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附录AExhaust SystemExhaust system from the combustion chamber vent connected via exhaust manifold, exhaust, and to the middle, is the whole paragraph tailpipe emissions process, automobile exhaust system mainly a function, one is the hot flue gas fuel after burning lead to the car or to avoid car side eduction, influencing interior occupant; it is using silencers will emissions in high temperature and pressure in the process of noise dropped to the allowable limit.Emissions in the process of exhaust manifold is first encounter. Exhaust manifold design on the most important is to avoid between each cylinder of the exhaust gas interference, make each other as much as possible from the exhaust pipe completely, the role of the middle itself will come from relatively simple, as long as the exhaust gas exhaust manifold guide to exhaust the tail pipe, some exhaust system in the middle to install a more expansive room to reduce exhaust pressure; Because of the high temperature and high pressure inside engine exhaust manifold into the waste gas pressure remained high, at this time when for exposure to exhaust manifold wall and will produce shock, it appears the frequency of thousands of times per minute, quite high frequency annoying noise, so need good add processing.When the exhaust after exhaust manifold later, its shock waves from Seattle already reduced to even the low dissipation traversed the shock, but at the moment the noise is still large, light the midway to reduce its after piping in the middle, so powerful and paragraph place should add turgor zhang chamber and muffler to offset its power, some vent-pipe a muffler design only paragraph, some can in a more expansive room in the middle, muffler and expansion chamber, the difference between similar muffler internal have multilayer clapboard or porous direct pipeline to absorb sound velocity, and spread reduce expansion Chambers simply a hollow large containers, its purpose is pure land to reduce pressure to exhaust expansion, so one more expansive room design can make noise is reduced many.附录B捷达汽车排气装置实验台使用说明及注意事项在使用本实验台前,请仔细阅读实验台使用说明及注意事项,按照规范操作,防止损坏实验台或对实验人员人身伤害。一、实验台使用说明1.电源连接将电瓶正负极线分别连接,先负后正。将开关钥匙打到ON位置,实验台启动。2.点火开关将开关钥匙打到ON位置,实验台启动。开关旋至OFF位置时,实验台停转。3.消声器更换用于更换不同车型的消声器来进行测试时,要注意旋转开关到OFF位置,使实验台转后,在更换不同型号的消声器。二、注意事项1.实验台使用的电源有12V蓄电池直流电源,请勿使用不同规格电源,以防止损坏元器件。2.因为该设备采用12V电源,故使用该设备前为了防止漏电、静电和损坏电器元件,设备本身一定要接地。设备用完后请及时断电。3.设备运转时,请与发动机旋转部件保持足够的安全距离,以防对人体造成伤害。4.进行排气管上氧传感器安装时,请勿破坏别的线路的连接。5.使用结束后,请关闭点火开关,断开蓄电池连线。6.其他相关事项请听从专业人员指导。


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