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口语答卷口语练习-英语口语培训网http:/www.english-cafe-1-4/11.Deescrribee onne oof tthe maiin ffesttivaals in Chiina .-WWhatt iss thhe nnamee off thhe ffesttivaal ?-Whhat do peooplee doo too ceelebbratte iit ?-Whhat is thee siigniificcancce oof tthe fesstivval ?We caall thee Chhineese Neww Yeear thee Spprinng FFesttivaal .It is thee moost impporttantt annd jjoyoous of Chiinesse ttradditiionaal ffesttivaals , ffalllingg onn thhe ffirsst dday of thee Chhineese lunnar yeaar . Thheree iss a namme ffor eacch CChinnesee yeear . WWe mmay calll iit tthe yeaar oof tthe sheeep , tthe yeaar oof tthe monnkeyy , or thee yeear of thee piig . Annd tthiss yeear is thee yeear of thee tiigerr . Nexxt yyearr iss thhe yyearr off thhe rrabbbit . wwww.eengllishh-caafe-tBeforre NNew Yeaars DDay , ppeopple aree buusy shooppiing andd clleanningg thheirr hoousees . Onn Neew YYearrs EEve , tthe collorfful lannterrns aree diispllayeed aall oveer tthe couuntrry , peeoplle pput up Neww Yeear dooor sscroollss , sett offf ffireecraackeers andd fiirewworkks , annd ffamiiliees gget toggethher forr a bigg diinneer , caalleed NNew Yeaar ddinnner or fammilyy-reeuniion dinnnerr . Aftter dinnnerr , alll thhe ffamiily usuuallly wwatcch CCCTVV thhe SSpecciall Prrogrram andd sttay up latte tto wwelccomee thhe NNew Yeaar . Onn thhe ffirsst dday of thee Neew YYearr , peooplee puut oon ttheiir nnew cloothees aand go to vissit theeir rellatiivess annd ffrieendss . Theey ssay “Goood lluckk ” annd ssomee ottherr grreettinggs tto eeachh ottherr . Peooplee ussuallly havve aa veery goood ttimee duurinng tthe fesstivval .htttp:/wwww.engglissh-ccafee-chhinaa.neetThe ffesttivaal iis aalsoo a sevven-dayy naatioonall hoolidday .1-3/22. DDisccusssthee roole of thee Innterrnett inn peeoplless liife.-Whhat cann peeoplle ddo oon tthe Intternnet?-Hoow ddoess thhe IInteerneet iinflluennce peooplee? -Hoow ccan peooplee maake a bbettter usee off thhe IInteerneet?Why ddo ppeopple creeatee thhe IInteerneet ? Peerhaaps thee maain reaasonn iss thhat peooplee waant to makke ttheiir llifee moore connvenniennt . Wiith thee Innterrnett peeoplle ccan do manny tthinngs at homme . Thhey cann coomfoortaablyy siit iin aa soofa , ssearrchiing infformmatiion , ddoinng sshopppinng , maakinng ffrieendss , or eveen sseeiing a ddocttor . BBesiidess , as a mmeanns oof ccommmuniicattionn , thee Innterrnett iss chheapper thaan tteleephoone , aand fassterr thhan lettterr . It is truue tthatt thhe IInteerneet iis vveryy immporrtannt . Soome peooplee juust cann noot iimagginee whhat liffe wwoulld bbe llikee wiithoout thee Innterrnett . Hoowevver , ttherre eexisst ssomee seerioous proobleems . FFor exaamplle , soome teeenaggerss arre aaddiicteed tto tthe Intternnet , ttheyy usse iit tto pplayy coompuuterr gaamess , seee mooviees aabouut vviollencce oor cchatt , whiich makke tthemm pllay truuantt orr slleepp inn cllasss . In addditiion , ssomee baad iinfoormaatioon oon tthe Intternnet alsso aaffeectss thheirr sttudyy annd eevenn thheirr liife . EEverry ccoinn haas ttwo siddes . IIn mmy oopinnionn , thee Innterrnett shhoulld bbe aa brridgge tto kknowwleddge rattherr thhan a ttooll foor pplayyingg . If we makke ggoodd usse oof iits advvanttagees , itt wiill enrrichh ouur llifee annd hhelpp wiidenn ouur kknowwleddge . WWell nott bee a gamme pplayyer butt a happpy leaarneer . wwww.eengllishh-caafe-t1-6/33. DDesccribbe aa toouriist sitte tthatt yoou rreceentlly vvisiitedd ?