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WritingThe 1st dayI .Requirements写作四大要求:1 .内容切题、表达正确;要避免段落的部分跑题现象。2 .文理通顺、前后连贯;要注意句句之间、段段之间的过 渡手法。3 .无重大语言错误。4 .用词丰富、结构灵活;宁肯意思重复,表达不宜重复。内容切题Title: Making FriendsOutline: 1. The need for friends2. True friendship3. My principle in making friendsThe former paragraph has shown my principle in making f 宜end in ome way. Furthermore, what I want to say is that one good friend is enough.(某同学的第三段,本段不好:划线部分的内容造成了他 的结构造成了文章的结构不清晰。但无语言错误和跑题现 象。)When I choose friends, I do not care what work theyWhen的时间状语从句否定句what的宾语从句do or which social backgrounds they are from, but I转折宾语从句do notice those little things which reveal onedo表强调限定性定语从句characters. I would make sure that we really care for宾语从句each other, so that no matter how much times goes by so that结果状语从句without seeing each other, I know my friends will without的妙用always be there, ready to help if I need them. And 形容词的妙用 if从句I know we are true friends indeed.(满分作文。第二段,共有14处闪光点。值得熟读+背 诵)文理通顺As the proverb goes, a friend in need is a friend引用谚语in deed. We hope to have friends, but not fair-weather前后平行结构,短小精悍 ones代替friendsones. A true friend should be one that can be trustedshould be one thateven 结构even when we are in trouble. The value of true friendship presents itself only when it is tempered by 意思:磨练 hardship.(满分作文。第二段。熟读+背诵)Title: BicyclesAn Important Transportation Means in ChinaOutline: 1. Why bicycles are popular in China2. Bicycles and Cars3. Future of bicycles in ChinaThe bicycle will be remained for a long time in china but in the end it will be disappeared with the improval of people s living level(文章第三段。该段有多处错误,已用波浪线标出。The bicycle是特指某辆自行车应改为Bicycles;其次,remain 和disappear都是不及物动词Vi,不能用被动语态;再者, 不存在improval这个单词,不要随便造词,应改为 improvement;最后,生活条件一般不用living level,而 用 !iving standard 或 standard of living 或 style/way of living/life,表达同一个意思,单词越多越好,凑字数。)表达正确Have you a bike? Taking a bike is a good way, most people think. But in university it seems not as good as other places. Bikes are possible to be stolen now and then. Having a bike isn t always good enough for us to buy one(0分作文,文章第一段。100%表达错误,内容反动偏消极。 如:most people think 竟然后移)It is very convenient to use bikes in China. Bikes 简洁明快、开门见山,值得学习。don t need fuel, nor a garage or a large parking lot.Bikes can go through narrow streets and their pricesare low. So bikes are the most popular vehicles in China today.(呼应、升华主题)(满分作文,第一段。文章的句子、结构虽然没有前两 篇满分作文难,这就更显得它贴近我们的水平,是我们学习 的榜样。熟读+背诵)前后连贯Title: Good HealthOutline : 1. Importance of good heal th2. Ways to keep fi t3. My own practiceI don t eat meat much. Each morning I take the long run and in my spare time I like playing tennis and volleyball. In this way I keep good heath and lead a happy life.(第三段。本段无语法错误、不跑题。最大的毛病:欠缺连 贯和过渡。一看,本段无过渡无连词。因为:1 .段落的写作不要单纯地回答问题;2 .三段的写作要联系短文主题或主题用词。这很重要!)刘老师就上段而整理如下:As for me, I enjoy good health as I keep a simple diet with more vegetables, fruit and less meat. Moreover I do some exercise whenever I have time such as long distance running, playing tennis or volleyball. As a result, I have been a top student all through the four years in the university. So good health is important to ever70ne.(呼应主题) 刘老师总结的18句惯性思维错误。(咋看之下是不是自己 的经常表达?).Part-time job provide better chance for college Jobschancesstudent to practice.students(最普遍、次要的错误。可数名词单数在句中一般不允许单独存在。并列和对比可单独使用。如:face to face、 book and arm、 arm in arm). in recent years, in the market, fake commodities More and more fake commodities have been discovered in have discovered more and more.the recent years.(最典型的汉语式英语 in the recent years 介 词短语要后置。)3 3). Most of people have nothing to do but to idle all 去掉of people后加who去掉tothe day will probably break law.Language has and always will be a useful subject inhas 后加 beena college curriculum.总课程(5). Some time I want to find a partner to play chess.改成 Sometimeschess 后加with (sometime:指现在或过去的某时;sometimes=at times有时候;some time:一段时间;some times:表频率、次数)I am disinterested at the material you have 改成 uninterestedininterest.后加in(disinterest一般不作感兴趣用。意思:公正的。此处用uninterested) . Why there are so many respectable, middle-class there和are换位citizens saw murder didn t help the woman or call the saw 前加 whomurder 后加 butpolice?(本句出现多个动词而无连词) . There/ re quite a few of you seem not familiar 去掉There re去掉not在seem前加do notto this idiom.to改成with(9). Advertisements are so many that it provide us Many advertisements provide us with a lot of information, many informations.Somebody think that the activities are so many that Some people think that there are so many activities that your your time seems not adequate.time does not seem adequate. The Philips ask me the other day if I go to there askedgo to 改成 had beenwith her in my will since we begin to cooperate last 改成out of my will:出于某人意愿year.Rude language is now so common that it is an accepted 去掉anbehavior.I think the crime will be more and more.crime 后加 there.I think the reasons why the neighbors didn t come I think the 改成 There were a lot ofout to save the girl were a lot.