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22年山东省专升本英语真题Part vocabularyan srr (15oin,.pint ech)21h coat has a _ isideto show the tmeand where it was madeA. labelB. mrkC. ignD. ta22.I vey sor to have_yowith s man ustion sucha occasion.interferedB. botherdC.mpesedD ffnded23.Wen se reired, shedida lotf_ wok forthe Rd Coss.A. socialB portalC. prmintD. volutry2.The rnch pinihohd en praisd vr hlyo be a gratisapntmenAtundin.rned ouCurned upD turnd dowMari uthe Kig was_te obel Przr adoting the nonviolenpolics in he movement focitizen righ.A.ganed. goC awaedD owe6.This s the first aft f th ok. Pleas feel perfetlfree to_on i. conforB. cplnC conirmD. comet7. prmiiv aswer mak you feelgod,buan_one teacs yo alot. fimivB neaiveG.objetveD. subjev28.he noie _ ntl sh coudnt ad it anyloge.A. set uB.angeupCbult up.alld 2.h dog waitin hin the le oked_that I id no ar o go. mildB.ferce. wdD. harmul3Jane is scolded y hr bs beasee et the offce wth te omput_yterday.A on. outC unockedD nclosed31.ontjoke ih Lina, h akseveyhng fa to _. arefullyB. gravel riticyD. erisly3Mr Morn an be vsad_ thoughin pubic h s xtremely cerfl.A bhiefB.in peronC.in rae. ashimslf3he keps auppy f candle thehouse incase f pe_.A failurB. ackC.bsneD.drp34Som people e_ tpoliie nd hati goin on iothr plces. kenB.riusC ethussticD. idifferen35.e re quite sur tha e ca _ urstdiffiulties nd fish heta n schedule.A. et os. ge overC. get aaD g f3.Th rason_ he reeted ou anis t he h o athin . hiB. tha. wyD. becaue7.Ifyou tic to _ t iao evryday, illbcom quie a good icia. paticeB. prctiigC.hae prciced. b rcticig8.Noon _ the ldin witout tpermisson of th police.A. islaingB. l beleng C. have ltD s toeave39. _you relzeou trle wihEgli learning,u a take someefetistpsA. No ht.ro hen o C. ve since. yn40. waot unti he arrved in class _ reai he haforgottn his bok.A. whe he. te C. ad ee41Profssor ees o willsho o _ can e used in other cotext.A.a youhve sredB.how that yo e obeved.tha howyouhvbseved.how whayu ave obsrved4.Bt fhe favorableethe, we_ in sua gdharvst.atg. ldntet C. couldntvgo D.could hve gt43 lit _with eahotherthat te eihos culdtsetle heir iferce.A. agree did theB.diey ageeC. hey agre D. theyd agre44.Th arm ocokdidt rig thi mrning, ou_itasnght.A.nedt v forotteno wdB.ayhavfottenwinin.ght t have fotten to wndD.u have forgotte to wind45. sries of measrs _, pepin that a managdtosrive the ee amin.A. havin taken B. wer tkChaingbeen takenD. have ben tak46.It wansc agod diner_shehd romisd us.A taB.whiC. as. ha47.videe ceup_spic schds are regzed bybbis as young as 6 oths old. tathC whih D. wose48._hat te pio coudtl hrgit. The sr so ever wsB. Sothe torm w seerC. So seve was the torD.Such asheso sevr49.His knowldgeof langge an interntonal business_im i i wrk.A. help. helpsC. was helpful D. hvhelpd50.I dont think lunhs agod tim t get tgether, _. dinner s nir B. oi ntdne C. nt dinner toD. norisdnnePart II Reain comprehesion(30 points,1.5oints ah) SetionADitions; Thee are 3asagsin ths part. Eahpassae flowed yome question unfnshed, statemens.For eaho theeercoesmarkedA, B, Cand D. Yu houd deieonhe best hice ad marktorresponding etrn he Awer Sheet wit a sinle lethrogh the enter.Pasge 1Many teach bive tat the rponsibilty fo leing lies wih the sudent. I long radin ssgmen is gven, ecers exect studentsto be familir wit he ifrmation in te readingen if they donoticus it iclas o ive an eaminion. Te ideastden s onsidred to b on who isotted to lear forhsakef learning, n teoneinterested onl in getighigh gae. Whenreeachiassgned,te pofssn th Uited State expcts h studentsto takethe nitatiend opletethe assignmnt wit ess guidan 7 Proesos wllepstuentswhoee it, but prer that theirstudents otb ovr-epedetnte.n teUnitd Stes,prfesorsve oterdutiesbeideseaching.Ote thare responsble foradmistrative ork ithin thi epartnt. n additin, the may eobied o pbsh arcls ndbook. Theefor ttime haa pofsr cn send th astudenosde o class s liie. a tudenths plms wh clas work, he studnt hou itr apprah professo uing office hour make appointment.Priiion in thecasrom is ot onl aceptedbt al eecef the stdensinmany curss. ome profssss part fte fia gra n tetunts ral paricpatio.lthohthee are oma leturesdrinwichthe stdet ha passi role (i. e listnn and taing nes),aycourss are gane around lasrom ussns, sdetuesionsand informallectur.In theteahng f cence ad matemtics, thdominat mod of intrction i genaytraitnal wit teacher resentingforal lectue nd studentsting note Howeve, ne educialtredhve psychology csses, r examle, areoten quire tosolve poblms in groups ,esign projects, makeresntatios and emine cse tudies. 