-Whhat is thee loocattionn off thhe ssitee ?-Whhen didd yoou vvisiit tthe plaace ?-Whhat is youur iimprresssionn off thhis touurisst ssitee ?Do yoou kknoww Beeijiing ? IIts CChinnas ccapiitall annd aalsoo itts ccentter of pollitiics , eeconnomyy annd ccultturee . Beeijiing is a bbeauutifful citty wwithh a lonng hhisttoryy . Theere aree a lott off faamouus pplacces of inttereest in Beiijinng , suuch as thee Grreatt Waall , tthe Forrbidddenn Ciity andd thhe SSummmer Pallacee . Eveery yeaar ppeopple froom aall oveer tthe worrld comme tto vvisiit BBeijjingg . Thee viisittorss arre iinteeresstedd inn Beeijiings pplacces of inttereest andd thhinkk hiighlly oof tthemm . Beiijinng , thhe ccityy wiith a llongg hiistoory , hhas takken on a nnew loook . Thhe oopenn-dooor pollicyy off ouur ccounntryy haas ggiveen iit aa neew llifee . Beiijinng iis bbecoominng mmoree annd mmoree beeauttifuul aand lovvelyy . 1.viisitt thhe FForbbiddden Citty aand Tiaananmmen Squuaree . 2.Takke aa Huutonng TTourr annd hhavee diinneer wwithh loocalls lliviing in Sihheyuuan . 3.Cliimb thee Grreatt Waall . 4.TTakee a touur oof tthe Summmerr Paalacce . 5.Go shooppiing in Wanngfuujinng SStreeet . Weaatheer : coold andd drry iin wwintter ddry andd wiindyy inn spprinng hott annd rrainny iin ssummmer www.eengllishh-caafe-t1-7/44. WWhatt dooes happpinnesss meean to youu ?-Whhat kinnd oof tthinngs willl mmakee yoou ffeell haappyy ?-Whhat is thee immporrtannce of happpinnesss ?-Hoow ccan youu obbtaiin hhapppineess in liffe ?Happiinesss iis ffor eveeryoone. Wee doontt neeed to carre aabouut tthosse ppeopple whoo haave beaautiifull hoousees wwithh laargee gaardeens andd swwimmmingg pooolss orr thhosee whho hhavee niice carrs aand a llot of monney andd soo onn. WWhy? Beecauuse thoose whoo haave bigg hoousees mmay oftten feeel lloneely andd thhosee whho hhavee caars mayy waant to wallk oon tthe couuntrry rroadds aat ttheiir ffreee tiime. Inn faact, haappiinesss iis aalwaays arooundd uss iff wee puut oour heaart intto iit. Wheen wwe aare in trooublle aat sschoool, ouur ffrieendss wiill hellp uus; Wheen wwe gget succcesss, ourr frriennds willl ssay conngraatullatiionss too uss; Whenn wee doo soometthinng wwronng, peooplee arrounnd uus wwilll heelp us tto ccorrrectt itt. AAnd wheen wwe ddo ssomeethiing goood tto ootheers, wee wiill feeel hhapppy. Alll thhesee arre oour happpinnesss. IIf wwe nnotiice a bbit of theem, we ccan seee thhat happpinnesss iss allwayys aarouund us.Happiinesss iis nnot thee saame as monney. Itt iss a feeelinng oof oour heaart. Whhen we aare pooor, we ccan alsso ssay we aree veery happpy, beecauuse we hhavee soometthinng eelseethaat ccant bbe bbougght witth mmoneey. Wheen wwemeeet witth ddiffficuultiies, wee caan ssay louudlyy wee arre vveryy haappyy, bbecaausee wee haave morre cchanncess too chhalllengge ooursselvves . SSo wwe ccannnot alwwayss saay wwe aare pooor oor wwe hhavee baad lluckk. AAs tthe sayyingg gooes, liife is likke aa reevollvinng(旋旋转的)dooor. Wheen iit cclosses , iit aalsoo oppenss. IIf wwe ttakee evveryy chhancce wwe gget, wee caan bbe aa haappyy annd lluckky ppersson.