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附录:外文资料与中文翻译外文资料:Modern mold making .the stamping die development history and status of technology In 1953, the Changchun First Automobile Works in China for the first time established a die shop, the car plant in 1958 began manufacturing automotive panel die. 60 years of the 20th century began producing fine blanking dies. Come a long road of development, China has formed about 300 billion (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan statistics.) Production capacity of various types of stamping dies. Formed, such as Ningbo and Zhejiang HUANGYAN region Die village; Guangdong Corporation and some large rapid rise of township enterprises, K el o n, M id e a, K on ka and other groups have established their own mold manufacturing center; joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned the mold companies now have thousands. With the pace with international standards continues to accelerate, increasing market competition, production and design of the mold has been growing recognition that product quality, cost, and new product development capacities. Mold manufacturing technology to measure a countrys manufacturing sector has become an important indicator of the level, and largely determine the survival space. At present, China stamping die, whether in quantity or in quality, technology and other capabilities have made significant progress, but with national needs and the world advanced level, the gap is still great. In the international competition situation, I had the mold industry has rapidly developed, many specialized research centers continue to die set up, mold steel of the structure and made significant achievements, but there is still a big gap. First, imports of high-tech mold most of the large precision molds, mold and exports most of the lower middle and low-tech die, so high-tech high-grade die stamping die market, the overall satisfaction rate is lower than satisfaction rate, which mold development has lagged behind the production of stamping parts, and low-technology market to meet the rate of middle and low die stamping die is higher than the overall market to meet the rate; second is due to the price of the mold is much lower than international market prices, has some competition force, so its prospects in the international market; third in recent years, Hong Kong-and Taiwan-owned, foreign-funded enterprises in China developed rapidly in a large number of these enterprises stamping dies produced for own use no precise statistics, it is not included in the figures being. . Modern mold manufacturing technology development The development of modern technology should die mold products to meet the short delivery time, high precision, good quality, low price request for service. Urgent need to develop to meet this requirement as a number of (1) to comprehensively promote universal DBD / DBM / DBE technology Die DBD / DBM / DBE technology is the development direction of mold design and manufacturing. With the computer software development and progress, universal DBD / DBM / DBE technology, conditions are ripe, the businesses will increase DBD / DBM technical training and technical service efforts; further expand the scope of DBE technology. The development of computers and networks are making DBD / DBM / DBE technology trans-regional, cross-enterprise, campus-wide in the industry as possible to promote and achieve re-integration of technical resources to enable virtual manufacturing possible. (2) High-speed milling The development of foreign high-speed milling process in recent years, significantly improve the processing efficiency, and to get a high surface finish. In addition, the module