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最新九年级英语课件最新九年级英语课件Learning English is very important.But also its difficult.What things are difficult for you in learning English?-I cant remember the new words.最新九年级英语课件cant pronounce some of the wordscant spell some English wordscant understand spoken English最新九年级英语课件dont know how to increase my reading speedmake mistakes in grammar最新九年级英语课件Learning English can be difficult.What things are difficult for you?Read the list.Check()the statements that are true for you._ I cant pronounce some of the words._ I cant always understand spoken English._ I dont know how to increase my reading speed._ I cant spell some English words._ I often make mistakes in grammar.1a最新九年级英语课件What other things are difficult for you?Make a list.1b1._2._3._4._I dont know how to study grammar.I dont know how to speak English well.I cant remember the new words.I dont know enough words to write well.最新九年级英语课件Paul finds it difficult to learn English.Listen and complete the learning challenges he talks about.ChallengesChallenges1.He cant get the _ right.2.He _ a lot of new words.3.He cant always _ when people talk to him.4.He doesnt get much _ practice.pronunciation forgets understand writing 1c最新九年级英语课件Listen again.Complete the solutions.SolutionsSolutions1._ can help.2.He can always _ in his notebook and study them at home.3.He can _ to practice speaking.4.He should find a _ to practice writing.Listeningwrite the new words join an English language club pen pal 1d最新九年级英语课件Role-play conversations using the information in 1c and 1d.A:I dont have a partner to practice English with.B:Maybe you should join an English club.1e最新九年级英语课件What good learning habits can you think of?Make a list and discuss them with your partner.2a最新九年级英语课件 listening to music when learningIs the habit good or bad?Why?最新九年级英语课件looking up a dictionary when meeting new wordsIs the habit good or bad?Why?最新九年级英语课件correcting the mistakes in time Is the habit good or bad?Why?最新九年级英语课件asking the teacher for help Is the habit good or bad?Why?最新九年级英语课件Read the passage quickly and check if any of the habits you listed in 2a are mentioned.Which four habits of successful learns can you find from the passage.阅读策略:阅读策略:USING DICTIONARIES This can help you find the definition that matches the context of the word in the text.使用词典使用词典这可以帮你找到与文中词的语境相匹配的定义。这可以帮你找到与文中词的语境相匹配的定义。2b最新九年级英语课件How Can You Become a Successful Learner?Everyone is born with the ability to learn.But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.Research shows that successful learners have some good habits in common.最新九年级英语课件Creating an interest in what they learnStudies show that if you are interested in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.For example,if they need to learn English and they like music or sports,they can listen to English songs or watch sports programs in English.This way they will not get bored.最新九年级英语课件Practicing and learning from mistakesGood learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.Remember,“use it or lose it”!Even if you learn something well,you will forget it unless you use it.“Practice makes perfect”.Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned,and they are not afraid of making mistakes.Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone overnight.He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes.最新九年级英语课件Developing their study skillsIt is not enough to just study hard.Good learners know the best way they can study.For example,they may take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps.They also look for ways to review what they have learned.They may do this by reading their notes every day or by explaining the information to another student.最新九年级英语课件Asking questionsGood learners often ask questions during or after class.They even ask each other and try to find out the answers.Knowledge comes from questioning.Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new.Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you,so learn wisely and learn well.最新九年级英语课件Read the passage again and answer the questions.Does the writer think that everyone is born with the ability to learn well?Do you agree?Why or why not?2.Why is it a good idea to connect something you need to learn with something you are interested in?3.What do the sayings“Use it or lose it”and“Practice makes perfect”mean?Do you agree with them?No,he doesnt.No,I dont.Because whether or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits.Because if you are interested in something,your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.1.Even if we learn something well,we will forget it unless we use it.2.We should keep practicing what we have learned.3.Yes,I do.2c最新九年级英语课件4.Do good learners learn from mistakes or are they afraid of making mistakes?5.What study skills does the writer talk about?Do you have those study skills?6.Do you agree that learning is a life-long journey?Why or why not?They learn from mistakes.Taking notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps,looking for ways to review what they have learned,and doing this by reading their notes every day or by explaining the information to another student.Yes.Because every day brings something new.最新九年级英语课件Look up the following words from the passage in the dictionary.Then write a sentence for each word.brain n.connect v.overnight adv.attention n.review v.knowledge n.ability n.active adj.wisely adv.e.g.brain:A good way to train the brain is to do some math exercises every day.2d最新九年级英语课件Do you think you are a good learner?What learning habits do you think are useful?Discuss with your group and share your ideas with the class.A:I think another way to become a good learner is by trying to think about the same thing in different ways.B:I agree.I believe that.2e最新九年级英语课件Your friend wants to improve his/her English and asks you for help.What are the three best ways to learn and why?Make some notes in the chart.3aBest ways to learnReasonsExamples1.Being interested in what you doIf you are interested in something,your brain will be more active and If you like music,you can learn English by listening to English songs.2.3.最新九年级英语课件Write a letter to your friend.Give him/her some advice about the best ways to learn English.Use your notes in 3a.3bUse the following expressions to help you:There are three good ways to I think you should If you do this,you will It is also a good idea to because You could try to improve your English by This will help you to 最新九年级英语课件Self check 最新九年级英语课件1 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box practice develop remember prepare take notes until worry about everythingAre you stressed out each time you have a test?You dont have to be if you _ smart study skills.Remember to _ in class and review them on your own or with friends after class.Then _ what you learned by doing exercises.Try to study and _ information bit by bit instead of waiting _ the last minute to study _ at once.If you _ well for a test,then theres nothing to _.developtake notespracticerememberuntileverythingprepareworry about最新九年级英语课件 _ Whats the matter?_ Well,I practice my listening by listening to the tape over and over again until I can understand everything._ So you want to practice your listening?_ Hi,Jake,I need your help._ Uh-huh.Do you have any advice?_ Ok,Ill try that._ I have a listening test next week.2641 Number these sentences in order to make a conversation.573最新九年级英语课件3 Give advice to these people.1)Jane is a very slow reader.She should improve her reading speed _by reading them over and over again.by reading aloud by herself.by reading after listening to the tape.by practicing reading for twenty minutes every day.最新九年级英语课件 2)Li Ming wants to improve his listening.He could practice his listening _by listening to radio for twenty minutes every day.by watching people saying on the TV.by reading the text every day.最新九年级英语课件3)Meiping doesnt know many English words.She could learn more words _by reading them over and over again.by writing them while reading.by making word cards.by listening to the tape.最新九年级英语课件 1.Could you please show me _ an e-mail?Sure.Its easy to do.A.when to send B.to send how C.to send where D.how to send 2.His trouble is that he always makes mistakes _ spelling English words.A.on B.with C.in D.byD C 最新九年级英语课件 3.He reads aloud to practice his _ every morning.A.voice B.sound C.pronounce D.pronunciation 4.She wants to _ an English club to practice speaking English.A.join in B.join C.take part D.take part in 5.There are _ new words in this passage.A.a lot B.lot of C.a lot of D.muchD B C 最新九年级英语课件6.One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to _ good eating habits A.grow B.develop C.increase D.find I failed in the English test last term,so Im going to _ it this year A.practice B.grow C.improve D.increaseBC最新九年级英语课件


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