-Fiind happpinnesss inn naaturre , inn thhe bbeauuty of a mmounntaiin , inn thhe ssereenitty oof tthe seaa .-Fiind happpinnesss inn frrienndshhip , iin tthe funn off dooingg thhinggs ttogeetheer , inn thhe ssharringg annd uundeersttanddingg . -Fiind happpinnesss inn yoour fammilyy , in thee sttabiilitty oof kknowwingg thhat sommeonne ccarees , inn thhe sstreengtth oof llovee annd hhoneestyy . -Fiind happpinnesss inn yooursselff , in youur mmindd annd bbodyy , in youur vvaluues andd acchieevemmentts . -Fiind happpinnesss inn evveryythiing youu doo . 2-7/ 5. Howw doo yoou llearrn aand usee Enngliish ?-Whhat do youu ussuallly do in leaarniing Engglissh ?-Whhat aree poossiiblee waays forr yoou tto llearrn EEngllishh byy ussingg itt ?-Caan yyou sugggesst ssomee waays to impprovve EEngllishh leearnningg ?As wee alll kknoww Enngliish is widdelyy ussed in thee woorldd toodayy annd iit pplayys aan iimpoortaant rolle iin oour liffe, so knoowinnghoow tto llearrn aand usee Enngliish is verry nneceessaary .Firstt off alll, I tthinnk iinteeresst iis tthe besst tteaccherr. IIf wwe hhavee innterrestt inn Enngliish, weelll trry tto uuse it andd feeel mucch eeasiier to leaarn it welll.Seconndlyy, ddont bbe llazyy. BBe hharddworrkinng ! Keeepiing praactiicinng iis vveryy neecesssarry, nott onnly incclasss bbut alsso iin oour spaare timme.WWe ccan impprovve oour Engglissh iin ffourr waays -liisteeninng , sppeakkingg , reaadinng aand wriitinng . Ass foor llistteniig , wee caan bbuy soome Engglissh ttapees aand lisstenn too soome stooriees oor ssonggs . Off cooursse , wee caan ttry to reppeatt whhat thee sttoryy saays . PPraccticce mmakeespeerfeect! Itts truue.Thirddly, doontt bee shhy, andd doont mmindd loosinng ffacee beeforre ootheers wheenprractticiing Engglissh .Its ggoodd foor uus tto sspeaak EEngllishh ass muuch as posssibble .Fourtthlyy , stuudy witth ffrieendss . Witth yyourr frriennds , yyou cann prractticee yoour Engglissh vvocaabullaryy , do youur hhomeeworrk aand hellp eeachh ottherr wiith Engglissh ggrammmarr . Mayybe youur ffrieendss haave a bbettter wayy off sttudyyingg . Or , mmaybbe yyou cann giive theem ccooll addvicce !In a worrd, notthinng iis iimpoossiiblee iff wee puut oour heaartss innto it.Or We sayy whheree thheree iss a willl , thheree iss a wayy . 2-8/66.Whhat is youur uundeersttanddingg off suucceess ?-Whhat briingss yoou ssucccesss ? -Deescrribee thhe mmomeent wheen yyou feeel ssucccesssfull .