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名词性从句专讲专练I 引导词A 连词: that (没有实在意义,不充当句子成份)whether (是否,不充当句子成份, 可以引导各类名词性从句,一般可以和or, or not 连用) if (是否,不充当句子成份,引导宾语从句。 注意:它还可以引导条件状语从句,表“如果”) as if (好像, 可引导表语从句。 注意: 它还可以引导方式状语从句。)because (因为,可引导表语从句。它还可以引导原因状语从句。)B 连接代词:who (谁,在从句中作主语、表语)whom (谁,在从句中作宾语、表语)whose (谁的, 在从句中作定语)what (在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语时泛指事物,没有具体的含义,但作定语时可以翻译为“什么”; 另外,它还可以用来询问“价格,人口等”,表示“多少”)which (哪一个/些, 在从句中充当宾语和定语,一般强调在某一范围内的(哪个/些.)whoever (无论谁,在从句中作主语、表语)whomever (无论谁,在从句中作宾语)whosever (无论谁的, 在从句中作定语)whatever (在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语和定语时可以翻译为“无论什么”)whichever (无论哪一个/些, 一般在从句中充当宾语、和定语,而且强调在某一范围中的“无论哪一个/些”)C 连接副词:(注意:所有的连接副词在从句中都是充当状语)when (什么时候)where (哪里/在某处)why (为什么)how (1、多么, 后接形容词或副词; 2、 怎么样, 如何, 修饰动词,说明动作实行的方式)how many (多少, 后接可数名词)how much (多少, 接不可数名词)how long (多长,指时间,回答可用“for+一段时间”)how far (多远,指路程或距离)how soon (多快,指时间,回答可用“in+一段时间”)how fast (多快,指速度)however (1、无论多么, 后接形容词或副词; 2、 怎么样, 如何, 修饰动词,说明动作实行的方式)wherever (无论哪里)whenever (无论何时/什么时候)Cf. no matter how no matter where no matter when只能引导让步状语从句II. 各类名词性复合句的句型结构特点: A主语从句:主语从句 + 主句的谓语动词 + (宾语)+ 状语或其他 That he failed the math exam surprised all of us. That you joined us made all of us happy. That he didnt care for money was a lie. Whether well go out for an outing depends on the weather. What he did added to our difficulty. What surprised everybody was that he didnt come to the meeting. B宾语从句: a. 主句的主语 +主句的谓语动词 (vt. / vi. +prep./adv.)+宾语从句 The manager came out to see what was the matter. Have you decided which subject you are going to choose? He asked me how soon we would finish the work. We have to find out whose fault it was. b. 主句的主语 +主句的谓语 +其他 + 介词 +宾语从句 The importance of bringing in new machines lies in that they can help to produce more clothes. The soldiers stood there still except that his lips were moving. What we eat now is very different from what we used to eat. Finally they decided to settle in what is called New England now. Give the book to whomever you meet in the classroom. I know nothing about whether Mr. Smiths operation had been successful. C表语从句: 主句的主语 +主句的谓语动词be /link v. +表语从句The question is whether our meeting should be put off.He is a lazy boy and that is why he is always late for school.D同位语从句: 抽象名词 + 同位语从句(一般用that引导-陈述语气)常见的抽象名词有: truth fact news information idea/ viewpoint-have an idea-陈述语气have no idea-疑问语气 problem question belief faith order command request requirement demand suggestion advice proposal insistence fear hope wish The question whether he will come or not is not settled.Do you have any idea when he will set off?I didnt know the fact that he was angry until you told me.Nothing can change his faith that he can be a very successful man in the near future.The idea that we try again is a good one.III. 各类从句的特定句型:1) 主语从句:用it 作形式主语的句型a. It + be + adj./n. +主语从句* It is natural / important / necessary / surprising / strange / funny + that 引导的主语从句,从句的谓语动词可以用 (should) + do / be done 的形式It is natural that we should learn English well.It is important that we (should) keep the balance of nature.It is natural that you (should) forget it first.It is strange that you (should) say no. b. It + be + V.(p.p.) +主语从句It is requested that Miss Wang (should) give a speech at the meeting.It is suggested that we (should) have a meeting next week.It is ordered that we (should) go to the place where we are needed best.c. It (so) + happened +主语从句It so happened that I was at the spot at that time.It happened that I was out that day.d. It + matters /mattered (much/little) +主语从句It matters much whether you are determined or not if you want to succeed.e. It + doesnt/didnt matter +主语从句It doesnt matter whether we have money or not.f. It + seems/seemed (to sb) + adj./n. + 主语从句It seems to me quite strange that he should be so rude to his classmates.g. It + depends +主语从句It depends whether we can do it with fewer workers and less money.h. It is no wonder + that主语从句It is no wonder that he got high marks in the exam.It is no wonder that you misunderstood him.i. It makes no / little / great difference +主语从句It wont make any difference whether she will accept the invitation or not.It made great difference whether he would come to my birthday party or not.2) 宾语从句:用it 作形式宾语的句型a. make/ find/ feel / think / consider / believe / suppose + adj. / n. +宾语从句I never believe it true that he is dishonest. I think it wrong that the young dont respect the old.Youd better make it clear that you are only a boy.Do you think it a pity that she cant come to our party?b. 主句的主语 + 主句的谓语 + it +宾语从句I hate it when people speak with their mouth full.I dislike it when he spoke to me like that.Never depend on it that God will help you.Why dont you bring it to his attention that you are too busy to do it?1. It depends on +宾语从句2. 