去掉 were a lot. Some people think boy, s performance in test is always better than girls.girls. Each cigarette which a person smokes does some harm, and eventually you may get a serious diseaseyou改成he (指代词混乱)from its effect. The industrial trend is in the direction of more machines and less people.less 改成 fewer. The other thing equal, these who excel with oral thingsat/inexperience are much likely successful than average 去掉 muchto succeed than 后加 theperson.II. Types RequiredAPPLICATION LETTER (申请信或求职信)Directions: You are eager to apply for the position of a foreign enterprise advertised in a newspaper. Write an application letter that shows your major, specialty, ability in foreign languages and hobbies and expresses your strong desire to apply.(你在报纸上看到一家外企的招聘广告,非常想去应聘。写 一封申请信,内容包括专业、特长、外语能力、爱好等,并 表明强烈的应聘愿望)Dear ir,Your advertisement offers a most tempting (有吸弓 力的、有诱惑力的)job tp a young man just out of college.I can? t think of any job I d like better than a software development for a famous company like yours. I look upon it as a wonderful opportunity, and here is what I can offer you in return:I am 22 years old, a hard working student who specialized in Computer Science and Application at Tsinghua University, from which I will graduate and get my BS degree in June this year. I can speak English quite well, and I am capable of programming in several computer languages and use computers very skillfully.(本段自报家门)Besides, I like very much to participate in the group activities of all kinds. My work then becomes interesting and productive. The reason, in my opinion, is that working with people gives us power and competition. Rivalry is a very effective motive in improving one person s idea. So, group members may contribute different an essential resources to solve problems. Perhaps you will agree that these qualities-plus enthusiasm, persistence, and the willingness to work hard and longmake me acceptable for the ,job you offer as a beginner in your company.I believe I would do more and better work for you.I enclose a letter of recommendation from Professor Liu, and a self-addressed (写明发信人姓名地址的)card, in hope that you will use it to tell me when to come for an interview.And I look forward to hearing from you soon. (And your immediate reply will be greatly appreciated)-incerely yours,Li Ming 250words) (强烈建议熟读+背诵本篇,把非划线部分做以适当的替 换足以应付各类求职信)NOTE: At the end of your application letter, do not forget to mention your request for interview so as to show your eagerness to apply and elicit(弓|出,引起) enough attention. Examples are as follows:.If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.(此句很精彩:别人给你面试的机会,难道你不亲自去而要找个代 理人去吗?这偏要强调in person:亲自去;别人面试你难道不是在 工作日吗?这却强调0n any day:在任何天;别人面试你难道不是在 上班的时间,会在半夜吗?这竟偏强调at any time:在任何时间!最后,may的精彩妙用又是亮点。精彩吧!)(2) . Should you think favorably of my application, kindly grant me an interview.(如对本人之应征优先考 虑,恳请准予面试。)(3) . I hope that you will be kind enough to consider my application favorably.I trust that you will give this application your favorable consideration.Should you give me a trial (试用),I will do my utmost to afford you every satisfaction. Should this application meet with your favorable consideration, I will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may reposed 寄托)in me.I assure you that if my application be successful, I will do my very best to please you.(以上七句用以求职信的结尾表明强烈的求职愿望)PERSONAL LETTER (私人通信)Example 1Directions:You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference books. Write a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for:.detailed information about the books you want, .methods of payment, .time and way of delivery.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address.(10 points)(说明:写应用文即小作文时,可用汉英的思路写,先想好 中文该怎么说,然后翻译成英语。写作文时一定不要出现真实的人名、地名,否者会有舞弊 的嫌疑)划横线的是可照抄的,划波浪线的需要替换,示例如下: Dear Sir (s) or Madam(s):(建议男生用 madam,女生用 sir)I am going to take an and I need several/a few/a couple of(先说事由).One of them is ReadingComprehension 200 (越长越好,凑字数)/written by Professor XXX. Another book is How to write well (也是越长越好,凑字数),published by X X X/Universal press (上一句用的是written,这句就该要published 了).As far as methods of payment are concerned, may I suggest that I will send the money to your bookstore in person(又见 in person) before I take the books away (你 都亲自去了,还不把书拿走吗?这是巧妙地说废话,个目的凑字 数)? or shall I remit (汇款。你会用remit表示汇款吗?) the money to you?As for the of the books I want, I hope that you will give me the books as soon as I pay you the money.