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Pygmalion小组成员小组成员:鄞安鄞安(30)蔡沁知蔡沁知(40)李莹李莹(35)高羽洁高羽洁(03)George Bernard Shaw was an Irish(爱尔兰人爱尔兰人)playwright(剧作家剧作家),and a leading figure in the 20th century theater.In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.Shaw accepted the honor but refused the money.Life isnt about finding yourselfLife is aboutcreating yourself.We dont stop playing because we grow old;we grow old because we stop playing.Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get.In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it.This play by George Bernard Shaw(萧伯纳萧伯纳)is an adaptation of a Greek story.Pygmalion,a gifted artist,makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman.He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life.His wish is granted(答应答应,同同意意).Shaws comic touch(喜(喜剧风格)剧风格)is seen at its best in Pygmalion(1913),which was adapted as the musical comedy and film My Fair Lady.奥黛丽奥黛丽 赫本赫本(Audrey Hepburn).Eliza Doolittle Rex Harrison.Professor Henry Higgins Wilfred Hyde-WhiteColonel PickeringCharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classLanguage:calls gentleman“sir”and“cap in”(or captain)which is a complimentBehavior:respectful to people of higher classCharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playHenry HigginsLanguage:calls Eliza“you silly girl”and Pickering“my dear man”Behavior:rude to lower class;polite to same or upper classMiddle classCharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playColonel PickeringUpper classLanguage:prepared to begin a conversation with Henry,whom he does not knowBehavior:generally confident and polite;but ignores Elizakind,polite,generous,enthusiastic,eager,confident impatient,rude,confident,superior,self-importantanxious,eager,emotional,ambitious,unsureElizaHenry HigginsColonel PickeringAlthough his later work is not considered to be of the same standard,Shaw continued to write into his 90s and was always in the public eye.Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh(人们死去的时候生活依旧滑稽有趣,人们(人们死去的时候生活依旧滑稽有趣,人们大笑的时候生活依然板着面孔)大笑的时候生活依然板着面孔)he wrote in The Doctors Dilemma (医生的穷境)(医生的穷境)(1906).The Pygmalion effect,or more commonly known as the teacher-expectancy effect refers to situations in which students perform better than other students simply because they are expected to do so.The Pygmalion effect requires a student to internalize(使使成为主观)成为主观)the expectations of their superiors.It is a kind of self-fulfilling(自我实现自我实现的)的)prophecy(预言)(预言).心理学家莫顿(心理学家莫顿(Robert Merton)将此现象名之为)将此现象名之为“自我实现的预言自我实现的预言”。这也。这也就是在萧伯纳名剧就是在萧伯纳名剧 Pygmalion 中为人所熟中为人所熟知的知的“皮格马利翁效应皮格马利翁效应”(Pygmalion effect)。)。


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