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22 / 22Lesson 1-2常用词组1. Excuse me! 2. Yes? 3. Pardon? 4. Thank you very much. 辨音( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. dress D. excuse( )2. A. your B. you C. yes D. very( )3. A. handbag B. bag C. thank D. pardon( )4. A. skirt B. sir C. house D. is( )5. A. book B. school C. good D. goodbye(15 DDDDB)根据课文情境完成对话A: Excuse me!B: _A: Is this your handbag?B: _?A: Is this your handbag?B: _. Thank you very much. 写单词短裙( ) 雨伞( ) 书桌( ) 桌子( ) 原谅( ) 衬衫( ) 手表( ) 上衣 ( )连衣裙 ( ) 手提包( )翻译句子1、这是你的上衣吗?2、对不起,请再说一遍。3、这是你的手表吗?4、是的,它是我的。5、非常感谢。Lesson 3-4重点句型与词组My coat and my umbrella, please. Here is my ticket 辩音( )1. A. please B. is C. this C. goods( )2. A. umbrella B. bus C. number D. suit( )3. A. teacher B. school C. watch D. much ( )4. A. number B. teacher C. daughter D. here( )5. A. five B. like C. ticket D. Hi (15 CDBDC)根据课文完成对话A: My coat and my umbrella, please. _B: Thank you, sir. Number five. _A: This is not my umbrella. B: _ Is this your umbrella?A: _B: Is this it? A: _. Thank you very much. 写单词公共汽车-( ) 儿子-( )房子-( ) 女儿-( ) 一套衣服-( ) 票-( ) 学校-( ) 号码-( ) 老师-( ) 小汽车 -( ) 将下列句子变为否定句1. This is their school. 2. Thats your suit. 3. This is my watch. 4. That is her umbrella. 5. This is my book and that is my pencil.Lesson 5-6重点句型与词组1. Good morning. 2. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 3. Mr. Black. 4. Nice to meet you. 5 特殊疑问句辩音( )1. A. good B. too C. school D. cool( )2. A. unit B. student C. umbrella D. excuse( )3. A. Chinese B. nice C. Miss D. five( )4. A. Swedish B. English C. wish D. watch ( )5. A. Chinese B. meet C. Swedish D. English Lesson 78 常用词组和语言点1. Are you French, too?2. What nationality are you?3. Whats your job?辩音( )1. A. taxi B. am C. name D. nationality( )2. A. policeman B. policewoman C. please D. milk( )3. A. host B. post C. house D. most ( )4. A. nurse B. horse C. policeman D. coat( )5. A. here B. air C. hairdresser D. there(15 CDCDA)根据课文情境完成对话A: I am a new student. My name is Robert. B: How do you do? My name is Alice. _?A: I am Italian. Are you a student?B: No, _. A: _?B: I am a typist. _?A. I am an engineer. 选择填空( )1. -Are you French? -_. A. Yes, I am not. B. Yes, I am C. No, I am D. Yes, you are. ( )2. -Whats your job? -_A. French B. Teacher C. Robert D. Italian( )3. -What nationality are you? -_A. Operator B. Engineer C. Teacher D. French( )4. -Whats your name? -_A. Policeman B. Policewoman C. Hostess D. Robert( )5. -How is Jack today? -_A. He is American B. He is a milkman C. He is a student D. He is fine. (15 BBDDD)连词成句1. your, is, Mr. Blake, teacher2. what, you, are, nationality3. am, I, student, new, a4. job, your, is, what5. is, my, here, ticket6. is, a, Alice, student, new, French, is, she7. coat, my, please, umbrella, and, my按要求完成句子1. -What is your job? I am a taxi driver. (用he改写句子)2. He is a policeman. (变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)3. Its my car. (就划线部分提问)4. She is a keyboard operator. (用I 改写句子)5. He is our teacher. (变为一般疑问句)6. She is their daughter. (改为否定句)Lesson 910 常用词语与语言点Good morning. How are you today?And you?辩音( )1. A. hi B. fine C. thin D. tie( )2. A. thank B. thin C. this D. thick ( )3. A. cold B. old C. coat D. house( )4. A. tall B. short C. daughter D. how( )5. A. lazy B. name C. fat D. make (15 CCDDC)用a,an,the填空1. This is _ old book. 2. That is _ egg. 3. It is _ apple. 