can also be processed with high hardness, but also with low temperature rise, thermal deformation and so on. High-speed milling technology, automotive, home appliance manufacturing industry in the large cavity mold injected new vitality. It currently has more agile, intelligent, integrated direction. (3) die scanning and digitizing system High-speed scanner provides scanning system and mold from the model or in kind to the processing of the scanned model of the desired number of features required, greatly reducing the manufacturing cycle in the development of mold. Some quick scan system can be quickly installed in existing CNC milling machine and machining center, for fast data acquisition, automatic generation of a variety of CNC machining process, the DBD data in different formats, for mold manufacturing reverse engineering . (4) the degree of standardization to improve die Degree of standardization of the mold is increasing, estimates that the current use of standard mold coverage has reached about 30%. Developed countries is generally about 80%. (5) high-quality materials and advanced surface treatment technology Application of high quality steel and the corresponding surface treatment technology to improve the life of the mold it is very necessary. Mold heat treatment and surface treatment can fully mold steel material properties play a key part. Direction of development of mold heat treatment is the use of vacuum heat treatment. In addition to the mold surface should improve the development of advanced technologies such as laser surface treatment. (6) Mold Polishing Automation, intelligent mold surface quality of mold life, the appearance of quality parts and so have a greater impact of automation and intelligence of the grinding and polishing methods replace the existing manual in order to improve the quality of the mold surface is important trends. (7) die development of automatic processing system This is our long-term development goals mold industry. Automatic mold machine processing system should be more than the rational combination; with accompanying plate positioning fixture or positioning; a complete equipment, tool CNC database; a complete CNC flexible synchronization system; a quality monitoring and control system. Of course, as the user to choose the right equipment, if the selection properly, not only can not make money but make the machine work into the bitter situation. . Modern mold manufacturing technology trends Die technology is mainly towards the future development trend of information technology, high-speed high-precision production and development. Therefore, the design technology, the development focus is to promote DBD / DBE / DBM technology, and continue to improve efficiency, especially in sheet metal forming process of the computer simulation analysis. Die DBD, DBE technology should be declared human, integration, intelligence and network direction, and improve the mold DBD, DBM system-specific level. To improve the DBD, DBE, DBM technology, establish a complete database and development of the mold expert systems and improve software usability is very important. From the processing technology, the development focused on high-speed processing and precision machining. At present, the development of highly processed high-speed milling, high speed polishing and high-speed electronic processing and rapid tooling technologies. At present, the development of precision machining parts precision mold and the surface roughness of less 1m Pa 0.1m variety of precision machining. ,.the modern mold manufacturing 1.CAD/CAE/CAM computer-aided design, simulation, manufacturing integration CAD / CAE / CAM integration, integration technology is the