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Lesson41-42一、常用词组和语言点1.say to sb.对某人来说 ec: he said to the guard:let him in. 2.look at oneself in the mirror照镜子 ec: She looks herself in the mirror.3.in front of在前面 ec: She sits in front of the classroom4.regret doing后悔做过某事 ec;I regret disturbing yo so long.我很抱歉打扰了你那么久.5.at once立刻,马上 ec; She cried at once,她立刻就哭了6.neecht have said that没必要这么说(与过去事实相反的虚拟语气)ec; You neednt have said that, my wife answered.7.remind sb.of提醒某人 ec;It reminds me of that time它让我想起了那段日子8.have a walk散步 ec; I will have a talk with my teacher tomorrow go for a walk去散步 ec:.We go for walks in the fields occasionally. 9.have a rest休息 ec:.Are we going to have a rest ? 我们要休息一下吗?10.after a timeEc: After a time,he lost his nervousness and began to feel himself again. 过了一会儿,他的紧张情绪过去了,镇静了下来 after a while过了一会儿 ec: After a while, he was asleep11.as soon as一就ec: Come here as soon as you finish the work. 工作一结束你就到这里来12.pick up拣起,拾起 ec:I will pick up the pen on the ground.13.be covered with覆盖着(文中指镶嵌着)ec: The grass was covered with frost in the early morning. 14.have a glimpse of看一眼,看一下 ec: He glimpsed at my new watch and said it was a good bargain. 他看了一眼我的新表,说买得很合算.15.tell the difference betweenand辩别之间的不同 ec: who can tell me the difference between manager,director and executive?Lesson43-44一、常用词组和语言点1.for the first time第一次 ec: Ive been here for the first time.我是第一次来这里.2.at first起初 ec: We didnt trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us. 我们开始时并不信任他,但他令人愉快的举止完全消除了我们的疑虑。 3.be able to do能做 ec: I am able to do the work.4.take photographs照像 ec: Let take some photographs for the beautiful flowers. 5.run into troubleEc; The ship has to run into the harbor when the sudden storm arises. 风暴骤起, 轮船只得急忙躲进海港。 get into trouble陷入困境 ec: I get into trouble without your help. 没有你的帮助,我陷入麻烦6.at one point在某个地方 ec: At one point,I thought she was going to refuse, but in the end she agreed. 当时我以为她要拒绝,但最后她却同意了。7.It seems certain that似乎肯定 ec: It seems certain that he will win.8.get over the mountains越过山头 ec: It could only get over the mountains if it rose to ten thousand feet.9.in sight在视线中(看得见)ec: There was no more mountain in sight. 10.take the risk冒的风险 ec: I dont want to take the risk (of) trying this. 我不想冒险去尝试11.rush up to跑到跟前 ec: :I wanted to rush up and have it out with them. But would that save him? Hardly. 我想跑上去和他们讲道理,但这能救他吗?恐怕不行.12.have a picnic野餐 ec: I want to have a picnic this Sunday.13.at the edge of在边上 ec: He is standing at the edge of the cliff.他站在悬崖的边上.14.so+形容词/副词+that如此以至于 Ec:The car is so expensive that I cant afford it. 15.out of breath上气不接下气 ec: I am out of breath now.16.catch up with追上,超上 ec: If you miss a lot of classes, its very difficult to catch up.17.go through翻看 ec: The piano will barely go through the door. 钢琴刚好能从门洞通过.18.such+名词+that如此以至于 ec: It is such a beautiful day that I want to have a day off.Lesson45-46一、常用词组和语言点1.a large sum of money一大笔钱 ec: I need a large sum of money. 我需要一大笔钱。2.returnto归还ec: Return to innocence返璞归真.3.wrap up包起来 ec: In cold weather you should wrap up well. 天气寒冷时,你应该穿得暖和些。4.pay back偿还 ec: He paid the money back. pay off还清 ec: Pay off your credit cards every month.记得每月还清你的信用卡。 pay for为付钱 ec: Right, Ill pay for the food and you pay for the drinks.好吧,我付饭菜钱,你付酒水。5.in this way用这种方法;以这种方式 ec: In this way,we get better results in teaching. 这样我们的教学效果就比较好了。6.a number of+可数名词许多 ec: .A number of students were absent from the meeting.7.account for1)说明原因 ec: Jack could not account for his foolish mistake.杰克无法解释自己的愚蠢错误。 2)占(多大比例)ec: *League members account for the majority of the students in the class团员占这个班学生的大多数。8.the fact that Ec: I didnt go out because of the fact that it was raining. 因为在下雨,所以我没出去。9.It occurs to sb.某人突然想起ec: It occurred to me suddenly that I had met him somewhere.我突然想起在什么地方见过他。10.be astonished at惊讶于ec: Youll be astonished at how much you can get done if you concentrate on one thing at a time instead of cluttering your mind with multiple tasks. 如果某个时间你只专注于一件事情而不是让头脑充斥着许多项任务,那么你会收到惊人的效果。11.on top of在顶部 ec: The pagoda stands alone on the top of the hill. 那宝塔孤零零地坐落在山顶上。12.a pile of一堆 ec:They send a pile of old invoice to be shred.