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秘密启用前四川省2023年高职院校单独招生统一考试文化素质(普通类)预测试卷八注意事项:1、 本试卷分为语文、数学、英语三科,每科满分100分,总分300分。2、 本考试实行同堂合卷,考试时间共150分钟。3、 考试作答时,须将答案答在试卷相应位置,在草稿纸上答题无效。语文得分评卷人复查人一、基础知识及其运用(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)在每个小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目规定的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1 下列各组词语中,字形书写和加点字的读音全都对的的一组是()A曝(bo)晒 档(dng)期鬼鬼祟祟半身不髓B翘(qio)楚精湛(zhn)金榜题名凑合C悄(qio)然无声情不自禁(jn)老俩口一如既往D削(xu)减血(xu)淋淋水笼头欣赏2在下列句子的空缺处依次填入成语,最恰当的一组是()(1)周末,菜市场里人流如潮,非常热闹,叫卖声、说话声、笑闹声。(2)要想让“公务员热”真正实现降温,不是的事,简朴依据考生人数下降来界定“公务员热”进入降温趋势,或许言之过早。(3)在巴黎只有一周多的日程,过客急忙,谈法国实在有侈谈之嫌,只能话巴黎,权且充作巴黎的印象点滴吧。A不绝如缕一蹴而就走马观花 B不绝于耳一挥而就走马观花C不绝于耳一蹴而就浮光掠影 D不绝如缕一挥而就浮光掠影3下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )A关键时点的关键会议,中国未来改革发展的一举一动全球瞩目。除了常规议程外,今年全国两会,至少有四件大事以上将产生深远影响。B北京时间3月3日,在世界室内田径锦标赛男子60米决赛中,苏炳添以6秒42打破亚洲纪录的成绩摘得银牌,成为第一位在世界大赛中赢得男子短跑奖牌的中国运动员。C2023年以来,由于日方对历史问题的错误结识和在钓鱼岛问题上接连采用的错误举措,使中日关系正常发展受到严重干扰。D学校能否形成良好的、有促进功能的校园文化,学习者能否真正适应并融入它,这对教学活动的有效开展起着重要作用。得分评卷人复查人二、文言阅读与积累(本大题共3小题,第4小题5分,第5小题4分,第6小题6分,共15分)周文尝怒安定国臣王茂,将杀之,而非其罪。朝臣咸知,而莫敢谏。庆乃进争之。周文逾怒曰:“卿若明其无罪,亦须坐之。”乃执庆于前。庆辞气不挠,抗声曰:“窃闻君有不达者为不明,臣有不争者为不忠。庆谨竭愚诚,实不敢爱死,但惧公为不明之君耳。”周文乃悟而赦茂,已不及矣。周文黯然,明日,谓庆曰:“吾不用卿言,遂令王茂冤死。可赐茂家钱帛,以旌吾过。”庆威仪端肃,枢机明辩。周文每发号令,常使庆宣之。天性抗直,无所回避。周文亦以此深委仗焉。(北史柳庆传,有删节)4对下列句子中加点词的解释,不对的的一项是()A朝臣咸知,而莫敢谏咸:都,全B卿若明其无罪,亦须坐之 坐:判罪,处罚C庆谨竭愚诚,实不敢爱死 爱:胆怯D周文亦以此深委仗焉 仗:责骂5把文中画横线的句子译成现代汉语。周文乃悟而赦茂,已不及矣。译文: _6补写出下列语句中空缺的部分。(1)间关莺语花底滑, 。(白居易琵琶行)(2)总角之宴,_。(诗经氓)得分评卷人复查人三、现代文阅读(本大题共3小题,每小题10分,共30分)阅读下面的文章,完毕79题。漫话高雅与通俗金开诚不知从什么时候开始,京剧被归为“高雅艺术”;由此类推,越剧、沪剧、锡剧、黄梅戏等等势必亦将归于“高雅”。不久以前,还见到有的报道把苏州评弹归为“高雅艺术”;那么,如评书、大鼓等各种地方曲艺也就都将归入“高雅”之列了。然而,从中国戏曲发展的实际来看,这些艺术之所以曾经大为兴盛,并非由于今人所谓的“高雅”,而恰恰是由于它们通俗。唯通俗才干赢得广大观众,具有强大的生命力。杨小楼在天津演了一出金钱豹,街头巷尾的顽童便纷纷学喊“闪开了”。戏曲艺术是通俗的,然而却雅俗共赏。所以苏州评弹虽为地道的通俗艺术,但却不乏高人雅士成为“书迷”。“高雅通俗”的分类之所以概括不确、不大说得通,重要由于在逻辑上这个分类并未依据同一个标准,因而其外延有也许多所重合,并且使分类不周延。比如说把一群马分为公马与母马,这是可以的,由于这是根据同一个标准(性别)来分的;倘若分为公马与白马,这就不可以,由于公马同时可以是白马,又无法包含母马中的非白马。就文学艺术的品种而言,高雅的创作可以表现为通俗,通俗的创作可以包蕴着高雅,因而往往外延重合。再者,那些既不高雅、也不通俗的作品在分类中却没有着落。与高雅对立的概念不是今人所谓的“通俗”,而是低俗、庸俗与恶俗。不能由于“通俗”一词“不幸”带了一个“俗”字,便认为它就一定不高雅了。看看许多文章所作的“高雅”与“通俗”之分,大体是出于直观,其间隐隐约约具有一种想法,即凡是现在不大兴旺、欣赏者不多、反映冷落的便是“高雅艺术”;反之,欣赏者众多、反响热烈的便是“通俗艺术”。文学艺术作品应当为大众喜闻乐见,为此力求雅俗共赏乃是创作的光明大道。当然,世界上也确有真正高雅而不易为大众理解、接受的作品。我们应当结识到,“高雅”与“通俗”并不是对立的两个概念,乃是从不同角度对作品的评估。并且,就实际情况来看,世界文学艺术史上最有影响和生命力的作品往往兼有高雅与通俗两个特性,这可以从部分的唐诗、宋词、元杂剧及水浒三国演义红楼梦等优秀小说一直说到莎士比亚、巴尔扎克等等,真可谓其例不胜枚举。现在如把“高雅”与“通俗”截然分为两类,恐怕过去和未来的文学艺术史都该换一种写法了,然而事情是绝不会这样的。那么,文学艺术作品究竟可不可以分类呢?答曰:可以。例如分为高雅与低俗可以,分为精品与次品也可以。但这种具有褒贬意义的分类只能在同一种文学或艺术中进行,而决不能在不同种的文学或艺术中进行。例如同是电视剧,却有高低之别;同是相声,却有雅俗之分。然而决不能认为电视剧比相声高雅,或小说比诗歌低俗。不同的文艺是不同的发明,有不同的特色,品种之间是没有高低雅俗之分的。(选自群言,有删改)7.联系上下文,阐释第段中画线句的含意。 8.请简要分析第段的论述层次。 9.在作者看来,文学艺术作品分类应避免哪些误区? 得分评卷人复查人四 、作文(本大题共1小题,共40分)10阅读下面的文字,根据规定作文。古人的思想只是古人的,他们有他们的生命,他们有他们的问题;我们有我们的新生命,我们也自有我们的新问题。规定:自选角度,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不少于500字。600700数学得分评卷人复查人一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分)在每个小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目规定的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1集合A=0,1,2,B=|,则AB=()A0B1C0,1D0,1,22复数=()AiBiC1D13函数的单调递增区间是()A(1,+)B(1,+)C(,1)D(0,2)4如图所示为一个简朴几何体的三视图,则其相应的几何体是()A BCD5=(2,1),=10,=,则=()AB C5D256若=,且是第三象限角,则=()ABCD7锐角ABC的内角A、B、C的对边分别为、,且,已知=4,=5,sinA=,则=()A9B8C7D68已知为等差数列,为其前n项和,若,则=()A49B91C98D1829平行于直线且与圆相切的直线的方程是()ABC或D或10已知双曲线的一条渐近线过点,且双曲线的一个焦点在抛物线的准线上,则双曲线的方程为()ABCD得分评卷人复查人二、填空题(本大题共3小题,每小题4分,共12分)请在每小题的空格中填上对的答案。错填、不填均无分。11不等式的解集为 12如图是一个算法的流程图,输出的结果是 13直线与椭圆相交于A,B两点,则|AB|= 得分评卷人复查人三、解答题(本大题共3小题,第14、15小题各13分,第16小题12分,共38分)解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或者演算环节。