most advanced modern mold making the most reasonable mode of production. Use of computer-aided design, support engineering and manufacturing systems, according to the respective mold parts designed to prepare the NC machining of parts from design to manufacturing process is an inevitable process, which is from CAD / CAE / CAM system carried out, The processing line cable input directly from the processing machine, can be used in the preparation of procedures of processing the system analog functions, will be part tool, tool holder, fixture, platform and tool speed, path, etc. are displayed, to check the program prepared correctness. In short the CAD / CAE / CAM system development and simulation of processing can not fully understand the problems identified, resulting in processing prior to prepare the complete set of processing change work, which for the efficient and accurate processing of the mold has a very important part . 2. Advanced equipment in the modern mold making role The inevitable trend of modern mold making, machining is possible to replace the manual process, especially now that CNC lathes, multi-axis machine tools, CNC mold engraving machine, EDM machine, CNC precision grinding machines, coordinate measuring machines, scanners and other modern equipment widely used in factories, but most of these devices are basically the application of the procedures used CAD / CAE / CAM system to produce, the operator of work procedures in accordance with the provisions of work piece clamping, with a cutting tool and operation of the machine will be able to automatically complete the processing tasks, and created the ideal mold parts or complete the processing operation for the next part. 3. Die materials and surface treatment technology Due to improper selection and use of materials, resulting in premature failure of the mold, which accounts for more than 45% die failure. Price structure throughout the mold, the materials, the proportion of small, generally 20% to 30%, therefore, the choice of high quality steel and application of surface treatment technology to improve the life of the mold it is very necessary. For tool steel, the ESR technique to be used, such as the use of powder metallurgy high speed steel powders manufactured. Variety of different specifications tool steel, refined products, products of, try to shorten the delivery time is also an important trend. Mold heat treatment of the main trends: the infiltration of a single element to the multi-element penetration, complex permeability (such as TD method) development; by the general spread of the CVD, PVD, PCVD, ion penetration, ion implantation and other direction; addition, the current laser enhanced glow plasma technology and electroplating (plating) and other anti-corrosion technology to strengthen more and more attention. V, reverse engineering Reverse engineering is the first of the parts (the processing of the product) to scan the CAD data generated in multiple formats, and then in the other CAD / CAE / CAM software in the modified design, the technology is the most popular modern mold manufacturing mold manufacturing technology. mold manufacturing company dedicated to development and production of the scanning system, it can be successfully applied to reverse engineering, mold manufacturing, it can not only improve the performance of CNC machine tools, expanding the function of CNC machine tools, CNC machine tools but also improve efficiency., Renscan200, Cyclone high-speed scanner has been Qingdao H a I e r, Jinan Q I n g q i, national mold center and other units started. . Summary and Outlook With the development and progress of computer software, CAD / CAE / CAM technology is getting more mature, and its application in the modern mold will become more widespread. Can be expected in the near future, mold manufacturing to separate from the machine manufacturing industry, and independent national economy to become an indispensable pillar industries, while also further promote the integration of the mold manufacturing technology, intelligence, beneficiary , efficient direction. 