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短文改错 命题特点 用来命题的短文内容与学生的学习生 活非常贴近,好像就是学生的习作。 长度均在 100词左右。 这些材料都是记叙文。 新课标卷的设题通常是: 1处多 1个词, 1处少 1个词, 8处错 1个词。 需要添加或删除的词通常是冠词、介词、 连词、不定式符号、助动词、物主代词等。 需要变形的词通常是名词、动词、形容词、 副词。 所有考点都是最基本的语法知识、最常用 的单词和短语的意义与用法,以及逻辑意义 的连贯。没有超出中学课本中讲的语法内容。 即只要掌握课本中讲的语法就足以应对考试 了。 短文改错与语法填空的异同: 相同: 主要考点基本相同。如: 名词、代词、冠词、介词、连词。 时态一致、主谓一致、非谓语动词、词 类用法、比较等级。 以上两个方面分别对应语法填空的纯 空格题和给词题。 相异: 不相同的有两点。 十分常用的词的用法辨析。 不便归纳的其他项目。 备考指南 (十大考点 ) 从上表可以看出,短文改错的考点与 语法填空的考点除“辨析”与“其他”外, 是相同的。原来语法填空 15分不变,现在 又增加主要考查语法的短文改错 15分 (其中, 12分到 13.5分是语法 ),毫无疑问,语法比 以往重要多了。 值得注意的是,我们既不要淡化语法, 因为没有语法就没有准确的英语;也不要深 化语法,深化了就会步入语言学习的误区, 使本来生动活泼的语言变得枯燥乏味,失去 学习语言的兴趣。对此,命题人对语法的把 握是适度的,只考最基本的语法,只考最常 用词汇的用法,大多数在初中和小学就已学 过了,只要经常阅读,增强语法意识,都是 些无师自通的内容。 备考策略: 在平时的写作练习中,养成跟 同桌或同学互改的习惯;老师批改后的作 文要 认真思考: 错了哪些,为什么老师这 样批改。 备考内容: 主要从以下十个方面入手。 考点 1:名词的数与格 在 several, few, many, one of, a couple of, three, one and a half, a large number of, scores of, dozens of等词语后,或虽没有这 些词但语境提示我们,本应接复数可数名词 的,但文中却用了单数。如: For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and(hour hours) 2014课标 II 像 advice, fun, homework, information, news, progress, equipment, furniture, baggage, luggage, jewellery, clothing等不可 数名词是没有复数形式的,但在文中却用 了复数。如: It felt very strange to travel without any luggages. (luggages luggage) 2011课标 本应用名词的所有格的,但文中没有用。 如: When I finally arrived at my friend he lent me lots of clothes. (my friend my friends) 2011课标 考点 2:指代一致 上下文的人称不一致。如: Thank you very much for showing them around your city and providing us with the wonderful meals. (them us) 2011大纲 上下文的单复数不一致。如: both of them have similar ideas Otherwise, it is impossible for him to help each other and to make their friendship last long. (him them) 2014大纲 上下文的性别不一致。如: Before her leaving, I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him. She said (him her) 2010大纲 人称代词格的误用。如: Li Mings parents invited I to spend two wonderful weeks in Qingdao with them (I me) 2007课标 人称代词、反身代词、疑问代词等的 错用。如: He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others ( 从句主语 which是指 the voice, 这种声音使“他”与别人分离 , 故改 himself为 him) 2013课标 I 考点 3:冠词 基本用法:单数可数名词前,表示“一 个 /段 /座 /本”等时要用 a或 an;表示特指时 用 the。如: In other words, we would be separated for long time. (long time a long time) 2010 大纲 Many countries in the world find they dont have enough water. To deal with a problem, I think, we should (a the ,特 指上文提到缺少“这个”问题 ) 2012大纲 So when I have the problem, I will turn to her for help. (the a) 2013大纲 固定短语中多用或少用冠词。如: In a fact, he even scared my classmates away (In a fact In fact) 2013课标 I As result, the plants are growing everywhere. (As result As a result) 2014课标 考点 4:介词 常用介词的错用。如: Therefore, we have more time with after- school activities. (time for sth.做某事的时 间 ) 2014课标 II 固定词组中的介词误用。如: and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes (with the help of 在 的帮助下 ) 2014课标 I 固定词组中的介词漏用。如: We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sit by the lake listening music. (listen to听 ) 2014课标 II 考点 5:连词 although/though/while不与 but连用; since /as/because不与 so连用。如: Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had any disease ( 去掉 but或 改为 yet) 2014课标 I and与 but用混。