(如果意犹未尽,再来一句)I am looking forward to your quick reply soon. BUS INESS LETTER (商务通信)REFERENCE EXPRESSIONS:(背诵)【询盘(Enquiry) 报盘(Reply)、一般询价(General Inquiry)仅涉及到商品目录(Catalogue)价目表(Pricelist)、样品(Discount) 付款(Payment) 交货(Shipment:大宗商品/Deli very:小宗商品)等】以下整篇熟读+背诵!Dear Sirs,Will you please(提建议)send us a copy of your catalogue and current pricelist for bicycles? We are interested in machines (指 bicycles 避免重复)for both men and women, and also children.(巧妙地说废话增加字 数。除了这三种自行车还有其他的吗?)We are the leading bicycle dealers in this area and have branches in five neighboring towns (自报家门).If therefore the quality of your machines is satisfactory and the price are right, we expect to place regular orders for fairly large numbers, (if 条件状语从句提要求)Will you please say whether, in these circumstances, you are able to allow us a special discount (表达得好, 如果是你,你会怎么说?)? This would enable us to maintain the low selling prices that have been an important reason for the growth of our business. In return, we would be prepared to place orders for a guaranteed annual minimum number of machines, the figure to be mutually agreed.Yours faithfully,Li Ming134words)(4)MEM0RANDUM(MEMO)(备忘录专业化写作)REPORT FOR WORK PROGRESS (工作报告极专业化写作) (6)ANN0UNCEMENT/N0TICE (通知)Directions:The Students Union of your department is planning an English Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information: the purpose of the contest,(目的) time and place of the contest,(时间和地点) what is required of the candidates,(候选人的要求) details of the judges and awards.(评委和奖品)You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own names at the end of the announcement. Use Department of English instead. (10 points)Reference Writing(熟读+背诵丸)Engli sh-Speaking ContestTo improve students ability to speak English and enrich after-class activities (目的),the Students Union of Department of English isorganizing a school-wide English-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week at the Students Recreation Center. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Thursday this week. Six overseas teachers will be invited to be the judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.The Students Union Department of EnglishABSTRACT/SUMMARY (摘要:摘取要点) 摘要写作三点内容:通读全文,标出较多的信息,尤其注意较多的概括性、总 结性的句子;翻译标出的内容注意删改和连贯;较难的句子避开直译。摘要的定势开头、中间、结尾表达:(熟读+背诵)本文主要讨论/描述了This essay focuses on the idea/topic of/that ,This paper gives a description of , This article discusses mainly about the issue that , 这篇文章不仅描述了而且建议了一些可行的解决问 题的方法。This article not only describes*but also suggests some feasible ways to solve the problem.本文的目的/目标是为了The aim/purpose/objective of this essay is to*本文作者主要具体描述或论述了The writer of this essay mainly gives a detailed description/account of + 主题名词Three reasons are provided as follows*Statisties confirm that As the data show ,Examples demonstrate the fact that*Special attention is paid here to*The result mentioned above is derived from the factors listed below,We will also supply some data to (for) ,More details are as follows*It is suggested (concluded) that*In summing up it may be stated that*It is useful and meaningful for*We are satisfied with the results that*、由此观之,应用文是基于事实的写作,有关应用文提要 求或建议的四种方法如下:用肯定句。如:should , I suggest that 用疑问句。如:May I suggest that Shall I ,Will you please ,Would you like ,用 if 条件状语从句。如:I will/would be better if I hope/believe that 书信为主的应用文写作1 .包含所有的要点,要点少可分段,要点多可不必分段;2 .用词结构无需太丰富;3 .可用汉译英写作法;4 .充分利用指令文字(Directions)中的英语表达:专业术 语就照抄;形容词、动词则需要换词。5 .注意语气与格式格式:Dear XXX:(无需具体名字,Dear Sirs/Madams:)开头建议方式: I am writing this letter 自报家门 I am a modern college student from X X X/Universal University, majoring in 先说事(正文).I am looking forward to seeing you soon your reply soon the quick solution of the problemSincerely yours, Li Ming (严格执行讲解的格式)HL Good Writing1. 往往用在开头 first of all, to begin with, as is known to all, generally speaking, recently, as is shown from the table, when it comes to, it is generally believed that, with2. 往往用在结尾 in conclusion, in brief, in short (简而百之,总之),in a word, in summary, to sum up (总之),all in all (总的来说),on the whole, as a whole, as far as I am concerned (就我个人而言), it is(high) time that, in my opinion3. first/second/third, then/next/now/presently/finally/eventually,inthe meantime, at the same time, at first, at last, first of all , during, while, when, before, until4. on/to the right/left, on top of, on either/both side of, next/close/near to, before, behind, between,beyond, across, above, inside/outside5. 因果关系 因:because (of), since, as , for, due/owing (由于)/thanks to, on account of (由于), in that (因为)/now that (既然);果:so, thus, therefore, then, hence (冃!五个通吊 被完型用为答案),accordingly(因此),consequently, for one reason or another (因某种原因),for this reason (or that), for this purpose, as s result (of), as a consequence (因而)6. 