他们将一堆旧发票送去切成碎条.13.sothat如此以至于ec: The boy ran so fast that I couldnt catch him.14.run away逃跑 ec: If this is true , do not run away just yet!如果真是这样的话,不要就这么逃跑了!15.admit doing承认做过 ec: I admit breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗玻璃.16.have a trip做一次旅行 ec: We usually have a trip in spring17.confineto限制在范围内 ec: Confine your remarks to the subject of the meeting.讲话内容不要超过会议主题.18.order sb.to do命令某人做 ec: The teacher ordered me to clean the classroom.老师命令我把教室打扫干净.Lesson47-48一、常用词组和语言点1.for sale待售 ec: All kinds of fruit will be for sale.2.be haunted闹鬼 ec: The house was believed to be haunted.大家认为这所房子闹鬼.3.go to sleep入睡(近义词组fall asleep)ec: The mother patted the little girl to make her go to sleep.母亲拍小女孩入睡。4.heard a strange noise comingEc:I heard a strange noise coming from the bar. 5.the next morning第二天(用于叙述故事等,前边加the)ec: I had one hell of a hangover the next morning. 第二天早上宿醉让我难受死了.6.turn off关(灯)(反义词组:turn on打开)ec: Could you please turn off the car radio?7.go to bad上床睡觉 ec: I will go to bad, see you. 8.even if即使 ec: Even if no one walks there.即使是根本没人走的地方.9.give away送掉;放弃(机会等)ec: John gave all his possessions away and became a monk.约翰把他所有的家产都送了人,出家为僧。10.pull out拨出 ec:The main opposition in the north says it will pull out altogether.北部的反对党也表示,他们将完全退出选举. 11.for a while一会儿 ec: They chattered away happily for a while. 他们高兴地闲扯了一会儿.12.try to do设法做某事 ec: He tried to finish the work ahead of time.他设法提前完成这件工作。13.be full of装满 ec: I am full of confidence.14.eitheror或者或者 ec: When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances. 那个女孩高兴时,不是唱就是跳.15.make a noise制做噪音 ec: If you make a noise, youll scare off the animals. 如果你弄出声响就会把动物吓跑. make noises16.be busy doing忙于做某事(be busy with sth) ec: Im busy (in) doing my home work.17.feel worried感到担心(feel为系动词)ec: No Asians nation will really feel worried , except imperialist japan.除了日本帝国主义,亚洲没有任何国家会担心它的.18.at last最后,终于(近义词/词组:finally,in the end) ec: I arrived in London at last.19.removefrom从挪走 ec: His cruelty was only one remove from crime. 他的残忍在程度上仅次于犯罪.Lesson49-50一、常用词组和语言点1.tired of sleeping on the floor由于对睡地板感到疲倦 ec: I am tried of sleeping on the floor. be tired of doing对感到疲倦,此分词短语省略了being,作原因状语。 ec: She was tired of watching television.2.save up存储,攒钱 ec: Save up to buy a bicycle 存钱准备买一辆自行车.3.carry sth. onto把某物搬移到某处(onto可拼写为一个词也可分开on to,表示动作的方向,into也有此类用法) ec: Tom carried a big box onto the second floor.4.blow up(恶劣天气)来临并加剧(blow-blew-blown)ec:There were thousands of passengers in the train when it blew up.那列火车爆炸时,上面有几千名乘客.5.a gust of wind一阵大风(gust表示“一阵强风,狂风” gust可单独使用也可用于词组“a gust of”) ec: Asudden gust of wind 突然的一股风.6.crashing into the countyard below将床摔碎在下面的院子里(现在分词短语作“it”的宾语补足语)7.notuntil直到才 ec:Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking.直到老师进来学生们才停止讲话. 8.wake up醒来 ec: However you will notice the difference when you wake up.但是,当你醒来时将会发现不同之处.9.smash to pieces摔成碎片 ec: Lily smash the furniture to pieces. 10.Glancing at the bits of(本句中“glancing at”现在分词短语作时间状语,意为:After he glanced at) ec: Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.他瞥了一眼周围的木块和金属块后,无可奈何地搬起垫子并拿到屋里. glance at瞥视,一瞥 ec: Tess stole a glance at her husband.苔丝偷偷地看了她的丈夫一眼.11.take for a ride就当作是一次兜风 ec: Take me for a ride 带我去逛逛吧. takefor把当作 Ec: It takes me 20 dollars for the bag.12.lose ones way迷路 ec:I lose my way to the park.13.my trip took me longer than I expectedtake此处意为“花费(时间),通常用“it”作形式主语的结构:It+takes+sb.+不定式It takes me ten minutes to read English everymorning14.get on the bus上公共汽车 ec: She got on the bus and picked a seat up front她上了公共汽车,找了个最前面的座位.15.get a good view of countryside饱览美丽的乡村风光 ec;I sat in the front of the bus to get a good view of the countryside.16.Ill tell you where to get off我会告诉你在哪下车(where to get off=where you should get off)17.This is as far as we go我们的车就到此为止了。 as far as表示“达到程度”(限度)ec: We went as far as Lion Rock Tunnel. 我们一直走到狮子山隧道公路那儿.18.forget to do forget doing忘记做某事 I forgot to tell you the homework.忘记做过某事 ec: I forget opening the door.19.in this/that case既然这样/那样的话 ec: In that case, wed better hold a discussion about the problem. 那样的话,我们最好对这一问题展开讨论.20.prefer to更愿意做 ec: We prefer to stay where we are.我们宁愿保持着现在的样子.


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