主句的主语 + 主句的谓语 + it +宾语从句I heard it said that he was killed in the battle.3) 表语从句:a. It looks/looked as if-clauseIt looks as if / as though someone were running after her now.It looks as if / as though she were two years younger today.It looks as if / as though she hadnt done that at all.It looks as if / she would live another 100 years.b. It seems/seemed that-clauseIt seems that he is very disappointed.c. It appears/appeared that-clauseIt appeared that he could do everything possible to help the poor.d. Thats/This is +表语从句That is what I wanted to say to you.e. It is becauseIf you asked me why I fired you, I would say that it was all because you were as lazy as a pig. 4) 同位语从句: a. have no idea +同位语从句 Sorry, I really have no idea where she lives. Have you any idea when she is leaving for Beijing? b. have an idea + that引导同位语从句 I have an idea that she wont leave me whatever happens. c. there is no need/ no doubt + that引导同位语从句 There is no need that you worry about his safety, you see, he is a big boy now. There is no doubt that he is devoted to you. d. there is (great) doubt + 同位语从句 There is great doubt who have stolen the car . e. Word came +that引导同位语从句 (为了使句子结构更加平衡,抽象名词作主语而后面接有一个同位语从句时,往往把同位语从句后置。)Word came that the playground in our school would be replaced by a gym.Information has been put forward that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. The question came up at the meeting whether we had enough money for our research.IV. 注意问题1. 语气问题:所谓肯定语气就是从句本身不缺少任何句子成分,只需要连接词that 就可以表达一个完整的意思; 而所谓的疑问语气则是指主句本身包含有疑问的、或不清楚、不肯定的、或还没有决定等意向,或者是从句还需要某个带疑问语气的连接词来充当某个句子成分才能表达一个完整的意义或概念,这时不能用that来引导从句。(一般说来,ever类词和that 都是表达肯定语气的选择。)Who stole the necklace will be found out soon.Whoever breaks the law will be punished.I dont know whether hell come to our help.What the doctor really doubt is whether my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.What made the school proud was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.That fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.That Japan lies east of China is known to us all. That people spend so much money on their pets surprises us a lot.His ability has never been in doubt - the question is whether he is prepared to work hard.2. 语序问题:凡是从句都应该用陈述的语序。The manager asked what was the matter / the trouble.The manager asked what was wrong.The teacher asked who had broken the window. (_上面三句话的引导词都充当主语,语序不变。)The teacher asked why Tom hadnt turned up.3. 主谓一致:一般说来,单个的主语从句做主语,主句的谓语动词用单数。1.The doctor did a lot to reduce the patients fear _ he would die of the disease. A. that B. which C. of which D. of that2. The idea _ we should have more industry in this area is a good one. A. that B. which C. what D. how3. We expressed the hope _ they would come and visit China again. A. which B. that C. when D. if4. The order came _ the soldiers _ the small village the next morning. A. that; had to leave B. that, should leave C. /, must leave D. when; should leave巩固性练习:1、It doesnt matter I rest or not.Aif Bwhether Cthat Dwhen2、_I cant understand is he wants to change his mind.Athat, that Bwhich, what Cwhat, why Dwhat, that3、 I was free that day.AIt happened to BIt happened that CThat happened DIt was happened that4、He you are not going abroad.Asurprised that Bis surprised whether Cis surprised that D surprised at5、I wonder how much .Acost the coat Bdoes the coat cost Cthe coat costs Dthe coat is cost6、 I have will be yours sooner or later.ANo matter what BWhatever CWhether DThat7、 in the newspaper that the Japanese Minister will arrive in Beijing next Friday.AIt says BHe is said CIt has said DIt is said8、 we go swimming every day us a lot of good.AIf, do BThat, do CIf, does DThat, does9、Is this we met them last night.? Awhere Bplace Cplace in which Dplace which10、We all know the truth there is air, water and sunlight there are living things.Awhere Bwherever Cthat Dthat wherever11、I think it is youre eating too much.Athat Bbecause Cthe reason Dfor12、It is said has been translated into French.Athat that Bwhich Cthat Dthat which13、It is still a question we shall have our sports meet.Awhy Bthat Cwhen Dwhich14、Its not yet clear of those will be chosen to go abroad.Athat Bwhich Cwhom Dwho15、These pictures show you AWhat does our village look like BWhat our village looks liveCHow does our village look like Dhow our village looks like16、Can you make sure the gold necklace?Awhere Alice had put Bwhere did Alice putCwhere Alice has put Dwhere has Alice put17、Go and get your glasses. Its you left it.Athere Bwhere Cthere where Dwhere there18、Do you remember he came?Yes, I do. He came by train. Ahow Bwhen Cwhere Dthat19、 we cant get seems better than we have.AWhat, what BWhat, that CThat, that DThat, what20、Mother asked me .Awhat was wrong with me Bwhats wrong with meCwhat wrong was with me Dwhat wrong is with