14已知等差数列满足()求的通项公式;()设等比数列满足,问:与数列的第几项相等?15如图所示,正三棱柱ABCA1B1C1中,E,F分别是BC,CC1的中点()证明:平面AEF平面B1BCC1;()若该三棱柱所有的棱长均为2,求三棱锥B1AEF的体积16已知椭圆中,离心率e=,过点A(0,b)和B(,0)的直线和原点的距离为(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)已知定点E(1,0),若直线:与椭圆交于C,D两点,是否存在的值,使以CD为直径的圆恰过点E?若存在,求出直线的方程,若不存在,说明理由英语得分评卷人复查人一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择出最佳选项填入右边的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。( )1. When he was _ university student, he dreamed of becoming _ NBA player.A. an; aB. a; anC. an; anD. the; an ( )2. The new jeans look nice _ Grace because she looks nice _ blue.A. on, on B. on, inC. in, in D. in, on ( )3.You cant be _ careful while crossing the street. A. so B. very C. too D. much( )4.- _ useful advice you have just given me! - Not at all. Its kind of you to say so. A. What a B. How a C. WhatD. How( )5. -Who is your favourite football player?- Messi, of course. He is _ tall _ strong, but he scores many points for his team. A. neither; nor B. both; and C. not only; but also D. either; or ( )6. To engineers, a miss is _a mile. They cant afford to make any mistakes.A. as good as B. as well as C. as many as D. as much as( )7. Newton was resting under the apple tree _the apple fell onto his head.A. whileB. whenever C. When D. until( )8. -Helen, do you know if Martin _ to my party next week?-I think he will come if he _ free. A. will come; will be B. will come; is C. comes; is D. comes; will be( )9.Wearing red may help you when you are having difficulty _ a decision. A. make B. making C. to make D. with making( )10. Many students of our age often feel stressed and they have the same with hobbies and schoolwork. They cant imagine _.A. how will their life be like without hobbies B. how their life will be like without hobbiesC. what will their life be like without hobbies D. what their life will be like without hobbies得分评卷人复查人二、语言应用(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)从A、B、C三个备选项中,选择出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,请将其代码填写在横线上。错选、多选或未选均无分。( )11.I am a package sorter. From the label I know that the goods are sent from_to Dayton, Ohio.A. New YorkB. Great ValueC. Royal St.( )12.We go to Chennai Central from Thirumayilai by train. We have to transfer the line at _.A. ChepaukB. ParktownC. Chennai Park( )13.Parents favorite extracurricular courses for their kindergarten children is _.A.Sport B. ArtC. English( )14.Mrs. Linda had ordered a lot of foods.Crispy strips and Muffin cost her _ .A.20.5 EURB.21 EURC.26 EUR( )15.From the airport display, we know that _.A. there are 2 flights to TorontoB. there are 5 flights from TorontoC. the latest flight is the flight to Toronto at 10:56 p.m.( )16.Mr. Wang will attend the G20 SUMMIT, he will be there at the second session of the conference at _. A. half past eightB. ten twenty C. half pass two in the afternoon( )17. You should turn _ if you want to go to the Horace Mann Hall. A. right B. left C. aroundPart B( )18.Whatkindofnewspaper is this? Its a _.A. METRO NEWSB. DAILY NEWSC. RSS FEEDS( )19.Whatsthedatetoday?A.DAY 299/3B.October 26th,2023C. 22:18:47( )20.Howstheweathertoday?A. Cloudy B.sunny C. Rainy 得分评卷人复查人三、阅读理解题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项填入左边的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。AGuitar Player Wanted Are you a lover of music? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing or dance? Join our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487-6598 or send email to .Hot Club Do you like to play table tennis? Do you want to play it well? Mr Zhang is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. Telephone: 8665-7868 Address: Room 15, Lantian HotelSwimmer Wanted Can you swim? Do you like children? Can you teach them to swim on Sundays? Come and join us. Call Joe at 8472-9999 for more information.Summer Job Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561-8823.( )21. Sunshine Rock Band needs .A. a guitar player B. a reporterC. a swimming coach D. a table tennis coach( )22. You will be more interested in the _advertisement if you can swim very well and like children very much, A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( )23. If you like writing, you can call for a job.A. 8472-9999 B. 8665-7868 C. 5561-8823 D. 5487-6598( )24. Your classmate wants to learn table tennis, so you can advise her to call .A. Joe B. Mr Zhang C. Karen D. Mike( )25. The above ads are probably from .A. a newspaperB. a story book C. a science book D. a text bookB Like hundreds of other young people of all countries who take part in our language courses, you can make the most of your holidays by studying French in an interesting way and, at the same time, discover one of Frances most beautiful areasNice!Our summer course lasts 3 weeks in July and August. Youre welcometo come at any time between July and August 6.You can choose to stay at a host family, but we suggest you stay at our international summer camp. It makes it easy to meet other people and make new friends. Whats more, you can have your classes in the same building which is close to the beach! A free bus service brings you to and from classes if you are living in a French host family or helps you to get into the centre of town if you are living at the summer camp.Whenever you choose to come, well organize short trips, parties, sports and other activities and encourage you to speak French.Your stay in Nice will therefore not only be an educational one, but also an enjoyable experience. Besides offering you many chances to meet other people from different cultures, we will do everything to make sure your stay will be unforgettable!( )26. How long is the summer course?A. Two monthsB. Three weeksC. One monthD. Eight weeks.( )27. According to the passage, they suggest the students to stay _ during the study.A. at the summer campB. in the hotelC. at their friends homesD. in the centre of town( )28. During the course, students can _.A. travel all over France B. never leave the campC. learn French and make friends D. swim alone in the sea( )29. If you choose to take part in the course, you can do the activities except_.A. partiesB. sportsC. short trips D. picnics( )30. What youve read above is _.A. A travel diary B. An advertisementC. An introduction to France D.A piece of news得分评卷人复查人四、翻译题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)请将下面的英语句子翻译成汉语。31. Believe it or not, most people believe in jogging for the health.32. It is known to all that smoking can cause many diseases.33.At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourists for help.34.The audience was composed mainly of young people.35.It is certain that lack of sleep will affect ones health.36.The book contains fifty stories, including the one I told just now.37. At least I can face them all with a clear conscience.38.Everything was in disorder, but nothing seemed to be missing.39.When the police arrived, the crowds scattered in all directions.40.I should describe the experiment as unsuccessful.


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