例证 for example/instance, such as, that is, a case in point (佐证,恰当的例子),in particular, in other words7. although, after all, even if/though, while, whereas, despite, in spite of, unless, even so, but, however, yet, nevertheless, it s true that but 8. likewise (同样地),similarly, just as (so), equally important, in the same way (as), instead (of), by contrast (相比之下),in contrast (to)(相比之下), on the contrary, the former(the later), years ago (today)9. 宣 举美系 furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition(to), what s more, first/second/third, for one thing (for another), on one hand(on the other hand), in the first place/in the second place, some (些)/others (另一些)/still others (还有 些)10. of, even if, provided, unless, suppose, not*untilIV. Model Sentences (范句)(熟读+背诵)1. 运far as hobbies are concerned (就而言),she and her sisters have little in common, (have much/a lot/a great deal)2. After many failures(失败很多次后),he finally succeeded in developing a new tool superior to other ones (代替可数名词避免重复).3. As long as you keep on trying, you, 11 be able to solve the difficult problem sooner or later.4. A lot of research work has been carried out in recent years, but much remains to be learned from the program.(最近几年进行了许多科研工作,但是这个项目还有 不少有待研究的地方)5. (背诵)By the middle of the 2 century, we will have run out of all oil resources.(将来完成时)6. Be sure to set aside at least one hour a day for sports. It will make you healthy and energetic.7. Because of the environmental pollution, this kind of bird is few and far between.(由于环境污染,这种 鸟目前非常稀缺)8. China has taken on a new look since its reform and opening to the outside world.(自从改革开放以来,中国 呈现了崭新的面貌/中国的面貌焕然一新)9. (背诵)Complicated as the problems are, we can work them out quickly with the help of a computer.10. Daydreaming is so substitute(替代的)for working hard.11. Don t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.12. Genera丄 ly speaking, the harder you work, the more you 11 achieve.13. He works hard to keep up with the latest developments in his field.14. So far as I know he prefers Chinese food to western food.15. He is busy writing the paper the whole day, onlybreaking off occasionally to have some tea.16. He is good at drawing. Last week his picture was once again singled out (挑出) for special praise.17. However much the experiment may cost, scientists think that it will be worth making.18. He is determined to get rid of such bad habits as smoking, drinking and fighting.19. It is necessary to take pains to protect our environment from being polluted.20. It is well known that many of our problems are caused at least in part (在某种程度上)by lack of communication.21. It is self-evident (显而易见的)比也the education of the young is vital to the future of a country/the development of science and technology is vital to the modernization of China.22. It is mot how much you read but how you read that really counts.(真正重要的不是你读了多少本书,而是你如 何阅读的)23. 2 m fully convinced that you will achieve greatsuccess as long as you work hard.24. It was announced that the new rule will go into effect next year.25. In their work they pay muck/great attention to thecombination of theory with practice.26. In the modern age, people depend more and more on computers to solve problems of various kinds.27. Judging from what they have done in the past few years, they are bound to succeed.28. Most important of all, more efforts should be made to improve human-resource management.29. Not only did he show me how to do but he offered to help me as well.30. One the basis of large-scale investigation, we have obtained a huge amount of valuable first-hand information.31. One cannot make great progress without good study habits.32. Students should not take it for granted that teachers are always right.33. She has applied to the largest oil company for the position as secretary, but her chances of getting the job are slim.34. Science has brought to reality many of what were thought to be fanciful ideas.(不切实际的想法)35. The development of modern science and technologyhas brought about (带来)great social changes.36. The increase in production resulted from the introduction of new equipment.37. They are working overtime in order to make up for (补偿,弥补)the loss cased by the flood.38. To avoid energy crisis in the future, we must make wise use of energy and develop new energy resources.39. There s no one who hasn t (双重否定)made mistakes in his lifetime. / Everyone makes mistakes in his lifetime.40. It is high time that the departments concerned should take effective measures to improve working and living conditions for teachers.41. Whenever I meet with difficulties, I turn to my friends to help.42. We have taken all necessary measures to speed up our economic construction.43. You d better work out a plan and try hard to carry it out.44. Some


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