这是考得最多的微 考点。如: The more friends we have, the more we can learn from one another, but the more pleasure we can share together. ( but and ,前后没有转折关系 ) 2014大纲 and与 or。 All I had to do was to write a story or present it. (or and) 2010大纲 Whats more, we can go to work by bike once and twice a week (and or) 2012大纲 so与 or。 We were warned not to cheat again so she would need to see our parents. (so 因此 or否则 ) 2013四川 after与 before。 Before waiting for about half an hour, I was beginning to get impatient. (Before After逻辑 ) 2013陕西 which与 what。 That is which other teachers say. (which what所 的 ) 2013辽宁 多用或少用连词。如: With little sleep and hardly any break, so he works from morning till night. (去掉 so) 2013辽宁 So if they had said was true, I would have a chance of winning the prize. (if后加 what) 2010大纲 错用 that引导非限制性定语从句。 如: Having tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner, that might not be served until 8 oclock at night. (that which) 2013 课标 II 考点 6:时态一致 上下文的谓语动词都是过去时, 突然出现一个现在时。如: She used to hold me I was only four when she passes away. (passes passed) 2013课标 I 上下文的谓语动词都是过去时,突 然出现一个现在时。如: Since then, we had been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As a result, the plants are growing everywhere. (had has) 2014课标 I 此外,无论是谓语动词还是非谓 语动词,都要注意在平行结构中,动 词形式的一致性,即“平行一致”。 如在 A and B或 A, B and C中, A, B, C 的形式要一致。如: both of them have similar ideas and trusting each other (trusting trust) 2014大纲 考点 7:主谓一致 行为动词:主语是第三人称单数时, 行为动词的一般现在时,其后加 s。可记 作:一般现在时,三单加 s。主语不是第 三人称单数时,一般现在时用原形,过去 时一般加 ed。如: My dream school look like a big garden. ( look looks ,主语是 My dream school) 2014课标 II have动词:主语是第三人称单数时, have的现在时 (一般现在时,现在完成时, 现在完成进行时 )用 has。主语不是第三人 称单数时,现在时用 have,过去时用 had。 Li Ming, together with his parents, have gone abroad. (have has ,主语是 Li Ming, 注意: with sb.或 together with sb.等介词短 语是不能作主语的 ) be动词:主语是第三人称单数时, be 的现在时 (一般现在时,现在进行时 )用 is, 过去时 (一般过去时,过去进行时 )用 was。 主语是 I,用 am或 was;主语是 you或复数, 用 are或 were。如: the only clothes I had was those I had on. (was were ,主语是 the only clothes) 2011课标 考点 8:非谓语动词 一般说来,句中已有谓语动词,再出 现动词,其前面又没有并列连词时,该动 词应为非谓语动词。我们应根据该非谓语 动词在句中所作句子成分,以及它与逻辑 主语的关系,来确定用具体的形式。 作主语或宾语不能用动词原形,通 常改为 ing形式或不定式。因在短文改 错中,只能改一个词,如果主语是原 形,就只能改为 ing形式了。如: Have tea in the late afternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner (Have Having) 2013课标 II 熟记其后只能接 ing或只能接 to do 作宾语的动词。如: Last year, she decided study abroad. (study to study ,因 decide to do sth.) 2010大纲 介词后要用动词的 ing形式。注意区分 to 是介词还是不定式符号。如: He isnt good at talk but he gets on well with other people. (talk talking ,在介词 at后 ) 2013大纲 I look forward to see her again in the near future. (see seeing ,在介词 to后 ) 2010大 纲 一些固定短语或句式中的非谓语动词形式。 如: She used to holding me on her knees (holding hold ,因 used to do sth.) 2013课 标 I Well, I had better to stop now. (to stop stop , 因 had better do sth.) 2009课标 make their friendship to last long. (to last last,因 make sb. do sth.) 2014大纲 根据非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的关系 来确定用 -ing形式还是用 -ed形式。如: We sat by the fire, have our barbecue. (have having ,因 we与 have是主动关系 ) 2014陕西 Felt hungry, we built a fire by the lake (Felt Feeling ,因 we与 feel是主动关系 ) 2013陕西 别混淆谓语动词与非谓语动词。