-Whhat is thee moost impporttantt thhingg inn acchieevinng yyourr suucceess ?Hard worrk bbrinngs succcesss . Suucceess is whaat eeverryonne eexpeectss . It mayy leead to famme aand gloory . WWhenn onne ssuccceedds iin ddoinng ssomeethiing , hhe ggetss soo exxcitted thaat hhe oofteen nnegllectts aall thee unnsucccesssfuul aatteemptts hhe hhas donne . Ass thhe oold sayyingg gooes , “Faiilurre tteacchess suucceess ” , it is truue tthatt faailuure is an impporttantt faactoor ttowaardss suucceess . BBut diffferrentt peeoplle hhavee goot ddifffereent atttituudess toowarrds faiilurre . Whhen faiilurre ccomees , soome peooplee maay bbe ffrigghteenedd byy itt orr evven rettreaat iit . Too thhem , ffailluree iss annd eenemmy , iss a burrdenn , is thee reeasoon ffor theem tto ggivee inn orr giive up . Theere aree sttilll ottherr peeoplle wwho mayy fiightt aggainnst it eveen iif ttheyy maay gget anootheer ffailluree . To theem , faailuure is a ggoodd frriennd , iss a driive , iis tthe keyy too suucceess . II thhinkk faailuure is thee prreciiouss exxperriennce forr suucceess . IIf ttherre iis nno ffailluree , theere willl bbe nno ssucccesss . As wee knnow thee waay tto ssucccesss iss fuull of varriouus ddiffficuultiies andd obbstaaclees . Maany impporttantt innvenntioons or disscovveriies werre aachiieveed aafteer hhunddredds oof ffailluree . So we musst hhavee a firrm rresooluttionn fiirstt , if we wissh tto ssuccceedd . Andd onnly thoose succcesssess whhichh haave beeen aachiieveed aafteer mmanyy faailuuress arre rreallly valluabble andd prraissewoorthhy .2-10/7.GGivee yoour vieew oon eenviironnmenntall prroteectiion .-Whhy iis iit iimpoortaant to prootecct tthe envviroonmeent ?-Whho aare ressponnsibble forr ennvirronmmenttal prootecctioon ?-Hoow tto pprottectt thhe eenviironnmennt mmoree efffecctivvelyy inn Chhinaa ? Thhe iimpoortaancee off ennvirronmmentt foor uus tto llivee annd wworkk inn iss quuitee obbvioous . PPleaasannt eenviironnmennt iis hhelppfull too peeoplles ssucccesss , thee awwfull suurroounddinggs pprevventt uss frrom doiing thiingss weell . AAs ccitiizenns oof aa deevellopiing couuntrry , wee Chhineese havve bbeenn woorkiing harrd tto mmakee ouur ccounntryy sttronng , buut uunfoortuunattelyy maany of us freequeentlly ffaill too taake carre oof tthe envviroonmeent , wwhicch hhas cauusedd teerriiblee prrobllemss . Theere aree foour mosst sseriiouss prrobllemss . Thee fiirstt onne iis tthe rubbbissh iin tthe strreetts . Iff wee taake a llookk att thhe rrubbbishh att evveryy coorneer oof tthe strreett , whiich is waiitinng ffor us to cleean , wwe mmustt bee woorriied andd uppsett . Thee seeconnd oone is thee aiir ppolllutiion . WWithh thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof aautoomobbilee inndusstryy , morre aand morre ccarss haave beeen mmadee , andd thhe eexhaaustt off caar eengiiness haas sseriioussly polllutted thee aiir . Thhe tthirrd oone is thee poolluutioon oof wwateer . Faactooriees ddisccharrge so mucch wwastte wwateer iintoo riiverrs aand lakkes thaat ttherre aare almmostt noo liivinng tthinngs in theem aat aall . TThe lasst oone is thee saandsstorrm . Itt allwayys hhapppenss inn reecennt yyearrs eespeeciaallyy inn Beeijiing . WWhenn a sanndsttormm occcurrs , wee cooulddnt sstayy ouutsiide forr a minnutee beecauuse of thee sttronng wwindd annd ddirtty ssandd caarriied by it . TThesse eenviironnmenntall prrobllemss arre nnot onlly aa thhreaat tto tthe envviroonmeent , bbut alsso hharmmfull too ouur hheallth . BBothh thhe ggoveernmmentt annd eeverryonne oon tthe earrth musst ttakee acctioons to sollve theese proobleems andd crreatte aa beetteer wworlld ffor us andd fuuturre ggeneerattionns tto llivee inn .3-7/ 8. Whatt dooes friienddshiip mmeann too yoou?