4. Thats _ English car. _ car is red. 5. _ girl in the car is Lucy. 6. I have _ new book. (1, an 2, an 3, an, 4, an, the 5, the, 6, a )按要求写单词1. he(物主代词)-_ 2. cold(反义词)-_3. fat(反义词)-_ 4. busy(反义词)-_5. long(反义词)-_ 6. mother(对应词)-_7. clean(反义词)-_8. young(反义词)-_9. brother(对应词)-_10. is(物主代词)-_完成对话1. -Hows Sally? -_2. -Nice to meet you. -_3. -Good morning. -_4. -How are you today? -_Lesson 1112 常用词语与语言点Whose shirt is that? (形容词性物主代词) Catch!辩音( )1. A. whole B. white C. what D. where( )2. A. father B. pardon C. car D. fat( )3. A. father B. mother C. brother D. teacher ( )4. A. sister B. blouse C. his D. whose( )5. A. house B. blouse C. hour D. your(15 ADDAD)选词填空1. Thats _ sisters book. (he, his)2. Whats _ job? (you, your)3. Thank _ very much. (you, your)4. This is _ handbag. (my, I )5. Stella is here. That is _ blouse. (she, her)6. _ brother is a teacher. (He, His)7. This is my shirt. _ is new. (It, Its)8. _ mother is a policewoman. (She, Her)9. This is _ car. (Steven, Stevens)10. This is my pencil. _ is there. (It / Its) 句型转换1. Its Toms car. (就划线部分提问)2. This is my coat. (变为一般疑问句)3. He is a policeman. (变为否定句)4. Thats her blouse. (就划线部分提问)Lesson 1314 常用词组与语言点1. What colour?2. come upstairs3. Its the same color. (same前用定冠词the,look the same)辩音( )1. A. lovely B. upstairs C. colour D. dog( )2. A. green B. he C. she D. hello( )3. A. same B. name C. hat D. case( )4. A. pardon B. smart C. carpet D. Korean( )5. A. come B. colour C. catch D. nice(15 DDCDD)找出正确的对话顺序1. A. I am fine, too. B. Good morning, Mrs. Smith. C. How are you? D. Good morning, Sit down, please. E. Fine, thank you, and you? F. Thank you. (BDCEAF)2. A. Its green. B. Thank you. C. What color is your new dress? D. Come upstairs and see it. E. Here it is!F. Look! G. Thats a nice dress. (CADBEFG)写单词棕色 红色 灰色 黑色 橙色 蓝色 白色上楼 下楼 领带 地毯 颜色 可爱的 时髦的Lesson 1516 常用词组与语言点Are you Swedish?Your passport, please. 辩音( )1. A. these B. this C. thank D. that( )2. A. these B. red C. see D. Chinese( )3. A. passport B. cat C. card D. pardon( )4. A. Danish B. tourist C. friend D. officer( )5. A. black B. orange C. fat D. thank (15 CBBCB)将下列句子改为复数形式1. This is your case. 2. It is a green dress. 3. My blouse is new. 4. I am a teacher. 5. This is a black and grey shirt. 找出错误1. Toms hat new. 2. What colour is this? Its a yellow. 3. Are your friend English?4. What colour is it?根据汉语补全句子1. Thats a _(可爱的小狗)2. Are you _?(你们是游客吗?)3. These are _. (这些是我的领带)4. _, please. (请出示你们的护照)Lesson 1718 常用词组与语言点1, come and meet2. this is + name3. How do you do?4. What are their jobs?辩音( )1. A. office B. thin C. assistant D. fine( )2. A. hard B. card C. passport D. catch( )3. A. sale B. make C. cat D. case( )4. A. office B. come C. umbrella D. colour( )5. A. sales B. assistant C. office D. same ( )6. A. man B. cat C. any D. thank (16 DDCAAC)翻译句子1、他是汤姆,是我们的电脑录入员。_ _ Tom. _ is our keyboard operator. 2、那些女孩很漂亮。Those _ _ very pretty. 3、来见见我的老师。Come _ _ my teacher. 4、他们非常懒。They are very _. 写出下列单词的复数形式1. boy-_ 2, housewife -_3, assistant-_ 4, employee-_5, policeman-_ 6, office-_7, woman-_ 8, child-_9, dress-_ 10, man -_从B组中找出A组的正确答案( )1.How do you do? A. Thank you. ( )2.How are you? B. How do you do?( )3. Whats your job? C. Hes Hans. ( )4. Whos this map? D. Im a teacher. ( )5. Here you are. E. Nice to meet you, too. ( )6. Whos this man? F. Its yellow. ( )7. What colour is your dress? G. No, I am not. ( )8. Are you an office assistant? H. Fine. Lesson 1920 常用词组与语言点Whats the matter?Theres an ice-cream man. 