2 Sice ome collee o niveitcueare “aplied” rher tn“theoreicl” te ress “dig ” andiement.hn reech i assiged e prfessr_.wl gvethe studentoe necessay guidanc.ill not giv stdet anguinceC.pefethat tudentnobe depenentonhm at all.xpec tetnt to completeit under hs gudance52.hih of te folwig is OT te dut of anAeriaprofessr?.Sovinghestudentsprolem during office hrB.ig resonsible foremnistrative wok.Puising tils and ooks.D.Spndin lt f ime ith the tudts otsideofte cs.53I e eacng o sciece and matheatics, t dmian mode o instrcton is_Aasrm isussion B. sdentpesentati formallectures D nformal lecures5.Nw duatinaltren av emerge ihe hmantis and sociascienc that strs_.A. te roe of readinB.good ademi recr C.the ofessor ilation tudents partiipati ageoThe lfe years he senew wealtinhe goup white-colla worker n Chia. Primaily thi goupcnist of awyrs, artits, cmpy prsiets an employee of intvnuanis hisgup did ot xiten yearg. Buine enture uch as real tatdevloent, oputrcnesand tael ane have nurtured thi nw class fabio hines whoaveasd “tegood life” andant evn more of it.at are the mars f this rou pople? First all,it i deinedby ha itemersave; cll phnes, asing achnes,micrveons,cmpuers, hmes vcatins ut this guisnt olymarke bymrial things. psyholgcandeendenceancaefre optimism isalso pesent. Midle-age cessfl copany pesidents, oug rofesinas evenollee student are pimsic, expeting thbest in ei futureChiese enteprenus(公司家) bgan ccumling myn thlate 0s But t was not util the middle 0s that the mteral psesion of the nwly-ich-ell phones, compurs, car, husewere easiy availale. These ighecentrereneurs qit staenterpriseto satrivate cmpaniesneay dcad ago, he Chi stte o transfrm fromaplnnd toa makt eom. The ary etepreers aenw wealh by anountrystandds 7 Howver, like any newly-ri Chnse,thy seema little nomfortble wnase abou welth. n reasfr therdiscomfor is tattheyral th he prspeityweath that as creted h oup of wly-ich h no bnefied alChnese equaly. Someentrepeners he mve u in social tus, but mnyoer aebe lai off, losin their jobs temprril for econoason, romste-rn fctories.Form hine,te moento tissyle of lie istil ate-by-teproress It ma be slow but manybuiness peole ar opefl As areal ete entrrneur frm Beijng id; “hi isnot just about mny Its aboua ualityof life. ”55T od “nurtue” (ine 4, Para l) pobbl meas_nturalizB. nouriC cae fr and edateD hel the developmentof56.Accordinto h pasa, which of t ollwing NOT marke ofthenely-i Chnese?.Greatambitiona thewhih f ane lfesyle.ose ad vacatons.C.obile phones andcomputers.DMnta inepedence andtii.57.Why o man nely-rih hinse feel embrrassed when ed abou wealth?Aeauthey ha highr social status.B.Becae they ae uit sate-run actre.ecaue theyav fired any empoyee.D.eausethe now many othes ar no soweath.58Accoin to the al ete nrpeur, many busissple ae oking fodothis Style ofLfeor the sae of_.A. ealtB.higer socil stuC. betterquality of lifeD.greater ePassage Thre74 rcentyeas a new ad eriupl hasarsfrinnational ailine an teirpasseners isis th relatielynwcrim of ijain. Oce a unearof ven, snoweoe ommn occurrenc.There is notvermuchanonean do oceahijaceis ooardan aeroplan H mayb cayng gn orhangenades, whih, fused, ould aue adsaster he on thig todois try to nsuhat hese pepenver et th plane in te first istane. o ale all over theorlde securityprocdus.Befre n passener an geton an airpan the irpot, he st gthrouh si o secriy ccs tomake sure he is carryin anythin t is potentaly ngerous orculbe used asa weapon noar he securi measures ry froairportto irpor.A m arports there is very litleecurit. At other rports he security checks are very tict n ta tae p to haf-an-ou o get hrough them alKaiakArort nHong Kon,Chin, hsa god ecurity sstm. o