中文翻译:现代模具制造一、 冲压模具发展历史和技术水平状况 1953年,长春第一汽车制造厂在中国首次建立了冲模车间,该汽车厂于1958年开始制造汽车覆盖件模具。我国于20世纪60年代开始生产精冲模具。走过漫长的发展道路,目前我国已形成约300多亿元(未包括港、澳、台的统计数字。)各类冲压模具的生产能力。形成了如浙江宁波和黄岩地区的“模具之乡”;广东一些大集团公司和乡镇企业迅速崛起,科龙、美的、康佳等集团纷纷建立了自己的模具制造中心;中外合资和外商独资的模具企业现已有几千家。随着与国际接轨的脚步不断加快,市场竞争的日益加剧,模具的生产和设计已经越来越认识到产品质量、成本和新产品的开发能力的重要性。模具制造技术现已成为衡量一个国家制造业水平高低的重要标志,并在很大程度上决定企业的生存空间。目前我国冲压模具无论在数量上,还是在质量、技术和能力等方面都已有了很大发展,但与国民经济需求和世界先进水平相比,差距仍很大。在国际竞争的局势下,我过的模具工业得到飞速的发展,很多的专门模具研究中心不断的建立起来,模具结构和钢材的研究取得了显著的成就,但还是存在很大的差距。 一是进口模具大部分是技术含量高的大型精密模具,而出口模具大部分是技术含量较低的中低档模具,因此技术含量高的中高档模具市场满足率低于冲压模具总体满足率,这些模具的发展已滞后于冲压件生产,而技术含量低的中低档模具市场满足率要高于冲压模具市场总体满足率; 二是由于我国的模具价格要比国际市场价格低许多,具有一定的竞争力,因此其在国际市场的前景看好; 三是近年来港资、台资、外资企业在我国发展迅速,这些企业中大量的自产自用的冲压模具无确切的统计资料,因此未能计入上述数字之中。 二现代模具制造技术的发展方向 现代模具技术的发展应该为适应模具产品“交货期短”、“精度高”、“质量好”、“价格低”的要求服务。达到这一要求急需发展如下几项 (1)全面推广普及DBD/DBM/DBE技术 模具DBD/DBM/DBE技术是模具设计制造的发展方向。随着微机软件的发展和进步,普及DBD/DBM/DBE技术的条件已基本成熟,各企业将加大DBD/DBM技术培训和技术服务的力度;进一步扩大DBE技术的应用范围。计算机和网络的发展正使DBD/DBM/DBE技术跨地区、跨企业、跨院所地在整个行业中推广成为可能,实现技术资源的重新整合,使虚拟制造成为可能。 (2)高速铣削加工 国外近年来发展的高速铣削加工,大幅度提高了加工效率,并可获得极高的表面光洁度。另外,还可加工高硬度模块,还具有温升低、热变形小等优点。高速铣削加工技术的发展,对汽车、家电行业中大型型腔模具制造注入了新的活力。目前它已向更高的敏捷化、智能化、集成化方向发展。 (3)模具扫描及数字化系统 高速扫描机和模具扫描系统提供了从模型或实物扫描到加工出期望的模型所需的诸多功能,大大缩短了模具的在研制制造周期。有些快速扫描系统,可快速安装在已有的数控铣床及加工中心上,实现快速数据采集、自动生成各种不同数控系统的加工程序、不同格式的DBD数据,用于模具制造业的“逆向工程”。 (4)提高模具标准化程度 我国模具标准化程度正在不断提高,估计目前我国模具标准件使用覆盖率已达到30%左右。国外发达国家一般为80%左右。 (5)优质材料及先进表面处理技术 选用优质钢材和应用相应的表面处理技术来提高模具的寿命就显得十分必要。模具热处理和表面处理是否能充分发挥模具钢材料性能的关键环节。模具热处理的发展方向是采用真空热处理。模具表面处理除完善应发展工艺先进的激光表面处理等技术。 (6)模具研磨抛光 将自动化、智能化模具表面的质量对模具使用寿命、制件外观质量等方面均有较大的影响,研究自动化、智能化的研磨与抛光方法替代现有手工操作,以提高模具表面质量是重要的发展趋势。 ( 7)模具自动加工系统的发展 这是我国模具工业长远发展的目标。模具自动加工系统应有多台机床合理组合;配有随行定位夹具或定位盘;有完整的机具、刀具数控库;有完整的数控柔性同步系统;有质量监测控制系统。作为用户当然要选合适的设备,如果选型不当,不但不能赚钱反而令陷入为机器打工的苦涩局面。 三现代模具制造技术的发展趋势 模具技术未来发展趋势主要是朝信息化、高速化生产与高精度化发展。因此从设计技术来说,发展重点在于大力推广DBD/DBE/DBM技术的应用,并持续提高效率,特别是板材成型过程的计算机模拟分析技术。模具DBD、DBE技术应向宣人化、集成化、智能化和网络化方向发展,并提高模具DBD、DBM系统专用化程度。为了提高DBD、DBE、DBM技术的应用水平,建立完整的模具资料库及开发专家系统和提高软件的实用性十分重要。 从加工技术来说,发展重点在于高速加工和高精度加工。高度加工目前主要是发展高速铣削、高速研抛和高速电 加工及快速制模技术。高精度加工目前主要是发展模具零件精度1m以下和表面粗糙度Pa0.1m的各种精密加工。 四、现代模具的制造 1.CAD/CAE/CAM计算机辅助设计、模拟、制造一体化 CAD/CAE/CAM一体化集成技术是现代模具制造中最先进最合理的生产方式。使用计算机辅助设计、辅助工程与制造系统,按设计好的模具零件分别编制该零件的数控加工程序是从设计到制造的一个必然过程,该过程都是从CAD/CAE/CAM系统内进行的,其加工程序直接由联机电缆输入加工机台,在编制程序时可利用系统中的加工模拟功能,将零件刀具、刀柄、夹具,平台及刀具移动速度、路径等显示出来,以检查程序编制的正确性。总之在CAD/CAE/CAM系统内编制和模拟加工程序可以充分了解发现的问题,从而在加工之前,将整套加工程序作好完善修改工作,这对于高效、准确的加工模具零件有着相当重要的意义。 2.先进设备在现代模具制造中的作用 现代模具制造的必然趋势,就是机械加工尽可能地取代人工加工,尤其现在数控车床、多轴联动机床、数控模具雕刻机、电火花加工机床、数控精密磨床、三坐标测量机、扫描仪等现代设备在工厂中的广泛使用,而且这些设备大部分所用的程序基本上都是应用CAD/CAE/CAM系统产生的,操作人员工作按照规定的程序装夹工件,配备刀具和操作,机台就能自动地完成加工任务,并将理想的模具零件制造出来或为下一加工工序完成规定的部分。 3.模具材料及表面处理技术 因选材和用材不当,致使模具过早失效,大约占失效模具的45%以上。在整个模具价格构成中,材料所占比重不大,一般在20%30%,因此,选用优质钢材和应用表面处理技术来提高模具的寿命就显得十分必要。对于模具钢来说,要采用电渣重熔工艺,如采用粉末冶金工艺制造的粉末高速钢等。模具钢品种规格多样化、产品精细化、制品化,尽量缩短供货时间亦是重要发展趋势。 模具热处理的主要趋势是:由渗入单一元素向多元素共渗、复合渗(如TD法)发展;由一般扩散向CVD、PVD、PCVD、离子渗入、离子注入等方向发展;另外,目前对激光强化、辉光离子氮化技术及电镀(刷镀)防腐强化等技术也日益受到重视。 五、逆向工程 逆向工程即先对制件(所加工的产品)进行扫描生成多种格式的CAD数据,再在另外的CAD/CAE/CAM软件中进行改型设计,该技术是现代模具制造中最流行的模具制造技术。英国雷尼绍公司专门为模具制造开发生产的扫描系统,就可以成功地应用于模具制造的逆向工程中,它不仅可以改善数控机床的性能,扩大数控机床的功能,而且还能提高数控机床的效率。雷尼绍公司的R e t r o s c an、Renscan200、Cyclone 高速扫描机已被青岛海尔、济南轻骑、国家模具中心等单位开始使用。 六、总结与展望 随着计算机软件的发展和进步,CAD/CAE/CAM技术也日臻成熟,其现代模具中的应用将越来越广泛。可以预料不久的将来,模具制造业将从机械制造业中分离出来,而独立成为国民经济中不可缺少的支柱产业,与此同时,也进一步促进了模具制造技术向集成化、智能化、益人化、高效化方向发展。14


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