辩音( )1. A. matter B. thank C. hat D. same( )2. A. thirsty B. nurse C. her D. children( )3. A. sit B. right C. white D. sight ( )4. A. grandfather B. grandmother C. mother D. thirsty( )5. A. small B. short C. tall D. sale( )6. A. shut B. mother C. brother D. nurse( )7. A. girl B. tired C. thirsty D. nurse( )8. A. shut B. small C. sit D. thirsty(14 DDAD 58 DDBA)写出下列单词的反义词1, long-_ 2, tall-_3, thin-_ 4, big-_5, open-_ 6, light -_7, young-_ 8, new -_ 9, hot-_ 10, clean -_(short, short, fat, small, close, heavy, old, old, cold, dirty)改错1. Whats matter?2. He is a office assistant. 3. Im a keyboard operater. 4. Our name are Tom and Hans. 5. They are policeman. 6, Are your mother tired?7. These child are tired and thirsty. 8. They are an old. 9. These ice-cream are nice. (1, matter + the 2, aan 3, operater - operator 4. Name names5, policeman - policemen 6, are, is 7. Child children 8. An去掉 9, ice-cream - ice creams)Lesson 2122 常用词组与语言点1. give sb. sth = give sth. to sb. 2. This one? (one & it)辩音( )1. A which B. whose C. what D. where( )2. A. sharp B. glass C. cat D. pardon( )3. A. tin B. knife C. big D. little( )4. A. spoon B. good C. book D. look( )5. A. knife B. work C. book D. look ( )6. A. box B. small C. spoon D. glass( )7. A. full B. cup C. blunt D. umbrella( )8. A. bottle B. large C. little D. empty( )9. A. small B. fork C. keyboard D. office( )10. A. empty B. employee C. heavy D. pen (15 BCBAA 610 AADDB)写单词空的-_ 满的-_ 大的-_ 尖的-_瓶子-_ 叉子-_勺子-_ 钝的-_罐头-_ 刀子-_写出下列各词的宾格、形容词性物主代词形式I -_ -_He -_ -_We -_ -_She -_ -_ They -_ -_It -_ -_选词填空1. Give _ my book, please. (I, me)2. _ teacher is young. (I, my)3. Are these Toms books? _ books are there. (Her, His)4. _ are policeman. (They. Them)5. He is _ teacher. (we, our)6. -Can you lend _ your book? (I, me) - Yes, here _ (you, your) are. But please return it to _ (I, me) tomorrow. 7. Are those your pens? No, _(They, Them) are nt. _ (I, My) pens are blue. 句型转换1. That shirt is white. (变为复数句子)2. He is an office assistant. (对划线部分提问)3. My shirt is white. (对划线部分提问)4. This is my umbrella. (对划线部分提问)5. They are teachers. (变为否定句)6. Its an English car. (变为复数句)7. This book is Toms. (变为同义句)补全对话A: _ _ a cup, please. (请拿个茶杯给我)B: _ _?(哪一个?)A: This _?(是这个吗?)B: No, not that one. _ _ _.(不是,那个白色的)A: _ one?(这个吗?)B: _, _. (是的,请给我)A: _ _ _(给你)B: Thank you. 写出下列单词的反义词1. blunt -_ 2. full -_3, new -_ 4, large -_5, dirty -_ 6, light -_英汉互译1, young -_ 2, those -_3, 哪一个-_ 4, red -_5, now -_ 6, 口渴的-_7, children -_ 8, sit -_9, employee -_ 10. 繁忙的 -_11, lazy -_ 12. 遇到 -_13. 疲倦的-_ 14. matter -_Lesson 2324 常用词组和语言点1, not those2, The ones on the shelf3, on the shelf辩音( )1. A. desk B. bed C. dress D. excuse( )2. A. table B. plate C. make D. magazine( )3. A. cupboard B. cup C. umbrella D. full( )4. A. table B. plate C. television D. cigarette( )5. A. shelf B. sharp C. spoon D. shut( )6. A. floor B. fork C. small D. boy( )7. A. right B. give C. ice D. child( )8. A. cream B. heavy C. bed D. empty( )9. A. dressing B. television C. magazine D. on( )10. A. ice B. cream C. cup D. come(15 DDDCC 610 DBAAA)按要求写单词1, that(复数)-_ 2, these(单数)-_3, them(主格)-_ 4, he(宾格)-_5, one(复数)-_ 6, her(主格)-_7, my(复数)-_ 8, us(单数)-_9, we(宾格)-_ 10, I (形容词性物主代词)-_完成句子1、请给我几只玻璃杯。_ _ some glasses, please. 2、哪些玻璃杯。_ glasses?3、架子上那些。The _ on the _4、这些玻璃杯吗? 不是那些。