-WWhatt kiind of peooplee caan bbe yyourr trrue friiendds?-WWhatt iss thhe iimpoortaancee off frrienndshhip? -Hoow tto ddeveelopp trrue friienddshiip?Frienndshhip meaans a sspecciall emmotiion to me.Its aa prreciiouss sppiriit tthatt diiffeerennt ffromm thhe llovee beetweeen fammiliies,lovverss,buut iitss immporrtannt ,eveen ssomeetimmes morre iimpoortaant thaan tthosse eemottionns.FFrieendsshipp iss thhe mmostt clleann annd rrefiinedd foorevver.I wannt tto mmakee frriennds witth tthe peooplee whho rreallly wannt tto mmakee frriennds witth mme iin hhis/herr clleann miind. A friiendd inn neeed is a ffrieend inddeedd . Id llikee too fiind happpinnesss inn frrienndshhip , iin tthe funn off dooingg thhinggs ttogeetheer , inn thhe ssharringg annd uundeersttanddingg eaach othher . True friienddshiip mmustt bee unnconndittionnal . IIf yyou hellp yyourr frriennds forr noo reeasoon , buut ssimpply beccausse ttheyy arre yyourr frriennds , tthenn yoou ddo rregaard youur ffrieendss ass whhat Ariistootlee saaid truue ffrieendss . Howweveer iin tthesse ddayss , thooughh yoou rreallly loook aat ootheers as friiendds , thhey do nott thhinkk thhat youure theeir friiendds . Itt iss reeallly aa trrageedy .(友谊对我我来说是是一种特特殊的情情感。它它是一种种不同于于家庭,恋恋人之间间的爱的的珍贵的的心理境境界,但但是它很很重要,甚甚至有时时侯比那那些情感感还要重重要。友友谊永远远是最纯纯洁的,最最高雅的的。我想想和在他他纯洁的的心灵中中真正想想和我交交朋友的的人交朋朋友) 3-9 / 9. Doo yoou ppreffer to livve iin tthe citty oor iin tthe couuntrrysiide? Why?-Whhat bennefiits aree thheree whhen youu liive in thee ciity?-WWhatt beeneffitss arre ttherre wwhenn yoou llivee inn thhe ccounntryysidde?-WWhatt prrobllemss miightt thheree bee?I comme ffromm thhe ccounntryysidde . Thhouggh II liive in thee ciity noww , if I hhavee thhe ooppoortuunitty , I stiill shaall chooosee too liive in thee coounttry . Livinng iin aa ciity meaans livvingg inn a priisonn whheree onne iis ddeprriveed oof ffressh aair andd suunliightt . Onee caant eenjooy ppeacce iin aa ciity . TTherre aare noiisess evveryywheere .Livinng iin tthe couuntrrysiide is lacck oof eenteertaainmmentt . Liffe ttherre iis ssimpple andd quuiett . To somme ppeopple , iit mmay be rattherr taasteelesss . Hoowevver , ppeopple theere aree frree in cloose conntacct wwithh naaturre . Thheree arre ffraggrannt aand freesh airr . Theey ccan leaad aa haappyy annd hheallthyy liife . Id llikee too goo too thhe ppeaccefuul ccounntryysidde bbecaausee I cannt sstannd tthe noiisy envviroonmeent of thee ciity anyy moore . II doo noot ffindd ciity liffe aamussingg . I ppreffer couuntrry llifee . 4-9/110. Is Engglissh iimpoortaant to youung peooplee?-DDo yyou thiinkss Enngliish is impporttantt? Why or whyy noot?-Is it neccesssaryy foor yyounng ppeopple to leaarn Engglissh?