me21、 they have won the game made us excited.A/ BThat CWhat DWhere22、 I accept the gift or refuse it is none of your business.AIf BWhether CEven if DWhen23、 he says in his report is a very interesting question.AWhat all BAll what CWhat DWhat that24、When they will start not been decided.Ahave Bis Cdoes Dhas25、 certain that his invention will lead to the development of production.AThat is BThis is CIt is DIt has26、 is unknown to us all.AWhere did she put it BWhere she put it CThat where she put it DIn which she put it27、 nothing to do with us.AWhat she did have BWhat she did is CWhat did she do has DWhat she has done has28、The trouble is we are short of hands.Awhat Bthat Chow Dwhich29、Energy is makes things work. Awhat Beverything Csomething Dthat30、My hometown is not it used to ten years ago.Awhen; do Bwhat; do Cwhat; be Dwhen; be31、The reason I have to go is my mother is ill in bed.Awhy; why Bwhy; because Cwhy; that Dthat; because32、The thought he might fail in the exam worried him.Awhich Bthat Cwhen Dso that33、That is I lost my pen. Awhen Bwhere Cthat Dwhat34、Have you any idea ?Ahow fast does light travel Bhow quick light travelsChow soon light travels Dhow fast light travels35、His suggestion to see the art exhibition interested every one of us.Athat we go Bwhich we should go Cthat we would go Dwe would go36、He was interested in he had seen at the exhibition. Awhich Bthat Call what Dall that37、He often thinks of he can do more for his country. Awhat Bhow Cthat Dwhich38、He made quite clear that he wouldnt change his mind.Athis Bthat Cit Dwhat39、He got angry with was against his opinion.Awhom Bwho Cwhoever Danyone40、I dont know .Awhat was the matter outside Bwhat the matter outside wasCwhat was outside the matter Dwhat was happened outside41、He has come, but I didnt know that he until yesterday.Ais coming Bwill come Cwas coming Dwasnt coming42、He ran back into the room to see if he anything behind.A. has forgotten B. had forgotten Chas left Dhad left43、The news he died in the battle has got round in the village. Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dthis44. you say, I wouldnt allow you to do that. AWhat BWhich CWhatever DHowever45、We are wondering our teacher will come to the party or not.Aif Bthat Cwhy Dwhether46、 he has been getting on well with his studies makes all of us happy.AWhich BHow CWhat DThat47、That is he failed to arrive on time. Awhere Bwhether Cwhy Dwhen48、We finally found out to him.A. what had happened Bwhat has happened Cwhich took place Dwhat has been taken place49、No one knows when and where .Awas she born Bdid she come from Cshe work Dshe was born50、The truth the factory would break down made all the workers shocked.Aof which Bthat Cabout that Dwhat答案:15 BCBCC 610 BDDAD 1115 BACBB 1620 CBAAA 2125 BBCDC 2630 BDBAC 3135 CBBDA 3640 DBCCA 4145 CDACD 4650 DCADB提高篇:1._ there is life on another planet is almost impossible.A. How B. That C. Why D. Whether2. _ the scientist will give us a lecture next week is true.A. That B. Where C. Why D. Who3. How surprising _ he should have refused to come.A. is he that B. he is that C. is it that D. it is that 4. Has it been announced _ the planes are to take off?A. when B if C. which D. what5. It is still not decided _ should be our headmaster.A. which B. that C. who D. whoever6. I dont doubt _ he will come. There is no doubt _ he will come. I doubt _ he will come.7. I know nothing about her but _ she is from Canada. A. how B. when C. that D. why8. It depends on _ we have enough time. A. if B. if or not C. that D. whether9. _ he doesnt like them is very clear. A. What B. That C. Which D. Where10. _ proves that my advice is right. A. It will happen that B That has happened C. What has happened D. When it happens11. What a pity _ is _ you didnt arrive by day. A. there ; because B. it; that C. he; when D. that; for12. Please give the book to _ wins the first prize. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever13. The question he asked was _ the electrical equipment should be stored. A. what B. which C. where D. because14. A mans worth lies not so much in _ he has as in _ he is. A. that; what B. what ; what C. that ; that D. what; that15. _ studies hard will pass the exam with ease. A. Whoever B Any student C. Who D. Those who16. _ he will be sent to Hai-nan is certain. A. Why B. Whether C. That D. How17. The gentleman insisted that he _ the wallet. A. had not seen B not see C. would not see D. did not see18. _ think will take care of the children? A. Who you B. who do you C. whom you D. whom do you19. _ get this machine? A. Do you think where can we B. Where do you think we can C. Where you think we can D. Where can you think we20. Who is _ spoke first? A. what that B. it that C. it it D. what what


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