_ glasses? No, not _.Lesson 2526 常用词组与语言点1. There is a/an. There is + 不可数名词 There are + 名词复数2. on the right- 在右边3. on the left- 在左边4. in the middle of- 在中间5. on the table- 在桌子上6. in the kitchen- 在厨房辩音( )1. A. room B. book C. good D. goodbye( )2. A. right B. white C. kitchen D. nice( )3. A. of B. on C. bottle D. box( )4. A. kitchen B. left C. electric D. heavy( )5. A. clean B. heavy C. meet D. he( )6. A. cup B. electric C cooker D. sale( )7. A. small B. dress C. boxes D. newspaper( )8. A. blue B. room C. cook D. spoon( )9. A. kitchen B. teacher C. which D. sharp( )10. A. middle B. kitchen C. in D. ice (15 ACAAB 610 DCCDD)英汉互译左边-_ 桌子-_ 右边-_ 中间的-_ 空的-_ 干净的-_room-_ electric-_ cooker-_bottle -_ kitchen-_ refrigerator -_按要求完成句子1. There is a book on the desk. (变为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)2. There is a cup on the table. (变为否定句)3. is, there, bottle, a, the, on, table.(连词成句)4. There is _ girl in the room. _ girl is tall. (用冠词填空)Lesson 2728 常用词组与语言点1. on the plate- 在盘子上2. on the floor- 在地板上3. near the door- 靠近门4. on the wall- 在墙上5. on the bed- 在床上6. in the refrigerator- 在冰箱里7. in the room- 在房间里辩音( )1. A. door B. good C. book D. look( )2. A. living B. window C. kitchen D. magazine( )3. A. near B. there C. where D. hair( )4. A. armchair B. pardon C. are D. at( )5. A. wall B. door C. tall D. word( )6. A. trousers B. house C. how D. operator( )7. A. please B. heavy C. shelf D. desk ( )8. A. keyboard B. newspaper C. you D. news( )9. A. chair B. chick C. teacher D. shoe( )10. A. wall B. all C. tall D. walk (15 AAADD 610 DAADD)用some与any填空1. There are _ books on the desk. 2. There isnt _ water bottle. 3. Are there _ glasses on the table?4. There arent _ pictures on the wall. 5. There are _ trousers on the wall. 6. Put _ bread on the table, we shall need _ more. 7. We need _ vegetables every day. 8. There isnt _ water left. Please go and get _. 句型转换1. There is a knife on the tin. (变为否定句)2. There is a stereo in the room.(变为一般疑问句)3. The table is near the window. (变为否定句)4. Are there any forks on the table? (变为肯定句)5. There are some magazines on the desk. (变为否定句)6. There is a housewife in the room. (变为复数句子)7. There are some books on the table. (变为否定句)8. There are some girls in the shop. (变为一般疑问句)改错1. There are any newspapers on the table. 2. There is some armchairs in the room. 3. There arent some books on the desk. 4. There is a fork in the plate. 5. Is there cup on the table?汉译英1、杯子很干净2、桌子上还有一把刀。3、我的书在哪里?4、墙上有几张图画。5、史密斯先生的卧室很大。6、桌子上有一些刀。这些刀很锋利。Lesson 2930常用词组与语言点1. come in2. open/shut/the window/door3. must do4. air the room5. make the bed6. the dressing-table7. turn on / turn off8. take off / put on 辩音( )1. A. put B. must C. shut D. dust( )2. A. sweep B. meet C. see D. head( )3. A. clothes B. open C. window D. on ( )4. A. clothes B. thirsty C. thank D. third ( )5. A. air B. near C. hair D. there( )6. A. read B. red C. empty D. heavy( )7. A. turn B. nurse C. cut D. word( )8. A. must B. dust C. sweep D. clothes( )9. A. open B. empty C. red D. bed( )10. A. television B. desk C. newspaper D. stereo(15 ADDAB 610 ACDAA)选词填空1. _ (Shut / Empty ) the door. 2. _ ( Turn on / Open) the radio, please. 3. _ ( Turn on / Open ) the window. 4. _ ( Turn on / Open) the tap. 5. _ ( Turn on / Put on ) your shoes. 6. _ ( Turn off / Take off ) your hat. 7. _ ( Read / Empty ) the cup. 8. _ ( Air / Empty ) the room.


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