开这个包。考点4 4 其他常见介词介词用法例句about关于Whats your excuse about your being late yesterday?你昨天迟到的借口是什么?against反对/对着We are against your advice.我们反对你的建议。as作为,以的身份We choose him as captain of our team.我们选他当我们的队长。besides除之外,还有I like basketball besides football.除了足球外,我还喜欢篮球。except除之外,(不包括在内)We are all here except Li Ming.除了李明之外,我们都在这里。like像一样My teacher talked to me like my father.老师像父亲一样和我聊天。including包括,包含Ten people were killed in the traffic accident,including a baby.在这一次交通事故中有10人丧生,其中包括一个婴儿。towards朝方向A dog is running towards me.一条狗正向我跑来。without没有He left angrily without saying a word.他一句话没说就生气地离开了。考点5 5 介词固定搭配 1.1.介词名词介词名词at night 在夜里;at school 在学校;in the sun 在太阳下;in the end 最后;at the same time 同时;on time 按时;on foot 步行。2 2形容词介词形容词介词be late for 迟到;be afraid of 害怕;be good for 对有好处;be famous for 因而出名;be different from 与不同。3 3动词介词动词介词ask for 要求;leave for 动身去;send for 派人去找;pay for 付钱;wait for 等待;agree with 同意。十年真题十年真题全练分析近五年滨州中考,介词是滨州中考的必考点,主要考查介词在语境中的词义辨析,也考查介词的固定搭配。设题形式多为简单句,以两个分句居多,词数为912。完形填空中也涉及到介词或介词短语的辨析。预计2018年中考的选择填空题仍会有一道关于介词的题,偏向于考查介词的固定搭配。完形填空中也会涉及到语境中介词的辨析。考点1 1 表时间介词的辨析1.2011滨州,23题I joined the League _A_ May,2009.What about you?Ive been a League member _ three years.Ain;for Bon;in Con;for Din;since22012滨州,29题_D_ the afternoon of June 2nd,many foreigners arrived _ Shanghai.AIn;at BOn;to CIn;in DOn;in32013滨州,23题Its reported that President Xi Jinping arrived _B_ Moscow _ March 22nd to pay a threeday visit to Russia.Aat;on Bin;on Cat;in Din;in42014滨州,23题A ship from South Korea sank into the sea _B_ April 16,2014.Ain Bon Cat Dfor52017滨州,25题Thanks _B_ our government,we can play sports on the new playground next week.Thats for sure!And well have a sports meeting _ one month.Afor;in Bto;inCfor;after Dto;after考点3 3 方式、手段或工具介词的辨析和用法6.2009滨州,23题How do you learn English?I learn English by _D_Alisten to tapes Bspeak itCrecite it Dlistening to tapes72010滨州,23题Youd better not always look up the new words _A_ the dictionary while reading.Sometimes we need to guess.Ain Bon Cat Dfrom考点4 4 其他常见介词 8.2016滨州,24题The“teacherfree exam”means that students take their exams _A_ teachers.Students must be more honest.Awithout BagainstCthrough Dby考点5 5 介词固定搭配 9.2015滨州,29题My mother says my friend is similar _B_ me,but I think she is different _ me.Aas;from Bto;fromCto;to Das;to 猜押预测1My birthday is _A_ spring,the most beautiful season in a year.Ain Bat Con Dbefore2Tom arrived _C_ Beijing at 7:00 yesterday evening.Afor Bat Cin Don3It is believed that _B_ December 21st,the first basketball game in history was played.Ain Bon Cfor Dby4Please take good care _D_ my dog when Im away.Ain Bat Cfor Dof5There was a big crowd waiting _C_ the opening ceremony.Aby Bfrom Cfor Dwith6Many people like watching Chinese Poetry Conference_D_ TV.Ain Bof Cat Don7At the farewell party,Kobe Bryant said,“_D_ the support of my fans,it would be hard for me to achieve such great success.”AWith BUnderCThrough DWithout
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