aicaftstarting is oureyfrm ongng hseve ben hake t Kai , when a passenger first checs in,hi erme i ced wihtecmputerlist of passenges boodn hatatcuar fight. fthe nam is ot recognied, thepasengr ill e taen aside and estond byscrity guardsn ma notbaloed o te lane.Nxt, eey suitcae s Xrayheked efoi gos into the plan. A itcahat sems hvesomething dangous i it i o pt o th pae. Then the had aggage wich thenges will arry on to telne ischecked. Each sseng has o openhs r er ba ad the secuit clerkexamines the contts If r i tg thatcould used as aweapn,a peknie fo example, tesurity staffte it ayand kee t in as paceon he plan until th fihti or. Te psnge cantn ollectit.inally there sa bodheck oal passenrs.The mupass thrugh a or wher X-rays wllhw f thy r carryinaythngmd ofmetl, lik a gun. II anyhinsuspiciou ifou,they ilbe aske to explain. 5 t is nly aftral thse checks that a passener i aoed to board the lne.59Accorng to the fist aaraph hichof the llowngwil the athor isagree?A.jknis retively newrimeB.Hijackin s rctcally unhead-o.Te nmber of iaking s inresi.D.ijackig is rious polm fcing irntiona airlie.0.The only ig we can d to prevet the disaste cased by Hijacki _.A.setup seres of secty procedueB.exert otroor gunsC.fght ravelyginst thijacing.eetthe hiackers deman.I tee is anything thacul e sed asa weap, he passer_A.ca ke it naafpce onthepaneB.cn ake it back frm he ecury saff whn he flight s overC.may ot be allowe onhe planeDwilbe ake aside andqestoed by seuriyards.2.At aiTaka passengr as o get hrogh all hollowng cecksbefreboarding the plaecet _.A. haing his nae matched wth ecompue B. avive suitcasX-ry cheC. avigthe ha baggagX-ray heckedD. ssing hrouh dr for a body chck Scon BDireon:Mch e Chnese setencs i tleftcolu wthe Eglis e ight cun ark thcrespodn lee n theaswer sheet iha singelie roug ecenter63假如研究结果可以应用于科学技术的开发,我们的努力就没有白费。64.我的电脑现在无法启动,一定是操作系统出了毛病。65. 通过这个项目,许多人接受了培训并决定自己创业。66. 转校后不久约翰发现自己很难跟上班里的其他同学。A. Sooater heranerd to the ewchol,John ound that he hrt diffiu keeinuwith the ret of hs las.B. Trought th projet,people have reciv trainngand eidd to sat oer tronuess.C. Orefrts wil pa ofif e reslts fthe eeach cn beapplid to te veopmentfth nw technology.D. 1atsar my comter no,sth mstha withthperatingsyst.67.多亏了一系列的新发明,医生们才可以成功地治疗这种疾病。8. 这个女孩不顾父母的强烈反对决定出国学习。9. 研究表白,身体状况不佳与缺少锻炼密切相关。70. 据说那些压力大或常加班的人更有也许增长体重。A. h irdededo rave abroa to std depite thestrogppsitinof r parntsB. It is aid hat thosewhare stesed or orking ovrme aemorelike u on weht.C. The study wtht othe uan bo scosel elted toth lack ofexeie.D. hnks to aeries new invenions, dotrs ca trat thi dises sucsflly.ParIV Translatin(20 pois, 2oints ech)ecton Dicion; Pt the follwingtences ito Chiee.7.Presor ll hep studntwo ned it, ut rfr th thir udntnotbr denent on them._7.Sincemoegeor nisty urssae “applied”athertan eortcy,tey ess “ding” and “invlvment”._73.oever,liemaynely-ric hnee, they see a ittleuncmoral we asked about ealh._74. ecet yars a n andseious prblem hsaisn for interntoal irinesandtheirpssnges._75.I i only ater all se cecs hata pasengr is lowe to board the plane.Section B eton; tth folowing sentecesinEglish.76 你最佳穿件毛衣以防天气变冷。_7. 假如你方便的话,请于明天上午十点到办公室找我。_78.你越解释我越糊涂。_7.大多数父母所关心的是尽也许为孩子提供最佳的教育。_80. 尽管遭遇了很多困难,麦克从未放弃对知识的追求。_Prt V Wtig (1 oits)iections: Fthis part, youare alowd 30 inute to wre A letter of Compli.Yoshoulrit at leas 1 wrs followigth outlis i hinese blow:假设你是魏芳,住在一幢公寓楼里,你的邻居赵先生太吵了,你写信给公寓楼管理员,内容涉及:解释写作的目的。2.具体说明邻居的行为对你的生活导致的影响。3你希望管理员做什么。ALeterf omlaintDea Apartmnt Mnagemnt Officer,_Ansers:Part I.230ABBC DBA 3140DCAD CBB 15 DBDC CBDart I554 ADCD55-58 A 562 BAC 30 BAD CBIV.7 教师会帮助需要帮助的学生,但是也希望学生不要过于依赖他们。72由于有些学院或大学里的课程是“应用型”而非“理论型”,因此更强调动手和参与。73. 然而,与许多新富起来的中国人同样,他们在被问及财富时似乎有些不安。74 近年来一个过去未有过的严重问题出现在国际航空公司和乘客面前。7. 只有通过所有这些安检后,乘客才获准登机。76. Youd beter utona sweten cs i soul ecom cold.77. Pleae come tothe ofice tt oclock toorrow rning at you convenienc/t si convenet f you7. Te more you eln, the mre cofsdI wil b.9 Whatt paresecncereaout isto provdher hildrewth ash educto aossle.8.Athoghe cm cross many iculties, Mark r gv p puruing knoledg.


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