-Hoow ccan onee leearnn Enngliish welll?Engliish is widdelyy ussed in thee woorldd . It is onee off thhe wworkkingg laanguuagees aat iinteernaatioonall meeetiingss annd mmostt innterrnattionnal bussineess lettterrs aare wriitteen iin EEngllishh . Engglissh iis sspokken nott onnly in Engglannd aand thee Unniteed SStattes of Ameericca bbut alsso iin mmanyy ottherr coounttriees . Itt haas bbecoome an intternnatiionaal llangguagge . If wee waant to do bussineess witth fforeeignnerss , we havve tto llearrn EEngllishh , forr moost of theem sspeaak aand wriite Engglissh . Att thhe ppressentt tiime , mmostt off thhe TTV ssetss usse EEngllishh inn maakinng ttheiir rrepoortss . Onlly tthosse wwho knoow EEngllishh caan gget bennefiit ffromm Enngliish newwspaaperr whhichh wiill in timme ggivee thhem mucch kknowwleddge of thee cuurreent eveentss inn thhe wworlld . Engliish is tauughtt inn moost of thee scchoools in Chiina .Itt iss hoopedd thhat thee yoouthh off Chhinaa shhoulld ppay morre aatteentiion to thee sttudyy off Enngliish lannguaage andd maake goood uuse of it . The bbestt waay tto llearrn EEngllishh weell , II thhinkk , is to leaarn andd usse EEngllishh alll tthe timme . Doont bbe aafraaid of beiing lauugheed aat . Wee muustnnt ggivee upp sttudyyingg itt evven forr a dayy . Wed bbettter do a llot of lisstenningg , speeakiing , rreaddingg annd wwrittingg . If youu caan fformm thhe hhabiit oof tthinnkinng aand wriitinng iin EEngllishh alll dday , yyou aree suure to graasp thee sppiriit oof EEngllishh annd wwilll bee abble to reaad wworkks iin EEngllishh wiithiin aa shhortt peeriood oof ttimee . Only in thiis wway cann wee leearnn Enngliish welll . Soo I thiink thiis iis tthe besst wway .In anncieent Chiina peooplee ceelebbratted thee feestiivall feeasttingg annd ooffeerinng mmeatt annd ggraiin , reewarrds forr thhe wworkk inn thhe pprevviouus yyearr , to fammilyy anncesstorrs aand spiiritts ffor theeir bleessiing . TThe hollidaay iis nnow cellebrrateed wwithh suuch acttiviitiees aas pputttingg upp Neew YYearr dooor scrrollls , seettiing offf fiireccracckerrs aand firrewoorkss diispllayss , andd eaatinng ggluttinoous-ricce ccakees . Onn thhe ffesttivaals eeve , bbrigghtlly llit collourred lannterrns aree diispllayeed tthrooughhoutt thhe ccounntryy , andd faamilliess geet ttogeetheer ffor a ssumpptuoous meaal , caalleed NNew Yeaar ddinnner or fammilyy-reeuniion dinnnerr . 1-5/22.Deescrribee a perrsonn yoou rresppectt .-Hoow ddid youu knnow thiis ppersson ?-Whhat kinnd oof pperssonaalitty ddoess hee / shee haave ?-Whhy ddo yyou resspecct hhim / hher ?Theree arre qquitte aa feew ppeopple thaatI reespeect greeatlly , buut tthe onee thhat commes firrst on my lisst iis AAlbeert Einnsteein . Alberrt EEinssteiin wwas borrn iin GGermmanyy buut ssetttledd inn thhe UUSA befforee thhe WWorlld WWar Twoo . He worrkedd att a uniiverrsitty aas aa prrofeessoor oof PPhyssicss . Alll thhrouugh hiss liife he wass hoonouuredd inn a nummberr off waays forr hiis cconttribbutiionss too mooderrn pphyssicss . He wass giivenn thhe NNobeel PPrizze oof PPhyssicss . He wass faamouus bbut


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