如: but I tried hard to do it. Suddenly, Mary, my best friend, asking me to let her copy my answers. (去掉同位语 my best friend, 显然,主语是 Mary, 谓语是 ask, 由前句谓语动词的时态可知 , 用一般 过去时 , 故改 asking为 asked) 2013四川 考点 9:词类的用法 作定语、表语、补语 , 用形容词但短 文中却用了副词或名词。如: We are growing wonderfully tomatoes at no cost! (wonderfully wonderful , 作 tomatoes的定语 ) 2014课标 I The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. (taste tasty ,作表语 ) 2014课标 I I found the test difficulty, but I tried hard to do it. (difficulty difficult 作 补语 ) 2013四川 作状语,修饰动词、形容词、全句, 用副词但短文中却用了形容词。如: Interesting, it had a connection with the British porcelain(瓷器 ) industry. (Interesting Interestingly ,修饰全句 ) 2013课标 II It was real a nice experience. (real really,修饰动词 was) 2011大纲 II 作主语、宾语 , 用名词但短文中却用了 形容词、动词等。如: He has ruined his healthy. (healthy health,作 ruined的宾语 ) 2013辽宁 This made for the grow in the porcelain industry. (grow growth ,作介词 for的宾 语 ) 2013课标 II -ed与 -ing形容词的用法区别: -ing令 人 的 (多为事 ); -ed (人 )感到 的。 如: I am awfully tiring (tiring tired ,因我感 到累 ) 2013浙江 My friend Nick told me a story about his experience back in the US, which was very interested. (interested interesting ,指他 的故事是“令人有趣的” ) 2010课标 考点 10:常用词辨析 只考 here与 there, some与 any, ago与 before, many与 much, very much与 very或 much, beside与 besides, ever与 never, either 与 neither, used to do sth.与 be used to (doing) sth.等十分常见的词语之间的辨析。 千万别遇到近义词就辨析,步入复习的岐 途。如: Nearly five years before, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes (before ago,相对说话时多久以前 , 用 ago;相对过 去的某个时间或动作在多久之前才用 before) 2014课标 I We dont need to do so many homework. (many much ,修饰不可数名词 homework, 用 much) 2014课标 II The fruits are smallThere are so much that we often share them with our neighbors. (much many ,替代可数名词 fruits, 用 many) 2014 课标 I Beside, Cleo tends to bark an average of six hours a day. (Beside Besides ,因 beside是介词 , 意为 “在 的旁边”;而 besides作介词时,意为 “除 之外”,作副词 , 意为“此外 , 而且”。 注意,凡是介词,其后一定有宾语。而此处没有 宾语,一定是用副词 ) 2014辽宁 凡是用一两句话辨别不清的,或者 说老师也要查资料才能弄清楚的,甚至 去年查过资料,今年又得查资料才讲得 清楚的那些所谓的同义词或近义词之间 的辨析,是绝对不会考的。万万不可在 这里浪费时间,用辨析的这几分钟去多 读一遍英语短文或故事,享受其中的快 乐吧。 再次提醒: 此外,多用 be或少用 be是写作中常见的错误,因 此短文改错中可能出现。记住:作谓语的是行为 动词时,如果不是进行时态或被动语态,不用 be; 如果句中谓语没有动词,但汉语意思又完整了时, 要用 be。如: Suddenly the arrows were flying down at us from the sky they were looked like rain! (因 looked like中 looked本身就是系动词 , were是多余的 , 应 当去掉 ) 2014陕西 So real friendship should able to stand all sorts of tests. (因情态动词后要接动词原形 , 而其后 的 able是形容词 , 虽然意义完整 , 还是要加 be) 2014大纲 又如, I very busy.(我很忙。 )虽然汉语意思完 整,但句中 busy是形容词,无动词,要在 I后 加 am。 At that time, we in the classroom. (那 时我们在教室里。 )虽然汉语意思完整,但句 中无动词,要加 be,即在 we后加 were。 解题指导 解题前,须明确: 一个词:因只是多一词、少一词、错一 词,因此,需要增加、减少、改动的都只 是一个词。 四不改:不要求考生改标点符号、大小 写、词序、纲外词,这四个方面不必考虑。 解题中,可按以下步骤: 浏览全文,掌握大意。 这一步非常重要,涉及单词和短语意 思的题,以及上下文逻辑是否通顺的改连 词的题,不明白上下文意思,是改不出来 的。在这一步中,如遇到无需思考的明显 错误,可以直接改过来。 分句阅读,认真纠错。 逐句阅读,根据自己掌握的语法知识及上 下文语义的衔接,结合上面提到的十个主 要考点,认真纠错改错。具体思路可参考: 动词形,名格数,特别留意形和副; 逻辑连词常常考,冠词介词常光顾; 代词注意性数格,词组句式须关注。 检查核对,攻克难点。 改完后,再从头至尾认真看一遍, 个别没有找出来的,对照考点,在这 步完成。


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